Knit or Crochet?

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  1. Jane@CM profile image61
    Jane@CMposted 14 years ago

    Now that fall is here, its time for me to dig out my knitting and crocheting.  Yesterday I was at my LYS and the new yarns for the season are beautiful.  Now that I'm on a strict budget, I didn't purchase any of my favorite yarns such as the Alpaca or the alpaca and silk blends.  I like the natural fiber yarns.

    I bought enough yarn to begin several Christmas and birthday gifts for my kids. 

    What are you making?  I'm writing a hub on this topic & would love feedback on what types of yarns people like & what type of feelings they have when knitting or crocheting.  Do you have a favorite LYS (local yarn shop), do you belong to a knitting group, do you prefer to buy online or do you need to feel the fiber first?

    1. mandybeau1 profile image61
      mandybeau1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am currently making things out of crochet they are little flowers and  look great great  for heaps of things, You just do a round of 6 crochet then crochet, dc. 12 stitches into this,change colours. Then into every 2nd stitch, you make a puff stitch, then a chain, till you have 6 puffs tie off.
      they look like little flowers and are great for using all the odd bits and scraps of yarn you have. You can make around 40 in an evening, and thats a Purse in double knit. Or a beret. Easy to join together.

    2. lovelypaper profile image56
      lovelypaperposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I taught myself how to crochet with my fingers if you can believe that, but I prefer crocheting over knitting because it's just easier for me. I don't knit well.  I think wool yarn is great because you can felt with it by washing it in hot water. The downside to that is no. 1, wool yarn is expensive and no.2, when you're felting, you have to knit or crochet the item so much larger  so when it shrinks when felting, it will be the appropriate size.

      1. SpringW profile image59
        SpringWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        The girl next door was from Hungary. Her grandmother used only her fingers when she crocheted (is that even a word). I tried to learn to do that but, it was impossible. Kudos to you for mastering the skill.

    3. Marie Desage profile image54
      Marie Desageposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I love to crochet. I am not working on any specific project at the moment, but I am finishing up a couple projects. I have been crocheting since 1971, when I taught myself from books. I have been designing my own pieces forever. I taught crochet lessons and had crochet workshops thru the local community college and senior center.

      I don't really have a preference for yarn and because I am on a budget I use whatever I can afford. I have made afghans, purses, sweaters and coats, diaper bags, slippers, potholders,  micro mitts, and more.

  2. profile image0
    \Brenda Scullyposted 14 years ago


    1. Jane@CM profile image61
      Jane@CMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Sweet, what colors??

  3. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    I used to hate the 'knitting' season.

    I always had to sit with my paws out in front of me as they tied them together with miles of yarn and then made balls out of them. hmm

    But what I hated most was the verbal abuse that went with knitting..... "Pearl one....Knit one....Pearl..." yikes

    A Strange habit if you ask a dog! smile

    1. Jane@CM profile image61
      Jane@CMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm telling ya Pearl, I tried having our lab hold the yarn once so I could roll into a ball, she kept trying to play with it, she slobbered all over it - and then - worst case scenario, she shed on it big_smile smile

  4. atomswifey profile image57
    atomswifeyposted 14 years ago

    well two of my nieces had babies last year and both are expecting again next year.
    So I am crocheting baby blankets as well as kids blankets for their other children. smile

    1. Jane@CM profile image61
      Jane@CMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, what type of yarn are you using?  I love a good crocheted blanket, they last forever.  Its so fun giving hand made gifts, isn't it?

  5. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    Well I'm good at it Now: I'm currently Knitting Moose Blankets for the poor misguided mooskies in the Religious forums! lol

    1. Jane@CM profile image61
      Jane@CMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      So do you spin your own moose hair LOL

  6. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    I think knitting is a great skill - and wish I had the patience for it.

    String's my thing. I can't knit for toffee. However, I can knot with wild abandon smile

  7. rmcrayne profile image93
    rmcrayneposted 14 years ago

    I've crocheted since I was a teen.  I've tried knitting a few times but it never stuck.  Problems being:  1. It was slower than crochet.  2. I wasn't willing to invest the trial and error, screw up and try again, learning curve I had already gone through with crochet.  3.  Any time I had to put it down, when I picked it back up, I couldn't tell which direction I was going.

    1. Jane@CM profile image61
      Jane@CMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed, crocheting is much faster!  With knitting, I finish my row before I put it down or I too forget big_smile

  8. lrohner profile image67
    lrohnerposted 14 years ago

    I've already crocheted the obligatory baby blankets for the grandbabies and have started knitting some sweaters, hats and mittens. With twins in the family now, that means a whole lot of knit, purl and chaining between now and December!

    1. Jane@CM profile image61
      Jane@CMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What a sweet Grandma you are.  I love knitting for babies, little socks are the funnest, they go so fast & the reward is wonderful.  I have a great sweater pattern for babies, it was the first sweater I ever made & the arms even turned out even smile

  9. profile image0
    LEWJposted 14 years ago

    I remember we had that for a while in grade school once--everybody had to do it.
    But it's been so long ago I've completely forgotten how it's done.

  10. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 14 years ago

    My youngest daughter asked for a 'Cardi coat' so that's what she'll get. I'll add a shawl collar and cable pattern to the front. I bought some cream colored 100% Bamboo-yarn, it feels really nice, soft and cozy. Don't know how it will knit up or wash it's the first time I bought it. Not too cheap either roughly the same as the Alpaca/Llama/Silk blends. I'll come back with updates.

    1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The cardi-coat is done and just in time too for my daughters birthday next week.
      The bamboo-yarn knit up fabulously. It doesn't twist or knot up. It seems to hold it's shape too as it's knitted up. Now if it will hold up good when washed then I'm all sold on this bamboo yarn. Knitted up it has the look of a really short angora wool and also feels almost as soft too.

      Will come back with updates once the cardi-coat has been washed.

  11. Laura du Toit profile image66
    Laura du Toitposted 14 years ago

    Our winter season in South Africa is almost at an end but I knitted each of my grandchildren a jersey this winter.

    I then decided to try something slightly more challenging and am now about three quarter way finished knitting a double bed size blanket in a fan and feather pattern with double knitting wool ( It will use 18 balls and I think I've knitted about 14).

    So glad that there are people that still knit. Unfortunately it is not nearly as popular as what it used to be.

  12. torimari profile image68
    torimariposted 14 years ago

    I'd love to friend has been crocheting blankets and scarfs. I see in the local, tourist town these cozy creations selling for lots also. Hehe.

    I'd love to take it up as my mum had lots of yarn, and it seems relaxing.

  13. Ivorwen profile image64
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    I am currently knitting a ski sweater for my oldest son out of dark brown Encore yarn.  it is not one of my favorite yarns, but it suits his needs.

    I am also planning a cable knit sweater for my fourth son.  It will be out of a medium blue alpaca/wool blend. 

    I do most of my shopping at a semi-local yarn shop (the closest one around).  I also like purchasing through when I am after 100% wool.

    1. Jane@CM profile image61
      Jane@CMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You are ambitious!  Thanks for the website, I'm always looking for new places for wool.

      I wish I could knit better - being a lefty makes knitting difficult for things other than a knit or pearl stitch.  I'm trying hard to learn continental knitting and I just realized the knitting group meets in half an hour!

      1. Ivorwen profile image64
        Ivorwenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I could hardly knit until I learned the continental method.  Suddenly, knitting was easy, and after watching my children, I don't think it would make much difference right or left handed.

  14. profile image0
    cosetteposted 14 years ago

    i want to learn how to crochet. knitting is probably too ambitious for me as i probably wouldn't have the patience for it, but crocheting looks similar to latch hook rugs, which i have done and which are fun! the last thing i made with a latch hook kit was a rug for my was Woodstock from Peanuts.

  15. travelespresso profile image67
    travelespressoposted 14 years ago

    I love knitting.  Lately I've been knitting scarves with several strands of wool/textured acrylic etc together.  When you start you have no idea of how it will look....sometimes excellent.....sometimes though i just have to undo it and try another combination.  Have you tried knitting with bamboo fibre?  It's wonderfully soft!

    1. Ivorwen profile image64
      Ivorwenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have tried using multiple strands before.  The results do seem to be very mixed.  Some of my favorite combinations have been to run a few strands of colored crochet thread with worsted weight yarn.

  16. travelespresso profile image67
    travelespressoposted 14 years ago

    Ivorwen...that sounds really nice.  I can't crochet so that won't work for me!  Gathering strands together is very much hit and miss but worth persisting because of the divine results.

    1. Ivorwen profile image64
      Ivorwenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I knit with it.

  17. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

    i made my first garment when i was 10 i think i have a picture of the jumper i knitted, well not here it is at my dad's house.

    In the small town i lived in wool shops were everywhere, and lots of people were brilliant knitters.  I was even allowed to knit in class at secondary school.   I think now i would have been diagnosed with a.d.d. when i was a child but back there i was just a problem to the teachers in huge classes of 39 kids. I would sit in the class knitting, and it would actually help my concentration.   I knitted for shops when my children were young, and produced some lovely work i have to say.  I want to get back into knitting and am happy to have seen this thread,

    The cardigan i am knitting for my grand daughter is red.  I have heaps of things half finished  smile

  18. skristoff profile image60
    skristoffposted 14 years ago

    I always felt that crochet was easier, but what you can do with it was more limiting than knit pieces.  I have a cashmere blend knit scarf with a funky rib on the needles now, and I need to start on a baby blanket for a baby shower in a month or so.

  19. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

    Crocheting some decorative fun fur onto flip flops to put out in the yard sale in a month and working on finishing the king sized blanket for my daughter for Christmas.

    I am also doing some crocheted edging on pink fleece material and two pieces of preprinted and quilted blankets and then there are the three small pieces of fleece I am adding edging to which will all get put out at the yard sale.

    If the items don't go there then I will take some pics and post them on my artfire account and my myspace.

  20. Cirdon profile image60
    Cirdonposted 14 years ago

    I'm just learning crochet, so I'm just doing a basic baby hooded afghan (seriously basic, sc, dc, dc, dc in the sc, sc in the next sc, repeat for 28"). Even as a lefty, I found crochet to be really easy to learn (you just do the rows backward!). I haven't tried knitting yet, though it's good to know that there are ambidextrous methods to knitting.

    I'm currently using 100% acrylic yarn that I got at JoAnn Fabrics (specifically, those 1-pound balls, they had them on sale). Once I get better (and have more money to spend), I'd like to work with natural fiber yarns. I think Alpaca/Llama wool yarn would be awesome.

  21. zadrobi profile image59
    zadrobiposted 14 years ago

    I just wanted to say:

    This has to be the best thread I've ever stumbled across.

  22. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 14 years ago

    "Best thread...."  Not bad, Zadrobi!

    I've never learned to either knit or crochet but was the grateful recipient of several crochet craft products from wife #2 (Carolyn) and wife #3 (Rose).  (Of 6 ex-wives)  Most colorful award to Carolyn for a brilliant alternation of blue and red rows in a throw that graced the back of my Mom's couch for many years.  Best survival factor award:  Rose, for a long chocolate brown scarf that wrapped around my face during many a subzero winter day in the oilpatch during my days as a trucker in eastern Montana (once during a wind chill of 72 below zero).

    I never knock a lady who's good with needles. big_smile

  23. Ivorwen profile image64
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    Your funny, Ghost.

  24. zadrobi profile image59
    zadrobiposted 14 years ago

    smile I am very pleased that you caught that ghost.

  25. Blogging Erika profile image67
    Blogging Erikaposted 14 years ago

    My #1 favorite yarn is Cascade 220.  It comes in just about every color, and is really affordable - $7 for 220 yards, that's better than a lot of the Lion Brand stuff you'll find at the big box craft stores.

  26. Ivorwen profile image64
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    I've heard of Cascade 220 several times, but never have seen it in a store.  Where do you get it from?

  27. cluense profile image71
    cluenseposted 14 years ago

    I am knitting a Lavender/Purple Trim Poncho for my 9 year old daughter and a set of pink slippers for my 3 year old girls. I just taught myself to knit and I love it. After dinner is done and the girls are all ready for bed, we cuddle up with a good movie and I knit away. It is very relaxing! Now my 9 year old wants me to teach her. That has made my heart sing with joy! smile

  28. profile image0
    Audreveaposted 14 years ago

    Crotchet. It never looks like much but is much easier to master and is more relaxing (for me) than knitting. Having said that, I only really know how to make those 70s multicoloured rugs in grouped treble clusters ...and I really don't want one for the house lol.

  29. Kathy Rimel profile image60
    Kathy Rimelposted 14 years ago

    I started out knitting when I was about 10 years old.  My aunt came to visit us every spring and she was an avid knitter.  She facinated me so much she helped me learn.  Later as I got older I switched to crocheting.  I did that for over thirty years and really enjoyed it.

  30. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

    crochet big_smile

  31. heart4theword profile image60
    heart4thewordposted 14 years ago

    Knitting and crochet, is good for me:)  Purses used to be my nitch, then scarves.  Now, it is knitting scarves, with wool.  I did knit a scarve out of alpaca, it was more itchy then the wool yarns I had purchased.  Found some awesome yarn, called Schulana Trevari. 

    Most recent project:  Knitting a scarf, that looks like triangles joined together.  These were made for Christmas presents, for my nieces. 

    Have been a part of a knitting circle, it is awesome!

  32. vickypenman1 profile image62
    vickypenman1posted 14 years ago

    I am just learning to knit and i love it! my mum has knitted since she was 4! My mum owns a wool and haberdashery shop so i get free wool mostly, i can only knit baby hats, mitts and bootees so far, my 2 sisters are pregnant so i am knitting for them. its a great hobbie and relaxing and good when you finish an item x i wrote my first hub yesterday about the basics of teaching yourself knitting, check it out.

  33. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

    i love knitting.  Made my first jumper when i was 10.  When my kids were young i used to knit for shops.

    I have been more into card making, cross stitch, and other crafts for ages, and of course writing.

    Whilst in England last week i bought some knitting patterns, and yesterday made some dolls clothes for my grandaughter

         It may become my next obsession

  34. profile image0
    seasoningposted 14 years ago

    i just cannot crochet.  Know a few stitches, but never really learnt how to follow a pattern,  shame as it grows quicker than knitting

  35. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

    I love crochet. I've got a huge project going of a king size blanket right now for my daughter. Just 10 rows and the border left.

  36. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

    could you show us a picture of it when it is done, did you follow a pattern.....?

  37. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

    I can certainly do that. The pattern is a simple one, actually it prob is the easiest out there. I chose my colors and then had to figure out exactly how long the beginning chain needed to be, instead of counting chains for this I did it as a measurement.

    Her bed is a California King and roughly 5 feet across. I wanted it to hang over the sides so I added an additional 3 feet to my starting chain. I then did a double crochet from there on out using each color. The first color has three rows of double crochet, then I switched to another color for two rows, switched again for six rows then there is a lighter color for two rows, then back to the second color. I have one solid section, followed by a solid section, then the sections break up as I used a variegated yarn.

    So simple pattern 3, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2.

    At this point I created a middle section starting with the main first color for 6 rows, then 2 rows of the light color, and a single row of varigated color. Once I had that middle row I have just been working opposite to finish it.

    Once the last row of the first color is finished I will go around the whole thing with a single crochet in the lighter color for two times. At the corners I do a triple single crochet in the corner stitch to created a rounded edge and that is all there is too it.

    I use this pattern a lot for baby blankets too. Much smaller and faster to work up. I find it is easier to measure the chain length with this one than to count chains since you aren't needing to make any fancy design work. Plus you can work it up in single crochet, double, half-double or triple depending on what your preference is at the time.

    I'll post the pic as soon as I get it done at the end of this week. Prob in a hub I'm working on about them for the new romance hub mob topic.

    EDIT: Came back to tell you I used Red Heart Med. Worsted Weight Yarn for this project. Finished size will be 8 ft. wide and 5.5 ft long. so it won't cover the entire bed because a standard California King is Six feet long. She wanted it to hang off the sides and a bit at the bottom but not cover the bed completely. To cover the bed completely you would need to adjust the number of rows you did adding in approximately 15 to 20 more rows.

  38. cluense profile image71
    cluenseposted 14 years ago

    I just purchased a knitting machine I found on for my daughters 10th birthday. It is on sale and at 30% off. I want to teach her how to knit however, her attention span is not that great. So, I figured if she can see quick and beautiful results that she created, perhaps she will show more of an interest in it. I was very fortunate to have my grandmother teach me to Knit, Crochet, and Sew!

    smile Now back to knit one, pearl two. I'm making a purple snuggie. I got the sewing pattern off of e-bay and converted it to a knit pattern.

  39. mystixsprings profile image66
    mystixspringsposted 14 years ago

    I like to crochet.  I find that it is fast and you get instant gratification.  I took a class on crocheting with wire.  It was fun and I made a nice necklace which I got many complements on.

  40. profile image0
    SewDanishposted 14 years ago

    I'm knitting rag socs for my husband. He uses them indoors like slippers. The yarn is a lovely multicoloured wool, Japanese Noro. I had started crocheting a shawl from the wool, but changed my mind and unravelled it and started knitting socs instead. When travelling on planes I usually bring wool and a wooden chrochet hook.

  41. Inspiration101 profile image61
    Inspiration101posted 14 years ago

    I love crocheting. It's so easy and I find it faster than knitting. For those who want to learn. There's a lot of YouTube video tutorials. No better way to learn than being able to watch someone actually do it, pause, rewind etc. Another reason I love the internet!

  42. Greek One profile image63
    Greek Oneposted 14 years ago

    knit.. crocheting sounds so dirty!

  43. Suzanne Day profile image92
    Suzanne Dayposted 13 years ago

    I love crotcheting as it's faster. I've been developing a range of sari yarn projects, which have amazing colours and are pretty easy to do!

  44. lindacee profile image86
    lindaceeposted 13 years ago

    I have done both in the past, but I am thinking of taking up knitting again because of the versatility it provides. I would like to begin with simple things like scarves and a little sweater for my pooch, then move on to more complicated projects.

  45. Barbara Kay profile image74
    Barbara Kayposted 13 years ago

    I spend most of my needlecraft time crocheting, mainly making scarves, mittens and baby things.

    I like a yarn that is soft to the feel. Because the only yarn store I have close by is mainly for weavers,I can't find many unusual or natural yarns.

    I would like to learn to knit.

  46. profile image52
    Azuarmythposted 13 years ago

    My hunny and I are currently crocheting scarves. He's using a nice bamboo yarn in two different shades. I'm crocheting with varigated boucle yarn using granny squares smile I lurves the granny squares.

  47. Greek One profile image63
    Greek Oneposted 13 years ago


    1. profile image52
      Azuarmythposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Eek, I'd have to say no on that one. I'd much rather crochet.

      1. Greek One profile image63
        Greek Oneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        then we are mortal enemies

    2. Joy56 profile image66
      Joy56posted 13 years agoin reply to this


      1. Greek One profile image63
        Greek Oneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        how dare you!!!

  48. Joy56 profile image66
    Joy56posted 13 years ago

    i love to knit, and you are right there are a great many new patterns out nos, i go on line to a site called I think raverlry .com... so addivtive

  49. Hotplate profile image61
    Hotplateposted 13 years ago

    I prefer latex myself

    1. KoffeeKlatch Gals profile image76
      KoffeeKlatch Galsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am crocheting little Christmas tree ornaments for next years Christmas.  It's never too early to start.

  50. profile image0
    WildIrisposted 13 years ago

    To knit or crochet, that is the question...Knitting turns out a more polished product, but crochet is fast. I just discovered a mock style of Tunisian crochet for blankets that produces a fine fabric--Nice effect, especially for baby blankets.

    I've been knitting hats for the last month from cotton yarn bought local. One thing I've learned during my recent knitting spree is not all yarns are created equal. That lovely, soft alpaca I though would make a beautiful hat made a boat of a hat that continues to grow. The cotton yarn I used for my Christmas hats does not fair well in the washing machine and looks like a dull antique after a wash.

    I did learn how to create my own hat pattern to use with any gauge fiber, and I found a yarn suitable for making a light weight pair of socks.

    Good luck with your Hub.


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