How do you socialise on HubPages?

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  1. JakeFrost profile image61
    JakeFrostposted 11 years ago

    How do you socialise on HubPages?

    How do you interact with the community, forums, answers, commenting etc.??

  2. mio cid profile image58
    mio cidposted 11 years ago

    I try to comment on topics that interest me, and mostly interact through hubs.

  3. sm825 profile image61
    sm825posted 11 years ago

    I look for authors, and hubs with similar interests then I. Next if the content is interesting I comment and possibly follow the author.

  4. Sunshine625 profile image83
    Sunshine625posted 11 years ago

    I don't socialize on HP much. When I meet a hubber that I like and we share common interests we interact via email, Facebook, Google+ or wherever the trail might lead. I've met friends on HP who I feel that I've known a lifetime and will continue to communicate throughout my lifetime with.

  5. Lwelch profile image77
    Lwelchposted 11 years ago

    Answers and commenting are my top two.  One of my pages has literally hundreds of comments.  I often wish we could have forums on our hubs.

  6. iluvdj0612` profile image60
    iluvdj0612`posted 11 years ago

    socializing doesnt mean just parties or occassions. by simply interacting, trying to listen and give comments is one of those. socialize in a way that people understand each other, giving some tips and suggestions, you are not just socializing but you are already doing awesome thing not for one but for everybody. so, would u like to socialize? I bet yes! coz your hubs are also very helpful! good job jakefrost!

  7. Becky Katz profile image81
    Becky Katzposted 11 years ago

    I interact with them on hubs and some of them I use emails and a few I even call on the phone.

  8. Johnrr631992 profile image84
    Johnrr631992posted 11 years ago

    I don't necessarily socialize with people on HP.. I comment on all my hubs as they get comments, and answer questions that pop up on my stats page, but beyond that I don't do much socializing here. Personally I am here to write, and I try not to let things get in the way of that.

  9. Duchessoflilac1 profile image63
    Duchessoflilac1posted 11 years ago

    Make sure you respond to comments on your hub. At least say thank you.

    1. profile image0
      Garifaliaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I completely agree. It's simple human courtesy.

    2. iluvdj0612` profile image60
      iluvdj0612`posted 11 years agoin reply to this


  10. DS Duby profile image74
    DS Dubyposted 11 years ago

    I comment on a lot of hubs and like to communicate through the answers section in questions. There are many other hubbers I have became facebook friends with because of their interesting hubs and/or comments

  11. DDE profile image46
    DDEposted 11 years ago

    I don't  communicate  much on HP mostly comment when I can

  12. profile image0
    Garifaliaposted 11 years ago

    I don't go into the Forum section, but I feel that commenting on hubs is necessary for the writer to know where he/she stands. I even went to the trouble of writing a fan mail pointing out to one writer about his grammatical mistakes, but I never heard from him. I actually thought I was being helpful. Every time someone comments on mine I get excited. I look forward and respond to all types of comments (as long as they're polite; I detest people
    who use foul language-NEVER happened to me).

    As for the answers section, well some I answer (like now) because they're irresistible and still others to show off. Some are so silly I just skip (once recently I expressed my frustration at the silliness of that same question being asked over and over by so many writers-without being rude-and the host deleted my comment).

    Thanks for asking. How about you?

    1. DS Duby profile image74
      DS Dubyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You went to the trouble of writing a fan mail and criticizing the author, and you thought that was nice? Please don't ever read my work I couldn't handle your kindness

    2. profile image0
      Garifaliaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry you misunderstood. I'm a teacher by profession so I correct essays all the time. I didn't want to point out the errors for everyone to see that's why I posted it in the fan mail. I didn't critisize. I promise to keep away from you. Pls rd mine.

    3. DS Duby profile image74
      DS Dubyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Lol I understand but fan mail is public information everyone can see it you should have sent them a private message or email rather than in his fan mail that is used to attract new readers. I read one of your hubs you are a very talented writer.

    4. profile image0
      Garifaliaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks very much and indeed it was email. All the best to you.

  13. posts profile image69
    postsposted 11 years ago

    Answers, Comments, Forum, Blog and HUB. After all, hubPages has everything social i guess!!!

  14. wheelinallover profile image74
    wheelinalloverposted 11 years ago

    About six months after my first article was published I spent time in the forums. This continued off and on for about a year. Before that I would email people who commented on my hubs when they asked questions which I didn't want to answer in comments. I did a lot of hub hopping for a while also.

    Many of the people I met in the first year no longer publish on hub pages. I have not seen them in forums the times I have looked. When Panda took so much traffic some even took their hubs down.

    Now it is a time issue. As a business owner time is hard to come by. My visits now are normally to find articles which have value to my business friends. I still comment, those I share with expect it.

    If when I am searching I find something of personal interest I will leave a comment and find a social network to share it with. There are a group now who are both writers on hub pages and who I spend time with on a business platform.  I would have to say that most of my socializing with hub pages writers is now done there.

  15. christin53 profile image83
    christin53posted 11 years ago

    My only socialising on HubPages is by commenting on hubs and answering questions that interest me. I do go into the forums but only to read I rarely take part. I guess I'm a lurker smile


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