In the coming months, we will be adding categories to HubPages. In conjunction with the current tagging, this will make it easier to find related hubs.
Before we launch this new feature, we wanted to get your feedback. Getting categories right is difficult and the best way to get there is with your help.
Below is the top-level categories that we are planning to use. I will add links as they are available for review:
* Arts & Crafts
* Automotive
* Books & Writing
* Business & Jobs
* Entertainment
* Fashion & Beauty
* Food
* Games, Toys & Hobbies
* Gender & Relationships
* Health
* Holidays & Special Occasions
* HubPages
* Home & Family
* Knowledge & Education
* Personal Finance
* Pets & Animals
* Politics & Social Issues
* Religion & Beliefs
* Sports & Recreation
* Technology
* Travel & Places
In the coming weeks, we will be presenting each of these top level categories in further detail. Have any questions about these categories or feel that there's a high level category that we missed, please let us know.
I have written a blog post explaining the rationale if you are interested.
Sounds great, Larry!
The only thing that I can think of that'd be a great help is: sub level categories within each top level category... BUT THEN AGAIN... i just read the blog post...
3-levels deep!
Oh, and "Art & Writing" possibly "Arts & Writing" ...
I write a little poetry and articles on issues as they relate to the environment/nature but cannot see anything that is actually applicable maybe you could think about adding this category to your lists......cheers and thanks
Hi Larry I am looking forward to seeing the new development, great Idea; you could also add a humor category as alot of hubs are written with the intention of having a laugh and a joke, take care.....jimmy
Yes definitely Humor like Jimmy said. And Crafts, I bet quite a few people would be looking there for handy work which sometimes is or isn't included under the arts umbrella. Great idea once again Hubteam. regards Zsuzsy
I agree on the crafts big time . Many of us crafters would love this category
This is an exciting development, may I also recommend a Poetry category as their are quite a few poets on HubPages!!
Hear! Hear! on the poetry category!
spiritual as in non-caustic non-religious would be great too.
thanks, d
love the expression "non-caustic non-religious" --
This could be under writing. In addition there is a lot of good fiction here as well as poetry.
How about Performing Arts? Dance, opera and theatre don't belong under "Art", and the "Entertainment" category tends to get overwhelmed with celebrity stuff rather than serious performing arts.
We were planning to make Performing Arts a subcategory of Art & Writing, but you might have a point. We could rename the category "Arts & Writing" as ProCW suggested.
We were also planning to have crafts be a subcategory of Art(s) & Writing.
Humor would fall under Entertainment, I believe.
Color therapy might fit under alternative medicine within the Health & Beauty category ...
That would be fine so long as the "s" on Arts doesn't get lost along the way!
Or split Celebrity out on itself and then you could have an art/performanc/music category?
These types of things actually do usually fall under the "art" category. Someone recommended calling it "arts" which would make it clearer for these types of arts.
Poetry would be a subcategory of Art & Writing and spirituality would fall under Religion & Beliefs. (We added "& Beliefs" to the name for this very reason.)
Color Therapy is not a religion or belief so it would fit more into a non religous spiritual category. Same goes for things like Chakras, Kundalini and the like.
Would you have a category for everything else that doesn't fit a specific category? I found it difficult fitting some of my articles in Helium for example, simply because I wasn't sure about categories.
To make an "everything else" category is to make an organizational snarl.
You are right. In my own categories I have an "Odds' Ends" category.
And -- like others-- I think "humor/satire/silliness" could be a separate category. Entertainment seems like movies, music etc.
Thanks for the new features. Makes all of us look better!
LG, there are a few places that Chakras, kundalini, Reiki and such topics would fit, but would likely be best placed under Health, as they're subjects within the realm of alternative medicine like Fawntia said. Color therapy is, by definition, a form of alternative medicine, so putting it and topics like it under that heading would work well.
I like the category idea, Larry, Fawntia. I think, too, that this list looks great as far as top-tier categories go.
I strongly suggest an "environment" category. ANd/or a sustainablity category. These are the hot topics of the coming year's decades. And hey, everything else on the list depends on what we do or don't do to our environment. Cheers!
May I suggest an Event Planning category?
I see that you have plans for a Birthdays and Holidays category. Many event planning articles would of course fall into this category -- but hubs about reunions, christenings, anniversaries, graduation ceremonies, weddings and more would not fit so easily into this category. Broadening the category to call it Event Planning -- or perhaps just Events -- might work a bit better.
In addition, some writers may prefer to use the Birthdays and Holidays category to write about origins, traditions, alternatives, etc, rather than offering standard event planning tips. Calling the category Events might work better for this purpose.
There is a great deal of public interest in event planning, and people are becoming increasingly likely to search online for advice when planning any sort of party or celebration. Sites geared toward answering event planning questions receive tons of traffic. Many hubbers are already contributing hubs with event planning advice, so this may be a category worth considering.
By the way, I think adding categories is a great idea -- but I can certainly appreciate that it will be a daunting task, much trickier than most of us can imagine. Thank you for tackling it -- and good luck!
1. Photo Gallery Category is needed - This is a good opportunity to give a separate Category to Photo Gallery Hubbers - This will avoid photo hubs getting mixed up with articles. This was the greatest demand by hubbers in this site. I hope this step will make everyone happy.
2. Product Reviews - It is better to make it a top level category as more people now a days depend on reviews before buying a product or before doing anything.
3. The category "Home & Family" will be better if named "Real Estate & Home"
4. The category "Gender & Relationships " will be better if named "Relationships & Family"
I agree a "categories" feature would, along with the tags, be an improvement. Many of the hubs I've written could fit into a variety of categories, but often like a square peg in a round hole. For that reason, I would like to see a category used by at least one other social Website I know -- that would be "pure opinion." It's a kind of catch-all like "Odds & Ends" or "Everything Else," but I think more definitive.
This new added feature will also cure the age old problem about the HOTpicture hubs. So everyone should be happy.
I appreciate what the team has proposed. I myself will be able to work with the categories fine, the way the Hubteam has set it up. Having those sub-headings will make it just perfect.
Thanks Team. regards Zsuzsy
How about the "Self Help" category? or "New Age" It combines spirituality (without religion) and holistic wellness, much like what Gamegirl is talking about. All major bookstores have these sections.
Larry, I think the categories are just fine to start out with. Everything that has been suggested in this thread is actually covered by the top levels you've proposed. What people keep suggesting is really just drilling down to specifics.
What about leadership/personal development? And if someone wrote a hub on say, autism or cancer or the like, what category would that fit in? I kind of like the idea of a "How to" category. I know each individual "how to" hub can fit into one of these categories, but what if I wanted to just browse them all to see what I could learn?
Every one have one or two things which he knows how to do it better, why is not there a "Do It Yourself" category?
I really like the look of the categories listed with one possible exception, I just can't rationalize why birthdays & holidays goes together, maybe it's a British thing versus an American thing.
Wonder if anyone would be kind enough to explain.
Hi Brian,
In America, many holidays celebrate someone's birthday. In the US, Martin Luther King's Birthday is a national holiday and we also celebrate President's Day which occurs in the same month as the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, February.
In the US, people are often given floating holidays known as personal days as part of their benefits at work. These can be for religious holidays not covered by the company calendar or for birthdays.
Why do you always miss "ELECTRONICS". I am an electronics engineer and can publish great stuff related to electronics. I include them in "Technology" since there is NO ELECTRONICS Option.
I think "Weird Stuff" or "Off The Wall" type thing is missing.
Otherwise where oh where will my pubic hair hubs sit best? (Don't answer that)
Also from my side, I always like to see "Music" separated out from "Enetertainment" if possible but that may just be me. It's worth a high level category of its own
Remember guys, this is going to be a three-tier system, so for example:
Food would be the top tier category, and then under that you would have Recipes and then under that you could have Vegetarian, Low Fat, etc.. Top tier categories should be VERY broad, VERY recognizeable and not seriously limiting. Let the second tier narrow things down a little more, and then the third tier narrow even more.
Thanks to everyone for all your comments! This is great. :-)
I think when we show the proposed breakdown for each of these top level categories, it will become clearer how many of the topics listed fit in. We plan to start posting these details this week.
No category scheme is going to work for everyone but we'll try our best to represent at first level or second level all the most popular topics on HubPages.
You guys would know best about it, too, since you have access to data from every single hub written so far (even the unpublished ones half-done) and I'm sure whatever you guys come up with will be fantastic!
Thank you for all the hard work you folks put in, even if I am jealous of the location your offices are at!
I'm looking forward to getting a Games, Toys and Hobbies category! I've been writing in that vein since I started (along with science, tech, and other nerdly/geeky things etc.) and I've had to put all those hubs in entertainment, which is broad and awfully vague.
Humor, Crafts, Poetry, Advice... as well as all the categories listed ... excellent additions to the HubPages format.
Oops cannot forget recipes as we all seem to somehow and sometime , tend to hunt for new dishes to make.
Wierd & Unusual category? n where would UFO experiences and miscellaneous go? lol
I write on heavy machinery and equipment elsewhere, and some other rather odd engineering bits on automotive workshop equipment.
I will scan the categories to see if I can find a fit.
Without wishing to appear old fashioned what about the old fashioned "miscellaneous" ?
Miscellaneous is dangerous, because everyone who thinks their Hub isnt an exact fit will choose Miscellaneous and it will end up huge!
I'm with Misha, Law, or Law & Order perhaps under the Politics and Social Issues unbrella. Perhaps a category called From the Heart with a sub category of Life/Personal Stories. Under Home and Family umbrella, a sub category of Decorating/Decorating How-tos and maybe Family Vacations. Instead of Birthdays and Holidays, perhaps Astrology and Birthdays?
Most of my hubs are on Psychology of one sort or another.
Did anyone ask for Holidays?
Maybe it sounds sad or pessimistic, but a portion of my hubs are on Cancer, which i find as a category on other sites. There are a lot of hubs here on cancer prevention and various types of cancer.
I wrote a hub about the body and how it can be done weird things with such as the laying on nails and walking on fire--I don't remember what category I put that in, but there wasn't a real fit either.
I suggested "Weird Stuff" so it'd slot nicely in there with my pubic hair hubs!
Hey Larry... Here's an idea...
create a hub or two or ten that lists all the categories, subcategories and sub-subcategories attach a poll based on each ... and um... let the hubbers vote on them...
what do ya think?
Hi ProCW,
The problem there is that we would have to first come up with the list of candidates that get voted on and then wait for people to vote. :-)
Our plan is to present a new set each day and see what discussion emerges and then fine tune the categories based on the discussion.
They have a category system like this on Helium.
It was all fine, except when the article you wanted to publish didn't fit anywhere or at least not anywhere that was great for the work's exposure. When that was the case, you had to email Helium with a new category to see if they would approve it and wait for an answer.
I don't know if that's changed or not, haven't been there for awhile, but am wondering if it will create extra work for the team. Also, not being able to write and submit for an extra hour/day while waiting for the answer was frustrating.
Not trying to be negative, honest.
How about self improvement or personal growth articles? Where does that fit?
Now you know I am going to say Green - carbon offsetting
this is kind of selfish, but there do seem to be a lot of people here with an interest in autism. i would appreciate this as a category, but probably you should see what others think.
Great suggestion. At this point, I would put autism under Medicine which falls under Science & Education.
I am really happy that hubpages is finally starting on adding categories. Its the one thing that I felt hubpages was lacking. Yes tags are fine, but sometimes you just want to look at hubs by categories. Thank You
Maybe I missed this amongst the many comments but: Can a hub be in more than one category and/or sub-category? I can think of lots of hubs of mine that would cut across a few of these categories.
A hub can only be in one category at a time. You can change the category later if you decide another category fits better.
I may have missed it, but will we have to go back and add all current hubs to these categories?
Hi Whitney,
We will be providing tools to help categorize existing hubs. We are trying to make it as painless as possible.
Larryfreeman, this idea is absolutely encouraging, I support the categories and assure you my full contribution particularly on the political and social issues, but how do we participate?
Hi El-Said,
To categorize your previous hubs, just select the "my account" tab and then click on the "Categories" link.
For new hubs, just select your category when you create the hub.
If you find we are missing any major categories, please post on the forum.
Larry, I'd like your opinion, please.
What do you think is the best category for the HubNuggets hubs? Hubs about hubs?
Hi Shirley,
How about:
HubPages/Hubs about Hubs/Exploring & Discovering New Hubs
Hi okmom23,
autism is found in:
Health/Diseases & Conditions/Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
lol, painless...there are so many levels of that now n I not goin there,
Hubpages team:
Just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with the categories you came up with. I've had a few hubs where I've though to myself "No way will they have a category for this hub to fit into." And then, sure enough, you do.
I'm very glad to hear that the categories are working well for you.
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