I`ve noticed a strange behavior of some of my hubs , they are online for two months now , and there was no problem , There is no mature content on them , nor link to porn sites , nor duplicate content , they are purely some Celebrities Pics Galleries ... I think there are people that aren`t interested in nothing more than flagging hubs around ... Anybody going through this ?
Back to the original topic...
The three hubs in question all linked to a site that appeared initially to have the potential to harbor some unsavory content. They had been flagged by our users, and one link was even titled "Hot Nude Celebrity Photos." HP takes the ban on adult content very seriously, so I immediately removed your hubs until I could return to check your Celebrity Picture Gallery more thoroughly for things that would violate our terms (such as exposed nipples). Upon further examination, I cannot find any overtly pornographic material, and have removed the flag. I hope this resolves the issue.
Maddie -
Is broalex guilty of what is being said about his content on this thread as being duplicate content?
Were his hubs legitimately "flagged"?
Is HP investigating the stolen content that is being posted here? Just wondering if we need to continue flagging or not. I, for one, would prefer to have a lot of things at HP besides a thief LOL.
I have noticed the same thing lately .. I`ve written a nice hub from my point of view a very informative hub , on how to best improve adsense earnings and the next minute after I published it , it was flagged I think some people are playing arround with our work. We are here to grow a nice community not to flag one another...
There was a link to my Celebrities Blog can anyone tell if there anything wrong with this Site ? There is no pornographic content on it. Since I have adsense on it I would have been banned by Google. Link to the site...
So , somebody flagged my hubs with reason "Adult Content" But there is no adult content !!
May I ask how you know that someone flagged it with Adult Content? It could have automatically been dubbed as Adult by the HubPages checker.
I'm not sure why you linked to your blog as one cannot flag you blog, but I haven't seen the hubs in question.
I'm flagging hubs of yours right now for being duplicate content pulled from various sites.. just so you understand, broalex.
OK so what hubs are duplicate and how can you tell that , if you are that smart?
Whitney there is no adult content on my site ... I can`t know if the script can do detect adult content links that would be too great but both ways "Again my site does not contain nudity" ... what is happening and game girl just give me some time to review your hubs... Again I don`t like giving out names but there are people spamming with hubs on hubpages ... and their hubs aren`t affected ... about 2 or 3 hubbers publish 2 3 hubs every second and they arent` anything else than SPAM !
Your sex and depression hub stole content from three different sites.
Your top ten web hosting hub has copy/paste info from each of the ten hosting sites you "reviewed."
Your female psychology and seduction hub is stolen content from an ezine site.
Need I go on?
Game Girl You are so wrong dear )
1. The female and psychology hub is written totally by me , I have been inpired from a magazine of my own
2. The top ten Hosting ... OK so should I invent hosting or what do you mean .... Yes it`s a review of Top Ten Hostings made by me ... Again ... by me ... maybe you don`t understand pretty well what I am saying .. What is wrong with that ? Nothing
3. Depression and Sex .. is a hub written entirely by myself because I do know lots about depression and you have seen I have many hubs on this TOPIC ....
So again you don`t know what you are talking about ...
Duplicate content doesn't really matter. Hubpages won't delete it, just give it a lower score.
It is important to remember that hubbers can flag hubs, but they aren't penalized unless the HubPages system also sees problems. If your hubs are penalized, it has nothing to do with individuals flagging them--it has everything to do with HubPages flagging you.
The only thing individual flagging does is get your hub moved up in the queue that it was already in (because all hubs get checked) to make sure it follows the rules.
Learn more about what is allowed and isn't allowed:
Yes mark I know this It happened with an earlier Hub of mine which I`ve written in 5 hours
and it`s still on Duplicate... So let me get this clear for GameGirl ... Those three hubs you listed above are written by me .. and about the Top Ten Hostings would it get such a high traffic if it was duplicate ?? You should mind your own things not flag people`s hubs..! And please review of you Paris Hilton Hubs (As I don`t like giving names as you do) That real duplicate there girl!
Mark the problem with flagging has been once discussed on the forum , there are people that have nothing better to do .....
Can anyone tell me please what is the author of this Hub trying to achieve by copy` Pasting Phone Number and Addresses ? (The author of the hub below has more than 400 hubs just like this one) There is Yellow Pages for that
I believe it's also been discussed that it's not always people flagging hubs, but the automatic checker.
If you don't want to get flagged, make sure to have unique content that's your own and not copied to another article building site or from another article building site.
Well, I am one of the ones with nothing better to do apparently.
Of course this is still "flaged" - you didn't write it.
Here are the sites I found which reference near 100% matched text, broalex.
For the Sex and Depression hub:
http://healthinformationweb.com/blog/in … reatments/
http://ezinearticles.com/?Depression-an … ;id=967198
Then there's the hosting hub, and what I meant when I said you copied for each of the ten sites is that all you did was copy/paste their featured services and add a couple words to say hooray.
For the female psychology hub:
http://ezinearticles.com/?Female-Psycho … ;id=820928
Now, unless you're writing under three other pen names other than broalex, then I am most certainly not wrong. But I was actually trying not to have to copy/paste the links to the evidence I'd found out here, trying to save myself a little trouble is all.
What is aggravating to me is that the hubs, regardless of being duplicate, do not appear to have received the duplicate penalty, and that, combined with the query as to why your hubs are being flagged, is why I posted that I flagged them.
As for my hubs, please feel free to let me know if you find something which is 'duplicate' so that I can correct that error. I did a great deal of writing at 3am during Hublove, but outside of the Foreigner hub I put together there haven't been any duplicate flags, so I think I did alright.
Game Girl I do have articles on other sites too .. and Ezine Articles is one of them ... Is there a problem with that? But it`s not the exact content as I do know a bit of SEO and copying won`t do any food to me ...
So .. About the Top Ten Hostings ... You insist on that It`s a very informative Hub with 10 very useful links ... !! What wrong with it ... Hooray? LOL ! What should I write a NOVEL ? For a Hosting Service ?
I am so sorry for you trying to make me understand things that you didn`t understand in the first place mind your own bussines you are being rude.
I have yet to speak rudely to you, broalex. I have explained, quite succinctly, why I flagged your hubs for being duplicate.
I apologize for any misunderstanding you may be feeling right now, but what I said is exactly how I have seen it through a very basic google search of the text in the hubs I mentioned.
I am not misunderstanding anything game girl as I can see you are continuing to tell me that I have duplicate content , that basic google search has redirected you to my other articles or.. In the other case On that medical site which is not mine .. http://healthinformationweb.com/blog/in … reatments/ ... That spreads google ads looking for some clicks .. Anyways you have been rude and that was my point.
Can anyone explain why my Celebrities Galleries , Britney Spears , Jennifer Lopez and Rihanna Have been marked as adult content ?
As Stacie mentioned above , and I would like to thank her for the link ... you are very kind dear I`ve notice some rules that have to do with adult / mature content ..
* pornographic images
* links to adult or pornographic sites
* discussion or promotion of sexual aids or toys
* detailed descriptions of sexual acts or practices
* excessive profanity
None of these apply on my Hubs
What is happening ?
I certainly hope you also read beyond the adult/mature content restrictions.
If you really can't figure out why your hubs have been flagged that way, you need to contact the HubPages team, as their system is what flagged your hubs.
Stacie Naczelnik wrote:
My hub was flagged as substandard, what does that mean?
Substandard simply means that the quality of the hub does not live up to HubPages standards. Below are some common reasons that a hub may be flagged as substandard:
"Test" or otherwise unfinished hubs
Very little content
Unoriginal or purely personal content <<<<<<<<<<< CLUE>>>>>>>>>>
Contributes nothing new in a heavily saturated topic
Many broken links or links to low quality sites
Links with deceptive or inaccurate link text
Missing videos
When your Hubs get flaggd, you get an email from HubPages that says what is wrong. You might want to contact them for clarification if you don't understand what they told you.
This is not my experience at all. I am an expert on being flagged. HP does not send you a nice little email telling you that you are "flagged".
It is the blink effect. One minute you are up and all of a sudden, your Hub score takes a major dive.
You question... scratch head and then BAM! You notice at the very bottom page where all your Hubs are listed.... the "stock" exhange page --- and a "top" hub is flat on the bottom near death!
My experience. When you push "publish" the first time... usually within an hour or two, HP computer will flag IF it thinks you might be duplicate, etc... the score drops a bit. Breathing becomes difficult!
You email Jason quickly and say YIKES... not duplicate! Jason sends the ambulance and tada! You are now recovering quickly.
Now... as time goes on and your Hub is doing quite well as by itself. And gets noticed? And, all of a sudden you experience the stock market falling fast... that is another Hubber who has FLAGGED your hub.
HP knows nothing about this? It will not always show up in your hubtivty admin list (check this daily, but still not a guarantee it will be listed- this where any admin stuff with you is listed)
Mine is a page long.... LOL
Before you email for help, make sure you have the URL of your flagged Hub, if not Jason has to email you back and ask you which one got flagged?
Crazy, huh? I would have thought that the trusty HP computer would easily know by my user-name, what is happening with all of my HUB? NOT:-)
Unless, Jason is lazy:-) He is not!
Sorry Relache - but, I have Hubs that have been flagged after they have been published.... dropped dramatically and never shown up on HP list or my admin list - have now been cleared, but there is no record on my admin list.
Can't figure out this part of the system... but will say I believe it has everything to do with whether HP computer flags or people are out to flag that day.
Flagging is my business here... expert at being flagged:-)
Just my experience. Not taking sides on the duplicate content issue... as that would be a novel coming from me!
What you have just described is what happens when the HubPages duplicate filter catches duplicate content and lowers your score. Which is not what I was talking about at all.
When a Hub is "flagged" (ie marked as Adult, Low Quality, etc) by other site users, you do get an email from the HubTeam which indicates what is wrong with the Hub and which tells you what you need to do it fix it.
Could be just the discussion and the use of the word 'sex', which can be misconstrued as adult, and overuse of a sexual word. Anything
I think gamergirl has pretty good evidence that those hubs are duplicate. You'll just get a low score. It's frowned upon copying your work directly to and from other sites even if you did write it. I'd stray away from doing that, you'll just do yourself harm in the long run.
Google doesn't like the sites with similar content, so by copying your articles, hubs, whatever to every online writing site you're a part of, you're doing yourself harm. Google will probably just send limited traffic to your articles that you post everywhere (assuming that they are yours).
Better off being unique and original and sticking to writing different things on different sites.
Again, I will state, I have been anything but rude. The healthinformationweb content is about infertility, however if you take out the word infertility in the first paragraph, your content is the exact same.
Regardless, the things I am pointing out to you are going in one ear and out the other, so I give up. Whatever your name is.. Rudy, Gina, David (the names of the authors of the content which you claim you wrote) I wish you well in your endeavors.
I found an Anne, too.
http://ezinearticles.com/?How-To-Lose-B … ;id=723396
When you get information from another site, you must rewrite the information in your own words. I notice a lot of people don't seem to understand that.
I haven't looked at your other hubs so I don't know why they are being flagged.
It might be the system flagging hubs but mine were flagged for Mature Content not for Duplicate .. is that the system too.. Can hardly believe it`s possible such a thing and how come they haven`t been marked for Adult Content since 3 month ago when I first published them ?
Possibly someone new joined and sees them that way.
Thanks for the information but still my hubs dont contain any adult content.
Hey, gamer girl how do you check for duplicate content? Sorry I am not here to debate flagging I am just curious on how I can do that?
Well, one way (which I have easily keyed into my firefox) is to highlight a portion of the hub's text and then google it. You can search by a couple sentences, usually. Another way is to use a 'similar content checker' a few of which you can find through google also.
He got kinda quiet after I mentioned the names of the authors of the other texts he claimed were his writing..
Game Girl You gotta be kidding ... I got quiet ? Never As long as I wrote those hubs ..
But you didn't..
unless your name is David-Gina-Anna-Alex-Rudy...
I mean, really. I found all that information without even going past three of your hubs.. imagine what I could dig up you've copied from elsewhere.
Though, I imagine if I linked MSN.com you'd say you had written that too.
What everyone is trying to get you to understand is that the hubs do not have to belong to someone else to be duplicate content. That simply means that the same content is posted elsewhere on the internet.
When I first joined, I posted several of my articles here that I had published elsewhere and those scores suffered. I learned why after being here for a while. As has been stated, the duplicate content won't be deleted, the scores just won't be as high as something that you write strictly write for HP that is original when posted.
If you want to increase the score, you can edit and rewrite some of the content so that it is different from your original article. This is what Gamer and all the other hubbers have been trying to get you to understand. I thought that Gamer's approach and honesty was very commendable. She did not have to tell you she flagged you nor the reason why. And I never thought she was being rude, either. It semed to me that you were the rude one with your replies. If you don't want an honest answer to your questions, don't ask them and that will solve the whole problem.
This is my favorite:
I myself have just discovered that the trailing hyphen means a slow death.
Ohh, let's look at your forex hub.. which returned -FIVE- identical results. Unless your name is also Ryan, Fiorenzo, or CT Larson, in addition to the names of the authors of the articles I've listed above.. well, you're a thief of content AND a liar.
Come now, broalex. Did you really think you could steal content from all over and then NOT get called on it when you whine about being flagged?
Also, John
http://www.howtodothings.com/family-rel … pot-a-liar
The same spelling error is in both sites...
And supposedly he is also a Staff Writer at How To Do Things.com
http://www.howtodothings.com/family-and … -back.html
I write for that site, you had better not steal any of my articles or I will go to the ends of the earth to have you charged with theft...
I was going to email Bronwyn but you have to log in to do that and I am not a member. Since you are a member, you may want to do that and provide her with the link to HIS version here.
I did, I put a link in the comments section under the article.
For note, I'm still not being rude, I'm really trying to get you to understand what is going on, what you've done.
Hmmmmm. Did a little checking and this is just one of the results I found.
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-get-over … nd-anxiety is word for word from this site http://www.howtodothings.com/health-fit … e-disorder the author there is listed as Bronwyn Harris and even shows her picture.
Apparently, this is not just simple duplicate content as claimed after all. Anyone know Bronwyn?
Thanks! I didn't think to see if I could post a comment! Good job! I have emailed HP about this, though. Of course, this forum will probably get their attention faster! LOL.
This person is going to be sorry he posted about being flagged I think
For someone who posts their hubs on other sites, you sure use a lot of names broalex. Much less on one site alone you're apparently a staff writer and John. Now why would a staff writter have 2 log in names?
He's posted complaints about being flagged before and nothing happens as far as I can tell.
LOL Stacie - surprisingly I find myself in a full agreement with you
I take it this pops up from time to time in the forums
Not even going to bother this time.
LSD momma thinks its OK to steal another's work and make a hub from it. And that's all there is to it.
You are at a point that you are untouchable at this point... penalty or no penalty.
I would beg for compassion on those who are struggling with this issue and hitting their heads against the wall.
They are asking for help. Result... they are swarmed.
Why do we just brush these people off and not hear them out. This is a helpful place.... right.
Attitudes that lack validation of another person versus helping them to learn, and understand are not beneficial.
Congratulations on your recent win. I imagine it is nice to relax now:-)
I really hope that we see much more mentoring in our forums and not all of this.
You are right... "here we go again" as if it is the job of certain Hubbers to put other Hubbers in their place...
If some old timers, are tired of helping others, then perhaps a needed break is in order...?
Surely, there must be others on HP not so exhausted and willing to give service with a smile.
Flagging by a hubber does not result in anything other than hubpages taking a look at your hub.
If you are flagged by hubpages for duplicate content, that does not affect your search engine rankings. Just your hub score.
If your hub has been copied from elsewhere, It will be flagged by the duplicate content checker.
Keep on asking the same question will result in the same answer.
It doesn't matter how many times you ask - the answer will still not be changed to meet your requirements
Enough smiles?
I have learned to take note of scores falling quickly. Red words across the tops of my Hubs. Popularity of Hubs before they are flagged, etc...
Please take screen shots of your flagged Hubs for your record here on Hub and being penalized.
As this does not always show up in your history here on hubpages. Which concerns me. I would rather have the red words accross a cleared Hub, that no record anywhere that I already went through this flagging process on a particular Hub.
If you have been flagged once... unless you have been "certified" it can and most certainly will happen again.
Again... watch out for when your Hubs become "active". Flaggers come out.
I have just heard that there is software that "we" can purchase to find out "who" comes to our pages, what time and If it is the same person doing it consistently to your Hubs, then you may file a legitimate, record of personal issue if you suspect this happening.
It is a shame that flagging is taken beyond what HP themselves truly does need it to be...
To me, personally - I think the ability to actually "flag" another Hubber should be a privilege that we earn. We may thumbs up or down for whatever reasons we think are important.
I don't like what I see happening with the flagging around here. It is going to become a competition tool as I see it.
Not good use of good tools..
The people in this thread are not trying to be "unhelpful" and the OP was asking about being flagged, yes. However, it turns out that this person is stealing work from others and that is illegal. If someone stole my work, I would like to be informed of that fact, wouldn't you?
I completely agree. In fact, the flagging system has a very legitimate usage when properly used.
My comments, were not to judge a particular hubber and their content of which I know nothing, but to give my experience with being flagged personally.
I am very happy IF the bad guys are caught.
What I have concern over, is the abuse of the flagging system and what I see too often in or forum are those who are tired of saying the same thing over and over.....
Question.... why would a person come down here try to get help, and understand, if they are doing something wrong?
Why bring attention to self? I say we can be better teachers than jury...
I am a softy on this one... cuz I have been through this personally.
Innocent before being proven guilty and not by the same jury that is tired, etc....
I don't see what is so hard to understand. If you didn't write an article, don't post it as being your own. It seems quite straight forward to me but a lot of people don't seem to understand that. If you want to talk about another article, at least rewrite it in your own words.
Or, don't post hubs that consist of one sentence. Or, don't post spam. To me, if you don't do any of that, or the several other reasons that are under the flag, you shouldn't get flagged.
Yes, some people may do it maliciously, but I'm sure HubPages can figure that out.
And, I'm not untouchable.
If I break the rules by publishing duplicate content or someone else's work, I will be penalized just like everyone else.
I just don't do it, so it is not an issue for me.
And, flagging is an option for a reason.
Maybe I used the wrong word. But the fact that you have the number of Hubs that you do, and your overall ranking is fairly solid... your overall score is most likely not affected by one Hub being temporarily flagged, penalized, dropping in score like lead:-)
My intent was not to offend you, but to grab a bit of compassion on the "more" vulnerable to potential unfair flags.
After all... this is the real world. LOL
I really don't want to pick a fight, but I disagree with you. If a hub is flagged, penalized, or drops in score, it does affect me. BUT, this doesn't happen to me because I do not have content that causes this sort of thing to happen.
That's my point--my overall ranking is fairly solid BECAUSE I follow the rules and do not publish things that get flagged or penalized.
Since I'm the one who spurred all the flagging talk in this specific thread, why don't you point the nasty finger at me?
=I= flagged his hubs. =I= researched his latest hubs to find that he'd STOLEN the content from not one, not two, but FIVE different people, and is STILL claiming that it is his.
Is that clear enough? No? Maybe?
Let's put it this way. If I copy and paste one of your Hubs, then post it and say I wrote it, I'm wrong. Same goes for ANYTHING else. Anything.
Thou shalt not steal content from others writngs.
Theft is theft. Whether it be content or money. Why would someone bring attention to themselves? Maybe to get more views. . . Maybe the person doesn't realize that we can find the content and where it originated from. Who knows what lurksnin the mind of the person?
I just happened to join http://www.howtodothings.com/ a few minutes ago. Maybe I can let someone know what's happening with their articles.
You can comment under the individual articles.
I think that having stolen from a Staff writer (unless he really is a staff writer) will get you noticed pretty quickly by the powers-that-be at HowToDoThings.
Thanks Maddie Ruud ,
Yes indeed one of the Hubs Contained the link entitled "Hot Nude Celebrity Galleries" But they do not contain Nude Photos as I would be banned by Google Adsense and don`t really afford do that , and Game Girl .. Ok it`s like you All my hubs are copy/paste it`s all I do around here
, after being rude you are insisting on it
Good night every body !! Sweet Dreams !
I think that stealing articles can also get you banned by Google Adsense...
"(ii) do not breach and have not breached any duty toward or rights of any person or entity including, without limitation, rights of intellectual property, publicity or privacy, or rights or duties under consumer protection, product liability, tort, or contract theories;"
It's like me? It's nothing like me. I don't steal other people's writing.
That was a stinging insult broalex hit you with there
Did he ever write a single grammatically correct, complete sentence?
I suspect he probably meant "like you said" and was just too hopped up on his own cleverness to notice that he forgot to type a key word. Not that he'd likely have cared.
Anybody know how to go about reporting this loser to AdSense?
Make sure that everything on your Hubs is your own original writing and is not on any web page anywhere else.
If you want to use material which IS on another web page, even if you wrote it yourself and put it there, paraphrase it.
Write it in your own words.
Re-write it in different words.
Change the words around to get the idea across without using the same words that appear somewhere else already.
And, if all else fails, take the material you want to use, put it in a word processor, and highlight the first paragraph. Read it, then hit "delete" and type back in what you remember that it said. Paste back the original and check that what you have typed is, in fact, saying the same thing in different words. Then hit "undo" to get rid of the original again. Do the same thing for each paragraph until you reach the end.
This is called "paraphrasing", or "writing in your own words".
They used to teach it in primary schools, so you should be able to get the hang of it before long.
If you do this, you won't get duplicate content penalties.
Now... that is more like it. I call that helpful, informative and also - teaching.
Thank you Jenny.
My first few posts in this thread were supposed to enlighten the offending "author" (using the term loosely, copy and paste does not an author make) that his hubs were not acceptable because the content showed as being originally posted, word for word, on other sites, by other authors. There was no malice, no rudeness, just information. Yet, further and further we come and now you're trying to say that we should "teach" a repeat offender the right way to behave?
Yes, I tried to teach him that what he was doing was wrong, by showing him where I found the content he stole and telling him it was wrong. When a hub is published, it even warns you against things.
He isn't a victim, he's the criminal in this case, attempting to make money off of the hard work of others.
I love the forums, they give me a break from my normal schedule of loving on my puppy and maybe writing Hubs.. lol
I'm actually working on a hub about Copyright law
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Hi,I've read an e-mail I received with the rules and the ONLY thing I could see was that I had 2 links, so I removed one and still got flagged. I think I followed the rest of the rules. Any suggestions? Here's my hub URL:<snipped>THANKS,
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Rubicon Project | This is an ad network. (Privacy Policy) |
TripleLift | This is an ad network. (Privacy Policy) |
Say Media | We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. (Privacy Policy) |
Remarketing Pixels | We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. |
Conversion Tracking Pixels | We may use conversion tracking pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to identify when an advertisement has successfully resulted in the desired action, such as signing up for the HubPages Service or publishing an article on the HubPages Service. |
Statistics | |
Author Google Analytics | This is used to provide traffic data and reports to the authors of articles on the HubPages Service. (Privacy Policy) |
Comscore | ComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Non-consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data. (Privacy Policy) |
Amazon Tracking Pixel | Some articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products (Privacy Policy) |
Clicksco | This is a data management platform studying reader behavior (Privacy Policy) |