What kinds of creatures have you been bitten by?

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  1. SuperheroSales profile image58
    SuperheroSalesposted 13 years ago

    I was bitten by a cat in the last week and it got me thinking back over the years about all of the different things I've been bitten by over my lifetime and how many times I've been bitten.  I want to know if this is normal or if I am just putting myself in awful situations.

    What have you been bitten by?

    1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image77
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Just those little land piranhas that folks call Chihuahua

      1. SuperheroSales profile image58
        SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        LOL! Little dogs can be nasty biters!

    2. Camille Harris profile image80
      Camille Harrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      A dog. In ze face.

      Ouch sad

      1. SuperheroSales profile image58
        SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ouch!  That's horrible!  Did it heal up well?

        1. Camille Harris profile image80
          Camille Harrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          It actually did/is (happened a little over a month ago).  Thanks for asking.

          I've been taking Biotin, as well as using Retin-A and silicone topically.  I have a microdermabrasion scheduled for next month to address some of the scarring.  I'm planning to write a Hub about it and will include pics of my progress. 

          Time (and a little Retin-A and silicone) does heal wounds!

          1. SuperheroSales profile image58
            SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Oh man!  That is recent!  Is it still sore?  I can't wait to read your Hub!  I get bitten by animals so often that I should probably bookmark it once it comes along. smile

    3. JEDIJESSICUH profile image73
      JEDIJESSICUHposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Cats. Dogs. Mosquitos. Spiders. Probably other insects. Mosquitos were the worst though.

      I went to camp back when I was twelve for only a week, came home probably a pint of blood lower. I didn't take any mosquito repellent with me and I got bit more than thirty times just on my arms. I remember. I counted. Not a pleasant experience.

      1. SuperheroSales profile image58
        SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Oh wow, 30 mosquito bites?  How in the world did you sleep?  I have trouble falling asleep when I have just a couple!

  2. jcmayer777 profile image65
    jcmayer777posted 13 years ago

    I was bit by a dog in the rump when I was young...and seemingly millions of mosquitos.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I feel like I've been bitten by millions of mosquitoes as well!  That would be hard being bitten on the rump!  I was kicked by a horse in the rump and couldn't sit right for weeks LOL!

  3. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    Her name was...

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Too much info, Paradigm! tongue  Ha ha!  I figured that one was coming!

      1. paradigmsearch profile image60
        paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Her name was Betsy Bodacious.  We were 12. She didn't mean it.

  4. tarrka1089 profile image60
    tarrka1089posted 13 years ago

    You mean other than the obligatory mosquitoes and wasps in summer, the misfortune of being where a bee wanted to be, my own cat, pecked by a pesky bird, horseflies but at least not the horse and when having the luck of picnic ants who wanted to also partake of a lunch.  That's all I can think of off the top of my head....does that help put things in perspective?  Oh, also stung by jellyfish.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That's quite a list, Tarrka, but I think I still have you beat on bites!  However, the jellyfish sting makes me grateful that I'm only dealing with a cat bite!

  5. thooghun profile image93
    thooghunposted 13 years ago

    I was bitten AND spat on by the same camel. How rude.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, I didn't know that camels were big biters- though I had been warned about the spitting.  What did you do to deserve that?  Ha ha!

  6. wilderness profile image95
    wildernessposted 13 years ago

    Disregarding the inevitable insects, several cats and one dog.  A billy goat.  A goose.  And half a dozen small children.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Half a dozen small children??  Do you have a lot of kids or work in a daycare?

      Goat and goose bites can hurt too!

  7. Cagsil profile image72
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    I was once bitten by a dog, aside from various insects. Every so often my niece bites me, which continues to vex me. Don't ask. lol

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe you can get some of that bitter apple spray to teach your niece that it's not nice to bite!  Ha ha! big_smile

      1. Cagsil profile image72
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Not exactly sure if that would help. lol But, I'll consider it. lol

        1. SuperheroSales profile image58
          SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Ha ha, you'll have to let us know if it works! big_smile

  8. Beth100 profile image70
    Beth100posted 13 years ago

    Mosquitos.  Wasps. Bees. Ants.  Many undisclosed types of insects.  lol 

    A flower.

    Horses.  Goats.  Geese.  Cats.  Rabbits.  Donkey.  Llama. Cows. 

    Children.  Adults.  lol 

    Dogs.  Fish (cichlids.... nasty little things)  Turtle (ouch!!) 

    I am sure there are more, oh yes, a garden snake (no idea what type... it was green with yellow and black....  must not have been poisonous because I'm still alive  smile  )

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Beth, you have the closest bite resume to mine so far!  You must explain... how in the world were you bitten by a flower??  LOL!

      1. Beth100 profile image70
        Beth100posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        ha ha ha  it was because of my daughter...  she loves to grow plants and I bought her some venus fly traps.  They grew and they grew and they grew.  When we came back from a holiday, half of the plant had died.  It was evident that it hadn't eaten for the time we were away.  My daughter begged me to feed it... so I did.  It literally bit the hand that fed it, so it was the last time I hand fed that plant!!

        (I'm so glad it wasn't the one out of Little Shop of Horrors!!!  lol  )

        I've had lots of bites -- living on a farm with an array of animals will guarantee bites!!  The worst was my stallion -- he considered me to be one of his mares and ALWAYS bit me on the shoulder, back and elbows to steer me away from the wrong animals  lol

        1. SuperheroSales profile image58
          SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You are very lucky that it wasn't the giant venus fly trap, LOL!

          Horse bites, kicks, and stomps are very painful.  I've never been bitten on the shoulder by a horse, that sounds awful!

  9. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 13 years ago

    Hamsters are nasty biters, they will not let go.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, 2uesday!  Rodents' teeth don't look very sharp, but they pack some painful bites!

  10. Uninvited Writer profile image78
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    Cat bite on the hand. It swelled up so much I couldn't type for a week. Luckily I was with the vet and he took me right to a walk in clinic where I got a tetanus shot because I was overdue smile

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ah, that's what I'm dealing with right now!  The ER gave me a nice hand brace that is helping me type a bit, but it still hurts.

      My tetanus shot is very painful.  My arm is swollen and warm where I got the shot.  Do you remember how long the pain lasted from it?  Hopefully not long. tongue

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image78
        Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I don't remember the shot hurting for that long, it happened about 15 years ago so  some of my memories are a bit hazy...

        1. SuperheroSales profile image58
          SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Uh oh sounds like you're due again, ha ha!  Thanks for trying to remember for me.  I'm trying not to be a wimp, but this is no fun! tongue

          1. Uninvited Writer profile image78
            Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I still have a light scar from it.

            How did yours happen? I had the vet make a house call because my cat hated going to the vet. Of course, he had me hold her. He was wearing the gloves so she bit me smile

            1. SuperheroSales profile image58
              SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I was being dumb and was petting a stray cat.  He/she was being very loving, but suddenly turned and bit me.  I will never do that again!

  11. Beth100 profile image70
    Beth100posted 13 years ago

    You should let your hand rest.  Ice it for 10 minutes at the max.  It will help with the pain and the swelling.  And try to keep it up -- don't let it dangle along your side as it will increase the pain and swelling as the blood drains to it.

    If all else fails, eat some chocolate ice cream with your good hand!

    Hope your hand feels better soon!

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the tips, Beth!  I need to be icing my hand more, but I think you're right... the chocolate ice cream will be what heals it!

  12. Kangaroo_Jase profile image72
    Kangaroo_Jaseposted 13 years ago

    Worst was I was bitten by a male Red Back spider, which are only native to eastern Australia. They are venomous and the female bite can potentially be toxic enough to kill pets and make humans very sick, in some cases enough for children to die.

    Their is an anti-venom.

    The bite made me nauseous and lethargic for about 3-4 days.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ooh that sounds awful, Kangaroo!  Did the bite blister or leave a scar?  I was bitten by a Brown Recluse spider in the U.S. and it was no fun, but your experience sounds much worse!

    2. earnestshub profile image72
      earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yep! A redback got me once, on the back of the hand, it swelled up a fair bit, and I was also not too great for a few days.

  13. habee profile image94
    habeeposted 13 years ago

    I've been bitten/stung/stabbed by:

    wolf hybrid
    non-venomous snake
    a bull
    sand gnats
    a shrimp (stabbed me with its horn)
    deer flies
    fire ants
    toxic marine catfish
    stingray (I carried the barb for 6 months)
    AND 5 black widow spiders, at one time

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Holy cow, Habee!  That is quite a list!  How/where were you bitten by a lynx?

      1. habee profile image94
        habeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        A friend of my ex-husband had a pet lynx. "Pet" is used loosely - the darn thing was never very "pettable." lol. Dana's (owner) hands and arms were always scratched and bloody. They lynx thought it was playing, but it sure played rough!

        1. SuperheroSales profile image58
          SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Yikes!  You were very brave to get near the thing.  I used to care for a pair of bobcats and luckily they never bit me, but I saw the results of them biting other people and it was not pretty!

  14. Lyn.Stewart profile image67
    Lyn.Stewartposted 13 years ago

    Let me think about this ...

    the normal things like mossies, sandflies, bees my cats, a dog (little ankle bitter it was)

    a weta (that stung a bit), a kea (parrot like bird of New Zealand), cockatoo, gala, finches, a few horses (they left marks) geese, chickens, rabbits,

    children (gotta love those rugrats), an ostrich, a monkey (little blighter) and of course a partner or two

    I'm sure to have missed a few out but you get the gist (I'm obviously extreamly tasty) yea right lol.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ha ha, Lyn, I think you have the most bird bites for sure!  I have never heard of a weta.  What is that?

  15. Kangaroo_Jase profile image72
    Kangaroo_Jaseposted 13 years ago

    Even though they live thousands of miles apart on two differing continents, the Black Widow and Red Back Species are related genus.

  16. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image77
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    Well damn.  But seriously - how did you get bit by a pig?

    . . .and WTF with the FIVE black widows!!!!!!!!!!???????????

    1. habee profile image94
      habeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The black widows bites happened one day when I was planting flowers. Luckily, I was bitten on the fingertips. We used to raise all kinds of critters, including pigs.

      Of all the bites I've experienced, the most painful came from one of our horses - the only time I've ever been really bitten by an equine. She had never offered to bite before, but I grabbed her by the halter one night and didn't see that she had injured her head.

      1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image77
        Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Oh I'm positive the horse bite was worst!

        What happened with the black widows - did you have to go to ER??

        1. habee profile image94
          habeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          My sister-in-law and brother-in-law called our doctor immediately, and he told us what to do. One thing I remember is taking some pain meds and passing out. He told them what to watch for and when/if I needed to go to the ER. I didn't. My doc told me black widows aren't nearly as deadly as most people think, and some people are hardly affected at all. Guess I was lucky to be one of those people!

          1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image77
            Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years agoin reply to this


            I see them sometimes inside of air conditioners that I work on - inside the electrical panel, or on the insides of condensers in the center.

            I think the brown recluse spiders must be much more dangerous.

  17. classicalgeek profile image81
    classicalgeekposted 13 years ago

    I've been bitten by several children, horses, dogs, cats, various kinds of birds, gerbils, rats, mice, spiders, chiggers, fleas, ants, fish, and probably many more that I have mercifully forgotten. That wasn't what stood out, though. What stands out is that a horse punched me in my face with its face. I lost (you can't fight physics and expect to win) and went flying into a pile of manure. On top of that I had a shiner for a week and nobody believed how I got it.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ha ha, wow, that is a bad one-two punch!  I can't believe how powerful horses can be with just a movement of the head, but I definitely believe that they could knock you down!  Hopefully no one saw because I bet you'd never live that one down!

      1. classicalgeek profile image81
        classicalgeekposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You're right. I'm not going to live long enough for anyone who saw that to forget it. It sure cured me of my infatuation with horses, though.

  18. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 13 years ago

    I have been nipped by one of our cockatiels. But that is the only thing I have been bitten by. sad

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, it sounds like you are pretty lucky compared to the rest of us!  Did the cockatiel break skin or was it just a pinch?

  19. Karen N profile image69
    Karen Nposted 13 years ago

    A lizard - although it didn't hurt. smile
    And stung by a jelly fish.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I had no idea that jellyfish stings were so common!

  20. Extinct Soul profile image59
    Extinct Soulposted 13 years ago

    mosquitoes, spiders, cockroaches, my dog, my neighbour's dog, my cousin's dog, my cat, my sister, ducks.

    and a lot of snakes in my dream.

    1. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Boy, snake bites in dreams sure makes for a rude awakening!  I've had a few of those!

  21. Maria Cecilia profile image84
    Maria Ceciliaposted 13 years ago

    was bitten by a monkey when I was a little girl, no harm done so far LOL... bitten by dogs... of course mosquitoes

    1. habee profile image94
      habeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Maria C!

      1. Maria Cecilia profile image84
        Maria Ceciliaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Habee

    2. SuperheroSales profile image58
      SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      How did you get close enough to a monkey for it to bite you?

    3. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 13 years ago

      A gerbil, a squirrel (don't ask) and a parrot.  A very nasty parrot who also chewed my leather purse.

      1. SuperheroSales profile image58
        SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Aww, you can't say a squirrel and then not fill us in!

    4. habee profile image94
      habeeposted 13 years ago

      Thanks for this topic, superhero! It prompted me to write a hub about my experience with black widow bites! lol

      1. SuperheroSales profile image58
        SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Good, I'm glad it inspired you!  I'm sure that will be a great hub!  I am loving all of these crazy lists!

    5. ddsurfsca profile image71
      ddsurfscaposted 13 years ago

      This is quite a long list, but I will try to condense it.  I was a groomer, so I have been bitten by probably 10 or 15 different breeds of dogs, cats, parrots, a monkey a coyote, a rat, a mouse, a black widow spider, a donkey, several horses, fleas, people, a goat but they only have bottom teeth. pecked by chickens, quacked by ducks, goose, a peacock, and there is probably more but I can't recall right now.

      1. SuperheroSales profile image58
        SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Dang, DD, I guess being a groomer would cause a lot of bites!  How did you get a coyote bite?

    6. Daniel Carter profile image62
      Daniel Carterposted 13 years ago

      I've had some very nasty bites from liberals, conservatives and religious nut cases.
      You know, the typical list of parasites, predatory insects and dangerous animals.

      1. SuperheroSales profile image58
        SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ha ha!  Did you have to get a tetanus shot for those bites?

    7. Stacie L profile image87
      Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

      I've been bitten by cats, dogs, blowfish,garder snake, but nothing like this!

      1. SuperheroSales profile image58
        SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Wow, Stacie, that is just plain freaky LOL!  Did the blowfish bite hurt?

        1. Stacie L profile image87
          Stacie Lposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          this isn't a blowfish..it is something that was caught in Texas and had human like teeth..
          ..actually many people refer to them as pufferfish but in New England they are blow fish ..and the bite and "quills" hurt.

    8. earnestshub profile image72
      earnestshubposted 13 years ago

      David Braun of National Geographic June 29, 2009

      Pacu fish, cousins to the piranha and known as “frugivores,” have human-like teeth that can crack nuts and fruits.

      This fish is frugivores.
      Evolution is strange sometimes. smile

      1. habee profile image94
        habeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sheepshead fish have similar teeth!

        1. paradigmsearch profile image60
          paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Just wandering here to see who replies... smile

    9. recommend1 profile image60
      recommend1posted 13 years ago

      I have been bitten by a few black fish in the South Atlantic - these come hundreds at a time and look like a piranha around 9 inches long to more than one foot.  They eat anything that falls into the water at lightening speed - from the land crabs that get washed in occasionally, any garbage and impressively they can eat a floating apple like some comic strip - it spins and jumps as it gets chopped up from below and is gone in around 90 seconds.

      They generally love divers, because any work on the seabed or harbour walls makes for loads of food for them in broken shells, those things with long black poisonous spines etc etc.  I got bitten when I was swimming back to the pier (fortunately in diving gear) and my buddy deliberately dumped all his sandwiches over me !  In the frenzy I got bitten several times on my arms and only escaped total dissapearance by diving back to the bottom  away from the feeding frenzy on the surface.

      1. Stacie L profile image87
        Stacie Lposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        yeah,that would keep me out of the water for good!

      2. SuperheroSales profile image58
        SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Recommend, that is a truly frightening story!  I had never heard of such a fish!  I can't imagine being caught in that situation!  It was good thinking to dive down to get away.

        1. recommend1 profile image60
          recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Not as frightening as it was for my buddy when I climbed out of the water raging like a sea monster big_smile  For days after he was afraid to go into the water if I was anywhere near big_smile

          1. SuperheroSales profile image58
            SuperheroSalesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            LOL!  I'm sure!  I would have made sure he was scared too!  He deserved it!

    10. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

      smile sorry.

    11. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago



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