Four years of writing hubs, connecting with other writers, people interested in writing and publishing. Gaining followers and keeping up the momentum.
You've written your book, now you need to get it published. Where to look for publishers and how to go about it. Will you self-publish? Who is best?
Getting your work back from a publisher who shut down. Knowing you have lost two + years of royalties.
Starting a publishing company, how to expand, knowing when to expand. How many authors can you handle?
Autoimmune diseases, lupus, getting a diagnosis. Learning all about a new issue in your health line up. Coping and building a support group.
Battlling diabetes, eating well, exercise, mood, stress, and taking control.
Battling diabetes, eating healthy, getting exercise, and taking control. You have the power
Battling diabetes, eating healthy, getting exercise, and taking control of your health
Battling diabetes. Gaining control, losing weight, the constant struggle.
Battling diabetes and its side effects. Becoming insulin free. Making the right diet and exercise choices for you.
Being a hubpages writer, writing, keeping an audience, staying with it.
Showing gratitude for an awesome design team. Giving back some of what they give to me and the other authors they work with.
Life in general. Making/breaking resolutions. How to make resolutions real and make them work.
Exciting news about your writing. Handling success. When the light dawns
General observations on the first fifteen days of the new year. Health obstacles, being snowed in, life.
Things to do to get the new year off to a good start. How to improve myself
When your publisher closes the door. How to get amazon to take down your book. You've lost two years of royalties.
writing hubs, keeping followers, making the hubs meaningful
What happens when you discover manuscripts you had forgotten about? Are you excited? Do you throw them away? Do you use them?
child molestation, town torn apart, family in crisis, healing.
plagiarism, theft of intellectual property, how to protect yourself, what recourse do you have?
Child molestation and the parents' fight for justice. The school stands behind the first amendment law. Will the teacher get severance pay?
Book art and design. Choosing the right company to represent you. Making the committment to work with them exclusively.
What happens when you enter writing contests. What happens when you win. Are you humbled?
Getting your publishing company to expand. How not to break the bank. How to find reliable help.
When you offer an author a book contract and they say yes. The feeling of anxiety, joy, overwhelming chance for failure.
When a child molester is found in your school and there is community outrage. When six teachers write letters of leniency and nothing is done.
Things you need to remember when starting a novel. Getting it right so an agent or publisher will look at it.
What happens when a child molester is found. How a community copes. What parents can do.
Launching your first book as a publisher. Writing press releases. Getting word out.
The feeling you get when your new book arrives. Seeing your work published. That feeling of success.
Getting approval and uploading your work. Getting a release date. Finally seeing a finished product.
When starting a business be prepared for the tons of paperwork. How to get through it without losing your mind.
How to start a publishing company. Some of the basics in getting set up.
What does it take to write with someone else? What are the joys and pitfalls? Is this something you want to undertake?
How do you keep people interested in your books? What keeps them coming back? How do you maintain a public presence?
Book covers sell books. What does your cover say about your book?
Getting away from it all. Returning to friends.
When the flu bug hits and becomes something else.
Publishing for yourself. How one Indie author is starting. What to do first.
Making a fresh start. Opening your own publishing company. Becoming a better writer. Building a marketing plan
How do you start over? What do you do when you lose your work? Technology is grand until it isn't.
When you lose it all, what do you do? Looking for the silver lining in a disaster. How do you rebuild?
When people put you down for doing the right thing, how do you react? Naysayers are bullies in disguise. Continue to be a positive force.
What happens when your publishing company has major internal changes? How do you know what to do? What happens to your book?
What to do when a scene isn't working. How to ask for help and how to take feedback.
Bullying needs to stop. Here's one person who made a difference.
Building romance and letting your characters come to life. What keeps it going?
How settings build atmosphere and allow new characters to enter. Building relationships between your characters and the new characters. Making it believable.
Details make the story. Relationships need to make your characters human.
Making the every day a part of your story without losing the story. Giving your characters levels of dimension.
How to stay focused when the world has gone crazy. Using everyday events to inspire your writing.
Writing about love and romance. Do you want to write erotica? What fits you and your readers.
Flashback, memory how and why you use them. When you don't need them.
Characters and how they take over. Hidden dimensions to the story. Conflict and tension and why you need them.
How do you get back to writing? What happens when you're not writing? Are you still thinking about your writing?
What to do when you don't write. Keeping the outside distractions from getting in the way.
When series book changes the point of view. Why would you do it and what do you hope to accomplish?
Making a controversial subject into a novel. Creating characters the reader will empathize with. Just building tension and focus.
When things go really wrong. Dealing with frustration and stress.
Word count, page count, or chapter count. Which method works best. How do you choose?
Who are my characters? What drives them? Is there something in their past which brings them together?
When things get in the way of writing. How to stay focused and keep going.
Days you don't write. Getting organized. Making a plan for writing.
Follow a novel from start to finish. Learn what goes on behind the scenes.
Stuck, unable to write? Writer's block? Here are some suggestions for getting over the hump.
Responding to book reviews. Making the review a learning lesson.
How to start looking for a publisher. Things you should know about self-publishing. Getting yourself ready.
Should you write under your own name or a pen name? This article looks at that.
Appropriate dress for a professional conference. Making a good first impression.
Having the tools needed to make the most of a writers conference
Reasons you should join a writers' group. How it can make a difference in your writing.
Crochet for home, babies, and Barbies.
Suggestions for writers who want to write mysteries. Hopefully something here will jump start them.
Book signings and how to make them a success. Table display to book giveaway.
Healthy life style that leads to fewer medications and hopefully a longer life. Which do you choose?
One author's view of the mess Amazon is making in the publishing world. Hopefully dialog will help to get things fixed.
Author branding and how to create it. What is says about you as an author.
What it's like to be held in your own home because an escaped convict is running loose. How a person copes.
The moment when your finished book arrives. How one author reacted.
How do you save face when you've planned a book signing and the books don't show up. One author's tale.
Character names and how to choose them. Yes, they make a difference.
First time writers need to know what to avoid. Getting it all in writing.
What parents and writers can do to encourage young people to write for enjoyment. Creating writers for the next century.
Writers have responsibilities beyond just writing a good story. Here are a few one writer suggests.
Suggestions for parents to help their child get ahead in life. From an early age through college.
Parents tips for talking to your pre-teen or teen about the hard stuff. Some helpful hints.
This article is for teens and young adults who think they are ready for a baby.
Article written for young girls who find themselves pregnant and single. How to cope, where to turn.
Article for parents of pre-teens and teens who suspect their children of having sex. How do you cope?
An article for pre-teens and teens who struggle with talking to their parents and making them understand.
Great stop for spelunkers and history buffs. This hideout of Jesse James is an amazing cave in Missouri. Travel and vacation stops.
Ancestry research and where it can lead. How to find living relatives as well as those who've gone before. Geneology research.
Travel destinations outside the US, but within the US. St. Thomas on a shoe string. Sites and sounds.
Places to visit in the old south. Savannah, Georgia is one of the beauties of the low country. One visit is not enough. Travel and vacation ideas.
Travel in the old south. A trip to Charleston is a must if you are visiting the low country.
Article on the only tea plantation in the United States. A different kind of tour. Vacation ideas.
Places to go in the US. Branson, Missouri has something for everyone. Check out the shows and other attractions.
Places to visit in the Las Cruces, New Mexico area. Famed White Sands and the White Sands Missile Range. Don't miss the good eats and unique places to stay.
Become a winter Texan. Rockport/Fullton is one of the top ten areas for seniors. See the sights and watch the wildlife.
Budget vacations. Where to look and what to expect. Travel in the US,