Question Regarding Traffic Sources and Google

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  1. jkcki profile image72
    jkckiposted 10 years ago

    I'm sorry if this has been answered; I'm having trouble searching the forums and I already read the FAQ.

    I noticed that on my traffic sources I have a lot of hits from Bing and Yahoo, but none from Google. This seems bizarre to me, as all of my other sites get three times as much traffic from Google as anywhere else. Is there a reason?

    1. Writer Fox profile image32
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You signed up less than two weeks ago.  That probably has something to do with it.  Also, because your Hubber score is less than 85, all of your links are NoFollow - even links to your own Hubs.  If you are linking to your own Hubs, you might want to remove those until your score increases.  Right now, you are telling Google that you do not trust nor recommend those links.

      1. SpaceShanty profile image92
        SpaceShantyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        'Hubber score is less than 85, all of your links are NoFollow'
        Can you please explain this a little more for me.  Thanks

    2. The Examiner-1 profile image61
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      When I scanned Google, Bing and Yahoo! a while ago for several of my Hubs, I found that some came up sooner on the pages on Bing and/or Yahoo! than on Google. I simply figured that Google had a harder 'test' to pass.

    3. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Here on HubPages, you're not writing on a big site - you're writing on your own sub-domain, which has to stand on its own feet.   I'm sure when you had only a few posts on your other sites, they didn't immediately get much attention from Google.

    4. AMAZING THINKER profile image60
      AMAZING THINKERposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It takes time to rank in Google search results; it doesn't rank the content from new sites. It's Google's way to prevent spam pages ranking in search results.
      It will take at least 2 months till you rank for anything.

  2. lovebuglena profile image83
    lovebuglenaposted 10 years ago

    that is strange indeed. I wonder why that is.

  3. jkcki profile image72
    jkckiposted 10 years ago

    I knew about the no follow, but I still found it bizarre that Bing and Yahoo were so clearly out performing Google on my traffic rankings.

    However, Google just showed up on my traffic search, showing hits from a couple of weeks ago. But there's very minimal hits -- like, 6. So I'm betting traffic search doesn't show anything under 5 hits and that is why it's invisible.

    Google is so low in the rankings compared to the other two that I'm guessing I'm being nerfed by Panda 2.0.

    1. angryelf profile image91
      angryelfposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Panda was a long time ago- the most recent was the Hummingbird update. And no, you're not being hit by an update- you're a noob. As a noob, you've not gained ANY respect from Google yet- this is going to take a good while. My best hub scores over 200-300 hits per day, and even as a low comp keyword, it still took over 4 weeks to rank half decently. Even when it began to rank, i was only seeing traffic of maybe 30-40 hits. As it bobbled along, it was given a little respect by Google and climbed on up. There is no such thing as instant gratification with Google; and expecting a good rank in under 4 weeks, that would be considered instant gratification. She's slow, steady, and a beast when awoken. Bing and Yahoo don't have as good of algorithms as Google does; hence, why everyone uses Google for their searches wink You've got to have patience when it comes to SEO and traffic-  you'll reap the fruits soooonnnn enough smile Best of luck!!! And try to keep your sanity, you'll go crazy waiting for that traffic, I promise!!! lol

      1. Writer Fox profile image32
        Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Panda is an ever-present algorithm and it has a data refresh beginning every third week.  To understand more about how it works now, read my Hub about Good Panda.

        1. angryelf profile image91
          angryelfposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Hmmm, I thought Hummingbird was an entire rewrite? I remember seeing some press release with statements, they were basically saying that it was an entire rewrite of the search algorithm. Unless it was built on, but I don't see how that's possible. I guess it's a good thing that my writing style has served well over the last year in either case!

          1. Writer Fox profile image32
            Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Google Hummingbird is an algorithm developed to better detect the searcher's meaning behind search queries. It deals with the user's intent behind the words of a query and then renders results based upon the intent, not just the words used in the query or on webpages.

      2. Traci Ruffner profile image60
        Traci Ruffnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        That explains my issue with Google as well.

      3. wabond profile image57
        wabondposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Talk about turkeys voting for Christmas.  Google is destroying small times writers and yet you are willing to praise the people hurting you?  Do you think that saying nice things about Google will make it treat you better?  All it is, is a money making robot.

    2. Hikapo profile image78
      Hikapoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      When I started writing here in April, I didn't get much traffic from Google until May. It's normal. Nothing to worry about. Just wait a couple more weeks. smile

  4. Alphadogg16 profile image84
    Alphadogg16posted 10 years ago

    That's a very helpful and informative hub WriterFox, thanks...

  5. wabond profile image57
    wabondposted 10 years ago

    None of my hubs or blog have scored with Google for a long time. Google is no longer a unbiased search engine, if you are not making money for Google then it is not interested in you.


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