A quick perusal of the offerings on Discover reveals these gems recently posted.
“Exploring the Benefits of a Full Stack Developer Course for Kids.” Posted by a company offering said course with a link to its website.
An article entitled “America Is Muslim; It Just Doesn't Know It Yet.” This 293-word piece contains the phrases “How are the buildings and the treatment, the cars?” and,
“The nature, the animals, and the wilderness?”
It might be intended to be poetry. I don't know.
Paul Goodman presciently remarked that an article loaded with misogynist content would have no difficulty making it onto Discover. “The Dark Side of Being Beautiful” is now there banging on about the superficiality of feminine beauty and the reaction of men to it.
The grammatically incorrect title of “Pinnacles of Being Discipline” introduces us to text such as this: “Discipline is a technique that is used in building one's mindset. It has so many importance and one of the greatest importance of being disciple is that 'it helps in keeping work up to date and helping in building mental health'.” Good to know.
Then there is a really silly article about “The Care and Feeding of Rutabagas.” Oh. Hang on. That's one of mine.
Clearly, HubPages is making a special effort to impress Google and its all-knowing algorithm with the high quality of the submissions it publishes on Discover.
I am dismayed by the low quality and even disinformation. Up rutabagas, though!
We're heading for the Sea of Shitty Syntax and the Ocean of Offal via the Straits of Dire Dialogue and the Bay of Spam...whilst being told we're on a 5 star cruise to the Isles of the Blessed.
I wonder if Paul, the founder, is aware of this tragedy. It's an embarrassment.
Paul probably doesn't even think about it. Hubpages is just a means to an end now - making money.
I came to see if it had improved. A friend of mine got banned from Medium so I was looking for a platform for her to write. She asked me about Hubpages, but it seems not.
I'm sorry it's all gone so badly, but I did warn you lot that it would. I've been on too many content writing sites during the past 25 years not to recognize when a platform has had its best years.
I hope you prepared for this by investing elsewhere. While things are still going well for me on Medium, at this point, I'm going back to college in fall to learn how to (properly) work on YouTube.
Hello Tess: I thought you were closing up shop on medium to write ebooks. It seems I recall you told your subscribers to save their monies, as you would no longer be publishing on Medium.
What gets a body banned on Medium? Where will you suggest your naughty friend invest his/her energies now that Medium will not have their writings?
How is the ebook coming along? What sort of videos do you intend to create on youtube?
Oh, I went to substack, got people paying subscription immediately, but I just didn't like it. I stayed for three months, then told everybody to keep their money, returned to Medium, and have been there ever since.
I went to London a year ago to do a course on how to do bestselling books. There were many writers there who did that. However, they used quite a few services (paid ones) to do that. The chief guy who made a lot of money and sold a lot of books paid $30K per month on advertising. For that, he had a return of $60K, which meant he made $30K per month. Essentially, you have to put in as 100% to get a 200% return (Amazon advertising).
So, after I read that, that idea went down the drain as well.
Also, my health went down the drain towards the end of last year, so I've been very slow, and just trying new things, trying to find out where a writer can flourish. There are not many open doors. Medium is still the best.
However, one writer, after losing a substantial amount of money (The guys who are earning major) with 300K followers removed all his work from Medium and started up on YouTube. He is doing well there.
So, in September, I'm going back to college to learn how to use YouTube. I'm not sure what I will do with it. I also signed up to sell books on Google Play, and I'm considering doing that. There's just a steep learning curve.
What are you doing?
Discover is a disgrace to writers and the high quality content being forced to move.
Daily I report AI content, spam, and promotional content. HP doesn't care about the plagiarism nor the pure lack of writing and even English skills of authors. Some articles do not contain titles. How does an article that doesn't have a title and reads like a 5 year old wrote it pass QAP? I'm highly doubting the QAP process even exists with the complete lack of talent I have seen advertised all over Discover. Some of these authors have been around for years "writing".
I've reported and even sent an email about the mass plagiarism of some authors as well as all the unsourced pictures, and all have gone ignored. Another author simply summarizes YouTube videos and steals screenshots for images. It's a mess, but clearly illegal activity and violations of HP guidelines are not currently being enforced, nonetheless removed.
If ever there was a question what direction HP was going, it's very clear to me now.
I do believe I mentioned that many years ago. However, I'm sorry to hear that - for the sake of the writers who have put so much effort into this platform.
I just popped in to see if the platform was viable as one of my friends has just been banned from Medium, and she needs a place to write.
Take a look at this:
https://discover.hubpages.com/entertain … urt-blacks
It's not even written in coherent English and it's currently on the homepage.
For the past few years, it has seemed to me that HP's goal is to create an atmosphere that attracts as many casual, low-effort writers as possible, while discouraging and driving away skilled content creators with overbearing policies.
I mentioned this to a staff member once, and they told me the strategy was to "cast a wide net". Well, this is what you get when you cast a wide net instead of focusing on attracting and keeping the kinds of writers who can actually help your business.
I suspect this latest move to push everything back to Discover will be the last straw for many of the remaining good writers here.
Eric, I could not agree more. HP has lost a number of very talented, creative writers in the past few years as a result. This loss, along with the advent of some overbearing policies --- and I am not at all referring to "raising standards" -- are among the reasons I left on Hiatus.
Once Hubpages changed hands, that was bound to happen. I've seen it happen on platform after platform. Writing content sites are bought in order to have copy on which to sell advertising. It's why I like Medium - the money is made from reader and writer fees - not advertising. Incidentally, it's just gone into the black for the first time in the decade it's been going. It's been losing money all that time.
I'm not sure what you think is going on. My earnings and traffic are only bad in comparison to how they were a few years ago.
And, I never have to beg for coffee.
We don't know what's going to happen here. Many of us are very angry with HP and TAG for how they have handled things, and confused and frustrated with the move back to Discover.
However, it is also demonstrably true that Discover traffic has been rising over the past years, where most of the niche sites have fallen off a cliff. I've seen an increase in traffic on some of my articles that moved back to Discover, and others have reported the same. Some have reported no change, and some say their traffic got worse.
HP still has a bunch of sites to move. We probably won't know the full impact of these changes until the end of Q4.
Thanks for popping in, though. Your input is exactly what a lot of people around here need right now.
Eric, writers and artists on Patreon, Ko-fi, and Buy Me a Coffee, all get patrons to support them. I have had patrons who have donated me $100 per month. One patron donated me $50K. It's not a matter of begging - writers and artists need to survive, and if the sites need to give most of the money to shareholders, then writers need to find a way of bringing in money for themselves.
When you go to a restaurant, do you think that the wait staff are begging you for a tip? It's expected that you would tip, and most people do. That's because we all know they get paid peanuts.
Writers and artists have to adapt. They will always have to do so, because business is constantly adapting.
Yes, precisely, they are bad in comparison to what they were a few years ago. They shouldn't be.
Eric, I have 8700 followers on Medium, and last month I earned 4 figures. Today, I'm on $953 so I don't know if I will make four figures.
I think one has to understand the website one is on, and one has to learn how to constantly adapt every time they change policy. All income as a writer is up and down.
What are you planning to do?
Sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work!
I know I will regret asking, but why in the world do you need to go to college to learn how to use YouTube?
Because the course is specifically adapted to how to earn a living on it. It's run by the main tech college in Ireland. Remrmber, most of the big tech companies are headquartered here.
I think the professor probably knows quite a bit more than I do.
Eric, if one does not constantly adapt and learn new things, one gets left behind. The book publishing seminar in London last year was a complete waste of money. And then again, it taught me that it wouldn't work for me.
Do you need any help on Medium?
Thanks, but I am not sure if there is anything you can say that would be helpful. Every time I try to lean into Medium I come away with the feeling that it's just not for me.
The only filters that prevent articles getting into Discover are pieces of software. It can deal with relatively straightforward breaches like plagiarism but doesn't understand the language and subject matter in the same way that a human does, so you will inevitably get floods of low-quality material.
You can still flag low-quality material and hope that it's removed. But don't be surprised if you find that the bad stuff vastly outnumbers the good, making it a somewhat futile exercise. New material is being published all the time and most of it will be low quality.
This is very similar to how HubPages was when I joined, before the Panda algorithm update came along and turned the world of search upside down. I am skeptical that going back to the old system will work for HP. It seems more likely that Google will end up punishing the entire Discover site, regardless of the quality of individual articles.
I guess we'll find out over the next few months.
It's not very good at detecting plagiarism either. Maybe that's partially because the articles are plagiarized from multiple sources?
Either way, staff can't detect or doesn't care about it either. They have an article featured on a niche site that is blatantly plagiarized and violating several copyrights.
5 Creative Birthday Cake Recipes to Wow Your Guests on Delishably. All the recipes except the 4th (All Sally's) are a mash of different stolen recipes smashed together to create a new one. The first image and Sally's both have their websites on them, yet she doesn't have them properly cited.
Easy Yummy Salmon Recipes is the same set up. A bunch of different recipes taken from other sources mashed together. Also on Delishably.
All her content is plagiarized, at least in part if not entirely, and her images are not properly sourced. She has been here for years doing this. Most of her content is on Discover, with 3 on Delishably.
Cholee, I've seen this style on HP before with another writer. I don't know how they get away with it.
I haven't been paying much attention to Discover as that wasn't the goal for me, but there are so many different styles so to speak, that I can't believe they let happen.
This mass move made me realize HP has seriously deteriorated. Paul is right, we are back to the free for all age.
I am a little bewildered and annoyed. With Discover.hubpages.com, it shows “Related Articles” beneath the publications which have not yet been scooped up by LetterPile and have absolutely nothing to do with what I published. For example, the recent Haiku poems publication titled, “Love in Winter.” Under Related Articles: “200 Best Places to Have Sex.”
I couldn’t agree more. I added this to my Profile as a kind of footnote disclaimer: “The "Recommended" articles inserted into our publications are not the author's recommendations…these insets are added by Hubpages. The same is true of HP's choices of "Related Articles." (I do not wish to give readers the impression that we are all, to quote a popular idiom, “out-to-lunch.” It's rather embarrassing.)
Good suggestion Genna. I will do likewise, if I stay around that is.
Thank you. And please don't leave, Rupert. We need writers like you. :-)
It is discouraging to see many sub-par articles on Discover. Regarding rutabagas, I got a kick from reading your article, Rupert. I do not find them distasteful. I even grew rutabagas one year when I had a large garden in Wisconsin.
When I started this thread about sub-par articles on Discover I was annoyed. Now I am boiling angry and spitting nails because I stumbled on a diatribe entitled "Warning to America About Obama!"
It is a disgusting reposting of the kind of garbage vomited up by QAnon. It states that Obama is a closet gay who has to hide his sexuality because under his Muslim faith he would be killed. It claims Michelle Obama is transgendered. It asks if Obama was behind the Iranian plot to assassinate Trump. It ..... but that's enough.
The piece is filled with totally unsubstantiated allegations conjured up by the alt.right and has absolutely no place on any platform that claims to be a dispenser of accurate information.
Having this collection of hate-filled lies on the platform drags down the reputation of every serious writer who tries to craft informative and accurate articles.
I have reported it. If this miserable jeremiad isn't taken down I will seriously consider my future here.
Nice imagery, Rupert. People can put anything on the Internet, falsehoods.
The internet is already now a dark continent.
I agree, Rupert - "Warning" is disgusting garbage, propaganda, false. Staff don't seem to be monitoring the site for spam and disinformation and perhaps there are really too few staff left to do so. Or the direction HP is headed is only negative, idk. It is frustrating.
Seems they's no one in charge of hubpages at the moment?
There were lots of angry threads by hubbers about crappy and spammy material before and during the Panda period (around 13 years ago), so it feels like history repeating itself in some ways.
Back then, though, Google was punishing the site for low quality. The weird thing now is that Google is treating Discover better than many of the curated and edited niches.
Paul, I don't recall ever seeing articles like "Warning to America About Obama!" actually being published.
There's always been this sort of stuff in Discover and Hubpages.com is even worse.
The hubpages.com domain (of which Discover is a subdomain) was never intended as a venue for good material. The niches were where the curated and edited material went.
People are finding bad stuff because they're looking harder but it was always there. The quality always comes down to how stuff is filtered and curated. That hasn't changed, as far as I'm aware.
The change is that the articles in certain niches have been moved to Discover.
It definitely always has had poor content on it. I'm unsure whether the bad on Discover influences the traffic of another article. I feel like it could be like YouTube, there is everything plus the kitchen sink on there... but just because there are bad, poorly made videos on YT, it doesn't make me stop watching the expertly made videos.
That's YouTube though.... I don't know if that is comparable to what's happening here. My traffic and earnings have improved since the move to Discover began. July might have better earnings than June when it's said and done. I'm curious to see what will happen by the end of August. Everything is too preliminary to tell at this point.
Rupert, it is indeed both shocking and disheartening to learn that HP would allow this kind of uncivilized garbage to be published.
Rupert, did you also report the author? That type of post goes against the TOS of any reputable site! HP/TAG needs to implement serious filters to immediately ban/remove any such posts and originators of same. Unbelievable!!!!!!
The article previously mentioned has been removed. However, there is a new political article on the homepage spewing more unfounded information. For every article we manage to get taken down, there are dozens more being created or going unseen.
Reporting is becoming futile. Half the time staff does not remove infringing content anyway. Low quality articles are too plentiful and it appears no one really cares much beyond us writers.
Authors alone cannot and should not have to monitor articles. We need a better system for approving content before it is released to the public.
Edit: My mistake, the article Rupert is talking about still exists and was updated 4hrs ago. The link CYong posted has been taken down.
Miebakagh57 "I meet a page 404 error."
No, this vicious twaddle is still out there polluting Discover.
In case you haven't read it, here's the conclusion offered by someone who calls herself a Christian: "And YES, Islam wants non-Muslims to KILL AND MAIM THEIR OWN BABIES, while they multiply like rabbits. Speaking of multiplying, I now have a hijab-wearing OBGYN doctor!"
She makes a big thing about how Christians "follow the New Testament gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ and obey the Ten Commandments given by God."
"Thou shalt not bear false witness."
I would like for there to be curation on Discover and even blocks to prevent the most outrageous content from getting published on it. I think this may have to happen since more stuff is getting moved there.
Frankly, I'm tired of discussing this matter. HP has gone downhill. Period.
Shauna - Yes I reported the article so, ergo, the author. I have not read any of her other offerings - I have a delicate stomach.
Do I think HP will remove this offensive crap? I'm not hopeful.
Some time ago I reported a couple of articles about aircraft vapour trails being loaded with chemicals that will turn all of us into obedient automatons whose minds will be controlled by some malevolent force. The articles are still on HP.
HP is rapidly falling into the sewer, polluting the earth with its entrails. Time to hang it up, I'm afraid.
My traffic's going up - only by a few hundred but it's increasing.
Also, my articles are appearing on the first page of Google again - I even saw two when I searched for related key phrases.
Your articles are the kind that will hopefully (maybe) benefit from this move. Tarot stuff never really fit in on Exemplore. It probably should have had its own site.
In addition, Exemplore got clobbered a few years back, I think because Google decided talk of UFOs and bigfoot shouldn't be left to hobbyists to ponder, but instead demands authoritative sources like Forbes, a company known for its expertise in paranormal lore, and the History Channel, which has produced more confusing shows in the past 20 years than HP writers ever could.
Congratulations Bev. I can't say the same. With Soapboxie and other niches going into the bucket of crud my views have gone down by about 15 percent.
Meanwhile, "Warning to America About Obama" remains extant on the platform.
Hello Tess. It's been a while. So you popped in to see how things are here. Depressing isn't it?
The platform now publishes lies and disinformation, spam, conspiracy theories, plagiarized content, and AI.
I honestly thought it might end that way. Of course, I couldn't be 100% sure, but the statistical odds that it would were there. It's not unique. I have watched many writing sites go that way.
The moment they depend on advertising, that is what eventually happens. I would have stayed on, but for one thing - that the way my stories were surrounded by advertising cheapened them.
Last month on Medium, despite most people dropping income, I earned $1600 and this month, I'm on $953 so far. That doesn't count my patrons who tip me, where I get about an additional $400 per month.
However, while the site now has 1 million readers, it is becoming more and more difficult to earn.
I read something by the CEO on Hackers.com and he was talking about Substack. He said that at the moment, many writers were fleeing Medium because some people went from earning $10K per month to $1K or they went form having thousands of reads to maybe 200 reads.
He said that, eventually, when Substack reached a certain point, things would become more difficult, and that is true. As soon as a certain point is reached, the writer loses. The only way to survive is to keep adapting.
I'm really sad that this happened to Hubpages. The forums are empty compared to what it was 10 years ago.
Exactly the same for me Eric. I found Medium to be a colossal waste of time, whereas here on HubPages the situation is magnificent and the traffic and earnings are astronomical. Not to mention the high quality of all the articles on Discover.
I was being ironical Tess. Traffic, earnings, and article quality are atrociously awful.
Oh. Rupert, my friend, Brenda needs a place to write. The thing is that Medium is terribly woke. She posted some unwoke things (don't want to mention here in case it's not accepted here) and it was her third warning, and they just banned her. She tends to write more blog style than Hubpage articles.
Do you think she'd earn here?
Oh, by the way, someone asked what one got banned for on Medium? There are certain topics that one cannot write about. I was warned twice 30 months ago, and my earnings and traffic went right down the drainpipe. You are out after the third warning. I know several people who have been banned. I don't dare write about certain topics. Basically, it's anyone who disagrees with woke. I guess I've learnt the hard way not to upset that powers that be.
I know lots of people who got banned and lots of people who have been given several warnings, i.e. two, and they're now keeping very quiet.
Yep, I had that on a comment or two when I disagreed with the nonsense the writer was pushing. I had a warning from Medium. I have been proved right but still can't say it.
I wrote an article with references from doctors and various scientific studies. It was removed and I was given a warning. Brenda had the temerity to say she was voting for Trump because a man couldn't become a woman, and that cutting off his penis didn't make him a woman.
Gosh, she committed an actual crime!
And so did you - after all, you're not allowed to have an alternative view or to rely on the old free speech malarkey.
It's not facts that matter. She was told she was being banned for pseudoscience. The sheer irony of it.
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Hello everyone, We are pleased to announce that discover.hubpages is now live! You will notice that it shares the same look as the rest of our updated Network Sites. Note: If you don't remain signed in at all times, you will need to click the "Write for Us" button on the homepage to...
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