I was just threatened by Ruthie17!

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  1. Ryan Hupfer profile image61
    Ryan Hupferposted 16 years ago

    Ok, so she was kidding, but she still threatened me.

    RUTHIE17 pointed out that I spelled something wrong in my profile and she said that she was allowed to be picky because she's an old lady. yikes

    If I didn't like what she was telling me, she said that it was too bad and that she'd poke me with her cane if I had a problem with it...I gotta admit, I like her style. I feel right at home now.

    Needless to say, I fixed it and kept my mouth shut.


    ^^ Can't we all just get along?

    1. profile image0
      RUTHIE17posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Ryan, darlin', this old lady joke is just for you:

      An older lady was somewhat lonely, and decided that she needed a pet to keep her company. So off to the pet shop she went. She searched and searched around the shop but nothing seemed to catch her interest, except this one ugly frog.

      As she walked by the barrel he was in, he looked up and winked at her! He whispered, "I'm lonely too, buy me and you won't be sorry."

      The old Lady figured, what the heck, as she hadn't found anything else. So, she bought the frog and went to her car. Driving down the road the frog whispered to her, "Kiss me, you won't be sorry." So, the old lady figured what the heck, and kissed the frog.

      Immediately the frog turned into an absolutely gorgeous, sexy, handsome, young prince. Then the prince kissed her back, and you know what the old lady turned into?

      The first motel she could find.  She was old, not dead!  smile

      1. Shirley Anderson profile image71
        Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        lol     lol     lol     lol     lol

        Ah Ruthie, I miss ya!

  2. Shirley Anderson profile image71
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    LOL, sounds like Ruthie.  Can't wait for her to see this.

    1. Sally's Trove profile image94
      Sally's Troveposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Me too.

      ryanhupfer, I don't know if you and Ruthie17 are friends, in which case you are poking a joke, or if you are not friends and you need to get a thicker skin.

      So if you fixed it and you are keeping your mouth shut, why this post?  The cartoon is cute, but it's not all that funny.

      Just wonderin'.

      1. ProCW profile image81
        ProCWposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        mess up - re-do - see below

        1. Sally's Trove profile image94
          Sally's Troveposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          I saw your post before you changed it, ProCW.  So thanks for the info.  I didn't know who Ryan is (I'm not on the inside).

          I came to Ruthie's defense, because it didn't sound like a joke.  She's a great lady who has a lot to say to the benefit of us all.

          Ryan, I think this thread that you started may be counterproductive.  If a few Hubbers know the joke already, and only those few participate in the forums, then it's funny.  But, how many members are there here who are not in on the joke?  And to them, what does that say about Ruthie17?

          Like I said, just wonderin', from the perspective of being on the outside.

          Best regards, always, Sally.

          1. profile image0
            RUTHIE17posted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Sally, bless your heart and love ya!!  Don't know about the great lady part but it's a grand complement!  smile

      2. Maddie Ruud profile image71
        Maddie Ruudposted 16 years agoin reply to this


        Ryan's our new Manager of Awesomeness (aka Marketing Manager)... He's got a killer sense of humor, so yes, this thread is just for fun.

  3. ProCW profile image81
    ProCWposted 16 years ago

    i thought it was funny and i'm sure ruthie will too...



    1. profile image0
      RUTHIE17posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      As I said above, it was funny.  No where near as funny as some of my past jokes posted in various places on Hub---but funny.  smile

      1. ProCW profile image81
        ProCWposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        smile I thought it was more funny than your past jokes!! HEHEHEHE

        KIDDING Ruthie!! Don't get your cane after me too! smile big_smile


  4. crashcromwell profile image65
    crashcromwellposted 16 years ago

    It sure sounded like a joke to me. And I, for one, believe we can all use a little humor these days.

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image61
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      Sometimes we all just need to take a ride on one of these.


      1. funride profile image66
        funrideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        It´s my impression or this one has my face on it!? lol

        Everyday I love Hubpages more! But I have to be careful...


        ... there are people here with me who think I´m crazy and delirious for laughing to a computer big_smile.

        This is FUN!!!

  5. Ryan Hupfer profile image61
    Ryan Hupferposted 16 years ago

    Reason #1:  I thought that it was hilarious and I am sure that me and Ruthie are going to get along just fine. smile

    Reason #2: I have never been threatened with a cane before today.

    Reason #3: I am one of the most random people that you will ever meet.

    Reason #4: So that other Hubbers post random replies asking why I even posted it in the first place.


    1. ProCW profile image81
      ProCWposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds good to me!! big_smile

  6. ProCW profile image81
    ProCWposted 16 years ago

    SOUNDS GOOD! smile

    ??? where do we be goin' ???

  7. Dottie1 profile image65
    Dottie1posted 16 years ago

    Yes, that does sound good.  I am a Crazy Bostonian.  I will do well on that bus!

    1. Dottie1 profile image65
      Dottie1posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Do you need a driver!  I have a very good driving record!  Oh wait a minute, I might be stepping on Misha's toes here.  Sorry!

      1. Ryan Hupfer profile image61
        Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Actually I AM looking for a good driver....looks like you're the one for the job!

        I had no idea that Bostonians were that crazy...is it something in the water over there? smile

        1. Dottie1 profile image65
          Dottie1posted 16 years agoin reply to this

          How did you know Ryan!!!

          I'm gonna tell you a story
          I'm gonna tell you about my town
          I'm gonna tell you a big bad story, baby
          Aww, it's all about my town

          Yeah, down by the river
          Down by the banks of the river Charles (aw, that's what's happenin' baby)
          That's where you'll find me
          Along with lovers, fuggers, and thieves (aw, but they're cool people)
          Well I love that dirty water
          Oh, Boston, you're my home (oh, you're the Number One place)
          Frustrated women (I mean they're frustrated)
          Have to be in by twelve o'clock (oh, that's a shame)
          But I'm wishin' and a-hopin, oh
          That just once those doors weren't locked (I like to save time for
          my baby to walk around)
          Well I love that dirty water
          Oh, Boston, you're my home (oh, yeah)

          Because I love that dirty water
          Oh, oh, Boston, you're my home (oh, yeah)

          Well, I love that dirty water (I love it, baby)
          I love that dirty water (I love Baw-stun)
          I love that dirty water (Have you heard about the Strangler?)
          I love that dirty water (I'm the man, I'm the man)
          I love that dirty water (Owww!)
          I love that dirty water (Come on, come on)

  8. crashcromwell profile image65
    crashcromwellposted 16 years ago

    Yeah, I just found out that my license has been suspended (still trying to sort that one out). So riding around on a cool bus sounds like fun to me!

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image61
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      A random suspended license, eh? That sounds like it could be a slight problem....

  9. Ryan Hupfer profile image61
    Ryan Hupferposted 16 years ago

    Hey Sally,

    I was just returning the joke to Ruth, who hopefully saw it as what it was supposed to be - something funny to get people talking and enjoying themselves here in the Hubber's Hangout, which is meant to be a place to have some fun every now and then.

    If she took it the wrong way, I'll be the first to apologize. It also seems that everyone else has picked up on the joke right away, so hopefully nobody took me too seriously with the whole thing.

    As far as my position with HubPages goes, practically no one knew that I was part of the team - but I did announce it over here in my first post, so it might not have been clear.

    We have actually been thinking of adding something to our forum posts so that everyone knows that we're a member of the HubPages team, but nothing that's been officially decided.

    Anyways, moral of the story is that I know I can be a little over the top sometimes, but it's all done in the name of having fun and never meant to upset anyone in particular.

    J-E-L-L-O. smile


    1. profile image0
      RUTHIE17posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, Ryan, you poor boy, I think you put your foot in your mouth with this one!!  http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010599074.jpg

      I got the joke and am smiling!!  Not laughing out loud, but smiling. 

      Whacking you with a cane was sort of symbolic.  Let's clear up a few points and see if we can get you out of this hot water you've leaped into.  http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010599081.gif

      I don't use a cane, not quite that decrepit yet and I DO NOT look that old!  Yes, a couple of my fellow Hubbers (you guys know who you are) have helped me back into my chair but it wasn't because of age.

      I thank all my friends here at HubPages for coming to my defense.  Hugs and Kisses to each and everyone of you!!  Please don't send the Jackalope or Mighty Hunter or anyone else after Ryan. http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010599078.jpg

      I'm letting him off the hook this time!  http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010599085.gif

      Ryan, I make you this promise.  The next time I see a spelling error in ANY of your work, I'll just keep quiet about it. OK?

      For now, have some pie---all is forgiven on my part!!   Let's be friends!!  smile    http://www.shareapic.net/preview3/010599082.gif

      1. B.T. Evilpants profile image60
        B.T. Evilpantsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        You're letting him off the hook, eh? I was already sharpening my antlers.

  10. profile image0
    RUTHIE17posted 16 years ago

    Thank you ladies and germs---I'm here all week!!

    Let the good times roll!!!

  11. jerky ong profile image60
    jerky ongposted 16 years ago

    No worries there, haha! Guess she was just having some fun.

  12. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 16 years ago

    I took it seriously and I am very offended by this whole post wink

  13. profile image0
    RUTHIE17posted 16 years ago

    Thank you, BT.  You are a very gentlemanly jackalope, indeed!  {{{{HUGS}}}}

    1. rmr profile image68
      rmrposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      All in a day's work, Ms Ruthie. He wanted to remain silent, but I forced him to action. Lazy Jackalope.

  14. SweetiePie profile image80
    SweetiePieposted 16 years ago

    I really have nothing to add, but all the pictures and fun comments are enjoyable to read smile.

  15. Best Choice Barga profile image61
    Best Choice Bargaposted 16 years ago

    Hi!  I am new here and this is my first time looking at the forums.  I had to laugh at all the responses you got.......good one and way to start the day off!  Thanks for making me smile and I'm looking forward to getting to know people......I love to make new friends!  TTFN!

    Kim   big_smile

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image71
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome, Kim!

    2. profile image0
      RUTHIE17posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome to HubPages!! Or depending on the day, the thread or the Hub--THE NUT HOUSE!!

  16. Best Choice Barga profile image61
    Best Choice Bargaposted 16 years ago

    Thank you for the welcome, Shirley and Ruthie!  It is greatly appreciated and I'm looking forward to getting to know you and others in this "nut house"!  Have a great evening!!!!

    Kim  smile


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