ljmama869 profile image75

Ingrid Ramirez (ljmama869)

Joined 13 years ago

  • 11
  • 11
  • 4
  • Delicious Puertorican Empanadas

    Delicious Puertorican Empanadas

    11 years ago

    The following recipe is a family favorite. Empanadas are fairly simple to make and are perfect for lunch and can be accompanied with rice & beans or a salad for a satisfying dinner.This is a basic recipe using Ground Beef but any savory or sweet...

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - Finding Me

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - Finding Me

    6 years ago

    The past few months have been very difficult ones. I find myself filled with all kinds of questions and feelings about my place and contribution to this thing we call life. I'm not sure if its all the circumstances that have happened in my life,...

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - Seasons of Life - Looking for the Rainbow

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - Seasons of Life - Looking for the Rainbow

    6 years ago

    Its been quite some time since I’ve been inspired to write and even though I’m in the process of doing it now, it feels very foreign to me. This year has been a difficult one financially,culminating a month and a half ago with my husband losing...

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - Missing My Babies

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - Missing My Babies

    13 years ago

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - Mommy Guilt

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - Mommy Guilt

    13 years ago

    It is amazing to me how prior to motherhood so many aspects of my life seemed so effortless. Decision making was so much easier and no matter what choice was made it was never covered with guilt, never questioned and worried over constantly. But it...

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - Letting Go

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - Letting Go

    6 years ago

    Here I sit on a rainy, dark and gloomy Wednesday morning in New York. I just finished my morning coffee and watching one of my favorite shows, Parenthood on the DVR. My husband works nights and we share some quality time watching our prerecorded...

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - Teenage Heartbreak

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - Teenage Heartbreak

    13 years ago

    One of the toughest things to attempt to fix a child’s broken heart especially when that child is your own. What a heavy feeling I get each time my girls are crushed by the curve balls they've been thrown in their young lives. We have arrived...

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - The Importance of Daddy

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - The Importance of Daddy

    3 years ago

    This is probably the hardest subject for me to write about. I grew up without a Daddy, Dad, Father of any kind. My father chose not to be a part of my life at all and what a painful lifelong experience his decision has been on me. Firstly, I...

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - Re-Learning How to Fly

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - Re-Learning How to Fly

    6 years ago

    So here I am sitting in bed thinking and reflecting, after reading the previous two blogs I submitted, which were written at the end of 2009..... Wow! how my girls have changed since then but more evident are the changes that have occurred within...

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - Nurturing

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - Nurturing

    13 years ago

    It’s a cold, blustery 32 degree Sunday morning in early December. It’s 5 am and here I sit with a group of other sleepy eyed and groggy parents in the lounge of our local tennis facility. Many of us have been up for over an hour depending on...

  • Mommy's Lessons Learned - Unconditional Love

    Mommy's Lessons Learned - Unconditional Love

    13 years ago

    My Mommy & Me :) It's an unseasonably warm day for early December in New York. I'm leisurely walking to school to pick up my daughters Jenna and Lauren ages 9 & 13 respectively. It's report card day and I always welcome their teachers comments...


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