(exclude the ! point I'm not really excited , you'll see why!!)
I think I made $5.60 since 3 mo ago i started.
i checked google adsense, it's set up right, I've gotten over 1,000 page impressions, and many many clicks, totaling the 5.60.
Question is, if it took 3 mo to get 5.60..well I guess things will improve now w/ my "popularity" etc. So am I doing ok???
Also, whenever I check my google adsense...it say earned $0.00 until I look inside and see the stats. Is that normal..I mean I won't earn till I make $100?
Thanks guys.
schoolgirlforreal, I think with researching good keywords and traffic will make you money with adsense. I've been writing for 4 months now and found info on keywords and getting traffic and with Hubpages it has earned me $40 and $58 with Amazon. I know in a few more months, I will be in the hundreds. It just takes determination and consistency. Making a quality hub daily puts you in the forefront to make more money in my opinion.
It seems to me that your not quite used to looking around your adsense dashboard yet.
The big 0.00 is probably your Daily earnings on most days at this point.
I dont think you are getting "many, many" clicks quite yet = or 5.60 would not be your overall total.
Change the View to "since last payment" then you can see your total earnings
estimated earnings is the number your looking for is this where your getting (5.60 ) from?
The other dollar $ amount - Page eCpm is not actual earnings its an average of what you would make every 1000 visitors based on your current history.
It has been reported that Hubbers average $2-$5 per 1000 views. So you would be above average at this point if you are looking at the right locations when you state 1000 views / $5.62
That is the average, I average about double that and Im sure many make less than a $1 per 1000. So wherever you lie dont be discouraged, it takes time to get used to all these random acronyms and stats figures unless your the type who likes such things.
It is wise to be general and generic when referring to any data from that dashboard.
Even it's great
still adsense even not accept my account
Earned on your account refers to the 'verified amount'.
The one you see on the first page you view on adsense - is not yet verified, I am not sure where they explain this but they do.
Something to remember is(I did not understand this at first) as you build more hubs - your first hubs are still earning as time passes and will improve - especially if you can go back and tweak it with the knowledge you gain over time. The new Keywords tool is helpful for this on the stats section of each hub.
The easiest way to help yourself when writing a hub ( newbies with no SEO know how) is to try to include in the title what you would search for if you wanted to find it on a search engine. Remember in the future you can alter titles but not the URL.
As you learn about SEO you will fine tune this - I am still learning but can remember what it feels like to be a newbie to all of it.
BTW. Also any one nearing their payout (so checking earnings and payments page) at the present time needs to view the earnings for all time (click the drop down box) not the last three months as adsense know there is an error on that part of the site.
Hope this helps.
Gratz! Glad to hear it
Keep the writing up guys. The money will then follow by XD
YAY! You are on your way.
At least you're seeing some results, which is better than no results.
Hi schoolgirlforreal, you are about where I am. I've been here four months and I am do around the same. So I guess that's pretty normal for newer hubs.
I disagree with you, schoolgirl, in that it's nothing to be excited about. It took me over a month after signing up with adsense to discover that I made money the month before: I had made $.02 in June and didn't know it. Anything at all is great when starting and you know it will grow. As Cagsil says, you're on your way.
Are you doing your SEO? Your views of 1000 in 3 months seems a tad low for that many hubs unless they are mostly recent. Lots and lots of variables here, including how many are written for hubbers (who read but don't click), but if you haven't studied up on SEO I would suggest that you do so. It really helps.
I'm about in the same area, but with more page impressions. At just under 3 months of writing, 6,000 views and $11.00.
I just discovered a few days ago-maybe 5-7 days, that I was doing keywords WRONG. I fianlly got to learn the keywordtool.
I think that is why.
No one told me how to use it before, I finally learned.
Since I did that, things seem to have improved, in August anywayas
SEO....do you need to buy a book for that?
I think I did.
It sounds like a pain, what do you recommend?
Recommend? Hubs by Darkside and Sunforged. But SEO is simply keywords on steroids, so to speak.
You're right about the keyword tool - it took me some time as well to learn to use it. I'd looked for videos, hubs, etc. but found very little for the new version from Google. And as you point out, it does indeed help. Quite a bit.
I think some hide it (maybe) on purpose!! lol to prevent others from making $
I'm prob wrong thou!
I just wanted to mention some people may not know that the Google keyword tool changed, but if you look on the far right, you'll see a link to change it back to (previous interface), click that and it will go back to the original.
SEO means search engine optimisation.
It basically means getting your hubs to rank well in search engines so that more people will visit your page.
Hubpages is well liked by google so as long as you pick keywords that aren't too high (5000-15000 views a month is good), you can often rank fairly well.
Just make sure in the keyword tool you put the search on [exact] not [broad].
Wow. I don't think I've used any words at all that have more than 2000 or 3000 searches per month. My best performing hub showed only 170 searches (though I've had over 600 views it's first month).
The competition always scares me off from the high numbers.
I hope you don't mean the competition in the google keywords tool? That is only for google adwords advertisers, referring to how many people are advertising for that keyword - so ignore it.
The best way to (quickly) check whether a keyword is worth writing about, without using anything too complicated is to type it into google and check results.
Say my keywords are "Big Red House"
If most of the first page results are something like "Living in a big orange and red balloon over a house" then I'd say go for it. Why? Because obviously not many people are actually trying to rank for that particular phrase. So if you match the exact phrase then chances are google will rank you better because you're a closer match.
I search for the proposed keyword and note how many results there are. I realize that that is only a rough estimate based on the normal search by google, which is not exact, but it's all I've got.
The thing is, when I find a keyword that results in a hundred million search results I don't think I want to even try to compete there.
You do have a good point, though in your example as that is exactly the kind of thing google will return. I'll have to remember that.
I don't understand that at all. But maybe I'm just tired
https://adwords.google.com/select/Keywo … egacy=true
what about THIS keyword tool? I was given TWO!
That's the old version of the current google keyword tool. They're both fairly similar only some minor tweaks and a different look I believe. Always use [exact] because it gives you a much better idea of traffic.
do you ever get overwhelmed on this complex stuff?
I bet u do like we all do.
The way I communicate, some times people think I'm lazy. Just tired, overworked. I push myself to the limit
what if you get more than 15000 views a month? \
The traffic listed in the keyword tool is total searches for that particular phrase. So that means to get those people to click through to your hub when searching that phrase, you have to be at least ranked in the first page. Statistics show that only about 42% of searchers actually click the first link so as long as you're on the first page and have relevant information and summary text that will catch the readers eye, you're in with a chance of getting their visit.
However, as wilderness mentioned above, the amount of traffic is only for that term, so it can vary widely. In Wilderness' case there were probably a lot of hits from long tail keywords as well.
What is a long tail keyword? Well say your key word/phrase was building a house. A long tail keyword example might be someone who searches "I'm building a house, what do I do?"
Also remember - the more traffic a keyword term is getting a month, the more people will want to write or make websites about that topic which means more work to get noticed.
Well, you are certainly on your way. Learning about keywords and SEO is useful as well as backlinking. I would not spend any money on a book but read several Hubs and search the internet for free information. It is pretty easy to piece together what is going on but does take time.
(could u put it all in a hub or two or three?!!!)
well, I know your answer: it would be too hard to understand, you have to digest a little at a time.....
But wouldn't it be nice? .........unfortunately I need it "for dummies" , sometimez it's just to sophicated..........
Which leads to my other comment --quite different---why are things getting more and more complicated today and in future? Will everyone's head blow up eventually? Or go cukoo?
The reason that SEO keeps getting more complicated is because search engines and websites are working head to head to compete for who is the smartest. Why?
Google - wants to give the best answers to anyone who searches. So they keep changing their algorithms to make sure the best quality information ranks first for users.
Websites - want their pages viewed as much as possible so they can make more money. They don't care so much (in many cases) about whether it's what the reader actually wants, they just want the traffic. So they'll attempt to circumvent googles algorithms using backlinks, social bookmarking sites, spam, keywords and anything else they can to rank first and highest in results.
So it's a never ending struggle between the two!
I will see what I can do. Am fairly busy. Will be driving to southern Indiana tomorrow but may have some time to get started. Got another hub I want to get finished in the next day or two as well but I will definitely work on it since you asked.
There are hubs around which help you do this already just look best hubs under the hubs tab
Use the search box and search for things like "60DC log", and "first year on HubPages". Many hubbers have shared their progression on traffic and earnings.
Ohhh, "wipes forehead", what a LOT to learn! "Sigh"
But that helps a bunch, thx!
I started hubbing here last summer. My hubs declined due to major changes in my life. I'm trying to return to hubbing here soon because I've missed it so much!
Anyway, since I've just recently checked my adsense, and in the times between I've been gone to now (14 months), I made $50! Doing nothing! I must have done well back then.
schoolgirlforreal, my point is -- I started the same way you did in terms of how much money is coming in. It is definitely exciting, and it will snowball into something more for you if you keep at it with high quality, attention-grabbing hubs that you *enjoy* writing.
As for the 0.00, did you make sure you were viewing the not only the MOST recent earning, but over all earns from the past month?
i think i earned 5.50 but not sure hmmm
That's kind of what I meant. I started off with earning $5 - $10 the first few months.
Hi, Sunny, wow, that's impressive! How did you do that? I see that you have 12 hubs as a total, and you don't write about SEO or that stuff (seems to me to be the topic that would bring you the most followers and readers at the moment in no time), so how did you get so many page impressions in the beginning? I have 22 hubs, and I think they are not bad or uninteresting, but I have nowhere the same amount of page impressions...
I don't do real marketing, though, just post them from time to time to my facebook profile and now started twitting and digging ;-).
I'd be really grateful for any answer you could come up with as to how you made your hubs so popular in such a short time!
The absolute first month was a total 0. Looking back on Adsense, I misspoke in excitement. Possibly because I was still bewildered that I was consistently making money after not being on hubpages for a year.
But in a few months after that first one, it started climbing to like $5 pretty fast, then there was $10 each month. That declined after lack of activity or content.
As far as marketing goes, I shared on facebook, gather, and found other forums online that was relevant to my hubs to share and gather information. My first article was on how to avoid scams, which got a lot of attention fast from having the right keywords.
I'm looking back to double check. The cochlear implant and cell phone hub is really what got me the most traffic out of all of them *consistently* because the keywords were spot-on and people were actually looking for information on cell phones and cochlear implant. I'm starting to wonder if "cell phones" were misleading?
By the way, I love some of your hubs! I just went to look. Your writings seem so much better quality than mine. I'm sure you'll grab traffic in no time at all!
Also, I don't know anything about SEO yet to write about that. It's been a long time for me since being on hubpages and I'm just getting back into the groove.
Hi, Sunny, thank you so much for your appreciative feedback, this means a lot for me, especially since English is not my first language. But I love to write in English, and it always makes me happy to see that it aktually is okay.
All this marketing and SEO knowledge is so much to learn! It is fun, but if you do a full-time job and a family, it all comes down to "how can I read all that and still get anything done?". But it is the same as climbing on Mount Everest, it starts with the first few steps and then the next and the next...
I don't do keyword research. I am NOT against it, I just don't do it.
I'll be 3 months the end of next week. Pageviews are 9,022 over 125 hubs at this moment and Google income is $26.44 as of this minute also.
I have announced most of the hubs on at least Twitter and sometimes Facebook. I do have the RSS widget on some pages my PR5 main site and have some links from here to articles there and some the other way - very few of either.
I don't have accounts at shetoldme and all that. I am too lazy to do much backlinking and I am not a big fan of that anyway for more reasons than we need to get into here. Total views from the places I have linked from is 127, so I doubt they were responsible anyway. I have not dug into Analytics to see, but my bet would be the income is 99% or more from search - that is where it is always from at my main site.
I am offering this only to be helpful, not to suggest that this is the right or wrong way. I am not looking for a fight with anyone who wants to insist that I am fool for ignoring SEO and I will not rise to any bait offered in that regard.
It is next to impossible to compare hubber to hubber. You may write more product review type hubs than I do or less and our incomes will vary for that reason alone.
Oh, another figure thst may be helpful - total traffic from search is about 1,600 pageviews. Oddly, it says Hubpages is 5,724, so that doesn't quite add up - a couple thou unaccounted views. I am not sure how that works here.
Hope this helps someone.
OK, reserved the title. Will work on it tomorrow and make it as simple as possible.
1. $5.50 for 1000 page views is exceptionally good. You should expect $2 to $5 for 1000 page views.
2. 1000 page views for 72 hubs in 90 days is not too good. You can do an average of 3 page views per day per hub - and that would translate to 216 x 90 equals 18000 page views(assuming all 72 hubs were all published 90 days ago).
the reason why I got only 1000 views in 90 days on 72 hubs is I just learned the keyword tool.
so my hubs had very poor keywords, I'm revamping them all as we speak
How do you get 3 views per day in average? I have 22 hubs now and there are a lot of days when I am around 15 views a day... And I don't think that I write about many things people aren't interested in... 3 views in average, that would be great! If you have a tip, I'm all ears...
Hi schoolgirlforeal, not giving you advice because you got some good ones already. Just wanted to say congratulations on earning money and going back to revamp your hubs using SEO is a great next step. You're doing what you need to do.
Thank you, Flightkeeper,
Honestly I've been putting in 12hr days on here doing just that.
I'm so BRAIN TIRED I cannot even read this forum!!!!!!!!!!!
take care
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