what do yo think...lately it's all changed a bit..then again could just be me.
i have only been here 2 weeks and i have to say from what they were two weeks ago to now they have gotten kinda crappy ... this is why i stick to a few select threads most of the time.
Haven't been here long, but when I first joined, the forums seemed to be much more full of life. To me, it seems like the forums are dying. The posts that ARE made seem to be repeats of other posts, especially with all the drama hubbers bring into the new thread with drama from the last thread. The threads that seem interesting to me die quickly.
Oh well...
I think when one joins, initially there's just a lot of enthusiasm for the forums. A few months here and everything starts looking repetitive...the same old questions, same jokes even....and you simply 'get over them' and move on to occasional forum posting. It's natural.
Having said that, I do agree forums are quieter now than before, but do you blame anyone after the 'cat fights' and name calling going on here lately? People are just more guarded now...I for one, am.
True. I never thought of it like that. I suppose it's the same for any forum.
I also didn't think about it like that...I've been here a while so things will eventually get repetitive.
I guess you're right. There have been a series of 'cat fights' and general meanness going on. I agree with you on that one...people are probably more guarded now.
It's just strange to think that 2 weeks ago, it was all funny and all that.
we are people, despite the avitars and clever jokes...it all goes in cycles.
Ive been here about a year now, I think, it starts out all "wow oh wow!! this is the funniest coolest place Ive ever seen!!" theres all kinds of silliness and games and suddenly...toes get stepped on, names get called...
then eveyrbody gets mad and moody and banned and some people leave... then there is
nothing for abit
then a bunch of new peopel sign up and post all kinds of "hey look a tme, this is the coolest place ive ever been too" posts, and it starts all over agian...
You won't believe how much it changed from say two years ago
I guess it comes with the territory, and fame has its drawbacks. Hp forums are slowly becoming just yet another iNtERweBz foRuMz...
Hubpages has become a big disappointment - it's the gatekeeper(s) who don't have the years of experience to know what's a winner and what isn't! Wanting to help young writers, I've been blasted too many times now to want to post ANYTHING and haven't since last Christmas.
I'm with you on this one.. I've noticed that the longer you stay in forums the more boring it becomes and eventually at some point you'll pack your bags and head to a more lively forum... I've also noticed a couple of my friends that used to be here when I first joined are no longer regulars...
Classic case of nothing lasts forever
Any forum can be considered crappola, it's just what you want to get from a forum that counts!
There has been a huge change in forum activity since I joined a few months ago.
The forum is the result of our collective participation, it reflects us,our moods, and our desires, our feelings, our passions, and our thoughts and concerns. We can't be exciting all the time, so post something!
I have noticed that when personal information is given out on the forums.
Someone else uses the personal info as ammunition when the discussion gets heated.
Someone gets banned throwing the forums into an uproar.
More people get banned.
There is some good conversation here if you can stay out of the drama.
My favorite threads are always the ones that cause us to have a desire to be just a bit better than we were. Good news threads, celebrations for victories, thought-provoking, stimulating insights (even in political and religious forums), rallying around someone who's going through a rough stretch--these all make me feel part of an important community. All the negative stuff does nothing. All the hate-spewing, negative talk, attacks do nothing to brighten a day. Life is hard enough without factoring in such rubbish.
I think if the forums are going crappy, we have the power to put a positive spin on it and give back the good we thought we saw in them. It's a choice, and it's simply up to us.
Also, it's just part of the forums 'breaking in' ..you make mistakes here that no 'help' section covers: like taking sides, getting too involved, taking things personally, overdoing the posts....hell, once I remember spending a whole day just playing games here with friends (the scrabble/word association etc). One day, you just wake up and you've lost interest. Just like that.
Then you start reading other people's hubs....so it kind of balances things out...
It's those crappy rose colored glasses Poppa Blues is always looking through. Some people!....
I fall in and out of favour with the forums, sometimes I can spend crazy amounts of time on them and sometimes nothing interests me. It depends on whose posting and what the threads are about.
Oh I think it just goes up and down with the mood of the Hubtastic people here....you hublicious people
Like the turning of the tide the debate lives and dies!
....and then lives again...! like the ebb and flow of waves yes.
justine76 as you know you are one of my most favorite Hubbers....I am great thanks....the book is like a struggle...so mnay things I have to revisit and I dont know If I really want to.....there ia a wee devil on my shoulder saying go on you know you want to....and an angel on the other shoulder saying dont go there.....I will get on with it though it is good theraphy....
Civil discussions can happen even in the politics and religion forums. I think if you start off with the right tone: An honest question or observation free of attacks, you can get people to resond in kind.
This thread actually lasted awhile before degenerating into the same old fisticuffs.
Not that I mind the fisticuffs of course but you can actually have a conversation if you want.
I remember that!!! I guess Ive been here for nine months. hmmm. whatever happend to pmanda man? did they find out he wasnt 18?
Yeah, I think that's what happened. It's interesting to look back a few months and see who's left.
Yeah, I would give the latest forum activity a thumbs down. I rarely visit right now, since it is all so negative and depression...
wrenfrost56 how are you, Hublicious describes many here...you certainly are one of them
Ron, always the diplomat ha ha, how are you Ron...
Sa Toya, I want to hear something more positive from you, come on now, lets hear something hubtastic.....no dark clouds please
It's all Obama's fault pushing his socialist agenda has everyone tense!
Good to hear that Ron....how are the red socks doing
Great! So far they're in first place.
poppa digging your vibe,,,,Obama we did not have this type of weather before he was in office Tiger Woods for President
Good stuff, we cant get it here anymore, I suppose you could buy channels but very expensive....
Ooh it's snowing outside now....I'm hoping for snowmen...of course I'd have to make them.
Oh just apply for some stimulus... tell em you have a shovel ready job! They'll send over a few SEIU workers to do it for you and add them to the list of millions of more jobs created or saved!
All good I hope anyway, it is very cold here with slight snow, 3.20pm
Time to spice it back-up again!
Folks just taking a little breather from some of the "trite" topics...maybe?
Yo....Irish! Yep....got to get all the acreage ready down here for early planting...How's ya' doing?
man....I wish we could be getting ready for planting....
lucky you!
I hope that Spring is right around the corner for you guys, Justine...?
Me_1: Confucius said, expectations leads to disappointment.
Me_2 : okay, whatever above said.
Me_1 : Yeah
Me_2: *yawn*
I've got some seed that needs planting? Anyone got a field they'd like to contribute?
I wish spring would hurry up, It's well glm outside now. The snow's gone all mushy.
Since I have no interest in sexual inuendo, drug addiction, politics and religion the forums are not something I participate in any more. These topics used to appear in well-defined areas and now it seems they are everywhere.
I used to come here regulary and share HubPages experiences and cheer others on, but now I just run through the topics and see if any double entrendre or sexually explicit titles are showing up on my hubs, report them if necessary and leave.
I have spent a lot of times in the forums. I think mostly people come and go as the mood strikes them and that some peoples personalities are more flamboyant than others causing the forums to be more active and aggressive.
Ohma, how are you, hows the weather snowing here in Ireland at 3.50 pm.....making some nice soup today..
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it's Hokey!
How are you?!
Speak of the devil as it were though I'm not speaking about...I've been trying to catch up with reading your hubs at this very moment and here you are....
Irish good to see you back. We were to get snow yesterday but thankfully it all turned into rain. Soup sound good what kind.
Hi hokey!
On a serious note.
Word to the wise: never get in line at the bank behind someone wearing a balaclava :?
Ohma, I am making tomatoe and Basil....I may also throw in a few other spices as it is so cold here....I also made a small loaf of wheaten bread....seems hard....might have to get the chainsaw out.....
The mid-western housewife level sex threads really alienate me- idiotically coy, predictable, clumsy. Its like watching bears play soccer.
These forums are not the place for sex play.
I just move along along as soon as I see another grotesque double entendre.
Have to say I agree with Will. some of the stuff here goes way beyond cute and just gets gross.
I would say anything that you read in the forums is no different than you will find in any other written material found somewhere else.
However, it appears as though the forums have changed dramatically compared to how it was when I first started 5 months back.
But, then again, I'm also aware of much that has happened within the forums, been in many assorted discussions and the only thing I've found is the amount of ignorance of many.
I'm not naming names, but I've noticed a lot of people, twisting and turning(play on words), just to get other people riled up, so they can get them banned.
This would be sadly pathetic and what is turn many others off from the forums.
Hey Cags...I haven't been in the forums as much over the past month but I do know what you mean.
I suppose behaviour like that is bound to put some off...that's what I meant by crappy.
Not so much the content but more so the lack of regulars...if that makes sense.
So many people have been banned lately...NOT COOL
"Is it me or has the forums gone a bit crappy?!"
It's YOU! haha - actually, tho, it is, partly you and partly the ebb and flow - My dad used to tell me that only empty minds get bored - that first you fill your mind with good stuff, then you aren't bored. Also he used to say "If you want something to happen, you may have to just make it happen, girl!" so - "make it happen" has been a motto of mine ever since! I have a lot of mottos! like "s**t happens, but so does cake!"
ohma I posted the recipe for the tomatoe and basil soup
Its the ebb & flow of things. We all have lives, sometimes we need to wind down & go into the forums to "get away". It was much more robust when I joined. I pop in once or twice a day & see if anything new is happening (except religion & politics), lately there isn't mush of anything new happening. It will pick up again.
I think that several groups of "friendships" have evolved and when they start threads, their friends join in, and really ignore new people..so it might scare some new writers away - that is what I have observed.
Other message boards have been started too, and people move on.
I have to agree with the gross factor. The last thing I personally want to see (and feel free to disagree) are words in topic posts like cock, pussie, etc...yes I know its in pets - whatever. If I were a first timer I'd run far away. I agree with the statement "The mid-western housewife level sex threads really alienate me- idiotically coy, predictable, clumsy. Its like watching bears play soccer." While I'm a bit offended by the mid-western housewife - I agree the sex threads are better off in another venue.
Be careful, someone may get offended. They moved some of them, but don't care apparently that there are more down in the pet forum, much less the offensiveness of them on the forums in general.
I agree that the forums have been crap lately. Nothing but people posting useless threads that are a waste of time and indirectly self-promotion. There needs to be much more moderation here. This is by far the least moderated forum, I've ever been on. I've been on a few that were adult-ish (no porn or anything), and there was more moderation there than here, and that was with an 18 and older signup qualification and individual member approval. You'd think with the individual approved members and age qualification there wouldn't be that much moderation, but there is. Here, no approval, no real age approved accounts, and virtually no moderation.
Personally, the forums should not be seen by non-users. I'd be embarrassed by what goes on here, especially if I were the site owner.
maybe someone needs to start a "snob" thread where y'all can talk about what you really like, whatever that is.
It seems that some people get obessessed with certain topics. Someone has started a dozen or more threads on evoluiton in the past week or so. What is up with that?
Then there are people who seem to have room for only one idea/attitude in their heads. There are a few people who seem to search for any post on any thread that could possibly have anything to do with faith or religion just so they can say, "You are so stupid for believing in something I don't!" over and over again. And of course people do the same with politics. There was one guy recently I noticed who has been posting "you conservatives are stupid and evil!" or some variation on the theme over and over and nothing else.
I won't get into the matter of the person who was just dying to tell the world about her sexual 'spanking' and whatnot.
if you don't like the topics posted you can a) not read em b) post your own! its that simple. Real freedom means that everyone, not just the ones you like, will be able to post what they want and for me that is exactly why I enjoy these forums and keep coming back. . . so enjoy - and if you don't, post something meaningful to you. What is the purpose of posting threads to complain about forum quality?
Admiration: Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.
by x 4 years ago
Is it a trend or is it being initiated by HP? Just curious.
by Lionrhod 10 years ago
There are a lot of us who haven't been feeling safe on the forums. They've felt stalked, harassed and browbeaten.Sadly, some folks go with the letter of the law, but not the spirit of it in their posts.For an excellent post on why we need Forum Moderators, check out what Makingamark says here...
by Whitney 14 years ago
I don't appreciated them...Is there any way this can be avoided? I really think it's a way to get attention to the hubs. Most of the threads are so that people go click to find the hubs that have pictures related to that thread.
by Raymond D Choiniere 13 years ago
Hey Hubbers,I'm quickly approaching 30,000 posts to HubPages' forum thread and if you're really interested, you can help me leave even quicker?That's all you have to do is post to this forum and I'll respond. Once I reach 30,000 posts....*****POOF***** I'm gone.So, who is up for it?Last chance to...
by Hugh Williamson 7 years ago
Paid forum posting is a business that's growing rapidly because of the glut of money in politics and the desire of commercial interests to promote their products and to blunt criticism.Should paid forum posters be forced to acknowledge that they are being paid? Should they be banned from posting...
by rebekahELLE 11 years ago
Whenever I open the forums, I see countless threads by the same people, many of them unanswered or with only a couple of comments. I would love to see a limit on how many threads the same person can open daily. I often have to go to page 2 or 3 to see what else people are...
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