Too early!

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  1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    I went over to the mall today and they were playing Christmas songs in Sears. It is too early! I thought it was bad enough when they started after US Thanksgiving.

    And the Save the Children or another charity, can't remember which, is already playing John Lennon's So This is Christmas in their ads.

    1. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      you know...that song has been co-opted so much by advertisers i actually hate it.

      1. wyanjen profile image71
        wyanjenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Me too. If I hear it any other time of year, I still think it is a beautiful song, but during the holidays it makes me cringe.

        Those of us who do not celebrate Christmas get especially irritated. I can appreciate the good will toward man sentiment, but when it is starting this early in the year, the good will part seems to fade away...

        1. Quilligrapher profile image74
          Quilligrapherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I don't see this as good will toward man sentiment at all.  I see it as retail's distorted idea of good business.

    2. sunforged profile image78
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I listen to that song all year long..if only all christmas music was that good

      ..its "Happy Christmas (War Is Over)"

      1. rmcrayne profile image94
        rmcrayneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Love the song.  This one I never get tired of.

    3. emievil profile image63
      emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If you think it's too early, trying being here in my country come September. They start playing Christmas songs as early as Sept. 1. Decors go up as early as October (even before Halloween). And Christmas bazaars are already in full swing by November. smile

  2. kirstenblog profile image78
    kirstenblogposted 14 years ago

    Chances are that before to long we will be getting christmas ads in the spring time! lol

    1. Luciendasky profile image58
      Luciendaskyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! NO NO NO NO!!!! I am already Christmased out as it is with everything going on here... our mall is already decorated (day after halloween)

    2. Paradise7 profile image67
      Paradise7posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Too much commercialization of Christmas can be BAD for your health!

      It can drive one to DRINK!

  3. myownworld profile image72
    myownworldposted 14 years ago that by the time it's actually Xmas day, all your senses have been so over saturated that the next day you're actually relieved it's all 'over and done with'! But then the new year preparations are there to assault you from all directions.... but atleast, there is some peace and quiet till easter eggs start hatching all over!!! wink

  4. Jonathan Janco profile image60
    Jonathan Jancoposted 14 years ago

    Gives me a great idea for a horror flick to come out for next Halloween: "Don't Go To The Mall!"

  5. Dr23 profile image59
    Dr23posted 14 years ago

    They've been playing X-mas stuff here for a while now.
    When radio stations are about to change their format, from rock to rap, or something like that, they wait to make the official switch until after Christmas. This means there has been Christmas music in this area since before Halloween.

  6. profile image0
    cosetteposted 14 years ago

    yeah i agree. then it just turns into a big money-making machine.

    of course i feel all hypocrity now writing Christmas hubs wink

    speaking of which i'd better knuckle down and get to it.

  7. wyanjen profile image71
    wyanjenposted 14 years ago

    Nah, there is no hypocrisy in writing Christmas hubs.
    It's a business decision. Or, if you don't want to be that cynical, you are just giving the people what they want smile

  8. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    I don't inflict my Christmas hubs on anyone. If they don't type in buy a Christmas ----- online, I never get in their face. The christmas music is on the radio (one station is only playing christmas music) and in my face everywhere this year. There might just be a backlash. A few years ago merchants started this crap in September. And had to stop because there were so many complaints. ....And yes I have turned off the radio.

    The mall is where I do a lot of marketing research, so I just try to detach and understand the trends.

  9. MargaritaB profile image60
    MargaritaBposted 14 years ago

    I was in the grocery store the other day and they were playing one with organ music.  I wanted to get out my roller skates and skate down the aisles. Rememeber those days at the roller rink?

  10. RedSonja94 profile image60
    RedSonja94posted 14 years ago

    I'm loving all the Christmas decorations in the stores right now.  In 2 weeks I'll have my new tree up and will be playing Christmas music all the time.  I love this time of year, but I don't really, really get into it until there is snow on the ground.

  11. fishtiger58 profile image69
    fishtiger58posted 14 years ago

    It's only the ringing of the Salvation Army outside stores that bother me. I don't mind donating just the ringing of the bells that drive me nuts.

  12. Betty Reid profile image60
    Betty Reidposted 14 years ago

    I love shopping early.  My shopping is almost done, and I'll send out cards right after Thanksgiving. By the time Christmas gets here, I'll be ready to relax and enjoy it.

    1. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      right on.

      this year i bought gift baskets at costco for relatives. i'm going to ship them all thanksgiving week. i even got all the cards, tags and christmas stamps. this year i am really organized! i finally realized that is one way to reduce pressure on myself.

      now i want to go listen to Christmas music. i think i will put my tree up the day after Thanksgiving!

  13. rmcrayne profile image94
    rmcrayneposted 14 years ago

    We have a local soft rock station that plays Christmas music 24/7 from Thanksgiving until well after New Year's.  It just about makes me want to boycott the station 365!

  14. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    UW, agreed.  It started around Halloween.  We have a gift shop in our area, and it used to have really, really, nice window displays for each holiday.  Before Halloween they had a mucked together mix of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Red Sox and Patriots.  My grocery store has all the Christmas candy out now.  Last year I couldn't find a small Fourth of July decoration at Homegoods three days before the holiday, because they had out all the Halloween stuff.  My neighbors have their Christmas lights all up (next to my house, which still has pumpkins and mums on the stairs BECAUSE IT'S NOVEMBER!  lol)

  15. Beth100 profile image70
    Beth100posted 14 years ago

    Songs, okay, can cope with that.  BUT Santa arrived this past weekend (14th November) already!!!  Whoa!  Gotta pull in the reins on that!!!

    1. drej2522 profile image69
      drej2522posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      so, wait...I'm confused...there IS a santa?

      WHICH IS IT?? smile

      1. mistywild profile image59
        mistywildposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Of course there is big_smile

        1. Dao Hoa profile image61
          Dao Hoaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You must believe, or Santa will fade away too.

          And yes, I agree. All Holiday sales came too early. Too comercialized sad Take away all of the magically feeling.

  16. talfonso profile image79
    talfonsoposted 13 years ago

    Hahahaha - I'm getting used to it as an online writer. I too, need all the profits for holiday sales from my commercial Hubs! That's called Christmas creep, and I wrote a Hub on that one June!


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