UPDATE: who's left and who's staying?

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  1. myownworld profile image70
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    Ok so the hubbers who've left or hopefully are taking a break away from HP:


    Am I missing anyone?

    Decided to stay:
    Hokey - thank god!
    Ryankett is back!

    I'm hoping the rest of us are here to stay aswell! smile

    1. tantrum profile image61
      tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Ralwus is around ! I've seen him today somewhere

    2. tony0724 profile image59
      tony0724posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      MYO I can only speak for myself when I say I do not want you goin anywhere ! I would be sad.

      1. myownworld profile image70
        myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        big_smile I'm not going anywhere, and you better not either! smile

    3. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
      ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't realize tattooguy left! When did that happpen?

    4. AEvans profile image73
      AEvansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Ralwus and TattoGuy are still here I have seen them and dealt with them via-email.

      I have been here almost 3 years I am not going anywhere.smile

      1. myownworld profile image70
        myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        AE....3 years and managed to survive it all! see, there's a lesson to be learnt here.... smile

        (Ralwus and Tatto have left their accounts intact, but taking breaks I'm sure!)

    5. starme77 profile image79
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm stayin smile

    6. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      texan isn't coming back.  last i heard, he was banned from forums for a while, but he didn't want to wait out the ban, so he shut down his account.  i saw it in a thread where it was explained, but i forget which one.  sorry to have to tell you all that.

    7. emievil profile image64
      emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Darn, I'm missing out on a lot of things. Been too busy this past month sad.

      Barely 24 hours after I greeted Kim, she was gone. Left her an email but she hasn't responded yet. Wonder how she is?

  2. profile image0
    seasoningposted 14 years ago

    oops what is happening, what have i missed

  3. skyfire profile image75
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    With mow, stormy, sophs and list goes on....i can't imagine leaving this place...  lol

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      thanks Sky...... lots of serious wonderful hubbers are still around....not so active in the forums though.....so all hope is not lost! smile

  4. myownworld profile image70
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    Ralwus is probably one of those taking a break, though most of his hubs are gone. sad

    1. tantrum profile image61
      tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      But he published a new hub yesterday ! I didn't have the time to check it yet, but it's in my mail.

    2. AEvans profile image73
      AEvansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      He is only taking a break don't worry smile

  5. profile image0
    sophsposted 14 years ago

    I don't want to leeeaaavvveee smile big_smile

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      good that's what I'm hoping for! HEY EVERYONE STAY PLEASE! smile

      (T, I know...but just check his profile now...I'm sure he'll be back one day though...smile )

      1. tantrum profile image61
        tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        1. myownworld profile image70
          myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          (And T if you EVER leave, I'm personally coming to get you! smile)

      2. tantrum profile image61
        tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        sad  sad sad

        I'll write a message for him !

  6. profile image0
    Pani Midnyte Odinposted 14 years ago

    I'm still here smile

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      good, we need your fresh positive energy! smile

  7. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
    ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years ago

    Its on Ralwus' profile page... He's down to 2 hubs.

  8. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    Nelle and her sisters are quite happy here. Not going anywhere. And don't forget RyanKett is back.

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      we'll be lost without sensible hubbers like you!  I'm glad you and the rest of the 'family' is here to stay! smile

      1. profile image0
        sophsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Awwww 'family' that's really nice. The Hubber family! smile hehe

    2. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      ryan is back? yeah. great.

      ralwus has told us he is seriously writing, he's still around.

  9. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    AEvans I'm glad to here that you're not going anywhere.

  10. Ohma profile image60
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    I am also not going anywhere.

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      good, we need more great hubbers to stay...and show people that everyone isn't leaving!

      Rebekah, I take it, you're not leaving either? wink

  11. K Partin profile image61
    K Partinposted 14 years ago

    count me in....not going any where. smile

  12. myownworld profile image70
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    Good, Sophs and K Partin are here...!

    see, people we need to relax now.... lots of great hubbers still around...! smile

  13. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
    ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years ago

    Didn't put this in my first post...

    I'm HERE!

    Heck, I'm just gettin' started.  How could I go anywhere?  big_smile

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      smile good girl, you're off to a great start! just don't let the occasional negativity here get to you! Write on...

      1. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
        ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks MOW.  I'm fairly thick skinned... learned a long time ago that the people whose opinions I give a da*n about aren't usually the ones that would hurt me.  I generally don't resort to profanity, but to those of you who have constructive things to say... whether or not I agree with them... have at it! I love a good battle and I respect an intelligent opponent and love a good critique. To those who just want to bring people down and get a dirty punch in in the process... F*ck off.

        (Please excuse me... I do believe that's the most offensive thing I've ever said online.)

  14. Rik Ravado profile image82
    Rik Ravadoposted 14 years ago

    I'm still hanging in here by a thread (this one)smile

    Its that time of the year when lemmings throw themselves off clifftops and Hubbers delete their hubs and profiles.  Why they do it is a bit of a mystery. Psychologists may have an explanation.  Could it be overcrowding?  Perhaps we need to spread out a bit more?  Oops there goes another one..

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      More like HP's yearly pruning in the process....beyond me too!
      The only thing I've learnt from it is the fragility of cyber relationships: wonderful because they're there at the click of a button, but gone as quickly too!
      glad you've been around for 2 years....! smile

  15. Will Apse profile image90
    Will Apseposted 14 years ago

    I get pretty right wing about this issue. If you can't cope with friction in the cyber world, you are too fragile to even think about leaving your home.

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      (smile @ thoughtful... I love passionate voices like yours...I think you've already survived the 'breaking in' here and managed alright.... stay cool!

    2. tantrum profile image61
      tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this



      YES !

  16. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    I took a few minutes last week to think about all of the hubbers that started at the same time I did. Most didn't last 3 months.

    So many of the "veterans" that were here when I started have gone as well.

    This is an everchanging landscape and I just try to enjoy whoever is here.

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      that's really something Nelle....and I take it your secret for survival here is... staying focused on the right things? smile

      1. profile image0
        Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, I am focused on the money. But the community is fun as well. But I can see why some people never come to the forums at all - except to read announcements and stuff like that. Take a look at the Top 100 hubbers - most never post or post very little.

        Some people seem to be here just for the forums - and they are the ones who come and go very quickly.

    2. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, people come and go for many reasons.  It's like that in every forum.

  17. waynet profile image68
    waynetposted 14 years ago

    I'm off for a good 2 week break on holiday...but I'll try and sneak some hubs and one line forum posts over my break!!!

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      enjoy your holiday wayne...glad to know you're staying for good though! Need that humor of yours to keep us laughing when the going gets tough...! wink

  18. brianzen profile image60
    brianzenposted 14 years ago

    I love it here already and plan to stay, Its hard to see why someone would move, unless it was personal?

    1. brianzen profile image60
      brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That seems sad, we all seem to help each other along for the most part, until the word religion comes up then its kind of funny to watch..

      1. brianzen profile image60
        brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        why take it too seriously anyway?

      2. waynet profile image68
        waynetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hahahaha I've posted replies to myself a few times...it's good to talk!!

  19. Hokey profile image61
    Hokeyposted 14 years ago

    I am definitely staying!  big_smile  I like this place.  smile

    1. brianzen profile image60
      brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hokey!!! Howzitgoin?

      1. Hokey profile image61
        Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Namaste Brianzen. I was caught up in the monkey mind. Doing better now. Awake again!  smile

        1. profile image0
          Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          what is a monkey mind?

          1. Hokey profile image61
            Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Buddhist term meaning "unsettled; restless; capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable".

          2. brianzen profile image60
            brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Mind wanders no aim, = monkey mind, (Autopilot)

        2. brianzen profile image60
          brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Me too Namaste, Great for monkey? unwrapping candy! (actually opening any small packeges) try it.

          1. Hokey profile image61
            Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Focus brings us back to the moment. Good idea! smile

            1. brianzen profile image60
              brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              My favorite is the wrappers on the little sticky candy because you have to really pay attention to get at it. Like those caramels with the fruit swirl inside, Royales I believe they are called.

              1. brianzen profile image60
                brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Royales and good Zen, good focus. But Hokey you should be at peace in any mindset, you are a great guy. so be happy and if in a monkey mind be happy monkey. This is best for me maybe for you too?

                1. Hokey profile image61
                  Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes. Person commented wrongly about lost friend that wasn't part of event. very personal. Just had to fall to my roots and come back to realize I don't control others. Only how I choose to react. I choose to be happy. It is a personal choice.

                  1. tantrum profile image61
                    tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this


                    A very good choice !

    2. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile Hokey, am sooo glad to see you decided to stay!!! Your 'nirvana' is here with us...(and T of course! )

      welcome here brianzen!

      1. Hokey profile image61
        Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks! wink

  20. brianzen profile image60
    brianzenposted 14 years ago

    Of course I haven't met everybody yet.

    1. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      just stay focused on why you're here. many get too caught up in the drama.

      I enjoy the writing platform and love reading the amazing variety of topics here. smile  mow, I've never considered leaving. I'm here to make a gallery of evergreen hubs, at least I'm trying!

      1. brianzen profile image60
        brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        And a peasure to meet you as well rebehahELLE, do you like any specific topic?

  21. flread45 profile image57
    flread45posted 14 years ago

    Do not get caught up in arguments on forums and your life will be more pleasant..smile

    1. brianzen profile image60
      brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have a trick for that......

  22. thisisoli profile image80
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    I think I might leave just to drum up my followers a bit tongue

    1. brianzen profile image60
      brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Your followers are just another number, write something big and you will remember, at the start there were not followers. Write for you and for money for you. Followers cannot make you better or worse, (my opinions forgive me)

    2. Lily Rose profile image83
      Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, Oli - you said exactly what I was thinking!  I don't get all the drama - "I'm leaving!", "I'm back!" - unless it's to get followers or some kind of sympathy.  Frankly, I'm tired of seeing those threads.  Yes, yes, I know, I'll just ignore them!

      I'm here for the money and occassionally participate in the forums, mostly for announcements and such, but I do get sucked in to some Hubber's Hangout threads and for the most part enjoy it a lot.

      I'm here to stay...

      1. IzzyM profile image83
        IzzyMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yo tambien smile

  23. Dale Mazurek profile image64
    Dale Mazurekposted 14 years ago

    Well I know I have absolutely no intention of leaving.  I got the old boot a couple years ago because of spamming.  That has all changed now.

    I have met many new friends and I love the place.

    Sure I have some days where I just cant focus in here but hell that wont make me quit.

    Sorry people you are stuck with me.

    Not to mention I want to keep my blog going for a long time.



    1. brianzen profile image60
      brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have never eaten spam. (Why do they call it spamming?)

      1. sunforged profile image75
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Spamming, is a term that is derived from the legislation created to curb it

        Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing


        the word is often misused,If its not marketing related, its pretty much just being annoying.

        other internet definitions

      2. timorous profile image82
        timorousposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It originally comes from a Monty Python's Flying Circus bit, where an old woman in some eatery is complaining about not wanting any SPAM (pork luncheon meat) in her meal.  Meanwhile, a bunch of guys dressed as Vikings keep on singing: Spam, spam, spam, spam....  which of course drives the old woman up the wall. 

        Thus the endless, unwanted e-mail prodding achieves much the same result.

    2. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The blog rocks Dale! smile

  24. Arthur Fontes profile image66
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    The Clash – Should I Stay Or Should I Go ♫ http://blip.fm/~n85yn

    1. brianzen profile image60
      brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The misfits "chilren in heat they have no conscience.... no resistence"

      1. brianzen profile image60
        brianzenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        London calling?

  25. brianzen profile image60
    brianzenposted 14 years ago

    I will go for now see you guys.

  26. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 14 years ago

    Well, MOW.  I left for a few hours, but I came back.  wink  Now I'm confused...  I thought Lyrics was BACK.  She left again?

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile A few hours is all the breathing space you're allowed here WS!
      See, within the space of a day, we have welcome and goodbyes....
      it's almost as volatile as the hub score itself! roll

  27. kirstenblog profile image76
    kirstenblogposted 14 years ago

    I cannot imagine what could make me leave and take down my hubs especially since my traffic is getting healthier (have up and down arrows every day since my last holiday from work when I could focus on writing) and I have seen encouraging traffic and sales with amazon and a few surprising clicks with google (good surprises). If I ever allow the nonsense of the forums upset me I can see leaving the forums but I cannot imagine throwing away the residual income that my hubs are generating and I am always getting ideas for new ones too smile

    I could see getting peeved off and spouting a bunch of angry posts getting myself banned but to delete my hubs? No way! BTW if I do start spouting a bunch of angry posts at people that means something is wrong, I just don't get emotionally drawn into the politics and religion, well actually I do get mildly annoyed at the futility of it all but thats more because I see people talk a lot of talk about what they don't like but most people don't actually lift a finger to make changes and its kinda pointless to complain and do f*ck all about it tongue

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      well said Kirsten....and I agree completely: take a break, I say, if that's what you need, but leave the account and hubs intact. But I guess, sometimes people get too involved and impulsively delete hubs, which I'm sure they regret later on, once they've had a chance to cool off.
      Another limitation of 'online' writing I guess: it's just so quick to delete!

      (glad you're staying btw.! smile)

    2. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
      ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed on the income.  I need that $2.67 I've managed so far darnit! yikes lol

      1. profile image0
        stay_home_mommy3posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You've made 2.67???Thats 2.66 more then I have, so you'er on a roll smile

        1. myownworld profile image70
          myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          big_smile now you HAVE got stay, if only to pay those bills!

        2. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
          ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I've been here longer... its still going to take me about 15 more years to get a payout at this rate! lol

  28. skyfire profile image75
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    I'm leaving.....

    anyone coming for coffee ?

    1. Hokey profile image61
      Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      1. skyfire profile image75
        skyfireposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Starbucks or home-made ?

        1. Hokey profile image61
          Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Home-made is always better! smile

        2. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
          ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I'm in on the coffee.. More of a Dunkin' Donuts girl myself though...

          1. profile image0
            Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I just made a cup of coffee for myself. I like a splash of Kahlua in my afternoon coffee with milk and sugar.

            1. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
              ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Sounds delicious... unfortunately, I'm at work.  Don't think the "added flavor" would be well accepted while I'm on the clock. smile

            2. rebekahELLE profile image85
              rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              now that sounds nice. I need a break. I'm working on a business template...

  29. myownworld profile image70
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    Dale, starme, Oli...I'm so glad you're all staying! 

    Arthur, cool song! big_smile

    Steven, thx for the update on Texan. Sad... sad

    Lily, I'm totally with you on that one! smile

    Sky pass the coffee along! Better stick with Starbucks...too many of us around! wink

    1. starme77 profile image79
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      smile smile

  30. AdsenseStrategies profile image66
    AdsenseStrategiesposted 14 years ago

    I seem to be, well, back.

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      smile welcome back AS....! as you can see, HP forums are still high on the drama.... !

      lol @ thoughful! $2.67! It's better than the zeros we all got used to ignoring!

      Lily, enjoy leaving! Just remember to come back......! big_smile

      Nelle....that coffee and these forums....enough reasons to stay!  Yes, Lakeer, feel free to join in!

      Richieb, stop playing cool....admit it, you want us to beg you never to leave!! big_smile

      Izzy, so are you staying or leaving?

  31. charanjeet kaur profile image61
    charanjeet kaurposted 14 years ago

    MOW this thread really helps to know what is going on in forums. I m so happy to know Ryan is back. Good he indeed was one of the finest hubbers. I have to agree with Nelles statistics the ones that are in the top league hardly come to the forums.

    I am really sad if the ones you mentioned are leaving. Personally loved some of the hubs they wrote. I wish they just take a break and do come back but let the hubs stay.

    P.s: I am scared to say I am leaving; what if no one stops me. lol so here you go-Staying here will stick around in thick and thin.

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks CJ...you know we'll beg you not to, even start one of those threads ALL in your name.... then threaten to leave ourselves...but you'll delete your hubs anyway...then we'll beg you some more... and you'll come running right back...only to be stuck with the pain of republishing everything!

      Nah...save yourself the hassle and STAY! wink

      1. charanjeet kaur profile image61
        charanjeet kaurposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Lol so true. No wonder this story sounds so similar.
        Care for a cup of Coffee.. Here is some in celebration of all those you stuck around. So Cheers MOW and every one who care to join in!!!

        1. profile image0
          StormRyderposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          OMG!!! That looks YUMMMMMMY...I think I have to go down to the coffee shop and get something!!!!

        2. myownworld profile image70
          myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          oh that looks divine! Thanks CJ!

          And smile @ all those planning to stay! Agree with Red, lots of success stories pushed away in the background.....so far we have definitely more staying than leaving!

  32. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    Charanjeet Kaur, I would stop you - and so would many others. Hey you just made pay-out. You're not going anywhere!

    1. charanjeet kaur profile image61
      charanjeet kaurposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You really are one strong reason I would stay. I am blessed and am so printing this page if I wish to leave for keepsake lol.

  33. Lily Rose profile image83
    Lily Roseposted 14 years ago

    I'm leaving ......... just going to the store!  Y'all have a nice weekend!

  34. Richieb799 profile image72
    Richieb799posted 14 years ago

    Oh Yeah, we ain't going nowhere! lol wave your hands in the air like you just don't care!

  35. lakeerieartists profile image64
    lakeerieartistsposted 14 years ago

    coffee sounds good.  I may need some soon.

  36. h.a.borcich profile image60
    h.a.borcichposted 14 years ago

    Hi all, Can I hang around for that coffee? Oh, heavy on the Bailey's but hold the drama please smile Holly

  37. glendoncaba profile image73
    glendoncabaposted 14 years ago

    Hi all, Glendon from Jamaica saying hello. 

    Just got back from church. 

    My laptop crashed about two weeks ago so you wonderful people will have to do without me in the forums a bit longer. smile

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile hello glendon, nice to meet you, but how on earth do you plan on surviving??

      lol @ h.a.b Drama and HP forums.....inseparable, I'm afraid....

      Thx sunforged for that. I hope you're planning to stay?

      ok. Aware, just let us know when you want a 'beg you to stay' thread started for you! wink

  38. aware profile image65
    awareposted 14 years ago

    im among the thinking of leaving

  39. RedElf profile image89
    RedElfposted 14 years ago

    Namaste - it's nice to pop in to the forums once in a while and see what's up (or whos' up wink ). Always nice to see success stories or give a boost when someone's down smilesmile

    1. Faybe Bay profile image66
      Faybe Bayposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am staying, (obviously), but if you decide to take a break, there is no reason to take down your hubs. You can change the notification settings for Hub Pages, and just come back when you feel like it, not every time you get an e-mail for a comment. Even put a notice in your profile that you are on a vacation!

      Be complete, don't delete!

      1. myownworld profile image70
        myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        smile love that comment! yes, people.....if there's one thing you SHOULD leave, it's the account and hubs as they are!

  40. profile image0
    StormRyderposted 14 years ago

    I am not as active as I was a few weeks ago but I'm still here!

  41. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
    ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years ago

    Faybe you should get tshirts made! lol

    Glad you're stickin around.  And everyone else too.

  42. Hokey profile image61
    Hokeyposted 14 years ago

    I made $000,000,000,000,000.10   big_smile

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile that is just soooo encouraging!!

      (welcome here Padrino! well, that figure above is one of the reasons too!)

    2. IntimatEvolution profile image74
      IntimatEvolutionposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm at a whopping six cents today.  So at least you're doing better than me.smile

  43. Padrino profile image60
    Padrinoposted 14 years ago

    I'm new here and would just like to know why some people leave. If the Texan you mention is the same one who left a comment on my hub then he explained to me he was banned from the forums and gave up his account.

    1. blue dog profile image60
      blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      1. Padrino profile image60
        Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You should read the comment, you were the topic.

        1. blue dog profile image60
          blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          you'll have to be more creative than that to get a page view out of me.

          1. Padrino profile image60
            Padrinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I don't even know what a page view is.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome Padrino and don't panic!  People leave HubPages all the time

      1. Some people join HubPages thinking it's a place to promote their other websites by writing ad copy with lots of spammy links. Their Hubs get deleted.

      2. Some people join and don't have the patience to read the Starting Out Guide, so they give up before they start.

      3. Some people think HubPages is a blogging site, and leave when they discover it isn't.

      4. Some people misunderstand the purpose of HubPages.  They think the social interaction on the forums is more important than writing articles. When something happens to upset them on the forums (or when they upset other people and get banned from the forums), they get in a huff and flounce off, taking all their articles with them.

      The first three categories often arrive and leave without us knowing.  Very few people fall into the fourth category, but they make so much noise and attract so much attention, you'd think it was happening all the time.

      1. IntimatEvolution profile image74
        IntimatEvolutionposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Your right Marisa.  However, it appears as if better hubbers are leaving more frequently though.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          It depends what you mean by "better Hubbers".  If you mean more creative or more colourful, that's probably why they end up getting banned from the forums! 

          The fact that they are creative and volatile means they're more likely to over-react and delete their Hubs as well,but that's entirely their choice.  After all being a Hubber is about writing Hubs, not about forum posting.

          BTW Tattoguy is still here and still writing great Hubs, as far as I'm aware.

          1. AEvans profile image73
            AEvansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I agree with you Marissa with regards to your comment and as for Tattoo Guy aka BadCompany of course he is still here. There are a few that are taking a break and are going to begin to seriously get into there writing. smile

      2. myownworld profile image70
        myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Great input as usual Marisa. I just think there are some writers here who just love writing and hope to earn a little on the side, not just through commercial hubs but yes, informative hubs on say, politics/social issues/health etc (lots of varied topics). For them,  followers signify readership, and forums are a great way of meeting people. So, yes, a balance is possible. 

        But I definitely agree that the forums, important as they are to the sense of community here, should not take over the real reason why we're here: i.e. to write!

  44. tantrum profile image61
    tantrumposted 14 years ago

    Ralwus is coming back soon ! He told me on a message ! smile

    1. Hokey profile image61
      Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Why did  you ask if I was awake?

      1. tantrum profile image61
        tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Read the last phrase of your poem

    2. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile oh that's wonderful news. Ok. so we put him down as one of those 'on a break'! wink

  45. skyfire profile image75
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    mow you got stuck in this thread for hours... take a coffee and let's spam outside for a change  wink

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile thanks darling for thinking of me...Each time I want to leave, I get a post I can't help replying to! Am off for a breather now.....hope no more people leave meanwhile!

      Try to keep the sky from falling... wink

      1. Hokey profile image61
        Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hey mow! smile

  46. profile image0
    mtsi1098posted 14 years ago

    I think I will be here for a while smile

  47. KeithTax profile image74
    KeithTaxposted 14 years ago

    What we need is an annual convention.

    Every writing genre has multiple conventions every year.

    We need a HubPages convention with guest speakers, breakout groups, and lots of socializing.

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      good idea! Perhaps, it would lessen the 'socializing' strain on the forums, and prevent people from leaving? wink

      mtsi and oscillation..I am glad you're both here....! smile

      hello hokey...glad to see you smiling again....

  48. darkside profile image61
    darksideposted 14 years ago

    If people worried less about what others say or think and concentrated on their abilities as a writer, they can make money here. If that's what they want.

    If all they want to do is garner 'followers' and entertain their 'fans' then of course they're going to disappear, reappear and threaten to leave because they're attention whor-... mongers.

    They're not writers. They're the Capuchin monkey that dances around for the Organ Grinder. The only difference is that the monkey can probably spell better than these so called 'writers'.

    1. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I know what you mean, but life is about different kinds of people and individual tastes....and one person's idea of a good writer might be totally different from another's. So, I'm glad HP accommodates all.

      Besides, not everyone is here solely to earn money, just as everyone isn't here only to gain followers. I'm glad in fact, that most people here manage to keep a balance and stay on.. smile

  49. KCC Big Country profile image78
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    Did someone say "monkey"?   big_smile

    1. profile image0
      EmpressFelicityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol lol

  50. oscillationatend profile image61
    oscillationatendposted 14 years ago

    I'm like the gum underneath the chairs of theater seats. I'm pretty hard to get rid of. And I come in many colors!


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