Hi all,
I've been here a month now and have 20 hubs, but when I read some of the forum posts I am worried that my traffic is low. I have had around 680 views total for all of my 20 hubs which averages about 6 per day for most of them, on average.
I know it takes time to build up traffic and I am enjoying being here, but I just wondered whether or not I am wasting my time if my views are so low. Am I doing anything wrong? Any advice would be appreciated.
Mochira x
Eric offers some wise advice. Consider the source always with who one compares anything with for performance. Some who have vast traffic were familiar or experts of SEO having websites before writing here. Some spent more time learning than writing. Many experimented. Some to many have many hubs, but only a few produce big numbers. Some have many hubs with little traffic adding up to large numbers. Some are satisfied with what ever their performance is and just write for the love of writing. A strategy you will form in about six months of learning and practicing. Then you will reap greater benefits.
Luck or preparation combined with learning and researching? Some are experts in a field of this or that and gained recognition and stuck to their choice and refined that.
Personally I make use of the CSV file download at the account page. I study that at least every other month looking for trends. There is a book with the title "Build on Your Strengths." Discover the strengths and then do as that book suggests. Traffic will follow.
Your daily views are over 22. That exceeds mine writing only now with hubs over the last 30 days being 18 hubs. My daily average is closer to 16. If you look at my profile you will see I have been here for 3 years. I almost deleted my account and deleted my hubs with that decision because of life changes and for nine months could not be active. I started over on Feb 28.The crux is with all my experience you have topped my performance. Nice!
Your score is in the nineties. That reflects a lot including hub profile traffic. A large and/or significant part of that score is generated from traffic. You are dong well for 30 days based on my experiences with observation and performances. Observe, figure stuff out like you are doing, zero in on a something to be an expert of - writing style, a product, a subject, and etc. Get it out beyond HP. Spend some time learning social media and SEO techniques with writing and distribution means. Learning both writing skills and the business skills offers value and worth.
You are doing well mochirajackson in my humble view. Just keep on keeping on.
ah, thank you so for tsmog for taking the time to write such a detailed and helpful reply to my question. I will take a look at the book you mentioned. I am glad that you have started over again. I hope you stick around and produce some more hubs. Thanks for the encouragement. :-)
You're doing fine. As you go on you'll figure out what sort of topic works for you more and more, and you'll figure out why too.
Thanks for the encouragement, Wesman. I'm starting to feel a lot better now. :-)
The last time I computed the average was on February 17, 2014. Out of 362,472 featured Hubs on the site, the average number of visits per Hub on that day was 3.11.
However, many Hubs get zero visits per day while other Hubs have hundreds and even thousands of visits a day.
Your portfolio of Hubs should have at least 1,000 visits per day to make the $50 minimum payout each month.
Hi Writerfox,
That's really useful information. Thanks for sharing. :-)
I think how much we earn does not just depend on the number of visits. The subject of your hubs play a big role as well. I noticed that hubs related to high-paying ads can earn a lot even with low traffic. On the other hand, hubs about quotes and those that can't be directly related to products, often pay less even after gaining huge amounts of traffic.
I wish there were a way to find out which of our Hubs are making the most money, but HP doesn't give us that information. With AdSense ads, Google will often customize the ad to the searcher's personal history, so ads related to each visitor's known interests will show up on a Hub, no matter what the subject of the Hub is. Also, when Amazon products are featured, all you really have to do is encourage a visitor to look at a product. Then, Amazon shows the visitor other products he has recently viewed and he just might buy one of those, totally unrelated to the product you featured on a Hub. Statistically, the more viewers you have, the more conversions you will have (ad clicks and product sales). My highest earnings are when I have over 100,000 ad impressions per month, no matter what the CPM is.
Writer Fox: Surely you realize that not many of us here have such high numbers. Your expertise with SEO definitely plays a large role there, but it takes years to learn what you know, and most people just limp along doing the best they can. Therefore, their numbers are lower. Your numbers never cease to amaze me, especially considering that you have so few hubs online at any given time. I would assume that the hubs that make the most money are those that get the most views, but I may be wrong about that.
WOW! That is a lot of hard work you mentioned there Writer Fox. I have 9 hubs and i get around 35 visits each day. It will take a lot of effort to get there.
Thank you for that informative information about the 1000 visits a day. Wow. I see now that you either need about 2 to 3000 followers to reach that, or the title of our post has a great appeal on a global scale!
Hi Mochira :-)
I Don't get any traffic from google at all though i have 215 Hubs. I think a lot of them are very good.
I decided not to add any more hubs, since for me it doesn't worth the effort, money and time.
What ever you do i hope you have success :-)
Hi Shai77 wow! you have worked hard creating 215 hubs! It's a pity they don't get google traffic but, fingers crossed, they might suddenly start to pick up when you least expect it. I wish you success too x
Shai77, I took a look at your page. I am surprised you aren't earning. There are some good topics there.
In my opinion, it is low since 6 views per day? Am I right. You better ping your post to increase its rank and share it on social media sites. But during my first month here on Hubpages, I also experience that but after 4-5 months, my traffic started to increase as my hubs no. increases.
With 90+ hubs I only got 250-410 views per day.
Ken I just recently started getting the higher number you mentioned with 118 hubs and after two years! I thought that was fairly decent, until I read what you just wrote lol!
You have read what i have wrote? where and what was that? hahaha
You are an amazing hubber,plenty of trophies, haha for sure if we are a class here on hubpages you are one of the top in rank. haha
I am just 1 year here and I hope I could increase my views soon
Thanks for that. I have now 60 posts and love being a member of hub pages.
Not at all bad. You made me look at my score and I see 54 views with 60 hubs for today ( which is not yet over!)
When I first started I wrote a few articles and then just left the site altogether. For some reason after 9 months I looked at it again and saw that I had made a little over 7 dollars! I thought WOO HOO, you can make money on this site! So I started writing a lot. And I was doing pretty well, then came the Panda slaps and I got very discouraged and stopped writing for almost a year. I was still making payout every month but just barely. Then about 6 weeks ago I decided to start writing again after my traffic spiked for some reason..and ever since then it's been super duper. The more my traffic goes up, the more I make, the more I write and on and on it goes. So, don't give up, take what works and build on that.
There really isn't any such thing as "average" traffic. It's dependent on wide array of factors, including the topics you choose. For example, you're going to have a really hard time ranking for something like How to Get a Flatter Stomach, and no matter how good your Hub is you may not get the traffic you expect.
Averaging six views per Hub per day isn't bad at all when you're first starting out. Set some goals, put in the time to learn what it takes to bring readers to your page, and never stop trying to improve.
HubPages is definitely worth it if you put in the effort. And everything is relative. Whenever I complain about traffic my wife reminds me of how excited I was the first time I got 100 views in a day.
Edit: After reading this over, I realize there is certainly a statistical "average" traffic number that HP probably knows, but I assumed you weren't meaning it so literally, but rather what level of traffic you ought to expect. LOL.
Thanks Eric. It's funny how we complain of traffic, isn't it? I guess I should try not to obsess about it too much and get on with writing some more hubs. Yes, I didn't mean it literally, I was just after a general idea of what isn't low or high, I guess. :-)
Hello mochirajackson.
Monitoring your statistics during the first year as a writer on hp can be likened to watching grass grow, or watching paint dry. I suggest you wait at least 6 months - or even the full year - before trying to figure out trends and where each individual hub will settle in the search engines.
I took a look at your profile page, although I don't have time to look at the structure and style of the hubs themselves, but here's my observations so far.
You are extremely prolific. Not many hubbers create as many hubs as you have in your first 5 weeks. That's a good start.
Your titles are challenging as far as competition goes, but I won't be surprised if you actually attract high levels of traffic in the future if they are well written.
My advice would be to keep on writing. If you can maintain your level of activity in hub creation for a few more months, you'll have planted lots of seeds. As they mature, you'll see which ones need attention to help them grow stronger.
Good luck.
Thanks Longtimemother (love your username!)
I went in for the 30 hubs in 30 days challenge but only got to 20! Thanks again for the encouragement. Good Luck to you as well. :-)
You have to calculate your own averages and watch them over time. Unless you had a second (or more) humans who wrote exactly like you do, you can't compare practically across different subjects, numbers of Hubs, writing styles, etc.
Your traffic IS going to be low compared to a LOT of others here, because you're just starting.
Thanks Relache,
I guess you're right - everyone is different so there probably isn't an average as such. :-)
Statistically there is such a thing as average traffic, but none of us know what it is.
Hi pscheskinner,
I guess it's just one life's mysteries! :-)
if you focus too much on the traffic, it will drop! its like a watched pot - it never will boil. write from your heart, engage in the forums, and the traffic will come.
it may sound crazy, but its true! when you focus on what you are writing rather than pulling in traffic, you wind up with quality hubs more often than not
Thanks Kathleen,
You do have a point. I initially started writing on here to share my ideas with others because I love to write. It is only recently that I've started to wonder about traffic. I think I should do what you say and try not to let it take over my life!
I think you're doing fine. To give you an example of my stats, today I got a total of 62 views on my 35 hubs. That's 1.8 views per hub. That's not that great but the numbers are really diverse. I have about 10 high-performing hubs that get between 5 and 15 views each a day, and the rest are not really getting any views at all.
Most of my "popular" hubs are older ones, too. I've read somewhere that Google ranks older articles higher than new ones. Good luck to you!
Thanks Kalinin, Good Luck to you too; although it sounds like you're doing great. It's weird because my best performing hub is one that I didn't expect to do well at all and others that I thought would be popular don't get any views.
It's way too early to tell anything from your numbers. Hubs that get no traffic at all may take off in a few months.
I've seen it happen with hubs that I wrote over a year ago. On the other hand some that zoom up with promising numbers at the beginning may fall flat.
Try not to get too caught up in the day to day ups and downs of your traffic.
Thanks, Sherry. I've learned not to get too worried about it. I've been ill for a few days and haven't checked in until today and so far nothing much has changed so I'm taking that as a good sign.
It's way too early... I have to say, I'm averaging 150 visits a day. But keep on writing as time goes by and you'll see major changes!
Thanks, isaacasante, sounds like you're doing great. I'll keep writing on a regular basis and build up my hubs.
When I first started out, I had zero to one view a day for a long, long time. I learned SEO and a few layout tricks. I learned to write better. Now, after a year here on HP, I average about 300 a day. This is on the low end compared to others here but I'm happy enough with it. Anyhow, it is improvement... silver linings!
Thanks, Li Galo,
I'm writing for fun at the moment, but I think I will take your advice, further down the line and check out some SEO basics. Hope you continue to do well x
I'm only averaging about 6 visits per day from each of my 42 hubs (200 - 300 visits per day in total). But one of them regularly gets over 100 per day whilst many get none most days.
Sounds like you're doing great. It's weird how some hubs do some much better than others and often it's those that you didn't expect - that's what I;m finding during my short time here, anyway, x
SEO is the key and a niche' topic.
Your figures are reasonable, as has been pointed out. Some could even say enviable.
Get writing and worry about traffic once your efforts in SEO bear no fruit. Then there is a reason to wonder about how you're doing compared to everyone else.
Good luck, sounds like you're destined for a positive experience with the trends your hubs are currently showing.
Thanks Organised Kaos,
I've not checked in for a few days as I've been under the weather but I will keep on writing as you've suggested. I will also learn something about SEO as it seems to be working for other people on here. Good luck with yours x
I got 6 featured hubs.. I share them on Facebook, suddenly they got so much views, next day, traffic drops drastically.., Any ideas? It is a little bit frustrating I do not want to share redundant links to Facebook. Another site maybe? Except Twitter and Pinterest..
The idea is to expose your hubs in such a way that they take off. For example, I had a hub where everyone on Pinterest seemed to like it, so I kept pushing and pushing with Pinterest and eventually it brings its own fans without me lifting a finger.
Some hubs do better on Facebook, some better on Pinterest etc. It's a good idea to put them out there on social media and see if they're liked or not. If not, don't torture yourself over it, just move on to writing another hub, creating backlinks or improving SEO on existing hubs.
Remember that not all hubs are suited to social media. In fact, I'd say that about 1 in every 10 would even be social media worthy on Hubpages.
Hub traffic is not clear enough when you start up with Hubpages, but it grows as you get to know your way around.
Most important though, write hubs that are search engine friendly when you want more traffic, and write as many articles. Many hubs will help you learn what sells and what does not.
For reasons unknown to me, one hub may easily fetch hundreds of views a day while others will get zero views during the same period.
Sharing your hubs on social media will help boost viewership in the short run; but viewership will slow down as interest ebbs on your social media platform.
Remember though that on the basis of a good hub, yours may get a link from a reputable site through a social platform. This will give it a kick with search engines, sending it to the first pages of search.
Keep writing.
HubPages admin has said that the "average" earnings on the site are $2-$4 per each thousand pageviews. Some authors Hubs earn more, some less.
I would add here that income does not just come from page views. They are important, but you can earn as much or more from the ads you place on your posts, assuming that you place them correctly and in a meaningful way. I heard people say this over and over, but it did not hit home until about three months ago. I started using Amazon wherever it made sense to do so, and my earnings have increased dramatically.
Yea, SEO is extremely important. I have about 15 or so hubs hitting 1000 daily visitors total sometimes.
Yea by no means am I an SEO expert, just know the basics. Didnt do any link building either. You are correct in that the hubs with the most traffic make the most money.
SEO doesnt have to take years to learn. Its just about finding the right information.
Why would you say that? Here's a little screenshot of what you wish you had. Oh, and by the way I only have 20 featured hubs.
robhampton, I wouldn't share my traffic so easily. Someone will steal your highest traffic hubs that way. I had it happen once.
Holy cow!!! haha that is huge traffic. Bless you mate!
That's the kind of stat that I would want to have! Nonetheless, I only started to get busy with HubPages the last two months. Only three to four hubs are continuously bringing in the traffic. I was averaging 75 to 85 views on the first month with 15 hubs. When I increased it to 20 hubs, it averaged to around the same number but managed to reached a hundred plus on some days. That was with 20 featured hubs. I increased the hubs to the present 24, and I am now getting 200+ views per day. For how long? Well, I dunno. The numbers are low and it would probably take me a decade before I reach the $50 payout, but I am happy. I get to say my piece with some groups, and it's flying in the Hubbie cyberspace for all of them to see.
I am thankful with that, since it is more than what I have bargained for.
I guess it has something to do with keywords and stuff. I'm not really an expert here (a newbie actually) but I got 1000+ total views already on with my 7 hubs. :3
hello guys.. i'm quite new here.Its been three months and yesterday i posted my second hub which is not yet published(hence being a newbie ).Out of the only hub that i have published and featured, my last 30 days page views is 29,547 and the page views on the 'ever' column is 41,713.I'm confused is it good or bad.Well the second hub that i posted has about 10 views in half a day or so without being published.
just curious.. how long have you been here and how much traffic do you get at the moment?
All those views are your own. No one sees unpublished Hubs but you.
Twenty hubs in a month is really great and appreciable. Traffic will eventually grow. What you need to is concentrate on writing only. It will improve in six months time. Meantime, you need to be active in hubbing like asking question, answering question, take part in forum discussion and publishing lot of hubs with a decent text, I mean it should have at least 600 words, some fine photos, etc.etc....I have done a couple of hubs with the sole aim of helping freshers like you. Please find the same and educate yourself. Keep on writing. All the best.
My observation is that traffic will improve naturally after a period of six months and you write above 50 hubs. You need to do some SEO techniques like sharing it on social media like FB. Pinterest, Google+ and Stumbleupon are some other fine option to increase your traffic. Plus, you need to be active in HP forum also. Keep on writing. All the best.
I joined three weeks ago. now I have 9 hubs published and total views of 345.
When I was at 97 (total views) I kept waiting till it reached 100.
( You know sometimes Hubpages Traffic stats don't get updated for 8 or 9 hours.)
After reaching a dream milestone of 100,000 views or more, when you look back, You may find, a newbie hubber's concern about views, trivial. but for new hubbers like us, its quite natural.
so, try to strike a balance between, topics you are passionate about and getting traffic ( or you may call it SEO).
That is, find the sub niches or keywords that brings you traffic in your passionate topics, and start writing those articles.
I smiled at your comment about being trivial! Back when I was waiting to reach the 1 million milestone, I was checking my stats page every day too. "Am I going to go over one Tuesday? When is it going to happen?"
The advice you gave is great. I have a niche I am passionate about. I never have a viral hub, and do not know enough about SEO to make a big difference, but I do write for those readers who are interested in my subject. Search engines recongize that.
Dr. Mark:
You have over one million views and you are complaining about traffic??? I think you should be giving ME advice instead of me giving YOU advice. I had no idea you have done so well here..and am wishing I could do the same!
I hope I have never complained about traffic. Do I want it to be even better? Sure. I go on dog forums and YA and leave links, so I hope a lot of people are reading what I have put up there to help them. If people put more thought into the dog they were choosing, and selected a pet that fit their needs (be it shedding less, getting along with kids, or liking their cats) the shelters in the US and other parts of the world would be a lot less crowded.
And do I think I can get advice from those who have done a lot better (like crazyhorsesghost) and those that have less traffic? Of course. All of the great answers you gave on that traffic forum helped a lot, and it is nice to hear everyone´s opinions of what can help me reach even more dog owners.
I think your answers help others too. Did you see the hub Solaras published on hiking with your dog? The ad placement was as good as one of your RV hubs.
Well, I'm glad I was able to help, but I am amazed that with so many views and such success you feel that you need advice!
I only recently caught on to the ad placement thing (I'm a slow learner), and it has really made a difference. I suspect that if you go back and redo your ads, you will be able to double your income.
Good luck!
I am getting around 110 visitors per day for 32 hubs. I agree with Cheeky Kid that it's all about keywords selection. So the average traffic is quite low.
I dont really rely on hubpages traffic counter because of its refresh rate, however this past few days my hub's traffic was getting higher.. and probably due to Google, and stuff..
I will use Google Analytics and Webmasters tools instead. I recommend everyone to do this..
And for hubs getting the lowest traffic count, I share them on a facebook group that users can find it interesting..
by sam24354 9 years ago
I have just started, so I dont expect it in the near future, but how many hubs, or how many months before you start making money? How much traffic is considered to be good traffic? Right now I am getting about an average of 75 hits per day on 4 hubs. Is that good? What...
by Moon Daisy 13 years ago
Do you have a lot of 'red' hubs sitting in your HP account? Or do you decide on a topic, concentrate on that one hub and see it through from start to finish, before even considering the next one?I always have a large collection of red hubs, which I mostly started but abandoned somewhere along...
by Susan Britton 10 years ago
How many Hubs do You need to write so Hubpages gives you traffic? 100-200- 1000?Is it the number of years you are on Hubpages to get traffic from Google or is it the number of Hubs you write?
by Emilia 23 months ago
Hi,How feasible is it to earn 500$ + monthly from writing on hubpages? Is it possible from ad revenue alone? Or how should one go about mastering amazon links? (I've never had much luck with that aspect)Any tips/suggestions?I enjoy writing and my favorite niches are food, gardening, travel and...
by jwsc101 14 years ago
Welcome to Hubpages.I received my first ad click in the first few weeks I was here.The more content I post the more the amount of clicks have increased. I did not start seeing any clicks until I started receiving traffic from search engines.
by Bruce Chamoff 13 years ago
I am averaging around 6 hubs per week. Not too bad. I am not sure how that compares to the general average, but I would love to know.Also, happy 4th of July to you all!Bruce
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