Dear Hubstaff staff ppl,
Look at dear Nelly
I am shining a giant H in the sky... please answer me this.
She has 7 hubs... all "how to" hubs I believe... she has 7 followers and is following 8... approx. She is taking part on the forum. This is what bothers me... not, 'Why is her score not higher' but 'Why are there ppl with NO hubs, following NO ONE, with NO followers and they have scores in the 70's?' We've heard it said that the hubber score is a non essential, right? Like the human appendix. We've also read the ways to raise it (well other ppl have read, Ive just heard). We seem to have some collective belief that there are things we can do to control it... similar to the way we control which way the water spins in our toilets... by choosing which hemisphere we are going to live on. We ask again if you could either remove or revise the hubber score... or at least... make it make sense. Most the time it doesn't bother me, it's just whatever, but for what ever reason... this really bugs me. Someone really putting forth their best effort plummeting 20 points below someone who just opened an account to spam us etc... it's just not right. Thank you lovely Hubstaff staffers for listening.
Hugs and kisses
and finally, on behalf of the British...
I read through a couple of her Hubs. There are a lot of grammatical errors, and some of them seem repetitive. I am not saying her score is right or wrong, just that those issues may have effected her score.
Right... but of course my point isn't the same old point that keeps being made. No! It's a fresh, new and interesting point! It's the point of "Why is her score lower than someone who hasn't even posted one hub?" That is irksome... well to me anyway.
Well, yeah, you are right about that. It makes no sense. Joe So-and-so just joins HubPages, has no Hubs, one follower, and that's it, and has a HubScore of 75, while Ann SoForth has 7 hubs, participates (a little) in the forums, has numerous followers and has a HuScore of 65. It makes no sense.
Think about it like this, every new person starts at the same level. What you do from there, raises or lowers that level. If your work is good, etc, the level goes up. If your work is not good, it goes down. If you do nothing, it stays at that level you started at.
That was the only explanation that made sense to me too... but then why not start the bar off at zero? I can't imagine how hard it would be to put so much time and effort into this and look up and see a 59 or whatever when some spammer with no hubs is at a 73... it just seems so discouraging.
Forum Queen, I say respectfully: A Hubber score of 59 indicates serious issues, and in the example you cited they are glaringly obvious. Perhaps a Hubber with such a low score should take a look at the reasons for that score instead of worrying about the scores of others. I think everyone here should be encouraged, but I don't think time and effort should trump results.
I do agree that people with no Hubs shouldn't have scores that high, I guess, but as long as they aren't over 85 what difference does it make if they are 73 or 23? If people are looking to their Hubber scores for warm and fuzzy feelings of accomplishment they're focused on the wrong thing here.
Ok, and maybe that is my point... I still dont like the idea of someone knocking themself out and doing their best while someone else does nothing and rises above.
I think that if we start everyone at 0, and they start writing hubs and participating, the score will go up, but it will be meaningless, because the Hubber is not sure if what they are doing is good or not. They may think they just need to keep doing more of the same things to have it keep going up.
But, if, as in this case, the score goes down, they can see that they are doing something wrong, and hopefully take some actions (such as reviewing hubs for spelling and grammar mistakes) that will help themselves and the community as a whole.
I dont know. A chart like 5 pts for writing a hub, 5 points for getting it published... etc etc. I mean it would be clear cut and you could see it gaining and know exactly why. Same with losing points... a chart with an explanation.
HubPages is not willing to give you a precise list of things to do to increase the score, because people will then try to game the system.
The main thing to consider is that HubberScore now more closely reflects the specific HubScores assigned to all of your Hub content.
There is no set X point for Y activity.
This entry explains the basics of how it works. … d_13970188
Ok senor, but as I skim that article... the one thing I see in almost every sentence is the word "hub". Meaning the "hubber score" is a direct result of our "hubs". How is it proper that someone with zero hubs has nearly 20 points on someone putting out a lot of effort into their nearly ten hubs? This is my main point of contention.
From the Learning Center article linked above.
Factors used to compute Hubber Score include:
The collective HubScores of your Hubs
Your activity in the Forums
Your support of other Hubbers through comments
The number and quality of Questions you ask
The number and quality of Answers you have given
In general, your Hubber Score is meant to not only reflect the collective quality and success of your Hubs, but also the contributions you have made to the community as a whole.
So when some one with no hubs, who Ive never seen on the forum shows up with a score in the 70's... that score would be a collective of these 3 things:
Your support of other Hubbers through comments
The number and quality of Questions you ask
The number and quality of Answers you have given
Surely someone on the hubstaff might be able to look at that and say... hey... they really shouldn't have a score in the 70s while someone who is writing actual hubs, though imperfect they may be, still with a great amount of effort flounders at a 59. All Im saying is... I think this system is broken. Do you think it's broken? Tell me it's a good system and I just don't understand it and I will believe you. Im like that... Ive got a lot of faith.
Matthew, this suggests that the collective scores of our hubs factor into our overall score. Since unpublished hubs are calculated into the score on MyAccount page, I guess I need to delete all my unpublished hubs until I can revise them and republish? They were featured at the time I unpublished them, now their scores have plummeted - I assume, due to no traffic.
There is nothing about the HubScore and the user you mentioned that seems to be out of the ordinary or contrary to how the system is designed to work.
Our policy is not to discuss specific issues with Hub content in public forums, especially not the content of other authors. There are specific issues that, if the author email us and asked, we could let them know.
I apologize, I didn't mean to pinpoint anyone... that specific hubber simply had asked a similar question in a current thread, which I actually began responding to, when I thought you might be more likely to see it in this forum. My question was not meant to be so targeted as it was meant to be asked in general as we've seen many similar situations.
So you're saying the system that is in play now works as it is designed to? It would seem, a bit of a manipulative system if it made more consistent sense. You are all aware of the general dissatisfaction with it, but then I suppose that would be chalked up to dissatisfaction with self? Ok... well I do appreciate your time Matthew.
I'm just guessing; it is, however, an educated guess; that hub content is weighted heavily among the activities we participate in on HubPages. Someone with content that falls short of quality standards here would likely do more harm to their Hubber score than someone who hadn't written a hub.
Exactly the reason I was getting at... time would be better spent solving serious issues like... Why doesn't the water in a toilet bowl not spin either way!!
Beth37 I would like to know the reasons, too.
It seems to me that there is not a whole lot of support in place at HP for hubbers who do not speak English as a first language. In the case of Miss NellySheina, I would hazard a guess that her hubberscore problems also stem from this dilemma.
Would I be out of line to suggest a place on HP, where folks who are non-native English speakers, may post and request help from the HP community for "proofreading" and "polishing" their work? As a future implementation, perhaps this pro bono service could be reciprocated by having hubbers translate English hubs into their own native language(s), to expand HP's global influence?
I, for one, would be more than happy to assist folks in this way — as it could only improve the site experience for all users. I'm sure many hubbers feel the same way!
As Mama Bernsby always says: 'A friend in need, is a friend indeed!'
Not a bad suggestion but doubt it will take off.
You can personally offer to help someone. Just send them a message and they'll jump at the offer. I did this one time, because the person was such a great author otherwise. Shame on me, but I didn't continue it because life got too busy.
There are authors here that offer to do it for a $5 fee. With the chance we take with whether a hub will take off or not, I don't think this would be profitable.
Maybe the light you shined was a little too bright. That user got banned.
Yeesh! I sure hope I didn't have anything to do with that!!!
I wonder why. I read one of her hubs and it wasn't too bad.
I have no idea. I didn't read any of her Hubs.
I'm wondering while great answers are pondered, if they could also explain why the water in my toilet bowl doesn't spin either way?
Go to the other hemisphere and it will spin the other way.
Pearldiver, until you can get a plumber out to your place, I can only offer up this advice: 'If it's yellow, let it mellow ...'
I agree about the scores-- but disagree about the draining water -- urban legend, wrong.
Just trying to keep objective... It's not an appropriate fact for your knowledge bubble if it's wrong... I know I believed it for many years when I was young and innocent, like you.
Oh, did I forget to mention that you would need to be in the middle of a cyclone??
Now I'm wondering about cyclones and tornadoes. Do they spin in opposite directions according to hemisphere?
And what about electric toothbrushes and smoothie blenders? or does that depend upon what side of the street you drive on?
Yes, cyclones do spin in opposite directions North and South of the Equator. Electric toothbrushes, smoothie blenders and cars all spin in the same directions as the cyclone they are caught up in, regardless of what side of the street you park or drive on.
Republicans spin to the right and Democrats spin to the left... or vice versa depending on the necessity of the spin.
This has been discussed on quite a few occasions and my understanding is that no definitive and agreeable answer has been put forth.
We have always been told that the score does not matter. From other forum postings through the time that I have been here and what I have noticed.; new hubbers tend to get a high score as a way to motivate them into writing while those who have been here longer get a score based partly (mostly actually) on traffic. No amount of participation or anything else other than traffic will get you a higher score than continual increases in traffic stats, and even those who will turn blue in the face arguing that participation, or quoting the QA section or referring others to The Learning Center...are the keys to understanding the scores is fooling themselves.
The sample Beth put forth is nothing compared to what I have seen. A hubber who's been here a mere three months, 7 hubs, no followers and a score of 97.........BTW no visible participation to speak off.
Everything is traffic, the more hubs the site has= more traffic= more traffic= more $$$$$.....Get IT yet?
I apologize. I missed your posting. Yes, I know it has been brought up a lot... I apologize again for running it into the ground. I never felt we had a solid answer to go on here... Im not asking specifically about what contributes, but why one would be high and one would be low... as Ive over-stated.
That's really interesting. I try to write for people who search on Google in order to increase my traffic, but it doesn't seem like it is increasing my ad earnings. I used to make a reasonable amount - at least an amount that made all of this worth it, but I was very new and didn't do social networking or any extra things. Now, I've studied experts, taken their advice, built traffic and followers, and my income per month is about 1/4 of what it used to be - this is strange to me considering I am putting much more effort and care into each hub. Anyway, that's my soap box. Michele
Fear not, this system, or should I say lack of one, is strange to everyone. For some reason I think when I first came to HP we did start with a zero Hubber score. Or maybe it was higher, but I do remember it was sort of low and got higher as I wrote more hubs. Maybe I'm getting senile or else it's all too painful to remember. Going to check the toilet.
The huscore is broken
HP knows this, and won't fix it
They say to ignore it
They love the way it annoys people
They enjoy its obscurity and waywardness
It's complexity is heralded and championed
Move On!
My personal favorite is the score reduction caused by posting many hubs quickly - productivity is punished!
Yes... Along with Humor, Intelligence, Poetry and Alien Probing!!
Of course your poetic verse/theory here... could also be potentially frowned upon....
.... la
... la
.... la...... la
I have to agree. Although I have noticed that hubbers who write creative fiction such as short stories and poetry have, on the average, a point score that is anywhere from 5-8 points lower than it should be. Conversely, I have noticed that hubbers who haven't been active anywhere from several months to two years and write non-fiction have a sustained score in the high 90's. The hubber's activity has little to do with scoring, despite HP's assertions to the contrary.
I hate to say, but some of the hubbers with 0 hubs and following tons of people are only here to plagiarize our hubs. Why give them a high score?
Matthew... lil tear.
I am troubled by the question of water spinning down the drain. Here's a survey question to put me out of my misery .. .
haha, I posted on yours while you posted on mine.
No, I did... plus I'd heard that before... but who am I to turn down an online, community experiment?
I forgot to check when I was in the kitchen.
Firsthand experience is always good--- but I can't get to Austraila or Peru in the near future.
by Marcy Goodfleisch 11 years ago
Dear Staff:First, this is intended to be a request made out of love for this site, and out of respect and regard for our fellow Hubbers.Please strongly consider removing the Hubber Score from our profiles. If you feel it is necessary to have a score for each of us, we feel we have the right...
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