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Stephanie (Stephanie36)

Joined 10 years ago from Canada

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    Beating Cabin Fever

    4 years ago

    Cabin fever can be a daunting experience for anyone, but there are ways to get through it. If you're stuck at home, here's some ideas to keep busy and energized.

  • Tips for How to Beat Writer's Block

    Tips for How to Beat Writer's Block

    7 years ago

    All writers have writer's block at some point. Sometimes we need a bit of help to overcome it. If you're fighting a bad case of writer's block, here's some tips for how to beat it.

  • Halloween Party Ideas for Kids

    Halloween Party Ideas for Kids

    7 years ago

    Halloween parties are tons of fun for kids. If you're planning a Halloween party for your child this year, check out these great tips for games and decorating!

  • Maleficent: A New Spin on an Old Classic

    Maleficent: A New Spin on an Old Classic

    4 years ago

    Sleeping Beauty is a classic tale, but it only shows one side of the story. Angelina Jolie is remarkable as Maleficent and shows us a different perspective on the story we grew up with.

  • Reign: A Guilty Pleasure

    Reign: A Guilty Pleasure

    6 years ago

    Reign is the perfect combination of teen drama and historical intrigue. The characters and story will draw you in and leave you constantly wanting more.

  • The Devil's Queen: The Story of Catherine de Medici

    The Devil's Queen: The Story of Catherine de Medici

    4 years ago

    Catherine de Medici was a fascinating woman. Born into power and yet utterly powerless over her own life, she lived a dangerous existence. The Devil's Queen shows every side of Catherine de Medici.

  • Mythical Creatures Unique Gifts

    Mythical Creatures Unique Gifts

    10 years ago

    Mythical creatures are fascinating. The human imagination knows no bounds and we have created some amazing and fantastical creatures. Learn more about some of the creatures of mythology here.

  • The Croods are a Modern Family in Prehistoric Times

    The Croods are a Modern Family in Prehistoric Times

    4 years ago

    There's nothing like a good family movie. The Croods is a fantastic movie for both kids and adults of any age. Both funny and clever, you're sure to love it.

  • Relax and Laugh With Confessions of a Shopaholic

    Relax and Laugh With Confessions of a Shopaholic

    4 years ago

    Confessions of a Shopaholic is a hilarious series that you are sure to love. It's fun and uplifting and will teach you to look at the lighter side of life.

  • How to Have a Great Day at the Beach

    How to Have a Great Day at the Beach

    4 years ago

    With summer comes thoughts of the beach. There's no better way to spend the day than in the sun, sand, and surf. But, just because you head off to the beach, doesn't mean you're guaranteed a great day. There's essential items to pack and tips that...

  • Black Cat Gift Ideas

    Black Cat Gift Ideas

    4 years ago

    If you're looking for a black cat gift, you are probably already a fan of them. Black cats are incredibly misunderstood creatures. Many superstitious people consider them to be bad luck. Really, black cats are the same as any other cat. They're...

  • Unique Gifts for Teachers

    Unique Gifts for Teachers

    10 years ago

    Teachers work hard and deserve to be recognized for everything they give to their students. If you're here, you probably feel the same way. Giving your teacher a gift at Christmas or the end of the year is a nice way to say thank you for all that...

  • The Last Unicorn is a Magical Journey

    The Last Unicorn is a Magical Journey

    3 years ago

    The Last Unicorn is a children's classic. Whether you read the book, watch the movie, or both, you're sure to fall in love with this amazing and magical story.

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    Big Cats Facts and Gifts

    3 years ago

    Big cats are amazing and wonderful creatures. They are powerful, yet can be incredibly gentle. Learn more about the big cats of our world.

  • How to Plan a Major Trip

    How to Plan a Major Trip

    4 years ago

    Planning a major trip can be overwhelming, but there are some easy steps you can follow to keep things organized. This page has great travel tips if you are planning a big trip.

  • The Big Bang Theory is one of the Smartest Shows on Television

    The Big Bang Theory is one of the Smartest Shows on Television

    4 years ago

    Full of science fiction and comic book references, The Big Bang Theory plays on a culture that has been popular for decades while at the same time creating engaging characters and relationships.

  • The Africa Book: Learning About this Amazing Land

    The Africa Book: Learning About this Amazing Land

    4 years ago

    Africa is an amazing place. Between the rich culture and unique animals, there's something for everyone to experience and enjoy. It's at the very top of my travel list.

  • Best Family Game Night Games

    Best Family Game Night Games

    10 years ago

    Sitting down with the whole family for a night of fun and games is a tradition that is, unfortunately, a rarity now. Break out the classic board games you loved as a kid and have a family game night!

  • Gifts for Teen Girls

    Gifts for Teen Girls

    10 years ago

    It can be so tricky to shop for a teenage girl. You'll find lots of gift ideas here that almost any teen girl is sure to love.

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    Festive Holiday Mugs

    4 years ago

    One of the best ways to relax is to make a mug of coffee or hot chocolate and settle in with a favorite mug. Festive holiday mugs can be a great way to get in the holiday spirit.

  • The Maze Runner is a Thought Provoking Series for Teens (and Adults)

    The Maze Runner is a Thought Provoking Series for Teens (and Adults)

    4 years ago

    The Maze Runner is a fantastic book for both teens and adults. The series raises important ethical questions while keeping you in constant suspense.

  • Love Actually is a Modern Christmas Classic

    Love Actually is a Modern Christmas Classic

    4 years ago

    Everyone has a favorite Christmas movie that they have to watch every year. Love Actually is a wonderful and inspirational movie for the holiday season.

  • Gilmore Girls: My Very Favorite Show

    Gilmore Girls: My Very Favorite Show

    4 years ago

    Gilmore Girls is one of the best shows television has seen. Its wit and charm can't be matched. The colorful characters will draw you in and keep you laughing and crying through the series.

  • Best Gifts for College Students

    Best Gifts for College Students

    7 years ago

    Finding the right gift for a college student can be difficult. On this page you'll find lots of ideas for useful and fun gifts college students would love to have.

  • Halloween History and Trivia

    Halloween History and Trivia

    4 years ago

    Halloween is a favorite holiday of many people. But how did it come about? Learn about the history of Halloween and its traditions here.

  • Cute Infant and Toddler Animal Halloween Costumes

    Cute Infant and Toddler Animal Halloween Costumes

    10 years ago

    There are few things cuter at Halloween than an infant or a toddler dressed up for the holiday. My personal favorite is when they wear cute animal costumes. It's simply adorable. My nephew wore a cute cow costume for his first Halloween. He was...

  • Dingo: The Australian Wild Dog

    Dingo: The Australian Wild Dog

    7 years ago

    Dingoes are wild dogs that live in Australia. They have adapted to survive on their own in a harsh climate. Some people have domesticated dingoes, but they considered to be wild animals.

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    Spooky Halloween Mugs

    3 years ago

    Halloween is the spookiest time of year. It is one of the most fun holidays because it gives us the opportunity to dress up as anything we want. With Halloween comes a myriad of fun and scary decorations. Among those decorations is the chance to...

  • How to Prepare for Midterms and Final Exams Studying Tips

    How to Prepare for Midterms and Final Exams Studying Tips

    4 years ago

    Midterms and final exams are incredibly stressful. There's so much to learn and review that students often get overwhelmed. Here's some of my tips of how to deal with exams and do your best on them!

  • Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Costume Ideas

    Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Costume Ideas

    7 years ago

    Lord of the Rings is a fantastic theme for a Halloween costume. Whether you're a fan of the original trilogy, the new Hobbit movies, or all of them, there's a Lord of the Rings costume for you!

  • How to Help Your Child With Math Skills

    How to Help Your Child With Math Skills

    7 years ago

    Math is an important subject in school, but many students struggle with it. Help your child improve their math skills early so that they learn to enjoy this subject!

  • How to Help Your Child Read

    How to Help Your Child Read

    7 years ago

    Reading is probably the most important skill a child learns in school. Reading is critical for every subject, so it's important children feel confident in their reading abilities.

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    The Best Zebra Gifts

    4 years ago

    Zebras are wonderful animals. They're beautiful, majestic, and unique. Over time, zebras have developed incredible ways to survive in their environment and hide from predators.

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    Unique Mug Gifts

    4 years ago

    I'm always looking for unique mugs. Sometimes I'm shopping for myself, or something I'm searching for the perfect gift for someone else. Because, really, is there anything better than curling up on a cold day with a steaming mug of hot chocolate? Or...

  • Best School Supplies 2017

    Best School Supplies 2017

    7 years ago

    School supplies are critical to a child's success. Students need to have all the supplies they need if they are going to be confident and successful in school. Find the essential school supplies here.

  • Best Young Adult Novels

    Best Young Adult Novels

    10 years ago

    Young adult novels are incredibly popular. Many YA books are exciting, thought provoking, and have rich and diverse characters. YA literature is not just for "young" adults anymore.

  • My Little Pony

    My Little Pony

    7 years ago

    My Little Pony is a classic toy from the 80's. The concept is simple: brightly coloured plastic ponies, but young girls loved them. They sparked imaginations and became a favorite toy of a generation.

  • The Great Barrier Reef

    The Great Barrier Reef

    10 years ago

    The Great Barrier Reef is a remarkable natural feature of Australia. Made up of thousands of reef systems, it can be seen from space. It is disappearing, though, and it is up to us to save it.

  • Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

    Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

    7 years ago

    City of Bones, the beginning of The Mortal Instruments series, has been on my reading list for a while. With the movie being released this summer, I knew I had to finally find the time to read it. My expectations were pretty high since it seemed to...

  • Earth Day: One Planet

    Earth Day: One Planet

    7 years ago

    We only have one planet and it`s critical that we take care of it. We all need to do our part to ensure that the Earth will be here and stay beautiful for future generations.

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    Tex and Me

    3 years ago

    Tex is my wonderful tuxedo cat. He is a rescue cat and is one of the sweetest kitties ever!

  • Dragon Gift Guide: Unique Dragon Gifts

    Dragon Gift Guide: Unique Dragon Gifts

    7 years ago

    The dragon is probably the most famous mythical creature. With so much power and grace, it's not surprising it is so popular. There are tons of amazing and unique dragon gifts out there for any taste. On this lens I have put together a range of both...

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    Elephant Facts

    3 years ago

    Elephants are such amazing animals. They are incredibly emotional, intelligent, and social creatures. Read on to learn more about these remarkable creatures and to find some great gift ideas.

  • The Lord of the Rings as Fantasy Literature

    The Lord of the Rings as Fantasy Literature

    7 years ago

    I have loved The Lord of the Rings for years. It's probably the most popular fantasy work of the twentieth century. If you want to know more about its history, read on.

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    Giraffes Facts and Gifts

    3 years ago

    Giraffes are beautiful and amazing creatures. They are one of the most unique animals on Earth and are well deserving of their popularity. Giraffe gifts are a wonderful choice for any animal lover.

  • The Cassowary: A Unique Bird

    The Cassowary: A Unique Bird

    8 years ago

    The cassowary is a beautiful and unique bird that is native to New Guinea and north-eastern Australia. Many people have never heard of the cassowary, which isn't surprising since there are fewer than 1500 left in in the wild. It's a shame they are...

  • Kiwi Birds

    Kiwi Birds

    10 years ago

    Kiwi birds are rare to find in the wild. Native to New Zealand, kiwis are a flightless bird that is currently endangered. It's up to us to ensure they are protected.

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    Top 10 Places to See in New Zealand

    4 years ago

    New Zealand is one of the most gorgeous places on Earth. The scenery is amazing and the people are wonderful. There's so many fantastic places to see in New Zealand, but I've chosen my favorites here.

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    A Beginner's Guide to Ragdoll Cats

    18 months ago

    Ragdoll cats are wonderful creatures and make the perfect pet. They're loyal and affectionate and will love anyone who treats them well. Ragdoll cats are named for their flopping tendencies, and they will melt your heart!

  • Kangaroos: Facts, Pictures, and Gift Ideas

    Kangaroos: Facts, Pictures, and Gift Ideas

    10 years ago

    Kangaroos are probably the most recognizable marsupial. Their Australian environment is harsh, but they have developed amazing adaptations to survive. They are also just plain cute.

  • Top Decorating Ideas for Teen Girls

    Top Decorating Ideas for Teen Girls

    10 years ago

    Teen girls love to show their own personal style. Decorating their rooms is a key way to accomplish this. Here's some great tips and ideas for redecorating or updating your teen girl's bedroom.

  • Lord of the Rings Music

    Lord of the Rings Music

    10 years ago

    The Lord of the Rings soundtracks are simply amazing. They are beloved by fans and are completely unforgettable. The Hobbit trilogy has continued the tradition of award winning music.

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    Music for the Christmas Season

    4 years ago

    Christmas music is special and festive and really adds to what is already such a wonderful holiday. Christmas is many people's favourite time of the year. It's definitely my favorite holiday. The whole season is magical. I honestly love both sides...

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    Cuddly Koalas

    3 years ago

    Koalas are simply adorable animals. They're sweet and docile and just plain cute. Although they prefer keep to themselves, when they interact with humans they are usually friendly.


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