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  1. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    Okay, this is really annoying me to no end.  Everytime I log in, I check the "My account" page, and I usually discover one of the hubs that I consider to be one of the better hubs sitting DEAD LAST with some ridiculous score of like 48 or something.  These hubs performed quite well for a period of time (some longer than others) then traffic bottomed out and the score plummetted in a matter of days it seems.  Many times these hubs have not gotten views in 3-4 weeks.  So, I diligently edit them, maybe add a picture here, or a paragraph there, or I remove a capsule, or re-organize something, and *poof* like magic it's popped right back up where it was or higher and its getting traffic like crazy again.  What in the world is going on here?  I really do NOT have time to write more material AND continuously edit and re-write every single hub I publish!  I'm quite frustrated!

    And by the way, while the good hubs are sinking like stones, the hubs that I consider to be complete crap are rising!  My litterbox training hub outranked my hub on racisim by almost double the other day!

  2. goldentoad profile image60
    goldentoadposted 15 years ago

    don't feel like you are alone. It happened to me on all my hubs and the ones I thought were nothing, end up being the ones floating at the top. I wish we had a system where we could have more power what is considered "best" of our own material

  3. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    I'm really pissed right now, because yesterday it was my racism hub, the day before that it was my astrology hubs, and today it's my 9/11 hub.  Meanwhile, "How to wax yourself" is fully 22 points higher than the 9/11 hub.  The waxing hub I wrote while drunk and half asleep, it took maybe thirty minutes.  The 9/11 hub I poured my heart and soul into, that thing took days!  Researching the picutres and video, not to mention telling the story...its such an important topic too.  Who gives a flying rat's ass what direction the hair on your legs should be waxed, any beauty supply store employee could tell you that!  I guess what I'm saying is that I just feel like why should I try and why should I waste my time researching and getting every word just right and finding the right pictures when I could just write about what I know and be rewarded highly for it?  I just wrote a hub now for the hubmob (not published yet because I have to go snap some pictures tomorrow) about spring fashions, something tells me that will perform VERY well, too, which is sad, because I just wrote it in about 20 mins.  Sorry if I'm ranting here, I just don't understand.  Shouldn't important societal issues have some kind of superiority to beautification procedures?

    1. goldentoad profile image60
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      trust me, I feel you.

  4. Christoph Reilly profile image68
    Christoph Reillyposted 15 years ago

    It's the same for me too.

  5. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    OK... I'm gonna post this here and then bury it...

    What would anyone do if you found out your boss or somebody else at work were following you & your comments on Hubpages?

    1. Christoph Reilly profile image68
      Christoph Reillyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It would freak me out, Lita.  Why?  Is that happening to you?

      1. profile image0
        Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Not sure...  But from the tenor of this guy's (who also happens to be the marketing director--boss of my boss) comments, maybe.  I was already 'busted' for e-mailing this former sales partner I worked with--we were always kinda flirty--that was just how we communicated-but part of my job description is PR & he had good info.


    2. Jewels profile image85
      Jewelsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Creepy Lita. I'd be using my Third Eye to find out what the hell this person is up to.  Actually, I'd be fronting them. I've been in an assertive mood all month - something in the waters!

    3. SweetiePie profile image77
      SweetiePieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I invited one of my co-workers to start writing on Hubpages, but he said it was too time consuming.  He wrote a couple of hubs and never came back.

    4. StudioN profile image61
      StudioNposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Heads up everyone!  Anything you post online can be read/found by anyone - whether you want it to or not!

      If you don't want everyone to know what you wrote, you have to develop a pen name/pseudonym that doesn't track back to you.  (This MAY mean you don't get paid for it.)

      You have to make the choice - get credit (and paid) for your posts....or be anonymous.  You can't have both.

    5. danjutsu profile image60
      danjutsuposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Start writing hubs about them and include a few pictures.

      1. profile image0
        Rainbow Briteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        And if the pictures aren't dirty enough, PHOTOSHOP BABY!!!!

  6. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Hubscore is mostly based on traffic dynamic, and has very little to do with the quality of your writings, if at all smile

    1. anjalichugh profile image69
      anjalichughposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Regarding Hub Scores...does it really go up with a lot of traffic coming to your hubs? I don't think so. For one of my hubs, I got 6000 page views (from sites other than Hub Pages) in a matter of 2 days and now after almost 6 days of having the article published, the page views have exceeded 10,000 in number. Despite this, my hub scores are falling.

      1. Misha profile image65
        Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Hub scores or hub score? We are talking about one particular hub and its particular hubscore. And it does depend mostly on traffic dynamics, I had many chances to observe this. If yours consistently goes down with rising traffic, I would have checked for duplicate content...

    2. Bard of Ely profile image78
      Bard of Elyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Misha has told you what's going on here and I have the same problem! I have just started writing sexy hubs to up the traffic in the hope I may get more views of other neglected hubs. It is working a bit and I am definitely getting a lot more traffic.

  7. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    ty misha, that makes me feel a bit better...although it still says something very sad about the state of our world that we are more interested in how to be "more beautiful" than we are in social issues.

    Lita - I have said before that I find it creepy that you can click on anyone's "### of posts" and read everything they have ever said.  I guess that's where you just have to be cautious of what you post.  I say considerably more about myself here than I do anywhere else on the net, simply because I feel "safer" here than elsewhere.  Just remember that it is illegal (in the U.S. anyway) for your boss to use your internet activities against you (unless said activities occur on company time or utilizing company materials).  I do find it creepy that the person would do such a thing.  If it gets bad perhaps hubpages can do something about it (such as block the user or IP address?)

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah...  It is a bit creepy...  I have been here socially a lot & so that's how some of my communication is.  I think the actual comment in question was one I made on this 'introvert' hub where I talked about 'extroverts at work,.'

      Some of this just gets really confused and weird--what is right and wrong...  But thanks...

      Guess I will just bury comments if they seem controversial...

    2. livelonger profile image90
      livelongerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That's only partially true. Your beauty-oriented hubs have titles that are designed to attract search-engine traffic, because they mirror exactly what people are searching on ("how to straighten hair", etc.) This is a recipe for attracting lots of visitors from search engines. Here's an official HubPages hub on titling:

      "Racism in today's world" is an extremely unlikely search phrase, so you're not likely to get much search traffic.

      I have a racism-related hub that gets lots of traffic, because I designed the title to match what I thought people would be searching for verbatim

      In fact, using Google's keyword tool:
      You can see that there are approximately 27,000 people per month who search for "how to straighten hair" and 36 who search for "racism in today's world". But 2,400 searching for "racism test".

      Search volume isn't everything - competition matters too - but it does give you an indication of how attractive your specific title would be to search engine users.

  8. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    sorry to hear that, that's so wrong that people will stoop to such levels as harming another person in any way (even in character) just to try to get ahead him/her self

    1. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I understand your grief and pain as I have had a few hubs that have over several thousand hits and they are sitting low and they are several of my best. I then have other hubs that are above them it is strange, hang in there it will balance out. smile

  9. r2punks profile image60
    r2punksposted 15 years ago

    Yea, well rule of thumb, perhaps you can consider

    a) Don't post stuff that might get you in trouble. Don't write stuff that are aimed at them such as "I'm working at Company ABC and they suck, especially the manager Mr xxx" or "my friend Tom is a jerk"


    b) Post without name listing anyone identity as well as keeping your own in the first place so you can avoid the potential problems. 

    You can always post in a private blog if you need a place to rant i guess, anything on the internet can be read by anyone, that's how it is now. So watch out! smile

  10. LondonGirl profile image81
    LondonGirlposted 15 years ago

    Some girl in the UK got sacked recently because she said on facebook that her job was boring.

  11. Jewels profile image85
    Jewelsposted 15 years ago

    Doesn't seem to matter what you do, where you go, you can't tell the truth without it having major consequences.  Most people's jobs become boring eventually, or is it just me?

  12. sixtyorso profile image70
    sixtyorsoposted 15 years ago

    I have never understood hubscores anyhow.

  13. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 15 years ago

    Sometimes Hubs just rotate around from low to 100 in your own account until you have a lot of them; and Hubbers seem to rotate around in the 96 - 100 score range among top Hubbers at times as well, but a large part if it is traffic-based. 

    Take your favorite Hubs and list them on your Profile page and also promote them on social networking sites.

    Best wishes.

  14. Teresa McGurk profile image61
    Teresa McGurkposted 15 years ago

    I really like the camaraderie here at HubPages.  I hope the current debacle over adult content does not harm anyone's standing here, or compromise anyone's artistic output.  Humor is rarely porn, and 99% of all porn is not funny (intentionally, anyway).  But the topic is hub scores?  I've seen hub scores rise and fall over the few months I've been here -- I've noticed that the hub that get the most visits is a "throwaway" I put no effort into about breakfasts for college students.  Who knew?  As Patty has suggested, I list the hubs I consider to be complete or provocative in my profile, and share them on social networks.  That really has helped, some.  Then there's Sweetie Pie's advice about beefing up the profile itself (mine is lacking.  Well, it's one sentence).  Your plan to edit and refine the content is a great one -- but as you say, it is very time consuming.  However, time is a factor in all this, and again, I've noticed some surprising trends in hub-views that I can't explain.

    1. RKHenry profile image65
      RKHenryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the information.

  15. Jewels profile image85
    Jewelsposted 15 years ago

    To be honest I don't take a great deal of notice of hubscores, though mine is going down a little to it's consistent 89/90.  But what I do notice is that most of my traffic is via Google and Yahoo and then Hubpages and I'm wonder if that's what makes the difference.  I don't get the same level of reads as most because the content of my hubs is not that commercial or interesting to the general reader.  But I'm wrapped (humbly) at my stats.  I guess also, if I wrote another few hubs, that might help my score!  Has been a while, but I get more pleasure in the communication aspect.

  16. LondonGirl profile image81
    LondonGirlposted 15 years ago

    10,000 views in less that a week? That's fantastic, well done!

  17. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    livelonger - that's a fabulous piece of information, I didn't know such a tool existed...I really do suck at titles, I fully admit that, I will definately be using that in my future hubbing!

    Another really annoying thing...when you can't sleep and all you want to do is hub, but hubpages is down for hours and hours and hubmob wouldda been done last night were it not for that!

  18. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    AH HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I FINALLY figured it out....the whole chart thing on the my account profile page is full of shit!!!!!  This is what my chart says in relation to my newest hub:
    HubMob Weekly Topic: Spring Fashion 60 2 0 1 1 1 123692457503/12/09
    hmmm well that smushed it together, but it goes: Score, 60, comments, 2, visits in the last day: 0, week, 1, etc...this is total bullshit I just published it less than an hour ago, and I know for a fact that two people have visited, because the poll I put at the end had 3 votes and only one of them was mine, so there's no way in hell that this is accurate!  Score one for me!!!!!!  Maybe now I can quit obsessing now that I have proof that it's bullshit!

  19. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    and I find it incredibly amusing that I just got bleeped by a fucking computer....I can say bullshit but not s h i t, and I know that I've said fuck in the forums guess that whole tightening of the screws thing is really sad, I love to curse, oh well guess I'll just deal with the stars or space out my letters.  Let's see what I can get away with...shit goddamn mother fucker damnit dammit damn bullshit fuck bitch cock slut ho whore cocksucking bastard fucktard shit-for-brains ass asshole....uuummm....yeah drawing a blank on that one

    sorry if that offended anybody, just seeing what I can get away with and what I'm gonna be edited for saying!

  20. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago


    wow, it really auto censors! thats amazing...the joys of technology

    fuck, fu.ker fu.king motherfu.ker...but its not really all that smart wink Score 1 for humans with filthy minds 0 for cyber nannies

    ( i censored after the fact for the sake of impressionable minds)

  21. Anna Marie Bowman profile image70
    Anna Marie Bowmanposted 15 years ago

    Holy shit, RB!!!  That was an awesome display of fucking profanity!!  LOL!  Loved it!!  I see that a few slipped through the fucking cracks!!  Great job!  I think you temporarily overloaded the censorship circuits!!

  22. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    lolz all

  23. Cris A profile image60
    Cris Aposted 15 years ago

    My hubscores alone don't annoy me, high or low. What annoys me is when crappy hubs get higher scores than even my highest scoring hub. Now that's annoying if not totally absurd. cool

    1. goldentoad profile image60
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      and the ones who are just cut and paste artists from other articles, how does that make you feel?

      1. Cris A profile image60
        Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Do you really want to know? Do you have time? cool

        1. goldentoad profile image60
          goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I'm sure we don't but that seems to be the key to being a "prolific" hubber, cut and paste, say nothing, and put out two or three hubs out a day about subjects that you know nothing about, and let it rise to the top. Throw in keywords like antioxidants, and you da man.

          1. Cris A profile image60
            Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Did you take the time to check that those hubs you're referring to were copied and pasted? Or are you just like me who can't be fooled because I know for a fact that original content takes some tme to write? cool

            1. goldentoad profile image60
              goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              they call themselves writers, but they are just leeches, bottom feeders, pretenders, and they add no value or information to anyone's lives except to the other pretenders who pretend to swallow their bullshit and say its great work and keep the cycle going.

              1. Cris A profile image60
                Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                You worked me up nicely, now I'm really annoyed and NOT by my hubscores! Yeah I know what you're saying. Everybody sees it happening. That's why I have stopped commenting on hubs that really, for lack of a better word, suck! I want out of the cycle. How about you, what are you going to do about it? cool

                1. goldentoad profile image60
                  goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  same thing my man. Let the pretenders know we are on to them, we can sniff, sniff, snuff them out.

                  1. Cris A profile image60
                    Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    Okay then, let it begin! Whoever's caught leaving nicey nice craps on crappy hubs will be made to confess in the Religino Forum that he lied and turned plastic! cool

  24. JamaGenee profile image78
    JamaGeneeposted 15 years ago

    Down, boys!!  Now back to Rainbow Brite's original question.  Part of a hubscore is the AGE of the hub.  The longer they're up, the better, RB.  If editing and re-working a hub gets more traffic in the short term, fine.  Otherwise, just leave it alone and let it "age".  Give people time to find it. A couple of mine were sleepers that went nowhere in the beginning, but are now consistently "top performers".  Views (and comments) for one I *expected* to go nowhere went right through the roof from Day One and still do.  Ya never know. 

    But the TITLE does have a lot to do with initial response.  Try to put a search-engine keyword in it, then be sure to use that word at least twice or three times in the first paragraph.  Beats me why it works, but it does.


    1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Very good advice!

  25. goldentoad profile image60
    goldentoadposted 15 years ago

    Of course, I am not here for hubscores or views, but there is definitely a case of people ripping off lousy articles, and adding a few words to make it their own, scoring high and making other legit hubbers/writers seem not so "prolific", titles, search words, make no difference in my book as I tend to follow the writer, and that should be the spirit a writer should take, that their words and thoughts mean something. What does it say about us, hubpages society when we support crap and it gets to the top, slapping all those who put original content up? But that is what RB is having issues with, that the shit floats to the top.

    1. imadork profile image70
      imadorkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Why worry about the things you cannot change?  Write your shit and hopefully the cream will cover the shit on the top.

      1. goldentoad profile image60
        goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I do not worry, and I know I can't stop it, but if we say nothing, then the genius of Dork would never be noticed, it would all be antioxidants, hamburger helper recipes, and not so hot pictures of minors from India

    2. anjalichugh profile image69
      anjalichughposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Cool it off man! We shouldn't be judging people for what they write. I think Hub Pages should be used only as a platform to communicate the best within us without paying much attention to the tactics used by others to get to the top. BTW you should be the last one to be worried about the scores. You are already at the top. Help people to get there! That would be a better usage of time.

      1. goldentoad profile image60
        goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Some people aren't writing, that's the problem, and they are just cutting and pasting, calling it theirs and making those that are hoping for high scores feel bad, when they shouldn't.

        1. goldentoad profile image60
          goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I don't worry about my score but there are others who start out that feel frustrated by what they see and I want to encourage them to forget the scores and write what they feel, whatever that is, but I can see how that number can make someone feel like they are not doing a good job at the hubs they work on when the cut and paste artists make it to the top

          1. AEvans profile image74
            AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I remember when I was new my score was a 65 , I didn't ever think I would get past it and learned not to worry about the score as I simply enjoy writing , I hope they don't feel discouraged as they are all doing a fantastic job!!! Well most of them except for the spammers.::::::::::::::::big_smile

          2. Cris A profile image60
            Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Maybe they should modify the criteria for determining HubScores. This would not only encourage those who actually write but also prevent those from the outside from walking walking away feeling shortchanged by the hubs they were led to believe were original or at least a good read.

            I mean make the HubScore something that all hubbers should really work at cool

  26. imadork profile image70
    imadorkposted 15 years ago

    Did they always censor the bad words in the forums?

    1. goldentoad profile image60
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      yes, they figured guys like you might offend someone

  27. imadork profile image70
    imadorkposted 15 years ago

    BTW - GT when I said "write your shit", I did not mean your writing was shit.  Just wanna clarify that!  LOL

    1. goldentoad profile image60
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      at least you read it and have an opinion, either way.

  28. imadork profile image70
    imadorkposted 15 years ago

    Is religino Italian for religion?

  29. imadork profile image70
    imadorkposted 15 years ago

    I'm wondering what you guys consider cut and paste hubs.  Do you consider some of my hubs cut and paste?  The ones that list some songs or movies that have little writing on them.  Are they cut and paste?  I gotta tell ya, I like doing those hubs.  They are fun.  I spend a lot of time picking and choosing each song or movie.  Hell, sometimes it takes me longer to do one of those hubs than my writing hubs do.  Who says that each and every hub has got to be a masterpiece of literature?  You guys act like your fucking Shakespeare of the hubs on here. 

    Now, if you are talking about the idiots that only do those dumbass Indian chick hubs, then I whole-heartedly agree!!!  ;-)


    1. goldentoad profile image60
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm no longer juiced by caffeine, I can't debate you right now. I'll reply tomorrow.

    2. Pest profile image82
      Pestposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I enjoy your Hubs dork...If i aint rippin on a hubber then i prolly could care less what they are writing.  Your hubs contain information...Imagine that concept!  Not sexy elbows, knees and ankles.  of fat and under age whatevers.  You watch those two movies yet???  the Secret and down the rabbit hole???

      1. AEvans profile image74
        AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Dork I do not believe they were talking about you , I certainly didn't read it that

        1. Pest profile image82
          Pestposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I am waiting to see Dork write a hub about the movies I suggested ... Please Dork!

          1. AEvans profile image74
            AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Dork I agree with Pest please write the

          2. imadork profile image70
            imadorkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I don't write about kiddie porn Pest.

            1. AEvans profile image74
              AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Pest????/ get your batooty back here  dork has a something to

              1. Pest profile image82
                Pestposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Dork is being silly...the movies about Quantum theory has scrambled his brain.

                1. AEvans profile image74
                  AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  shissh I was worried for a minute..LOL big_smile

    3. Cris A profile image60
      Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If I at the very least suspect that you copy and paste, I'd be long gone from your fanclub. Besides your hubs couldn't have been written by somebody else, dork's written all over them  cool

  30. imadork profile image70
    imadorkposted 15 years ago

    Everybody, go and see my brand new Indian chick hub!!!

  31. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    gt- you hit the nail right on the head!  I suppose I really don't care about the hubscore (it's just a number and hey, I'm dyslexic, so it could be 69 or 96 and I'd really have to look to know the difference) but it's the fierce sense of competition in me that gets me going.  I know I'm not the best writer in the world, but I'd like to think that I'm halfway decent.  I'd like to think that my writing is better than the hubs of all pictures of fat indian women washing clothes in dirty ass water that magically score higher than mine.

    imadork - update - I'm about halfway done with that hub you requested, but it's gonna be slow going this week, as I am working 10am to 10pm mon - fri this week.  And no one was talking about you in terms of the cut and paste hubs btw.  DAMN!!!  If I didn't know better, I'd say you were an addict...

    "Because you know addicts, we think everythings about us, don't we?" - in the immortal words of Mr. Nikki Sixx....who will forever hold tight to my black little heart *sigh*

  32. imadork profile image70
    imadorkposted 15 years ago

    I just write whatever I feel like.  If I wanna write something stupid, I'll write something stupid.  If I wanna write something deep, I'll write something deep.  I've given up on making money on this shit a long time ago.

  33. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 15 years ago

    is two up arrows next to a hub on the "my account" page a good sign?

    1. sunforged profile image77
      sunforgedposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      yes...traffic rising

  34. Dame Scribe profile image59
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    lol, RB, the true and best use of cut n paste?

    1. profile image0
      Rainbow Briteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol yup!!!!


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