I prefer Hubpages to be honest, I started using both around the same time but squidoo was just too awkward and not very user friendly. Although they do integrate Google Analytics so you can find out relevant keywords and such, I just prefer the hubpages layout and how easy it is to write about something that enters your head straight away!
The responses to this thread are as interesting as the thread itself .
As someone who uses both sites and has had success with both, I can say that the amount of traffic any of us receives depends on the popularity of your topic/niche, the keywords or tags you're using and on page/ off page SEO factors involved.
As far as earnings are concerned, I've earned more money from Squidoo because I use it as an affiliate marketing platform. I use Hubpages for article marketing to drive traffic to my Squidoo lenses, not to make any affiliate sales - any money I make from Hubs is a bonus. If HubPages was a little more affiliate marketing friendly, I would really love to test the two.
That's the ticket right there! You can't just build a hub or lens for that matter and expect everyone just to come to you. It takes effort; finding the right niche and keywords, placing one way links to your hubs, and the other SEO techniques. I'm just getting started and I know it requires work, regardless which you use.
I am new to Hubpages and just published my 1st Hub. I have several lens at Squdoo and had been hesitant in joining Hubpages because I wanted to maximize my time. Thanks for clearing up some confusion.
hub pages r pretty good although i write mostly about travels and i dont get much of a response . Squidoo is not good either .
I get more from more specialized websites like www.worldpolis.com
I have to say hubpages r good for news articles
Interesting stuff!
I just started using both hub pages and Squidoo
For me it seems to be easier to rank in Squidoo (not really sure why) but my first attempt went under 5000 in a matter of a couple of days.
I haven't had a lot of traffic from either site, but then that might be might choice of topics, or the fact that I don't know any thing about SEO?
As for making money .... I live in hope
Jason, thank you very much for your precise stats about HubPages!
I truly like community spirit on HubPages!
To say in common language, Google likes HubPages much more than Squidoo lenses. Squidoo was punished last year, due ti its 'spammy' lenses.
I certainly find Hupages much more user friendly. Squidoo, so far, is a bit clunky for me.
On the other hand, I love some of its capsules.
I do like the selection of widgets available at Squidoo, but from what I have seen, I have no doubt HubPages will be adding their own widgets.
I for one would love to have the ability display my Slide.com slideshow, not a real fan of Flickr and love the effects found at Slide. Plus Slide supports Chinese characters better.
Thank you for sharing this information. I have two lenses built on Squidoo and only receiving a few views a day. I just published my Psychic Journey on HubPages today.
<unrelated link snipped by mod>
Welcome to Hugpages
If the topic of your hub is not related to the topic of the thread, posting a link to it is considered spam in this community. Fix, please.
I didn't know that (although I've never done it). Where does it say that?
Actually no - I think it's a fine rule. I was just hoping for a written list rather than an unwritten one - makes things easier and doesn't put off newbies. But that is enough about that on this thread!
I think darkside has a list of unwritten rules on one of his hubs. I don't remember which one exactly unfortunately. However reading through his hubs is always time well spent, so I encourage you to take a look there
I have to say that I am really not surprised by these numbers. I haven't done a lot on Squidoo, but it didn't take long for me to see a lot more traffic and money from Hubpages then from Squidoo. I joined Squidoo first and haven't even made a dollar with them yet. My traffic there is really piddly even with advertising my lenses. On the other hand, I don't advertise my Hubs much and get a nice amount of traffic and a growing income from it.
Hubpages is best. The only thing that makes Squidoo worth working with is the fact that they don't care if you promote sites. You can write lenses aimed at getting traffic for your blog, website, or affiliate program. It might not get a ton of traffic, but that traffic does convert to traffic on your sites (sometimes). This makes it good for marketing, but not good for writing and making money.
I have not tried squido yet. But you have provided very useful info that it may enhance traffic to other sites of the author.
I have never developed a squidoo lens but I am moderately satisfied with the kind of views that I get at my hubs. Not much revenue since joining but I like the community spirit
Thanks Jason for this information..
I am so glad to be a part of Hubpages!! this is such a great site and everythings just so easy unlike other places which look a complete mess and trying to navigate around those sites is extreamly difficult!
Hubpages Rules each and everyday;)
I went to Squidoo to find out what the site is all about and let me say, I'm over whelmed. Maybe I am lazy, but it is too complicated for me. I have to master Hubpages before I can master a site like Squipdoo. In other words, for now I prefer Hubpages, but I'm not going to say no to a chance to make extra money writing.
That gave me an edge on HubPages, I found Squidoo long ago and mastered their page making system. Hub is a breeze compared to Squidoo.
On the flipside though, Squidoo does have more widgets right now as well as greater HTML support, allowing a greater expression of creativity on lenses.
Hopefully Hubpages will expand likewise.
In my opinion ,hubpage in present state is very good and simple so that anyone can easily master it.
Jyoti Kothari
Squiddo is well-known because of Seth Godin behind it. However, I prefer HubPages because of the easy tools and simple layout.
I never made a Squidoo, I think they might have some advertising potential.
But I do know is I love Hubpages, it's the best all the time
Wowzers! I personally prefer hp... it just seems to easier for me to navigate, create hubs and the amount of hub love is abundant for a newbie. In fact, I don't know how to say this... I know that we haven't been together very long but, wow, I think I'm in love with hp. I think about it when I have to be away from my computer, I am on hp if there is a computer anywhere around and I enjoy reading and leaning about hp ... uh? I might be a hub stalker or it could be love I'll just have to let the relationship continue to form.
Actually the only reason why Squidoo has such low numbers is because a lot of people give up, which means the average is lower.
However I get just as many visits on my Squidoo lenses as on Hubpages.
As far as claiming that HP is better...I won't say either one is better. Even though it seems like both sites are a lot alike, in truth they're not. Squidoo is more for the affiliate promoter and people who wish to get out information, whereas Hubpages seems more like the opinionated writer. That's why I believe every squidooer should have a HP account, and a vice versa. It's just a matter of finding out what works best for you in each site.
Your wisdom far outweighs your three days of hubbing!
People using both and playing to the advantage of each are 100 times better off than those blindly backing the one horse.
I'm a big fan of both.
Lol, silly. I've been a longer for more than 3 days - way more.. However when I decided to give Hubpages a true chance, I figured I'd start clean with a brand new account.
Also I'm an observant, it's a nice talent of mine to be able to quickly and thoroughly analyze things. So I've been looking around to see which hubs do best and have the most activity (since activity means more chances of clicks and returning viewers) and I've been looking at the best lenses and if you compare them it is SO obvious that the target audiences for both sites are way too different to compare.. It'd be like comparing a 360 to a DS, both have their points but they're truly incomparable.
I signed up for Squidoo but have only written one lens. It was all too much like hard work, IMO! It seemed far more complicated to create a lens compared to a Hub.
But that's only because you're used to Hubpages. Whatever you're used to is what will be easier.
I know when I started hubpages (after doing 30+ lenses on squidoo) it was actually hard, my first hub took me forever to complete in comparison to the time it usually takes me on Squidoo. It's all a matter of habit. To me hubpages was too hard.
However now I'm getting used and can do both in about the same amount of time. All a matter of habit.
I also found hubpages more difficult because I got familiar with squidoo first. Now, I find them both useful - but for different kinds of purposes. I find hubpages generally easier to navigate but squidoo has some bells and whistles that cannot be ignored. I do, however, hope that hubpages DOES NOT incorporate all the gadgets that squidoo uses. Less gadgets mean readers stay on the page more. PLUS the hubpages community seems 'closer' with members interacting moreso than on squidoo. I can be assured of more repeat member interaction and some actual HELPFUL commenting at hubpages
one of squidoo's serious drawbacks (correct me if I am wrong): I cannot find a DRAX on squidoo
I don't agree. I remember when I first arrived at HubPages, I found it easy to follow and had my first few Hubs set up in no time. Admittedly my layout wasn't very sophisticated!
This thread reminded me that I wanted to do a lens to promote my new website, so off I went to give it a try - and remembered why it irritated me.
I don't know HTML, for one thing. The other is that the site is very slow - every time I make a change, it takes forever to react, and I had to hit publish several times. I remember having the same hassle last time. Finally after I hit publish, there are several capsules that don't show up, even though they are there when I'm in edit mode - and the eBay capsule shows results in edit mode then says it can't find anything when it's published.
I do know that people get value out of using both, so maybe one day I'll give it another try.
I haven't had anywhere near the traffic and friendly comments at Squidoo that I have had at HubPages and at Gather. And the editing interface makes my eyes cross and my teeth grind - having to hand-type the HTML to build links is hard work for the less computer-literate.
Go the highlight-and-click tool, I say!
Squidoo lenses have sent maybe 1% of the referral traffic to the sites I am linking out to, compared with HubPages. In other words, I have to build 100 Squidoo lenses to get the same traffic to my own website as building one Hub brings me.
Maybe I am missing a particular Squidoo trick or something. I paid $30 for an eBook on the topic, but it didn't help me much. I haven't really seen the point of Squidoo since Google put them in the doghouse.
I think,, hub page is wothwhile!!!They are paying back for my labour
I was saying that if you're used to one, the other is hard. Not that both were hard at start up. What I meant to say that, if you squidoo first, hubpages is hard. If you hugpages first, squidoo is hard. I started squidoo first, so hubpages was hard , but squidoo was easy. Sure, at first the only html tags I used were <b> and <i> , and the simple <a href> tag and I would just write - the same way I see many people do here. I'm sure if I had started with hubpages, I would have thought it was easy too, and that squidoo was hard.
I have used both HP and Squidoo and I prefer the atomosphere here at HP. I think at Squidoo there may be more really bad lenses than there are bad HubPages here because HubPages runs a much tighter ship. The best lenses will probably do ok though.
Personally, I prefer the Squidoo tools. HubPages frustrates me because I have to battle it to get simple formatting into a module. If more basic HTML was allowed it would make life much easier for those of us who know a bit, and simple instructions for those who don't shouldn't be too hard to follow. A TOC module like they have at Squidoo would be great, and polls too.
I grant that Squidoo has not got so many modules that it is starting to become too complicated, and I think (please note Paul that this idea is my intellectual property and will cost you my usual fees if you want to use it ;-)) that a "Basic" and an "Experts" mode would solve the problem of those who find the likes of Squidoo too complicated. The Basic mode could be much like HubPages are at the moment, so it doesn't frighten or overwhelm those not used to creating Web pages, and the Experts mode could have extra bells and whistles for those of us with Web page experience.
Yes Hub Means quality!!!!! All we are quality people who share quality result in HUB
Jimmy you can see the traffic data for yourself:
We are both on a bit of a growth spurt lately, but Squidoo is still a little ahead of us in total visitors. There are about 150,000 published hubs. I'm not sure how many lenses there are, my guess would be upwards of half a million. So, I think the traffic per hub/lens claim that Jason made is still valid. One other thing to keep in mind -- Squidoo still has adult content. I'm not sure what percentage of their traffic is to adult lenses, but when we removed porn about a year ago our traffic declined about 35% (although revenue didn't change much).
We don't spend a lot of time comparing ourselves to the competition. Of course we keep an eye on what they are up to, but for the most part we focus on implementing useful new features and providing good value to our authors.
Yep, I goofed on that one....my most sincere apologies....lol
Ahhhhh if only to be Perfect, oops, I mean Mark Knowles in an imprefect world....
Okay, I'm done..sometimes I feel a little snarly too....but I was just laughing at my own mistake...nice catch Mark
And Germane means pertinent to
As opposed to German, which is a whole different thing.....
There are about 630,000 lenses in total. A good portion of them are WIP, which means they most likely get 0 traffic. I'd say only about 200,000 lenses actually get any kind of regular traffic. The reason I say this is that when a lens falls out of wip status with only minimal visits (like 1 or 2) it usually ranks around 180k.
One advantage I see is that I don't have to make $100 in adsense with Squidoo to get a pay out.
Oh for the day when I get that anyway ...
You needent have used Quantcast to explain Hubpages is better!! I could have told you that! lol
I too, have ventured over to Squidoo once! and have never returned for many reasons, yet I do know everywhere has it's place!!
I just need to add my penny's worth to the Hubpages vs Squidoo discussion to say that it is hard to believe that my hubs attract approximately 10 times more visitors than my lenses while I have exactly the same articles published in Squidoo and Hubpages. I simply duplicate and I would only replace the word "lens" with "hub" should I need to make such reference within my article. I suspect it's got to do with Adsense and Google with Google being more inclined to publish Hubpages contents to search results than Squidoo contents??
If you have the same article on both, which one was published first? The HP version or the Squidoo version?
That Data is Absolutely Correct!!. From my experiences, my Hubs outdo my Squidoo lenses by 500%
I have a friend who created around 10 lenses on hubpages and squidoo and it's true that hubpages receive WAY more traffic than squidoo lenses. Maybe if you think long-term for squidoo you'll receive more...but God knows what will happen if you update and add new content for your hub for 10 days! (that's why I did on squidoo and receive traffic on one of my lens from the search engines).
I love the style of squidoo. So many different tools to use the layout is great and simple very web 2.0ish. Squidoo only 17 views Hubpages 70. The look and layout of hubpages is garbage though like circa 90s.
Well, I found Squidoo a complete Garbage. Huge Hard work, Less Traffic, Less Money. Complete Wastage of time and energy.
I agree the only lenses that get huge traffic are the adult lenses. But I seriously wish that Hubpage would have a nicer look thats what kinda bugs me and turned me off in the beginning. Finally I gave in and I love it.
HP admn has kept it simple and Search Engine Friendly. They are always working on it but not at the cost of SEO. They Target SEO with every tool they provide. This is why most Hubs get Indexed so quickly.
Really, this might be off topic, but could you add a voting poll like in Squidoo or something where the users can INTERACT with us...it would be good for market research to find out what our visitors are thinking of the site, what are their problems and so on. After all, most of the people are here to make money (I might be wrong). I'm personally here for value+things I like+money. Fair enough?
Hey Markinter!
I don't want to spoil any surprises, but a polling system just might be coming to a Hub near you.
Of course, you don't hear that from me...
I read somewhere that Squidoo's page rank was a 7 while Hug Pages page rank was a 5, but somehow I could never received as much traffic with Squidoo as I do with Hub Pages. My hubs are true example of how Hub Pages continuously outperforms Squidoo. Thank you for the enlightening information...
Not really sure about traffic, but I`ve seen the stats. Squidoo is a bit ahead of Hubpages, but if there are 650.000 lenses that means the traffic isn`t so great. I`ve been speaking lately with some of the content publishers on Squidoo, their overall earnings are somewhere around 400 - 500 $, with 100 lenses or so. Top earners cash 2000$ - 4000$ monthly. I am not sure how they share the earnings.
Hubpages in my opinion is a lot easier to use, and growing faster than Squidoo.
I think that it comes down to is the fact that even though we don't have more content, we definitely have much better content from what I've seen. I know first hand that we spend a lot of time and energy making sure that the content stays as good as it possibly can.
Maddie knows all about this process, believe me.
Okay, I will admit I was a lensmaster way before I was a hubber. I have been creating hubs here for about 3 weeks now. (registered a year ago, but never did anything). So far I like Hubpages. It has features that are better than on Squidoo, however, Squidoo has features that are better than Hubpages. I find they are both great platforms to work with and since I don't want all my eggs in one basket, I plan to actively participate with both sites as well as work on my blogs. I am more diversified this way.
As far as traffic goes, I have 4 new hubs here with about 1,100 total pageviews. I have 83 lenses that get about 30,000-32,000 visitors/month. No porn. However, pageviews are not the same as unique visitors, so I am not sure how to compare the two.
She lost me too, but never mind!
I just created my first hub today. Still plenty of work to do on it, but it's a start. I've been on Squidoo for quite some time and have about 20 lenses over there, but I've been hearing a lot about Hubpages and am looking forward to really getting into it.
Congratulations to HubPages and all Hubbers for maintaining the integrity that HubPages is building as a terrific foundation and one which a great reputation is being established for developing quality Hubs, writers, information, opportunity, etc...
I have account on both the sites but love hubpages. Thanks Hubapges
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