Are you a cat person or a dog person?

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  1. executivecatering profile image60
    executivecateringposted 12 years ago

    Are you a cat person or a dog person?

    I have always had cats and dogs In my house from a young age and find it difficult to choose between them as they both have good quality's but what about you do you love dog's or cats the most?

  2. howlermunkey profile image69
    howlermunkeyposted 12 years ago

    Cats are cool but I LOVE my Dog Molly. (plus im allergic to cats now). I had a pet spider but there was this incident with fellow hubber ttoombs08 "How to prepare for a spider attack"...  I haven't seen fred ever since

  3. landscapeartist profile image60
    landscapeartistposted 12 years ago

    I love both cats and dogs.  Over the years I have owned both, or rather, they owned me. lol. My precious feline, Mischief (aptly named) lived 17 of our years before she went off to die.  I have said in the past that I am a dog person because I have a dog now, but after doing some hard thinking I would have to state that I am for both.  The reason that I will never own another cat isn't because I hate cats, or because I don't want another cat.  It is because no other cat would ever come close to the same level of love as my Mischief was at. 
    She was one of a kind and the one child of mine that I miss the most.

  4. backporchstories profile image71
    backporchstoriesposted 12 years ago

    We have eight dogs and used to have five cats.  The dogs created the cat depopulation!  I love them both, but I favor the dogs the most.  They are always wanting to give out their loving!

  5. c1234rystal profile image60
    c1234rystalposted 12 years ago

    Most definitely a proud cat lady! I just think they're so graceful, intelligent and loving.

  6. sethpowers profile image60
    sethpowersposted 12 years ago

    I love all fury animals. Cats are definitely the best though!

  7. nmdonders profile image72
    nmdondersposted 12 years ago

    I love both but cats are less maintenance.

  8. Garangwyn profile image60
    Garangwynposted 12 years ago

    Well, I am a dog person.  I suppose first and foremost, I'm a dog person because we never had cats around, because my sister has ailurophobia and is deathly afraid of cats.  There's no rational reason for it...she just hates them with a passion.  And it's just as well since it turned out, as I learned when I was about 16, that I was highly allergic to them.  That's gotten better over the years, but I still have to be careful about touching them and then touching my face, etc.

    But I like dogs because cats are a little too independent for me.  They pretty much do what they want to do, regardless of what YOU want them to do.  That makes for some interesting entertainment and interactions, but I don't know if I want that in a pet...I've had too much of that in my previous relationships.  LOL

  9. molometer profile image80
    molometerposted 12 years ago

    If I had to choose it would have to be dogs. I really do not understand cats at all. Maybe it is because I was almost jumped by a lion once. Who knows.
    Dogs seem more attractive somehow. Mongrels especially.

  10. katyzzz profile image61
    katyzzzposted 12 years ago

    I love and adore both, but two of each would be my preference.  I think all animals , and it's easy to forget that we are animals too, are very special creatures.

    1. Victoria Lynn profile image86
      Victoria Lynnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's such a sweet response! Thumbs up!

  11. Djaak profile image38
    Djaakposted 12 years ago

    I love dogs. They are loving and always want to play with you. My dog is great and he loves playing.

  12. tillsontitan profile image80
    tillsontitanposted 12 years ago

    I have both but if I had my 'druthers, it'd be a dog.  Cats are very independent and don't always want to cuddle when you do.  Dogs are just loyal and always so happy to see you!

  13. StephanieBCrosby profile image80
    StephanieBCrosbyposted 12 years ago

    I am 100% a cat person. I love my cat Calista (named after Calista Flockhart, she was very thin when we rescued her and I love Flockhart in her role as Ally McBeal).

    I have had dogs before, but they tend to be smellier and more high maintenance. They are like having another needy person around. But they are loyal which is great. However, cats are independent but also know when they are needed around.

    I wish this question included rodents as a choice. I really miss my gerbil, hampster, and other furry little friends.

  14. TheHoleStory profile image69
    TheHoleStoryposted 12 years ago

    I would never consider choosing between the two, I'm both a cat person and a dog person.

  15. homesteadbound profile image81
    homesteadboundposted 12 years ago

    I myself cannot choose between the two. They both have traits to be admired and enjoyed. I cannot choose if I consider all past pets - cats and dogs. In the past I would say that a certain cat is the best pet, but in the present I would have to say that a dog is the best pet. This is from someone who currently has 3 cats and 2 dogs - all but one adopted.Which ever is chosen - they all add value to our lives.

  16. randomcreative profile image82
    randomcreativeposted 12 years ago

    I am definitely a cat person.  I don't mind some dogs...when other people have them, but I will only ever keep cats as pets.

  17. profile image56
    MsKBposted 12 years ago

    I would have to say I'm a cat person . Cats are easy to clean up after and their so cute when their small , and can lay in your bed like a baby .

  18. Express10 profile image77
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    I've always loved dogs, especially chubby, fuzzy looking puppies such as huskies. I've not ever liked cats, they are very independent and stand-offish at times. With dogs, I haven't experienced that type of personality.

  19. Eranofu profile image66
    Eranofuposted 12 years ago

    I am an animal person. I love all the fluffy, fuzzy, scaly and winged creatures.

  20. profile image0
    Thundermamaposted 12 years ago

    I have a dog and a cat, but find myself to be more of a dog person. Cats can be a little on the aloof side and dogs seem more loving and willing to interact. I also find myself being attracted to people with dogs rather then cats.

  21. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 12 years ago

    I have enjoyed the company of both, but would definitely say that dogs are more responsive to their owners. I do not need to tell anyone about seeing-eye-dogs, therapy dogs, seizure alert dogs, etc.


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