This book will resonate with its readers long after the last page is read. "Gorgeous and unsettling" New York Times.
Spice up your life and reap the health benefits of nutmeg, mace and ginger. Spice is nice when used correctly, not very forgiving when abused. Get to know the spices you are already using.
A review of the Dogs DooDahs: As ecard sales continue to rise and sales of traditional Christmas cards tumble, find the best Christmas cards ideas for unique greeting cards.
Lemon Balm and Valerian are two ancient herbs that were widely used to calm the mind and heal the body. In our current stress driven society, it may be time to reclaimed these herbs.
A Poem Inspired by Annart's painting in response to her challenge.
During sleep, the brain is kept pretty busy cleaning away toxic proteins that accumulates in the nervous system when we are awake. According to scientists, this is the fundamental reason for sleep.
Poems and quotes in celebration of science and the universe.
Sciatica is a common painful and debilitating condition that is often misdiagnosed. Learn the causes, symptoms, and treatments.
Heel pain is often due to plantar fasciitis, but what causes the condition and what are the best treatment available?
There are many types of epilepsy seizures and many misconceptions about the disease. 65 million people worldwide have epilepsy, but the disease lags behind other conditions when it comes to funding.
The incidence of type 1 diabetes in young people is increasing worldwide, there is no cure for the disease, but there may soon be more efficient means of managing type 1 diabetes.
" The Earth laughs in flowers." Ralph Waldo Emerson. But what do flowers mean to you?
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 1 in 10 women of child bearing age, yet many women are unaware of the condition until they are unable to conceive a child. PCOS, cause, symptoms and treatment.
Currently, the only cure for Sickle Cell Disease, is a risky bone marrow or stem cell transplant. To provide the best chance of success, the donor must be a close match, are you that match?
For Isaac Stone aka Dynamikk..Rest easy cuz J Alexis-Hagues “Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.” Author: Anonymous “One day, a son asked his father, Why is it always the best people who...
This is my alternative ending to Frank Atanacio's Screaming into the Darkness of her Despair. This was written before Frank's challenge for "Monsters in the Trees" so it doesn't follow the criteria.
Nootropics or smart drugs are used to enhance brain function, improve focus and concentration but what are they, and who are taking them?
Happy Christmas to you, wherever you are!!
Are 'special offers' at the supermarket bargains or clever tricks to con us into spending more money than we intended? How can we save money on grocery shopping, and reduce the amount of food wastage?
A poem about love, lust and deceit...we all want a perfect love but sometimes what we find is fool's gold..
Most sore throats are associated with viral infection, cold, and flu. Strep throat accounts for 10% - 15% of cases. Left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems. Don't ignore a sore throat.
Gout is a painful condition associated with alcohol intake and rich foods high purine content, are you at risk?
A poem of love and the seasons...
Piles (or haemorrhoids) is a common condition that has been documented as far back as biblical times. Around 50% of the population will suffer from piles at one point or another by the age of 50.
What is the link between chickenpox and shingles, and how likely are you to get shingles?
One smile is worth a thousand words, give generously, spread a little happiness around the world.
Toenail fungus can be embarrassing. Read on to learn the causes of this bothersome infection and how to treat it.
A Love Poem
Our supermarkets are gradually waking up to the fact that tropical fruits are not only delicious to eat; they are packed with vitamins and nutrious minerals with numerous health benefits.
Get better acquainted with the highly nutritious and very versatile root vegetables, Sweet Potatoes and Yams.
The modern woman is firmly attached to her handbags, she'll pay a great deal of money for the right designer bags, but historically, the male of the species carried the handbags. A fun look at bags.
A fun look at the British chat show hosted by Jeremy Kyle as he takes on America.
Nigel Levine Shining bright with Team GB, London 2012-Rio 2016
J Alexis-Hagues Beauty can be found in everything, it is everywhere, the human race is beautiful in all its colors, shades and hues. These haiku poems are in celebration of beautiful women in all their glorious rays of colors, some famous some...
A poem dedicated to a friend and colleague, taken much too soon, leaving us all shocked and stunned. R.I.P Dave.
A poem about a beautiful young girl who sits at the window reliving the past and her lost love. Watched by a man who falls in love with the tragic figure at the window.
Haiku Poems about love trust passion and betrayal
A colourful Poem of love and rainbows
A tribute in poems for those who fought and those who fell.
Freshly cut grass, clinging to my back...a journey back in time to when summers were long and life was slow.
In September 1955 hurricane Janet hit the Grenadines, passing between Carriacou and Grenada. She took with her 122 souls, I was almost one of those souls
An estimated 750,000 people in the UK have undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes. Are you one of the 750,000 undiagnosed cases?
Too late to cry; a poem dedicated to the fight to save the rain forest, but is it already too late?
Make Money From Home with more tips and ideas, it's time to get creative.
Make Money from Home to Supplement Your Retirement: 10 Tips This article is the first in a series of hubs on how to make money from home.
Remember: John; is a poem about growing up in the Caribbean.
What I so Love About You; this poem is about love.
Alcoholic Liver Disease; This article gives an overview of alcoholic liver disease, the three stages, prevention and management of the condition.
An examination of diverticulitis and diverticular disease. Learn about diagnosis, incidence, and complications such as ruptures or perforation of the bowel with the formation of a fistula.
Jasmine in Bloom, a tribute to my mother Theresa, who sadly departed from us a few years ago, but will remain in my heart always.