Malice Does It Exist On HubPages

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  1. getpaidtopost profile image39
    getpaidtopostposted 15 years ago

    Do you think malice exist on hubpages? I for one do, Do you rate down on a hub and why? I for one have never ever rated down on a hub unless the content contains inappropriate material. However If i just don't like a post I just leave it without any rating. I think this rating system on hubpages is void and not authentic. just my opinion though. please someone prove me wrong and tell me the voting system is malice protected.

    1. Kelsey Tallis profile image65
      Kelsey Tallisposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      "Malice protected"? So you think it's okay to down-rate a hub just because "someone" may be offended by the content? [Frankly, I find that malicious...] I down-rate hubs only if they are extremely poorly-written or contain so little text/original content that I think they are pointless and don't deserve to be published anywhere... I would never down-rate a hub simply because "someone" may be offended by the content. Does that make me malicious?

      1. getpaidtopost profile image39
        getpaidtopostposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry you read this wrong I should have put I only down rate with very very good reason.

      2. mandybeau profile image58
        mandybeauposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Totally agree with you, How can u justify this and then say Its bad to rate a Hub down, because what it is poorly written, or drop dead boring... I don't understand how anyone can see genuine critique as  malice. Get a Life Paid to Post, I never Flag, but have given the thumbs down to one Hub that was totally incorrect.

    2. darkside profile image58
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The Thumbs Down is for people wishing to vote down low quality or spam. Is that malicious? No.

      Can it be used as a tool for malice by small minded individuals who live out pathetic lives? Yes.

      1. getpaidtopost profile image39
        getpaidtopostposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        This is as I thought. thanks darkside.

        1. mandybeau profile image58
          mandybeauposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I cannot believe that anyone would seriously sit and do this, as the Hub people pick up on any bad behaviour. as my own lol, just wonder at the level of intelligence of the Hub putta downer.

    3. RKHenry profile image63
      RKHenryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It's not malice protected. Rating someone down and flagging them are two completely different things.  I think someone up above spoke of flagging hubs.  But I do strongly feel that the rating hubs hub system currently used is quite flawed.

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image76
        Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        It is...if they notice someone is deliberately voting down hubs they will do something about it... I know I read that somewhere before.

      2. shibashake profile image80
        shibashakeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I think they should just get rid of the thumbs down button. Most people don't use it anyway, so it just ends up being an additional tool for people to give you the finger behind your back.

        If someone wants to give me the finger - they should at least attach their names to it and do it in front of my face smile

        1. Ivorwen profile image65
          Ivorwenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Many outside of hubpages use the thumbs up/down when they read.  I know from private e-mails. 

          I often use the thumbs up for articles that I really enjoyed reading, whether I have a  comment to make or not.  I would like to know how much actual difference it makes.  I have only used the thumbs down button once, for a very poorly written article that was extremely hateful.  It was hateful towards everyone, and though it did not 'break' hub rules, it was far from quality.  If I thought it would have helped the individual, I would have left a comment, but those leave ip addresses, and this individual did not need that information!

          1. shibashake profile image80
            shibashakeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Good point with the IP address.

            I suppose if it were truly hateful, I would flag it. If it is just a difference in opinion, I would probably just ignore.

            I have given some thumbs down in the past for the odd stolen picture hub that I have stumbled across but nowadays I just ignore them.

            Personally, I feel that there is a greater likelihood of misuse.

  2. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    I only vote down hubs that are obvious spam.

    And just because one person gives a hub a thumbs down is not enough to damage the score. HubPages does look at it and if someone is voting hubs down deliberately they will catch onto that.

    It's the same with flagging, one flag will not get a hub removed.

  3. getpaidtopost profile image39
    getpaidtopostposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for your reply, I think one thing that should exist is a timer on the rate it up or down buttons, this could be setup depending on the amount of characters within a hub and how long it takes on average to read. This will deter malice rating as viewers would have to wait for the clock to go down to Zero before they could rate. This would give a more accurate hubscore i think.

  4. Eaglekiwi profile image73
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    I wish the rate thingy was more attention getting .
    Im guilty of reading ,leaving a comment then flying out without rating ( not all the time ) just some of the time , oh hell ok alot of the time -sorry sad

    1. Lisa HW profile image61
      Lisa HWposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Now that I've finally noticed (quite a while ago actually), I rate up.  I went for a long time, though, without even knowing it was there. 

      If something is obviously spam I'll rate it down.  I'd never rate down something just because I felt like being malicious.  I wouldn't want that done to my stuff (just because someone didn't like me or otherwise had some grudge).

  5. cindyvine profile image78
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Listening to some of the comments on the forums, definitely malice!

    1. getpaidtopost profile image39
      getpaidtopostposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This is my fear. thanks for your reply.

  6. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Umm, I almost never thumb down. If hub breaks the rules, I flag it, otherwise I just leave it alone.

    1. Rochelle Frank profile image93
      Rochelle Frankposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Me too-- and also I am guilty of not giving an "up'  sometimes when I mean too, it is easily overlooked. I promise to be more "up"  along with ,or even without comments.

      1. Lissie profile image76
        Lissieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Double ditto - if its spam I flag it - not from maliciousness but because I don't want hubpages as a whole to be downgraded by Google in he same way as squidoo was a while back.

        And yes I forget to thumbs up - but I try to remember - it would be good to have the option below the comments as well as above cause i read the comments and then forget to scroll back for the voting button

  7. cashmere profile image75
    cashmereposted 15 years ago

    I just realized you could rate a hub up or down!
    Well live and learn.
    I'd like to apologize to all the hubbers  whose hubs I visited and thought were great up did not rate up!

    1. getpaidtopost profile image39
      getpaidtopostposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It is very easy to miss the rating up or down buttons they dont exactly jump out at you, without knowing its there you would never see the rating buttons. Thought this when i started hubpages and still think it now.

      1. Rochelle Frank profile image93
        Rochelle Frankposted 15 years agoin reply to this


        Problem is-- you can't attract attention to the "up" without also attracting attention to the "down".  As readers, we have to take the responsibility for the usage.

    2. Eaglekiwi profile image73
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Pleased Im not the only one who has to search for it.
      Imagine how much more difficult it must be for the casual visitor!tongue

      1. Rochelle Frank profile image93
        Rochelle Frankposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        That's OK-- "casual visitors" don't care as much as regular hubbers.

        1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
          Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          But ther opinion is free of bias.
          They tend to vote on the Hub and not the personality.

        2. Eaglekiwi profile image73
          Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          On the contrary they care less about what others think and vote without bias.

    3. profile image0
      Webb.erposted 15 years agoin reply to this


  8. earnestshub profile image71
    earnestshubposted 15 years ago

    Unless it is spam I never vote down. If I don't like it, doesn't mean someone else wont think it is great.

  9. cashmere profile image75
    cashmereposted 15 years ago

    Guess its like life. You gotto take the good with the bad.
    Anyway I know I will be pushing up all my fav bookmarked hubs soon.

  10. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    As I see it, there is a fair amount of malice on HP but it is primarily confined to the Forums (and a select few hubs that by their nature are polarizing). The the malice is much more evident in the snarky comments people post back and forth skewering each other's intellect.
    Rating a given hub down does a lot less "damage" to the author than engaging in a battle of words in the comments section.

    But by and large, most of the hubbers I've encountered are not malicious -- quite the opposite, in fact! MM

    1. profile image0
      MangoGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      MM, I'd rather say malice is when you put people down behind their backs like when you feel wronged by someone and work on setting them up as wicked or malicious behind their backs. I'm not talking about you, of course. smile But there are a few names I could mention. Threads started for the sole purpose of revenge when you can't achieve it face-to-face, private mails going back and forth discussing how to make someone look bad. an so on.
      As for the "the snarky comments people post back and forth skewering each other's intellect", it's never aimed at "damaging" people. Hp is a game, so some people just want to play it. But others seem to take things too seriously. Things should be seen for what they are not though the eyes of prejudice.
      Rating hubs down out of malice? Well, that behavior definitely does exist!

      1. mandybeau profile image58
        mandybeauposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You are so right, it is pathetic, and they haven't the intellect to see that, it is obvious little skpe conversations are going on behind the scenes...... Those people are so pathetic, it is as though they have no real life.
        They group together, it is so easy to tell who they are.....
        I can just imagine them in their sensible night attire, sitting with their drinking chocolate, thinking how clever I am, while their partners, spouses whatever are out cheating behind their stupid backs. What a laugh. You have to realise anyone with an above average I.Q would pick up on it< howver I think alot are lacking in that area.
        Then there are the boring psudo intellectuals, they write boring Hubs and snipe, it is these that I tend to pick on. I also think that the hubscore is controlled by those buttons, that and the amount of activity. If however they don't like you they ring up the Powers that be, and everytime your score drops significantly. For me it is definittely a game.But also I have met heaps of cool people I have them as fans.

  11. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    People do not conspire with others to drop others scores, that is crazy talk. Scores go up and down for many reasons...and they go down when you post on the forum too much, it has nothing to do with malice.

    I think people are drawn to post on threads when they see in hubtivity that someone whose opinions they respect has posted and they are interested in seeing what they said. It's not a conspiracy...

    When I started posting on this site last year it was so friendly and supportive, now the negativity is starting to take over and some people are posting out of spite.

    But I'm not leaving this forum...Occasionally there are measured, intelligent threads and it is a public forum.

  12. Eaglekiwi profile image73
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    Well guess Im out on a limb here but Im gonna say my 3cents worth ( I made one cent overnight)

    I think no one knows what or how a score is arrived at, we  guess , speculate and assume.
    I have been here alot some days ,poured my all into a hub or two ,posted on threads ,had my real pic ,had lightening strike, pets , read ,rated ,commented, the whole deal ,the good lil hubbette following advice and my score DROPPED before my eyes over 2hrs and kept dropping.
    Opposite scenerio I did very little, and whoosh overnight it had jumped by 6 points.

    It is definately a good marketing tool ,I will give Hubpages that.

  13. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 15 years ago

    The hubscore is almost entirely to do with the amount of search traffic the hub gets, followed by the length of the hub. There is a random factor to to mix it all up - take a look at the hubs with 100 scores and it will be pretty obvious it has little to do with hubbers actions re thumbs up/down

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ok ,yep that part makes sense ,thanks lissie

    2. shibashake profile image80
      shibashakeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hmmm, that hasn't been the case with my own hubs. My highest scoring ones tend to get lower traffic overall. I have seen others saying this on the Forums as well.

      I think thumbs up and down do get computed into the score - but perhaps if you get a whole lot of traffic, that will minimize their effect.

      There is some overlap in the hot hubs and best hubs list, but usually the two lists are quite different.

  14. Shadesbreath profile image75
    Shadesbreathposted 15 years ago

    I only thumbs down hubs that are better written than mine. Which means, pretty much all of them get thumbs down from me.  I like to follow up with a nasty comment too. I don't think that's so much malicious as it is self-serving.  Only creative hubs featuring hawt super-model pictures get the thumbs up from me.  Mmmmmm, models!

  15. Pete Maida profile image61
    Pete Maidaposted 15 years ago

    The rating system assumes that we all have a certain level a maturity; even if we sometimes don't show it in the forums.  They give us a way to rate our fellow hubbers.  I have yet to see a hub that had me consider for a second to rate it down.  I have rated many up and I should have rated others up but I just forgot.
    If there are rogues that are being mean and hurtfull for no reason then maybe the ratings should end.  People put time in their writing and it shouldn't be devalued by childishness.

  16. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    It is not the amount of traffic your receive, it is dynamic of this traffic what counts, whether it grows or falls smile

    1. Ivorwen profile image65
      Ivorwenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      What counts as dynamic traffic?  Organic search engine traffic, the amount of time a visitor stays or something else?

    2. shibashake profile image80
      shibashakeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That is a very good point. However, it is still only one of the many hubscore measures. Some of my higher scoring hubs have a pretty flat long-term traffic pattern.

      But maybe it is just me - idk smile


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