Wanna see my pityfull adsense earnings :)

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  1. thecounterpunch profile image61
    thecounterpunchposted 17 years ago


    The chart above (made easily with Excel: check the tools menu / analysis) gives the distribution of daily earnings. Most of days daily earnings is about 0.45.

    As you can see, it doesn't follow the famous Normal Law in probability ... which is normal : normal law is not obligatory in the real world smile

  2. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 17 years ago

    Don't quit your day job. smile

    1. thecounterpunch profile image61
      thecounterpunchposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Just not yet ! But one day as I envision myself to become the greatest webmarketer of the World (just don't ask me when) smile

  3. Paraglider profile image89
    Paragliderposted 17 years ago

    Hey - be positive - it has never gone negative yet - Google won't be billing you!

    - D

    1. thecounterpunch profile image61
      thecounterpunchposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      For people who are newcomer, don't worry some people make very good money unlike me big_smile
      I'm an author, not a writer: I don't write to entertain, should I ? No, that's not my purpose on my hub.

  4. Paraglider profile image89
    Paragliderposted 17 years ago

    ni moi non plus

    I get paid for engineering. When that dries up, maybe I'll write for a pension. Or maybe I'll just sleep on my homebrew . . .

  5. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 17 years ago


    I think I'm with you.  I started writing on the internet to while away some otherwise unproductive time in an enjoyable fashion, then got sucked in by the prospect of earnings.  I thought online writing might form part of my future career plan, which I see as a mixture of various income streams. 

    I started out at Helium (10 cents per article per month), had a stopover at Thisisbyus (even less), and washed up at HubPages in expectations that earnings would be better.  It's early days and I know there are some Hubbers who are earning good money - but already, I'm beginning to think I won't be one of them.

    To earn money online, you must be willing to write on hot topics or niche topics, and to write your articles with one eye on SEO.  I want to write on topics that interest me, and I want to write naturally, rather than torturing my prose to please a search engine.  I suppose it is an almighty cheek, expecting to earn money for something I enjoy, rather than being willing to work for it! 

    The good thing is that on HubPages, I enjoy making the Hubs for their own sake.  The extra dimension of adding videos and pictures and being able to design the layout, even in a limited way, really attracts me.

    1. thecounterpunch profile image61
      thecounterpunchposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I'm pretty sure you will do great with time because your subjects can interest a lot of people and you do it wholeheartly.

  6. Lissie profile image75
    Lissieposted 17 years ago

    Yes got to say  I am currently looking a stunning $1.03 from hub pages adsense since mid-Oct! My impression is that no one has ever made a sale from Amazon or Ebay? I'm hoping by writing Flagship hubs I will get better revenue long term (and to be fair over 90% of my adsense revenue to date is from flagship hubs!)
    Its so frustrating - the longer I stay out of work in the real world the less  I want to go back!  I really want to make an online business make a living ($500pw would be fantastic) but I am beginning to think its not possible unless you started about 7 years ago and got in at the beginning

    1. Paraglider profile image89
      Paragliderposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Over 90% of $1.03? That's nearly a dollar wink

      But look on the bright side - these days, nobody wants dollars anyway.

    2. Stacie Naczelnik profile image66
      Stacie Naczelnikposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I haven't made anything from Ebay, but I have from Amazon.  It took awhile, but it is steadily (slowly) increasing.  Maddie Ruud and jimmythejock have both posted that they get sales too.  I think it is a combination of time and making sure you have appropriate items offered on your hubs.  (For example, someone bought a crockpot on one of my hubs with a crockpot recipe.)

      Also, it has taken awhile for my adsense to build up, but it has also steadily increased.  I went from $.03--$.40 a day if I was lucky to multiple dollars a day now.

    3. thecounterpunch profile image61
      thecounterpunchposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      $500pw would be fantastic ? Well I live in France, the Dollar is now 50% of Euro value, this would mean 250 euros for me smile. A little appartment in Paris is about 1000 euros / month and in France you cannot have your own job without paying huge upfront cost to gov even if you don't make a dime. And when you make some dime the tax are huge. That's why entrepreneurs in France are mostly either people who can't make a real living forced to create their own job because of unemployment or sons of rich people who have the money to pay the right to do business.

      France hates entrepreneurs though the term has been invented by them. That's why I'm a salaried today. If I was an entrepreneur I would have to earn about 8000 euros per month to pay all the taxes and get the equivalent of my net salary. This would mean 16000 equivalent dollars well nothing impossible of course but ... smile

  7. relache profile image66
    relacheposted 17 years ago

    I make both Amazon and eBay sales via my Hubs.  In fact, last month was the best month so far for my Hubs.

    The best advice I can give for making a successful Hub is you have to write about things you know that other people want to know about too.

    1. thecounterpunch profile image61
      thecounterpunchposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Relache I admire you and yes I write on subjects I know but it is clear that the subjects I tackle are a bit too serious for most of the hubpagers population. Still I'm happy with having some fans and that some people stumbleon my hubs spontaneously as I don't even know how to do that correctly without being accused of self-promotion.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 17 years agoin reply to this

        Counterpunch, on the internet there's such a thing as having too much integrity!

        Sites like Digg and Stumbleupon have terms and conditions which specifically prohibit self-promotion.  So strictly speaking, you're not allowed to Digg or Stumble your own work.

        In practice, read any article or course about writing online, and they'll tell you to Digg/Stumble your own stuff. The secret is to hide your own material amongst a large number of Diggs/Stumbles for other sites, so they don't catch you. 

        Personally, I have a problem with sites like Helium encouraging people to Digg their own articles.  I'm sure they'd be outraged if someone was encouraging people to break Helium's rules, even if it was in a small way.  After all, there are thousands - if not millions - of people writing online.  If they each Digg or Stumble only a handful of their own material, think how large that number would be.

        So I, like you, haven't quite been able to bring myself to do it.

        1. Lissie profile image75
          Lissieposted 17 years agoin reply to this

          A new site has launched to get around this issue bloggingzoom.com - they encourage you to submit your own work - but they wont accept hubpages - just blogs :-( If anyone finds it a useful site please zoom some of my submissions - I'm lissie there too

  8. MrMarmalade profile image71
    MrMarmaladeposted 17 years ago

    no I gleaned enough...
    you have put me off making the money. I will stick to the fun of it.
    in the meantime look for another to punch up big.
    I have have very large selections of careers.
    Main thing is don't give up the hope.

  9. AspireNow profile image38
    AspireNowposted 17 years ago

    Thanks for sharing! I think the idea of posting more Amazon ads, Ebay ads, and also other links back into other products on my site makes more sense than worrying about whatever revenue HubPages is paying me. The reason I started posting to HubPages was simply because I noticed that on some occasions it helped boost my blog articles rank in Google. That was my sole objective. Re: monetizing through HubPages, it might be possible, but I'm not counting on it. I think people here at HubPages often forget that articles posted here are MORE for HubPages benefit than the Hubbers. But, for some Hubbers, it is an opportunity to get their voice out, and a great way to start.

    If you're looking to make more serious bank, you might look into blogging on your own blog, and on others' blogs. I'm launching a course to help beginners get started at: <snip> No promotional links</snip>(still working out the payment links, so bear with me...). Thanks and Happy Hubbing! - Scott

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 17 years agoin reply to this


      Thanks but no thanks!  I've tried the blogging thing.  Once again, you need to be willing to write about a "hot" or "niche" topic. If you're lucky enough to be interested in such a topic, you're lucky.  If not, it's a chore.  Then you have to find new material to post, day after day or at least week after week.  Even if you do a good job, the ONLY person promoting your blog is you. 

      I have yet to come across anyone making serious money from a blog - the exception are people who blog about making money from blogging!!!!  The only people I know making money they can live on, have websites.  They may have a blog as a way of improving traffic to their website, but it's the website that does the hard yards.

    2. Mark Knowles profile image57
      Mark Knowlesposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I am wondering what you mean by "serious bank?"
      And at $250 for the course, it will only take thecounterpunch about 18 months to pay for it. big_smile
      I'm thinking the only people making serious bank are the guys selling a course on how to make money blogging smile

  10. MM Del Rosario profile image86
    MM Del Rosarioposted 17 years ago

    I started blogging in early 2006 but I don't know anything about blog promotion , so I did not go very far, so for the whole year my adsense did not even pass $10.00 but when I joined Hubpages, at least there is something coming everyday.

    I still haven't recieved any pay yet but I hope in the next few months.   Gee it is hard to make money online. I think I have to apply to make Flagships Hubs.

  11. SunSeven profile image60
    SunSevenposted 17 years ago

    Don't feel disheartened. Stay on course. Money will come your way. Remember, there are no shortcuts to riches, unless you are planning a crime!
    Best Regards  smile

  12. Lowrychris profile image60
    Lowrychrisposted 17 years ago

    I think writing with an eye to making money on hubpages may not be the right thing to do.  Sure it would be great to make a living just posting articles here and there, but that's leaving too much to chance.  Write what you know, write what you like, be fun, funny and interesting, and guess what, people will read you.

    If you happen to write about a hot topic, then people from outside of hubpages may find you via a search engine, and in reading your work, end up offering you work.  That's what happened to me.  Sure, just once so far, but I made more for one weeks worth of work than two or three months of ad sense.

    I think the people who make the most money via this site, or even their own post consistantly, creatively and diligently.  I would also bet they didn't post a few times and expect to make their annual income in only one month.

    Is there money to be made here?  Sure there is.

    The question isn't how much, but how will you?

    If you write articles about topics you like, and they are good, entertaining pieces of work, people will read you.  Now take what you've written and add to it.  Write more and more on your topic, until everyone considers you an expert.  Don't write to make money, at least not here, not yet.  Just be fun and be spectacular, and repeat.  The money will come soon enough.

    The worst thing you can do is write without a plan.  Why are you writing here?  Who are you writing for?  Once you figure that out, then you can make a plan to make money here.

  13. profile image0
    Marye Audetposted 17 years ago

    I blog for  a couple of networks as well as writing here, and  havign my own blogs. Blogging for a network can be very lucrative if it is the right network. About.com for example pays upwards of 700.00 a month plus ad revenue percents.  Surprisingly even if you base on a network blog is only 100-200 a month the ad revenues add up. If you do more than one blog, as most of the people i know do you can easily make enough to live on.
    But it is a job and a full time job at that. It takes time ot build your readers into friends that not only return but tell others about you. It takes tme to check out other blogs and leave comments. It takes time to research you subject, take quality images, and hone your skills. It takes me approximately 4-6 hours a day to blog.
    Most of my blogs are food related. My images are very, very good because I constantly strive to be more creative in my photography. I do alot of online competitions, round-ups, and that type of thing. One of my posts ended up on page one of Digg for several days and that built my blog up even more.
    People want to feel that they know you. They want to read your personality in your words and build up relationship and trust. I notice that there is a big difference between successful writers and successful bloggers that not all people can bridge one to another.

    1. profile image0
      Terri Paajanenposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote for About for many years, and they are great, though it's tough job getting hired. Yes, they pay great and you can make a good living from them alone. But they don't pay ad revenue percentages. Part of your rate per page view is determined by your ad successes, but that's about it. Not quite the same thing. Just wanted to clarify. And flaunt my own ex-About status while I was at it.


  14. profile image0
    Marye Audetposted 17 years ago

    I think that has changed Terri, I prepped for them last month and it did include ad percentages. I didn't get the job (which is probably a good thing) ...

  15. len7288 profile image57
    len7288posted 17 years ago

    I just wrote an article about this topic now, at first i want to place it here, but its already too long so I decided to just write an article about it. Below it the link... i hope you can check it

  16. thecounterpunch profile image61
    thecounterpunchposted 17 years ago

    Thanks everybody for all your interesting testimonies. Don't worry for me I have never intended to make money online (as I have a regular good job already) - I was just curious to see how it was to try to do it: well it's hard if you don't have the necessary talent / time to do so smile . I use hubpages more as a reminder of stuffs for myself than really writing to get an audience.

    I'm very pleased for those who can do much better than me as they deserve to with genuine and mindfull articles though it's not often in my scope of interest. I regret that there are not so many people getting interested to write in the same field as me. I don't want to write on political blogs as people are often completely crazy about trying to catalog and flame you so I prefer hubpages.

    And I find hubpages unique as the creators are always around and interacting with their users, I've never seen that anywhere else.

  17. profile image48
    bjthelabmonkeyposted 17 years ago

    I have several blogs on the net all about things I'm interested in and I make decent money from them.  It's all about how you promote you blog and if you have other streams of revenue on you blog. I always have some type of banner or ad linking to different affiliate banners that relate to the subject I'm writing about.

    It's hard work and the lack of sleep can get old since right now it's 4:00AM, but it's worth it.  Keep working hard and smart.  Think about how much each page can make you and set a minimum for what you want that page to earn.  You may want to have a blog that just has the RSS feeds from your other blogs and Hub pages listed to increase interest in what you are writing about.

  18. William F. Torpey profile image71
    William F. Torpeyposted 17 years ago

    This is a very interesting forum topic. I did not join hubpages to make money (a good thing, too.) I joined because I have something to say, and I'd like as many people as possible to read my scribblings because I feel strongly about them. But I'm not computer saavy, so the only ones who read my hubs are other hubbers and a few friends. I signed up with stumbleupon and Digg, but I know less about them than I do about hubpages. I, too, have no knowledge about how to increase the readership of my hubs when you are not allowed to tell anyone that your hubs exist (that's self-promotion.) Nevertheless, I appreciate the opportunity hubpages provides to put my opinions "out there," and the other hubbers I've made contact with are fantastic. Who cares about money anyway!

    1. thecounterpunch profile image61
      thecounterpunchposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      I do ... but not in the usual sense :
      It's not about making money online, it's about how the money would be more fairly distributed if the FED system wasn't a private banking cartel smile

  19. Ralph Deeds profile image70
    Ralph Deedsposted 17 years ago

    "Not allowed to tell anyone that your hubs exist?" I'm not aware of any such restriction. I email mine to people who I think might be interested in them, and I link them to other websites such as Wikipedia. Some wikipedia entries delete my links but quite a few have stuck, and they produce significant traffic.

  20. Rudra profile image69
    Rudraposted 17 years ago

    It is really a uphill struggle but but of money will flow in eventually.

  21. acopson profile image54
    acopsonposted 17 years ago

    I only started using hubpages a few weeks ago, but have been blogging for about 4 months now and make only $5 a week, but that's cool, it's five dollars i never had before and it will increase over time as search engines rank my blogs and traffic increases.

    I think to earn online you just need to stick in there, I use a few other blogging services and make $15-20 a month from just 10 blogs on one of them, but that's how the cookie crumbles, some people make hundreds and even thousands from one, but they are the most experienced veterans, I believe if we are patient our blogs will increase our wealth eventually, it's a bit of a waiting game i suppose.

    My adsense account is only $1.43 after 4 months, but hopefully hubpages will improve that, I would be happy with $50 a week, that would pay a bill or two.

    If you need to increase your earnings with your blogs quicker then maybe you should think about putting a third of what you make back into advertising them to increase readership and traffic and if are into earning online then look into other revenues of income online other than blogs and websites.

    I make $100 dollars a month from all my online activity and this is a real help financially, my first month i struggled to make $5, so by month 12 I should be making a half decent amount hopefully.

    Stay with it, most people that are making big bucks have been doing it for years.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      ...yes but have you ever met any of them?  I've spent the last year researching online earning opportunities.  You'll find my conclusions on a couple of my Hubs! 

      Yes, there are people making big money blogging, but funnily enough they're all blogging about making money blogging.  Or trying to sell you a course about it (or affiliate marketing, or some other "guaranteed" money-spinner).  I ask you, if their system was so successful, why wouldn't they just be doing it instead of having to sell it to you?

      The other group which seems to be making enough to live on (though not a fortune) are the people who have good websites (a good example is Retireyoung, who's a member here).  Even then, they spent months or even years burning the midnight oil before they earned enough to give up their day job.  These people run blogs to drive traffic to their websites, but they usually don't create much revenue in their own right.

      I'm interested in Marye's comment about blogging "on a network" as opposed to a standalone blog.  I don't even know what that means - Marye, please explain (maybe there's a Hub in it?).  Actually, I wouldn't call About.com a blog site, it's more like an article website, so perhaps my argument still stands.

  22. Apae profile image60
    Apaeposted 17 years ago

    Why leave About if it was so good? I've known About for having quite good quality articles, so no wonder getting hired is hard.

    And about those AdSense earnings: mine are even more terrible. With any luck things will pick up soon, for both you and I.


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