Recommend another Hubbers Profile

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  1. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 14 years ago

    Here's my thinking, we're hopefully increasing others traffic by supporting another Hubbers Hub.

    And may it continue for everyone.

    However I find myself receiving my favorite Hubbers newest publish Hub 6:30am sharp and I begin to read.

    More often than not, I skip right by that Hubbers profile, and even more often have not completely read it, focused on the Hub or have not read it in some time when it may in fact be changed, or even had missed something.

    I hope this works, let's also get to know who produces a Hub.

    Works the same.  Recommend or post the Hubbers profile above you, and post as often as need be.

    So what if it's not complete, and don't judge yourself to improve your profile in case it's featured.

    I'll start.

    Let's say IntimatEvolution is above me, I would post;


    IntimatEvolution profile can be found here and what is interesting I find is I never knew

    She is an entrepreneur, owning 3 Amazon Stores.

    I wouldn't have learned this having not spent the time re reading her profile again.  A very interesting person, take a read.

    Your turn smile

    lots of hubbers to get to know better  smile

    1. profile image0
      King Larryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      here's kimberlyrics profile.  she's a hubber that writes about all sorts of topics and is very cool.....even almost as cool as me.  however, im still the baddest fool here.  yeah!  anyway check out her profile damn it!

  2. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 14 years ago

    how cool is this, I know I'll be reading them and king larry indeed is cool;

    LK plans on writing a series of rant articles to publish.

    Can't wait.

    Check him out

    hope he's single big_smile

  3. profile image0
    pinkyleeposted 14 years ago

    kimberly has many friends here at HP even though she hasnt published any hubs on her return she is still a great person to get to know and talk to as she can make you laugh and cry from her stories

    check her out

  4. profile image0
    Ken R. Abellposted 14 years ago

    Pinkylee often shares from her heart. She does so in her profile information. And, though she hasn't changed it for awhile, she has a tendency to display some of the neatest pink related avatars, which are always smile-worthy.

  5. Beth100 profile image69
    Beth100posted 14 years ago

    Ken is a writer extraordinaire!  His topics are thought provoking and, quite often, on controversial subjects.  He's refreshing to read as he causes one to think more subjectively than before.  Try him on for'll be hooked!

  6. mythbuster profile image76
    mythbusterposted 14 years ago

    Beth100 is a Canadian on whose profile (perhaps for only a short time) is a very striking dedication message honouring those Canadian soldiers who fought at Vimy Ridge April 9, 1917.

    If you want to learn a bit about Canada, Beth100 has written a number of hubs on Canadian topics. As a Canadian, myself, I'm heading back to go read what Beth has to say about her region of Canada... ooooh a hub on the topic of dog sledding too, - I'm there!

  7. figment profile image78
    figmentposted 14 years ago
  8. Green Lotus profile image60
    Green Lotusposted 14 years ago

    This thread needs new life!

    Figment and I have two things in common. We're both southern girls and both Geminis, although she may be a figment of my imagination.

  9. profile image0
    mtsi1098posted 14 years ago

    I like the idea that Green Lotus writes about thing she is passionate about

    1. DarkDisOrder profile image61
      DarkDisOrderposted 14 years agoin reply to this                just following the train...

      and many more i do recommend, but those names escape me for the moment...

  10. WryLilt profile image88
    WryLiltposted 14 years ago

    DarkDisOrder appears to have a strange multiple personality problem but otherwise has an interest in horror - although that's probably obvious from the profile picture! big_smile

  11. anonimuzz profile image60
    anonimuzzposted 14 years ago

    WryLilt is young, but apparently mature, since she manages to coordinate her Journalism studies and her part time work with her family and personal life. She has a cute smiling picture, that gives the impression that she's a nice and down to earth person. She's published several helpful hubs to help beginners, but she travels through many different subjects, from photography to dog care, or even romantic relationships, so she's a versatile writer and someone who likes to research different things. I only opened a couple of her hubs yet, but they have good quality, so I guess the same applies to the rest of her published content. And that's it, my review.

    (I wonder what is there to be said about me, if someone replies to this)

  12. thooghun profile image90
    thooghunposted 14 years ago

    Simone's profile needs a makeover! Although it could be argued that its succinct, eccentric and fitting!



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