Okay my friend just had to have me go on this date with a respectable looking guy. He is a CPA, attractive, and a financially stable man in this thirties. Anyway, by the time we met for drinks I was so hungry, and decided I just had to have dinner. He said sure, so we headed over to a steak house nearby.
When we got there we both ordered, but some how he directed the conversation to Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. Sorry charlie, but I'm not a fan of hers, and by the minute I just wanted to get away. He rambled on about her book Going Rogue, and what a great take she has on the economy. Really, so I ask if he also knows what going rogue means? He gave the usually answer about a political pundit willing to strike out on their own, but I said not according to Cosmo! I began to regale him on what going rogue and tea bagging really met, and instead of taking it as an insult, well he got all excited. He even told me how his new fantasy is to do all that with me! Okay, had to leave the date, but I told him I just was going to leave the restroom. Stuck him with the bill, and I hope he had a great night!