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Susan Sisk (susansisk)

Joined 15 years ago from Georgia, USA

  • 45
  • 162
  • 73
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    DIY Backsplash With Cricut Vinyl Tiles

    3 years ago

    Eleven years ago I remodeled my kitchen with painted tiles. I wrote a successful Hubpages article about the project. Recently, I updated my previous project, with the help of my Cricut Explore machine.

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    How to Paint Wildlife in Mixed Media

    2 years ago

    It is easy and fun to paint animals in mixed media. I start with acrylic and then garnish with a few add-ons. Let me show you how!

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    How to Make a Pegboard Organizer

    2 years ago

    Pegboard organizers can be attractive and useful in many rooms in your house. Here are easy instructions for making one of your own and using it.

  • My Front Yard Garden

    My Front Yard Garden

    9 years ago

    Not everyone has the luxury of the perfect garden space. Often we have to make the best of what we have.

  • Plan A Trip To West Monroe, Louisiana

    Plan A Trip To West Monroe, Louisiana

    10 years ago

    West Monroe, Louisiana has become a vacation stop for many families. This is largely because of the popularity of the reality television show, "Duck Dynasty."

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    How To Make Communion Bread

    10 years ago

    In my small church, we make our own unleavened Communion bread. Homemade bread is not required, it is something we like. Try this easy recipe.

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    Visiting Honey Boo Boo's Hometown - McIntyre, GA

    7 years ago

    The reality show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" has placed a very tiny middle Georgia town on the map. Driving down Georgia Highway 441, I had to stop for lunch, and a few pictures.

  • Dottie's Love

    Dottie's Love

    11 years ago

    This is the life story of my Catahoula mix dog. She was my best friend, and companion for sixteen years.

  • How To Make Tie-Dye Baby Clothes

    How To Make Tie-Dye Baby Clothes

    11 years ago

    Simple tie-dyeing of pre-made baby items.

  • T-28 RC Plane by Parkzone

    T-28 RC Plane by Parkzone

    12 years ago

    When our sons were young, we enjoyed flying remote controlled planes. It was a family hobby. The kids, and especially "Dad" loved it. At that time, remote control planes for the most part had gas engines. Today, electric engine planes have become...

  • Maytag French Door Refrigerator Review

    Maytag French Door Refrigerator Review

    11 years ago

    A "French Door" refrigerator is designed with double doors on the top refrigerator section, and a pull-out drawer freezer on the bottom. French door refrigerators have been around for about 20 years, but have become more popular over the last eight...

  • Humble and Wise, Our 39th President...Jimmy Carter

    Humble and Wise, Our 39th President...Jimmy Carter

    12 years ago

    This past summer, my husband Mike and I, took a weekend trip to Plains, GA. Plains is a very small South Georgia town of approximately 800 residents. It is home to a giant peanut, and a candy shop that sells roasted peanuts, boiled peanuts, candied...

  • Are Rich People Entitled to Better Medical Care?

    Are Rich People Entitled to Better Medical Care?

    12 years ago

    Earlier this year, my mother, who is in her eighties, had a dilemma. She had received a letter from her doctor stating that if she wanted to remain on his patient list, she would have to pay an annual retainer fee. His practice was changing to the...

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    Painting & Restoring a Stove With Faux Stainless Steel

    20 months ago

    I ruined the exterior of my stove with oven cleaner. Here's how I fixed and painted it to look like a stainless steel stove.

  • Alligator Facts and Gator Myths

    Alligator Facts and Gator Myths

    7 years ago

    Baby alligators in a golf course lake. Here in southern USA, we have to share our lakes and rivers. Snapping turtles, manatees, snakes, and alligators, .....all can be found enjoying the sunshine. Alligators are often see basking in the sun...

  • Avoiding Cancer Treatment Mistakes

    Avoiding Cancer Treatment Mistakes

    11 years ago

    There is an old saying that "nice guys finish last."   Sadly, when it comes to cancer care, the patient that is too nice, sometimes doesn't get the best care. This is something that I observed first hand, during my years as an oncology nurse. ...

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    "Heaven Is for Real" Review

    6 years ago

    I have read a lot of good books. Every now and then, I pick up one that is so enthralling that I want to just keep reading, and reading. In fact, I don't want it to end. "Heaven is for real" is one of those books. It is the true story of...

  • Find The Next Stock Winner

    Find The Next Stock Winner

    12 years ago

    Anyone who invests in the Stock Market has probably lived with many "If only I had", and "If only I had not". It's the way of the market. Most of us can't predict the future..or can we? While our technology is changing daily, the way that people...

  • Finding Success in Independent Sales

    Finding Success in Independent Sales

    12 years ago

    Most of us have worked as sales clerks at one time or another during our lives.  Many people spend entire careers working at retail stores.  Retail sales clerks generally are paid by the hour, and punch a time clock.  Hourly salaries are...

  • Not So SIMPLE Interest Loans

    Not So SIMPLE Interest Loans

    14 years ago

    "If you really want this (car, boat, camper, whatever), you need to BUY IT NOW!"..... "This deal won't be available tomorrow.".... "You can take it home today with nothing down."..... "Taxes, extended warranty, we will add it all into the loan for...

  • How to Make Bread Dough Christmas Ornaments

    How to Make Bread Dough Christmas Ornaments

    14 years ago

    A tradition that my family enjoys each Christmas is to make homemade ornaments. Our tree is filled with handmade ornaments. Many of these were made in school, when my three sons were young. Now I enjoy making ornaments with my grandchildren, (or...

  • Sewing Clothes for Girls and Their Dolls

    Sewing Clothes for Girls and Their Dolls

    14 years ago

    My grandmother was an amazing seamstress. One of my favorite memories is of her sitting at her Singer flip down, black sewing machine. She was frequently sewing something for me, or a cousin. My favorite thing that she made was doll clothes. Her...

  • A Day at Cumberland Island

    A Day at Cumberland Island

    14 years ago

    White sand beach Mike in front of the mansion ruins Cumberland Island National Seashore - Operating Hours & Seasons (U.S. National Park Service) Operating Hours & Seasons Even though my family has lived in Georgia for many years, we had...

  • Easy Decorating With Peel and Stick Tile

    Easy Decorating With Peel and Stick Tile

    6 years ago

    Recently I redid the floor in our spare bedroom. This room had old, stained carpeting. We had been planning on replacing it since we bought our house six years ago. Company coming, and needing to use the room finally got me going on the project. ...

  • Five Great Macaroni and Cheese Dishes

    Five Great Macaroni and Cheese Dishes

    14 years ago

    Everyone loves "Mac and Cheese." It usually ranks high on lists of ultimate comfort foods, and recipes abound for it. It is also widely available in boxes, with sprinkle on, bright orange cheese powder, or squeeze on, foil packeted cheese sauce. ...

  • Don't Become a Heart Attack Statistic

    Don't Become a Heart Attack Statistic

    14 years ago

    My husband, Mike, and I have lost way too many friends, and family members to heart attacks. I never met my father-in-law. He was in his early forties when he died on his birthday. Six years ago, a friend from our church died from a heart attack....

  • Faux Painting with Coastal Style

    Faux Painting with Coastal Style

    14 years ago

    Atlantic Ocean St. Augustine, Florida, U.S.A. Look to nature for color inspiration. Sand, ocean, and sky -relaxation... Spring is finally here!  Our clocks have sprung forward, and our days are getting longer.  it is time for spring cleaning,...

  • Healthy Nutrition for Cancer Patients

    Healthy Nutrition for Cancer Patients

    14 years ago

    Working as an oncology nurse, I saw first hand the direct effects of cancer on a patient's nutritional status. Cancer increases the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat, protein, sugar, vitamins, and electrolytes. Many patients have already had a...

  • Religion and Sports

    Religion and Sports

    11 years ago

    There is a ongoing debate amongest the members of my church. Are athletes that make public displays of their religion, glorifying God or themselves? My husband and I actually started this debate. We are sports fans, he is a former middle school...

  • Best Herbal Treatments for Pets

    Best Herbal Treatments for Pets

    11 years ago

    When we think of herbal remedies, often what comes to mind first are treatments for people. We think of the three G's - Ginkgo, Ginseng, and Ginger. There are also many natural herbal remedies for our pets. And, as you may know, having pets is...

  • Fireproof Christian Love Dare - For Marriage and More

    Fireproof Christian Love Dare - For Marriage and More

    9 years ago

    Fireproof is a Christian movie that came out in 2008. It can be found now on DVD, and also can be watched on a "U-Tube" link that I have included. There is a workbook that has been published to go with it, called "The Love Dare". In the movie,...

  • Successful Options Trading for Beginners

    Successful Options Trading for Beginners

    12 years ago

    I love Wall Street! I guess that sounds odd, given the fall of the market last year, and the continued uncertainty of our economy. I inherited this love from my mother. She has always took control of her own investments. Years ago she actually...

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    Easy & Inexpensive DIY Kitchen Countertops

    14 years ago

    In a previous hub of mine, I wrote about my faux tile backsplash walls. During the same kitchen remodeling, I also redid my kitchen countertops. I had very little money to spend, so granite, river rock, or stainless steel was not an option at the...

  • The Need to be Needed

    The Need to be Needed

    15 years ago

    "Needs" can come in all shapes and sizes. "Needs" can be physical or emotional. As humans, we are basically needy. We have physical needs of food, water, shelter, and warmth. We also have multiple emotional needs, that grow and change as we...

  • Salt and Light of the World

    Salt and Light of the World

    14 years ago

    Recently, in Bible study at my church, we have been studying the book of Matthew. In Matthew Chapter Five, Jesus is on Mount Zion teaching his disciples. His teachings from the "Sermon on the Mount" have become beloved cornerstones of our...

  • Concept Photography

    Concept Photography

    15 years ago

    According to Wikipedia, a concept is "a mental representation" that pertains to an abstract idea.   In photography or art, a concept can often be seen as a picture that relates an emotion without any words needed.  Happiness, sadness, victory,...

  • The Amazing Inspiration of Hubs

    The Amazing Inspiration of Hubs

    15 years ago

    I am still fairly new to Hubpages.  Finding a site where anyone could write was an exciting find. Initially,  I read a few hubs, but mainly I wanted to write. Ideas were bustling in my head, and I published my first three hubs shortly. About a...

  • Low Cost Kitchen Re-Do with Faux Tiles

    Low Cost Kitchen Re-Do with Faux Tiles

    14 years ago

    I spend a lot of time in my kitchen. I think most of us do. It is the first place I stumble to in the morning for my wake-up coffee, and the last place I leave at night. (I have to make sure the coffee will be ready in the morning.) My kitchen...

  • What Make a Great Photograph?

    What Make a Great Photograph?

    15 years ago

    I have always considered myself a pretty good photographer.  I have a closet full of photo albums dating back to the day of my marriage.  My camera bag accompanies me more than my purse does.  With that in mind, why not sell some of my beautiful...

  • The Blessing of Christian Music

    The Blessing of Christian Music

    15 years ago

    I became a Christian at the age of seventeen. This did not happen due to someone witnessing to me, it happened because of music. My childhood home was a good home, but not a Christian home. We did not read the Bible, or place a value on the...

  • God's Cellphone

    God's Cellphone

    15 years ago

    Wouldn't it be nice if God had a cellphone? I for one, would place his number in my "Faves". Then every time I wanted to know why something had happened, or what decision I should make, the answer would be as easy as pushing a button. How can...

  • Coastal Georgia Marshes

    Coastal Georgia Marshes

    15 years ago

    Georgia marsh as seen from Jekyll Island Many people that have traveled to Atlanta, feel that they have seen the state of Georgia. Coastal Georgia, though, is an entirely different landscape from Atlanta. Coastal Georgia is comprised of...

  • Border Collie Love

    Border Collie Love

    15 years ago

    Belle at 5 weeks old Dec. 2008 Traditional Border collie stare High jump to catch a tennis ball Swimming to get the tennis ball Graduation from pet training My husband and I fell in love with Border Collies after a vacation trip to...

  • Keeping our Kids Safe

    Keeping our Kids Safe

    15 years ago

         Do you ever feel that watching the news is just too depressing?  It is especially saddening to hear of something bad happening to an innocent child.  Children are precious, and the future of this world.      As parents, grandparents,...

  • Organizing Paper Clutter

    Organizing Paper Clutter

    14 years ago

    Where does all this junk mail come from? I have always been envious of organized people. You know who I am talking about. Their kitchen cabinets are neatly organized, and all their plastic containers have matching lids. I have boxes of...


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