by Glen 15 years ago
Mashable have an article titled Launch Your Own Indie Journalism Site which is worth a read whether or not you want to start your own independent news site.Here's a couple of tips that can apply to Hubbers:From Best Advice for Indie Journalists“First, realize that this is going to be an incredible...
by mommyfreelancer 15 years ago
First, thanks to darkside's post, I was able to improve my hubs for Top Ten Reasons Why The Philippines Is A Great Tourist Destination.I can't however, put a background color on the toggled text capsule. Silly me, but I can't see which one to click/activate. It still says - available only when...
by Fehl Dungo 15 years ago
What to do when you receive messages (for example in myblogLog) that they clicked your ads and they want you to do the same?I'm afraid google will ban me from receiving clicks like these though I never asked them to...
by Glen 14 years ago
I remember the first time I published something online. The love was instant. Google was waiting for me. Yahoo was ready to party. There was tens of thousands of people lined up eager to visit my very first page and about 10% of those had their credit cards ready so they could click thru and buy...
by Teresa Schultz 14 years ago
Is it just once and I'm done voting that hub up - or is there like a 24 hour restriction in place, then I can vote it up again. I think some hubs are absolutely super, and it would be nice to know if extra votes eg on day 2, day 3, day 4 etc are helping that hubber in some way.I've spent...
by NenadJ 16 years ago
I tried posting comment on offending page (darkside) but it still didn't show.Excerpts:I find it extremely cynical and ironic that in your “Duplication vs Plagiarism” pageyou are using my image ( without permission.Image resides on my website and...