Men working out

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  1. Ladybird33 profile image65
    Ladybird33posted 15 years ago

    Someone explain to me why men work out their upper bodies and not their legs?  I see men at the gym who have huge chest and arms and their legs look like chicken legs...why is that?

    1. Capable Woman profile image60
      Capable Womanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Because they see the results int their upper bodies quicker. Why do muscle-head weightlifter types never do cardio?

      I think that if you start getting some small results in one area, human nature is to then dwell on that area. Not good for overall health and toning, however.

    2. usmanali81 profile image61
      usmanali81posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Leg excercises are difficult and boring, after that you become unable to walk easily.

      1. Ladybird33 profile image65
        Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this


    3. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Because they haven't yet found my hubs on exercises for hamstrings, quadriceps and calves. wink

      1. Ladybird33 profile image65
        Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Love the idea, working on it smile

        1. HealthCare Basics profile image61
          HealthCare Basicsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Read a few of his hubs on the subject. Good information too. I never go to the gym because you either get pushed around by steroid robots or others are stomping the foot waiting to get on the machine. That's why I have a small home gym or outdoor activities to try and stay fit.

          1. darkside profile image59
            darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I'm working on a hub that'll have a complete workout with just a set of dumbbells.

            It's been a long time since I've been to a public gym. At least during business hours.

            1. Ladybird33 profile image65
              Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Excellent, I can't wait to read it!   I workout a lot at home and would like to know some different workouts to incorporate.

    4. TrinaLynne profile image70
      TrinaLynneposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol lol Too funny. I guess they figure the top half gets more girls.....I don't like the muscular look but a lotta chicks dig it, even if their legs look bamboo branches. wink

    5. blondepoet profile image68
      blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ROFL yes you see that all the time, everything in their legs must run to their arms

      1. Ladybird33 profile image65
        Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this


        1. blondepoet profile image68
          blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I don't like a guys legs to be skinnier than mine cos even though mine are slim if he has puny legs then that makes mine feel heavier. It is crazy ROFL

      2. Candie V profile image71
        Candie Vposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I think you gals should go to a diff. gym..the one I go to they hog the leg/weight machines..they hog all the weights. I just go up and say "Looks good, time to give those bad boys a rest" and they jump off and I'm good to go!  Try my gym!

  2. Pete Maida profile image60
    Pete Maidaposted 15 years ago

    My friend works out alot and he does leg exercises but he still has skinning legs.  He'll tell the joke himself, "Hey you have strings hanging from your shorts, oh they're your legs."

    If I didn't work my legs they would be fat.  I use weights for upper body and martial arts for legs.

    1. Ladybird33 profile image65
      Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Love the least you work your legs too smile

    2. SLove187 profile image59
      SLove187posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      some time i don't have the time to work out. i do run around at work
      can that be calld working out?

      1. Ladybird33 profile image65
        Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        If you are sweating like crazy and doing lunges, then yes, consider it a workout smile

  3. Joelle Burnette profile image70
    Joelle Burnetteposted 15 years ago

    They don't need to...Look at any old man and you'll more than likely see scrawny legs and a sagging, tiny ass, both of which most women are jealous. Perhaps not a sagging ass, but certainly a small one. And why? Because it takes we girls hours of walking nowhere on treadmills and swimming for miles from wall to wall in order to achieve the same skinny legs and tiny ass.

    My husband has the tiny ass, and skinny, muscular Scottish legs along with a larger-than-healthy belly where all his weight gravitates.

    1. Ladybird33 profile image65
      Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing, have to tell you that it made me laugh a lot!

      1. Joelle Burnette profile image70
        Joelle Burnetteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Happy to do so!

  4. lxxy profile image60
    lxxyposted 15 years ago

    Its quite simple....

    ....never seen a red robin bare his chest? ;D

    1. Ladybird33 profile image65
      Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Never heard that one before

  5. profile image48
    badcompany99posted 15 years ago

    Cause we don't wear skirts and show our legs like you ladies but we do show our rippling muscles. Well just a theory smile

  6. Ivorwen profile image65
    Ivorwenposted 15 years ago

    My husband always tries to work all muscle groups evenly, and teaches our boys to do the same, because unbalanced muscles lead to problems.  His focus is to be healthy.

  7. debris profile image78
    debrisposted 15 years ago

    The general rule of thumb is to alternate upper body and lower body works outs each day.  Maybe the guys you're seeing think they can get top heavy and that will work their legs out for them smile.


  8. HealthCare Basics profile image61
    HealthCare Basicsposted 15 years ago

    Perhaps it's because there seems to only be advertisements featuring upper body toning. I rarely see commercials for the lower body except those specifically targeting womens thighs. Maybe it's the macho male thing to concentrate only on the chest and abdomen for that eight pak look. I was athletic in school as a swimmer for long distances. That kept the lower body toned and muscular. Now, I alternate with biking, skating, and elyptical jogging to work on the lower legs.

    1. Ladybird33 profile image65
      Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Good, spread the word, legs are important too!

  9. Prince Moses profile image61
    Prince Mosesposted 15 years ago

    Just as no worthy building can be erected on a weak foundation, so no lasting strength worthy of respect can be built on weak legs.

    1. Ladybird33 profile image65
      Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this


  10. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    I do like 100 pull ups every morning. I don't know if that exercise works on your legs, but I hardly think I have chicken legs. Hardly.

    1. Ladybird33 profile image65
      Ladybird33posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If you are doing a 100 pull ups, then work you legs too, why not?


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