I know that this is the most asked question here, but I'd still really appreciate it if anybody answered.
I've been on Hubpages for about 6 months now, and I've just published my 7th Hub, and I'm starting to write a few more. As of right now, I have 239 total views, and each Hub has roughly 36 views. I haven't applied for Google Adsense or Amazon yet, since I don't think I have enough Hubs published yet (I'll apply after I've published 10 to 12)
I have a Twitter account that I use to create backlinks, but I don't know how strong they are exactly.
What else can I do to get more readers?
Thank you, and happy holidays!
This guy is on HubPages and his article is very good http://sunseven.hubpages.com/hub/How_To … _Your_Site
The most effective thing I've ever done to get readers was publish more Hubs. A Hub takes about three years to reach its peak of traffic, according to admin.
What do you mean by this? Do you mean that Hubs only really start getting traffic after 3 years of being published, or do you mean that your Hubs will decline with traffic after 3 years? Plus most of my hubs only have a Hubscore of 60-80. My best Hub only got 200 views after a month, would you consider this good or bad?
I can't answer for Relache - but I've personally had hubs that I'd published, and then practically forgotten about...because they had nothing much for traffic, then - after six months time - they'd literally explode with search engine traffic.
I don't have any three years old, or even two years old - and the ones that are over a year old and closer to two years old are not increasing in traffic at all, really, but rather - are at very nice and sustainable levels of traffic - the good ones, that is.
To me, six months has been a much more valid time or "aging" date from whence the article will become favourable for search engines.
I have given up. But I continue to plod.
Like everything else, "it depends" us the real answer.
I have been very impressed by Hubpages juice to my hubs. Like you, I couldn't care less about keyword research or picking topics to write about - I write what I want to write and if not many ever read it, so what? I don't backlink other than G+, some Facebook, some Twitter.
At my business site, I get 150,000 views a month and before Panda it was 250K. I didn't promote anything there either - I just wrote stuff about a now effectively extinct operating system that people found useful.
I really think that unless you are going to try to scam Google (and we do have people here who do that), that's the big non-secret: write stuff people will want to read.
If it is worth reading, it will get shared, it will get organic backlinks and traffic will grow.
Keyword research can help you find things to write about, it can help you play games with Google, but it can't help you write what people want to read.
I would disagree with this, but ONLY in the area of keyword research.
It usually takes me an hour or more to find a title, complete with keywords. Mostly because, while I have a subject, I often don't know what people search for when trying to find that subject. That's where the research comes in - finding just what people type into google as search terms to find what I want to write about.
After just a short amount of time - that all becomes evident to you anyway via Hubpages Hub Metrics in the stats on each and every hub.
Sure, if you like doing that, I think it's great. I hate that stuff though. Boring.
Do remember this though: Google doesn't tell you what keywords indicate that someone will click on your ads, or share a link to your page or plus-1 it or mention you in a newspaper or magazine article..
And it won't replace good writing. Help it, of course. But not replace it.
Total agreement - and I've already decided that you're the go to guy for computer things. I'm beyond certain that you deserve every bit of the traffic you get, and then some here and on your other site.
I did give a link to something of yours off this site to a webmaster that I know, and he was thrilled with it, as he wanted to move to Unix/Linux OS already.
This is what I notice to mu hubs... as they gets older they get better especially those well-written ones...
Sorry for the amount of questions in my reply!
Yes. My old hubs are getting traffic from Google search engine. Post hubs and wait. You will get traffic from Google later, probably after few months.
Hi Cardia,
By far and across I'm no expert at this, and I've only been here for a little over a month, but the easiest thing you can do is make sure you're using ideal keywords. For example, open one of your hubs and then in another browser window open the Google Keyword Tool, which you can find by typing "Google Keyword Tool" in to a Google search. Type some phrases you think people may enter in a search engine to find your article. A list of potential phrases will appear that shows how many hits that specific phrase gets and what the competition for those keywords are like. I prefer using key phrases that are no longer than three words, have a high search rate and low competition. Also, I think Hubpages may ding you if you enter more than 20 tags, so I like to keep it less than that. I've had success to this point: 53 hubs over five weeks and around 3,500 page views. Also, I removed my Amazon ads because people weren't really clicking on them and I didn't like how they made my page look in combination with all the ads. Because I don't use anything other than the Hubpages ad program, I unclick the box in the Settings section that says that hub may be viewed as commercial because of the ads from external companies. I don't know if that helps, but I've been doing that to see if those hubs go up. Also, when it's convenient, I add at least 5 photos so users can view a slideshow if they want. The photos are always relevant and often illustrate the steps. I think this may also increase my page views somehow. My page views per day is increasing steadily, so I feel like I'm doing something right. I'll definitely follow this topic to see what advice you get from other people.
Best of luck,
Thanks Max! The Google Adwords Tool is pretty helpful! I'm now going through my Hubs, and trying to make my keywords better.
I would have thought that unchecking the 'this hub may be viewed as commercial' box, would effectively kill your earnings. All the adverts that appear on your Hubs are related to HP if you are on the HP Ad program, even if the Ads you are seeing are Adsense Ads. Essentially if you are with HP's Ad program all the adverts you see get paid to you by HP Ads program, with the exception of the last square block Ad at the bottom right side of each Hub. This block alone gets paid to you by Adsense directly. If you suggest the Hub is not commercial I am not sure exactly what happens, but would assume you cease to have Adverts appear on your article at all, or at least cease to be paid for any that do! You might want to double check this with the HP Team, or with other Hubbers who have been here a long while, but this is how I assumed it worked.
While it may be true that a really well put together, and well written attractive hub page about a subject that isn't ubiquitous all over the net may draw it's own traffic due to it's quality without narry a backlink......
.....I still suggest you do just a tad bit more backlinking.
My list isn't long or impressive, but here you go:
Google +
Google bookmarks
Best Reviewer
A1 Webmarks - new user registration is suspended for that site, however.
Live Journal
I wouldn't ever suggest just up and doing all those backlinks at once. I seldom even link to all of those sites for any one hub....those are just sites that I currently use.
Someone asked this question in the Q and A the other day, and I looked at their hubs...or one of them, and it was a well written hub about a great subject that I'd never heard of before - so surely I thought it should perform well enough....except the person hadn't put a title or heading over any of their images, or the map that they'd provided....you simply must title or give a heading to your images and other capsules including the most relevant keywords for that image, map, poll, video, or whatever - that's simple on page search engine optimization. I only typed that out here as I've not looked at yours.
I'm also not the traffic or money master here at Hubpages - I write about whatever I flipping feel like writing about, and I absolutely never research keywords. I don't care about competition, or whether or not anyone on the net is actually looking for information on what I write about at all. I know that should I present something well enough....folks will become interested in it enough for my suiting as it is.
Thanks for the back-linking list Wesman.
I have most of those in play but some were still new to me.
I would also add that it can really help to have back-links from YouTube.
I should add that I also used to use Article Blast, which is a very good dofollow backlink with which you can write a short summary of your hub, the link, a picture or a dozen, videos, and whatever else.
I've not been to Article Blast in several months, but whenever I get sort of burned out on writing....I'll go there and do the deal.
Oh, and that should have said "FOLK'D"
Thanks again. Anyone know about using RSS feeds for traffic or page rank? I have no experience with that and I have heard that when its done right it is quite powerful. It seems to me like sort of hidden tool that the true masters use.
I like this question, and I liked all of the answers. Not that I'm an expert, because I don't get a whole lot of traffic.
However, I have to say that Relache's answer is the one I like the most. Nobody has to agree with me, of course. I just think that writing new Hubs is what helps the most. I haven't published a new Hub in a long time, and it shows.
I notice that when I do publish a hub, I get some higher numbers for a while.
Besides, Relache is quite prolific, so she should know. But, her Hubs are also interesting and well-written, so I'm sure that counts.
As far as the SEO and Google search terms --- or whatever you kids are calling them nowadays --- I really have no clue. I don't even know what that's about. I can't use something like that.
I'll just have to stick with the old-fashioned method of trying to write well, about topics that I care or know about, and hope people like them. I try not to write when I'm tired or don't really understand the topic. I try not to write when I'd rather be doing something else.
Also, go over old Hubs and improve or update things, or correct mistakes you may have missed.
Thanks again for a great question, and a lot of great answers.
I'm no expert, but I've been hubbing for over a year now. The best thing I believe you can do at your point is to start writing more hubs. You need to get a decent body of work finished. I don't worry too much about keywords. They do matter, but since so many here do the same thing, I often find that when I choose my title for my hub, and begin to post it, my title has already been taken! So it's a waste of time. Write about what you like, and stuff you know about. But keep at it. I didn't see significant traffic until I got about 50 hubs written. Now I get about 3,000 views a day. It's not alot, but I get paid. And I love to write, I have a blog, I've published a book, and am beginning to write on another site, but the jury is out on that yet, it's still too new. I don't want to discourage you, but 7 hubs in 6 months is a very low writing amount. In the beginning, I was writing 3 hubs a week. They don't have to be long, 400 words is the minimum (though I tend to write until I say all I want, and that gets long). If you came to HP thinking it was easy, I can understand it. They say, sign up, write hubs, make money. It's misleading, because I see poor people from India and Jamaica that write in and say, "I wrote two hubs, where is my money?" Concentrate on building up a portfolio of work, and pick a subject or niche that you really like. Best of luck to you!
Somebody did a really good hub on RSS feeds. I thought I had bookmarked it but I guess not. It is usually Miss Olive and Cardisa who write about this stuff.
I just read through a couple hubs from MissOlive and she had some good tips. It wasn't perfectly clear how to set one up though so I just did a search and it looks like there are some other quality hubs that I need to read through too. I love learning new stuff.
I stopped using RSS feeds. I got sick of staff unpublishing a hub because the RSS feed contained links to unrelated hubs.
The key to receiving more traffic is having a higher google ranking. By doing this you need to make sure you have a large amount of backlinks. Check out Redgage they give you a free, medium pr backlink.
Thanks for all the pointers. I agree that a quality hub says a lot. I take time to write a quality hub and it will take me days to finish because I want to provide substance. My hubs may not peak people's immediate interest, but, I believe they are useful and entertaining and affects our daily lives. However, a sign of $$$ would be welcoming news, and hope, soon.
You will find your own effective ways to get traffic to your hubs over time as you learn your way but for now.
- Write more hubs
- Write articles on 3 different article sites, with each article being about the same niche (subject) but each of the 3 articles are still well written and unique. Link in the author resource box a link back to your Hub.
- Do this as often as you can
- After six months your article traffic and natural Google search traffic will incrementally climb.
- Repeat this process as it is totally free
Whilst you are doing this learn as much as you can about keywords and backlinking for traffic. But you need to do this ethically, so don't go hunting out link farms and traffic exchanges, they are sh*t anyway and will hurt you in the short term.
Go and read hubs by Relache, Sunforged, Darkside, Thisisoli, Ryankett, Mark Knowles, RebeccaE. These are all people who have been in this game longer than me and they all have hubs with relevant, useful and important information about backlinking, traffic and creating Hubs that I ebeleive know what they are talking about and I trust.
Hope that helps answer your question.
by sir_tallest 12 years ago
Where do you get topics or keywords you use when you write your blog or hubsI have been looking for good keywords and topics to write with but somehow I have not found keywords nor nice topics,,,,please can you share your ideas with me
by Karen Wilton 13 years ago
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