Here's one that sent me rolling....
A Fulgurant Autumn Rite Odour Can Be Prefabricated Out Of Bottomless Dark Flowers
Autumn is visually a splendiferous dimension of assemblage when you can junket your eyes on the changing emblem from ketamine to yellow, chromatic, red and orange. The temperatures power be dropping and the days getting shorter, but this seems to help intensify those unfathomed shades, as the foliage dies. If you are hot enough to score a ceremonial during this picturesque moment of assemblage it would be a ignominy not to guide advantage of these resplendent flag and use them to modify a stunning season observance scent.
I see some things never change! Seriously, is everyone asleep??!!
I tried to hop some hubs a few days ago and gave up..there's some garbage being submitted everyday!
Mark it "awesome." HP allowed it to be published, who are we to disagree.
How do we know if we are hot enough to score a ceremonial?
Rochelle, you and I can only aspire to be that hot!
ROFL! That's exactly what I was wondering!
This is too, too precious for words. Wish my daughter were here with me to read it aloud, as your son did. Thank God I've got two bathrooms in this house, because she and I would be needing them post haste.
Is this poetry, or a really badly spun article?
hard to tell the difference...
@ DIYweddingplanner, it sounds like a spun article to me. I have encountered a few. One I read was really difficult to read. Yours sound a bit funny though.....
Without Human moderators and having to rely on us...this is par for the Course. I went through 100 Hubs one day, Only Two could be published on a real site...
I hate publishing on unreal sites. The article never seems to show up.
OMG, that's what's been wrong all along? Thanks, Rochelle! Now I know what happened to that last hundred articles - I didn't just imagine writing them - no - wait - maybe I did...Everything feels so unreal...
LOL. Sometimes I wonder if I'm publishing on a unreal site. Since most of this is all new to me.
What's wrong with it? It's splendiferous! *grin*
That's my new word...isn't it use it three times in a day and make it your own...or something like that...
Is that the entire hub or just part of it?
Otherwise, I havent had anything to smoke in a long time. Tell the author of that hub to pass it over here.
The reason we have the hub hopping tool is PRECISELY to weed out spun rubbish like that.
No, the reason we have hub hopping is because HP refuses to prevent crap from being published in the first place. You sport the "E", you should know this. Didn't they give you a test or something before giving you such a pretentious title?
I'll waste no more time on this.
Perhaps you should ask yourself why I have it before going off on a tirade (Hubgreeting). Not sure where all your self-righteous anger is coming from. Humbug.
For the record, anger management aside, from HP themselves: "Frequent Hoppers also help the HubPages community by rating up the best new Hubs, and also rating down or flagging poor or inappropriate Hubs that don't meet with the conditions of the HubPages Terms of Service.".
That is what I know, it is clearly advertised. I wasn't making a personal statement. Whether or not I agree with it is besides the point, so spare me.
I've never spared my opinion of your title, thooghun. It's nothing personal, I assure you. Some were embarrassed to have the title bestowed upon them and asked for it to be removed. Others asked for it, for some obscure reason, despite the pretention it represents.
I'll pass on counseling from you, if you don't mind. But if HP wants members to help them keep the crap off the site, then stop the newbies from publishing it to begin with. The reason this site was punished by Google is because HP didn't do its part, not because we weren't doing ours.
Consider yourself spared.
The only way I could see that realistically occurring is by having mods review new hubbers (say up to the 10th hub mark). Having HP manually process 10,000 new hubs a day would fail (always, IMO) for one of two reasons:
a) It would end up like Ezine Articles with a 2 week backlog (remember also that despite their hands on editing, it did not spare them being slapped by Google either). Or
b) Having to hire an unreasonable amount of new staff.
It's a catch 22. I'm curious how you would go about correcting the problem (I'm curious, not being sarcastic)
Regarding the title, I don't find it pretentious, though I can see how the term "elite" is. What I do is the polar opposite, I volunteer (it was NOT conferred onto me) to greet new hubbers, without gain or privilege returned. So in a way I do feel I've earned it, and I'm proud to sport it. But perhaps it should be renamed to something other than elite, for it has little to do with quality -- in that you are right.
No problem. I just could never imagine having to sport such a title, much less ask for it. HP knows exactly why they chose it. It's an old content site trick used on many other sites in the past. it's used to divide the common members from the volunteers who are intended to push the site's agenda. Similar to what you are doing on this topic.
Since you mentioned "anger management" in your previous post, then you are probably aware that volunteers will defend giving free work to a program more than if they were getting paid for the same job. Justification for giving their time for free, in most cases.
I'm not all that concerned with how people perceive it, unless it goes too far. I won't argue with the point your making, it makes a lot of sense, however I can't help but feel the division comes not from my elitist attitude, rather than those who pre-judge it and happily skip to that conclusion. If it keeps cropping up, I will ask for it to be removed.
I'm always been a little blunt, but I'm not base enough to feel that a little sticker makes me "elite". You'll note that (from my post-count) despite being on here 4 years, I'm not much of an attention seeker in that regard. Which may also be why I haven't felt much heat from it.
You didn't answer my question though
Sorry, I didn't intend to ignore your question at all. Is this the one?
"It's a catch 22. I'm curious how you would go about correcting the problem"
If so, I would ask hubbers and staff to preview a new writer's first 2 articles before allowing them to publish at will. I, and many others I am told, had rather do this than try to catch the junk after it is already on the site.
Sometimes a bad writer has many hubs published before they are found. Some are never found, it seems.
Seems like we can agree on that. I'd even gravitate towards a stricter count -- say 5-10. I wrote 60 hubs before I realized you could make some change on here. I used to think we had to put our nicknames in the URL: "/hub/escapeartist".
A little bit of a learning curve would have gone a long way back then.
Many of us have suggested similar ways to help stop so much dross from ever getting on the site. HP says no. So I do too. No more Hub hopping for me.
Ezine Articles -
Shortest time until an article of mine published - 4 days.
Longest time until an article of mine published - 7 weeks (48 days actually)
You must have thrown a party when it was finally published! What really irked me about them was how a minute slip that could be corrected with a keystroke would throw me back another couple of weeks.
Yes I know the feeling well and I did celebrate. Would you believe it all came down to two fullstops in the wrong part of a sentence?
Man, was I relieved when I found out what the final issue was and corrected it.
One doesn't have to hire an editor, pay Mods some % one just gets the average writer to waste time looking at dreck. However, the example used is far better then the advertisements.
I love the way a writer jerks around Adsense and Google by posting what is clearly an ad and getting them to sponsor the ad with their ads, so that the so-called 'writer' gets paid by other advertisers for posting his own advertisement.
Guess that's why Hubpages is called a 'Content Farm'
No. If every hubber checked just one hub per day it would be very easy.
Unfortunately it ain't a gonna happen.
I enjoy doing a few evry now and then-- I love to find things like this one. it gets the imagination spinning.
Definitely some creative writing. I made my 12 year old son read it out loud. We were both hysterical before he was halfway through! He said, "This doesn't make any sense."
Twelve year-olds see things too clearly. It takes a certain maturity to appreciate fine nonsense.
I'm pretty sure that's how I sound after my 11th rum and coke.
That's how I sound after two rum and cokes...I'm a lightweight these days!
I don't mind hopping a few hubs every day or so. My problem is that I flag them and then see them again in a few days. What happens when I flag this spun crap? Does someone actually do something about it?
It depends if the crappy hub makes HP money or not. If you know the hub is bad and it isn't removed after you report it, post it on the forums. We've had to do this on numerous occasions if the hub makes HP money. It's amazing what a little embarrassment will do sometimes.
I don't know... It looks like a perfectly splendiferous piece of writing to me...
The only person I've ever heard use the word "splendiferous" was Dave Chapelle.
The sad part is the more I read it is the more sense it starts to make...kind of like a mantra or something.
That's how they get ya, DIY. Pretty soon, you'll be writing the same way, put off by everyone else's critique.
I understand that completely. The convergence of words is so odd...the more you get into it, the more you get out of the conscious self. I think I have to say, "Beware!" You may wind up in a place that's not good. But this is fascinating.
Everybody...all together now...ohmmmm....ohmmmmmm.....
If a piece is riddled with spelling errors, the Hub Hopping for me stops. I try later. If I want to read spelling errors, I can tune into Facebook, where there's plenty of horrible samples and no one gives a rat's ass about what they're writing. I appreciate good writing, but I can't overlook spelling errors. Last night, I couldn't get past a couple of Hubs. I couldn't even get passed the titles. Of all things, you shouldn't screw up the title of your Hub with spelling errors. Jeez. This is coming from someone responsible for her team losing the county spelling bee in the 6th grade.
Oh come on, 6th grade? I was in state spelling bees in fourth grade and lost to a kid who probably misspelled about two words a year. I'm just saying, no need to insult children.
Aaack, me, too! I was the state alternate and lost over a simple word like "mortgage."
That was foreshadowing that I would be stuck with one my whole life!
Oh, quit bragging, Jonathan Janco. At least you made it to the state spelling bee. When you make spelling mistakes online, it follows you around forever and ever.
Yes but in the spelling bee there is no 'edit' button. Online you usually have the chance to proofread and spellcheck and correct. I'm just saying that I've met children who spell better than that under the pressure of hot lights, live audiences and no 'go back and correct' options.
I'm not sure where these hubs come from, but they are in abundance. I do wish Hubpages had some standards with regard to writing quality.
And that's where HubPages spoils you as a writer. You can edit, which is nice. You can even delete criticism which doesn't agree with you. There are writers and there are editors. It is rare that people can do both. These Hubs I've been reading in the Hub Hopping lately are just plain scary. If these writers turned in these hubs to a real live editor with all these mistakes, guess what? Be prepared to get some rejection slips. That's the real world. No, it's not okay to ask other Hubbers to be my Hubber Police, nor will I correct their work and send them an email telling them which words aren't spelled right or their grammar and punctuation is screwed up. If that's the case, then pay me for my time and efforts. Otherwise, I'm not reading a Hub that doesn't deserve to be Hopped. Get my attention and entertain me with your writing, but don't insult me as your reader and don't put anything out there that shows you have no pride in your work and are willing to publish a writing train wreck.
Arlene, there's nothing in the rules that says we have to hop hubs. We all do it out of our own free will. If it's not worth your time, then flag it or atleast vote it down. And then hop to another one or just stop hopping. The mods are usually looking for spammers and not necessarily poorly written hubs. You do have the choice to not bother with it in the first place.
I agree with Arlene = I think people should make an effort to produce good writing here, otherwise, why bother? And it annoys me when people don't even try to spell things right, or use the right grammar and punctuation - its like an insult to the reader. I am aware that many ESL writers on this site are doing their best, but you can tell when people are trying and when they just don't care. Still, I have stopped hub hopping because I don't even have time to read all those hubs by people I follow. It was pretty annoying to hop hubs and only about one out of ten was worth reading!
Yes Meg, I agree people should make an effort, but you'll keep seeing the same mistakes from the same people if other hubbers don't flag these low quality hubs.
Yes, Jonathan, you are right! Right! Right! Right! darn
Jonathan, I am aware that I don't have to Hop Hubs, but this system established (or not established) by HubPages certainly needs improvement. I may stop reading a Hub, but I can also flag it or take action with some of them. That's my call. Or I can bypass the whole thing and call it a day, month or year. Some Hubs are just not worth my time. I understand writers will put out good stuff or bad stuff, but some people write crap all the time and expect others to correct their crap.
At the same time, I follow some of the most creative and entertaining writers on the planet, and I keep up with them and provide them with positive feedback. I look forward to following anyone who provides a good read.
Not everyone is cut out to be a writer. I saw one today that was just unforgivable, but it went through. Of course, I flagged it and voted it down. Why am I not surprised? But I guess this is what some people call that "getting published". I remember names, so when I see there is no hope for these repeaters, I move on.
I have nothing against leaving praise where (in my opinion) praise is due.
I'm not sure what you mean by "went through." HubPages is an open publishing platform. We give everyone the benefit of the doubt, to start with. That means that we are not reviewing all Hubs prior to publication. There are many rules violations that we can automatically detect (too many links, etc), but there are others that we cannot detect without human review (such as extremely poorly written articles).
In other words, when you HubHop, you are not seeing things that we have approved. You are seeing things we may not yet have seen. Flagging brings them to our attention faster, so thank you for doing that.
Of course, nobody is obligated to Hop. Some users genuinely enjoy helping to weed out the crap and improve the site, that's all.
I used to do my share of hopping and believed it was for the good of the site. But until you guys do YOUR part in keeping the crap from being published to begin with I see no need for wasting my time. The open publishing platform is what caused the first Panda slap here on HP. Give it up, it doesn't work!
Well, I would say all systems need improvement on some level and HP certainly is no exception. Often where you find one spelling/grammatical error you are likely to find many. People like this are just careless or less skilled in the language. I would only suggest that people having 'expectations' of others to correct their work might be a bit of a harsh indictment. I never got such an impression from such hubbers.
"Buy Skinny Jeans from dungarees online fund fire baffle more than dismiss"
"The denim aristocratic jeans are the most adept competitors since this endeavor.Females dismiss birth battened down self authority stylish these varieties of clothing"
Here's one for you DIY-- includes these tips about wedding planning:
"Without any surprise, thinking a wedding can be knotty.
"You may make the nuptials mentation job equal author embarrassing when your nuptials day is arrival presently.
"You can flush straighten sure that you gift be competent to alter your circumstance to run smoothly.
"You give poorness a grownup artist to ameliorate you to bewitch all the humanities moments in your circumstance."
In another hub there is advice for finding a hotel to hold the event. This one sounds good:
"The hotel had a such advertised chef, Psychologist, and catering body. We met with Psychologist. He wowed us with a distribution of dishes hors d'eouvres, appetizers, entrees, and deserts; no necessary to face encourage. We yet went so far as to parting the agenda up to him, and were delighted when he told us what he had in deal. The store and patterned arrangements were united on after a few disagreements with my parents, not the florist. The band was rattling safe; they would gratify sagittate but ravishing invitation and they were feat out the shadowing hebdomad. Like I said, everything was toppling into residence."
Wish I didnt read that!
Now I need a drink!
Maybe the Psychologist can make some appetizers to go with the drink. Don't worry everything will fall into pl... I mean topple into residence.
Oh, well. Makes for an entertaining Forum. Unfortunately, I can't meet y'all for dinner and drinks and pick your brains. But that's the online experience for you.
Wow, great stuff. I'm saving both of those to use in my next hub!
Unless the shadowing hebdomad gets you...
That does sound rather ominous, doesn't it?
definitely no necessary to face encourage! I almost understand what this all means - and I'm very glad I was not at that wedding. or event. or hebdomad gathering
Great idea, DIYweddingplanner. Gotta use what's there. But I have to admit that you are great at stirring the pot! This is a very long Forum!
Come on guys, this is an open platform! HP wants to give these guys a chance to improve their writing. Perhaps if they read their hubs aloud........
I'm sure it involved some sort of animal sacrifice or something at the very least!
More great wedding, I'm about sick of these experts driving in my lane!
How To Retard Unagitated Piece Provision Your Hymeneals How To Retard Unagitated
Thought a ceremony start is a immense and aggressiveness wracking extend plane for the most affect and equanimous bride-to-be. In inflict to maintain saneness patch you try to system every item of what may vindicatory be the most memorable day of your experience, you essential to focalise not virtuous on the info of your ritual, but also on the posit of your well-being.
You don't want to get to your utterly intended hymeneals day and exploit out that you are a stressed out disorderliness. So piece you intend for your ritual beginning, also fastness the masses suggestions in cognition that rightful mightiness better resource a bride console and unemotional until the big day.
Party Function Tip 1 - Hit the Gym
Possession up a symmetrical travail curriculum prior to your observance commencement will not exclusive underwrite that you lie stunning in your observance beautify, but present also release you awesome show reliever. A high cardio, Pilates or yoga workout is a alarming way to clarify your psyche and get those fictive juices graceful as you win out every fact of the party ceremonial Start Tip
"The key points to head money online start with capturing leads generated by promotional activates and pursuing up with those leads. If this is not finished traffic to your position is remote repay"
"the humankind, you'll hear that there are a number of situations where you require to pee certain that your articles occur! "
"recovered there were none - you instrument forbear yourself quantify and heartache if you give act at the commencement."
"A three-week old kid is conscious of the fact that when she is desirous she gift shout her small cognition off and someone module work her. "
"State right ready is quibbling and give cogitate you galore tools for success"
All from the same guy...he has 17 hubs and I checked 6 of them. I gave up and flagged his profile.
I'm overwhelingly and utterly discombobulated by the eloquence of these recent offerings. I'm afraid I will never escalate to aforementioned pinnacles of rhetoric.
C'mon, Rochelle. Keep those fictive juices graceful...I hear Pilates helps!
Please tell me this must be satire, the title is How to Change your Grammar Skills
"I pair there are a lot of people especially students who are not involved in authorship where you
should be full armed of the penalize use of a communication. Generally, Humanities is the preferred
composition in Arts when it comes to school requirements and to your direct affirmation. But it
depends upon those who uses Humanities as a 2nd language and has a primary module on their
own. But then, both require puritanical use of grammars in your activity.
The job is, you don't equal read to copulate this kindly of manipulate but it is a must, you are taught
to do it so why should you scraps? I fuck what ever comes up into your remember. Your grammar
skills ingestion. "
Lol, very good.
One benefit of the new "home" page is that you get new hubs from your favorite subjects - I think. And I have already picked up a few, and their hubber owners, from that source for flagging.
On reading that again it is the best I have seen. Hilarious.
You'll notice it says "How to CHANGE", not how to improve your grammar skills..
Here's another excerpt with advice on writing titled: Don't worry about the first draft"
"So, what are the things that you impoverishment to allow in your oldest depth? Why is it so consequential and how are you leaving to indite it in an telling way without causing too untold example in your work allocation finished a paragraph, looked at it and exclaimed, "That sucks"? Don't worry around it. It's the gear drink. And the perfoliate statement is, it's oft wicked.
It doesn't thing if you're a college educatee scarcely stringing line unitedly or a excavation attribute writer with ten eld of jock undergo low your belt. Chances are sound that most of the low drafts you succeed to become up with faculty ever break."
Today is a banner day...the next hub I saw on the feed was badly spun well as all 17 of the author's hubs. I wonder if it's the same guy I flagged yesterday.
I saw that new one too and took care of that, as I hope other did.
The feed has been a great source of inspiration for me as a writer. Seems like the worst offenders like to write about weddings...!?
UW, not sure what copulation has to do with was never that much fun when I was in school!
Yes, I love the's a veritable flagging extravaganza!
Oh, btw, the jeffriestube, thanks for "liking" my business page on FB...nice!
Okay, so I didn't read through all of the pages here, but what I did read inspired me to go do some hopping (you're welcome, HP!) which I haven't done in a while and all I have to say is: OMG!!!!!
I admit, I don't hub hop much, but NEVER have I seen the amount of crap I just saw in about 10 minutes of hub hopping! I probably hopped around 25 hubs and flagged probably 18 of them!! It's truly no wonder now to me why HP is going downhill...something really should be done to prevent this crap from ever being published. Maybe new hubbers do need to prove themselves worthy before anything of theirs is published! C'mon!!
... which backs up the point I and others have made repeatedly - trial period for new hubbers and dual purpose the hopper for moderating AND permission to publish for new hubbers.
So, if you are new, you don't get published at all, until a number of people (including HP team) have reviewed your page.
I don't know how much this affects us as individuals given subdomains but surely it is a red flag to Google to say come back and stamp on us?
I don't know... Last night I was really tired, so I figured I'd do the "effortless"/"mindless" thing of Hub hopping. Usually, it doesn't take a lot of time or effort to run into something awful, indicate that, and go to the next Hub. A person who's not in the mood to read can usually easily find something that doesn't even require much reading to see how bad it is.
Last night, I was seeing Hubs that looked substantial and "overall good". They would have required reading to see if there was anything that wasn't obvious (as opposed to so many "usual" ones that don't take more than seeing the thing in the first place for it to be clear it's spammy and/or spun). I saw some that seemed like they weren't written quite as skillfully, but I would have had to read to really be fair. Since I was too tired to read each substantial-length Hub I'd go on to the next, and then the next, etc. etc. Eventually, I got too tired of clicking and clicking in the hopes of finding some "easy-to-take-of-losers", so my well intentioned plan to make use of my tired time by effortlessly "addressing" some easy-to-spot losers amounted to wasted time and no real hopping getting accomplished at all. Maybe it was a freak night, but it struck me that maybe the days of mindlessly/effortlessly hopping could be dwindling some (which would be both good news and bad news, depending on how tired hoppers are or aren't). (Or else maybe I was getting the "un-addressed" new Hubs of a lot of other tired hoppers who had passed them by without addressing them. )
I find hub hopping a good way to find excellent writers too. I have discovered a lot of good stuff.
I've seen some good stuff too. That stuff isn't as much fun to talk about and make fun of, though. (and it really isn't as much fun for tired hoppers who hope to find stuff they can easily hit the "reject button" on without doing a lot of reading.
Wow, this sounded like it was "Washed" through Google Translate and typed up by a person who just discovered the language of English for the first time. Some parts sound kind of good, but other bits are just bizarre!
This is almost not being funny anymore. More writing advice that I don't even want to make a guess about:
"Pauperization to be much originative? We all do. But it is sometimes marmoreal to be solon successful if you don't hump enough life to do it."
So flagged-- along with others by the same "author".
I am absolutely changing my name!!!
Afghanistan, wedding is a much celebrated circumstance where the uncastrated ambience hives with process.
Wedding between the forward cousins is a unrefined recitation. When the miss attains the age of ten, operation for a likely participant is initiated by the women stemma. Mother and aunts meet the female friends to enquire different likely candidates.
The status of the guy, his stress and his looks are advised before determinative the release. The select is then presented before the men sept and they cross indispensable inquires before finalizing the connection. Formerly everything is constitute suited, the pre-wedding ceremonies are performed to dedicate a unrestricted approval of the things.
Literal ritual generally takes put when woman attains the age of cardinal.
According to the topical practice, every matrimony requires two exchanges. A dower is brought by the bride to the partner's asylum. It mostly constitutes home items which the two testament require for their tense invigoration unitedly.
Perhaps I was wrong when I suggested new writers be on a probation period before being allowed to publish hubs. Nah!
Do they all have to write (and I use that term loosely!) about weddings?
Yes, they do. Someone has to warn those people not to get married!
Yes, I was taken aback with certain terminology-- can you be a "DIY planner"?
I hate to see your hard won acceptance being undermined by "uncastrated ambiance".
"Certain woods have a gloss that is hard to miss; dull appearance is another indicator of poor quality or milling problems.
Ads by Google"
Do you think this is copied content??
The ascending expenditure of an college training makes it rattling carping for students to feel disjunctive structure to pay for college. Employ at location students would be a majuscule way to postscript the money required to act their upbringing.
er...yeah....what he said...
I flagged him too! It was the majuscule word I remember, I mean how can you forget an amazing and unusual word like that.
I'm wondering where they get them, unless its some kind of foreign language to English spinning software?
[Can't speak English? No problem. Our software automatically translates any article on the web and spins it, giving you a uniquely worded article for you to claim as your own! Save $$$.]
Sorry guys, you've been ripped off.
And it continues...
"My Article Parcel Article Message Copulate
Whether you are fair turn out when it comes to feat the subscribers that your enterprise needs, or you are in the mood to countenance around and rattling get the artefact on different pieces of aggregation, you'll conceptualize that one of the gear things that you necessity to anticipate near is taking a see at articles."
This guy had 5 spun articles.
And another:
"What forgiving of horror news do you requisite to pen? Your options are as citywide lawless as the type of 'fiend' you recognise to make. The statement 'mutant' represents not only the critters and creatures you invent, but also the message - whether echt or imagined. This is the rapscallion in your lie. The student genres are:"
Damn the spinners are busy this weekend, third one in a row:
"With the status in field, the requirement of the wireless spy camera is accretionary by leaps and boundary."
But you must admit, this is from non-English speaking spinners. The frightening thing is that spinning software is evolving, and becoming better, and those who speak English as their first language are finding it easier to use.
Foreigners can forget it! If their English is so poor that they think the spun article is good, they will never find success.
But for native English speakers, eventually the web is going to be filled with spun crap.
My own hubs have been copied all over the place. The copies rank higher than my hubs at the moment. I have not even looked at spun copies of my hubs. And that is scary!
HP better get cracking. Put more staff on to review these pieces of crap, and institute the above suggestion of a grace period for new members. If you want Google (and the writing community) to take you seriously, then act seriously.
Most of the webmasters are searching every day for a new way to get more traffic to their blogs/forums but most of the common ways are not giving us the good number of those visitors which we are searching for , so everyone should concentrate on the best ways for getting the best traffic and safe his time from the unreal ways which are taking us from our right way , everyone now will say the best way for getting more visitors are google and youtube and the famous websites but we want to increase the sources of the sites which are reffering for us the visitors , i will say no !!!,
A subtle hint is the lack of formatting around the commas. I see a lot of spun content with a space BEFORE the comma.
This is a bit of a run-on sentence, I would say.
Hello good people of HubPages
May I respectfully suggest that the writer of the above hub could be another Lewis Carroll. Just for fun I add a copy of one of my favourite poems:
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought--
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! and through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
“”from Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1872).
They obviously used the same spinner!
OK, this is really not about hub hoping but I have been receiving comments to my hubs that basically are an invitation to visit an online pharmacy from others outside of HubPages. So it appears as some sort of spam......
Hi all, I'm fairly new here. The Hubpages community has been very friendly towards me. You don't find this within too many online communities.
I enjoy hub hopping when I'm bored. I've come across some great poetry and articles, and then, some articles were so bad, I couldn't make heads or tails of the author was writing about lol
Arghh... got another spinner today. 37 hubs in 24 hours... I just flagged the profile after looking at a couple.
Just waiting for one of these guys to come on asking why they aren't making money or complaining their hubs were removed
Calling all Hub Deputies...
This is an APB for
All units respond.
Does this one need a wedding planner or a urologist?
"A nuptials is one of the most precious moments in two fill's history. This is when they are hold in blessed matrimony as one. To piss it memorable, decent mentation should be done. Often times, thinking your wedding can be a trying and tiresome task. There would be present that you would bonk awake nights as you try to counselling out every part to hit the upcoming wedding day perfect.
Though it can be trying disagreeable to thought out your ritual to piddle it perfect, there are predestined structure to inactivity out the inflection and play things easier for you as you direction out your ceremony."
by Robert P 9 years ago
I have been hub hopping lately and I am disgusted with the incoherent garbage that I am coming across - nothing but poorly translated articles of about 400 words, usually without even any formatting. I would say that more than half of the articles I randomly encounter are clearly nothing but spun...
by Timothy Arends 9 years ago
I decided to give hub hopping a try. I was curious to see how good (or bad) the hubs were. I found some good hubs, others not so much. After about my second or third hop, I came across a hub that read alright for the first two or three paragraphs, and then quickly devolved into some kind of...
by DIYweddingplanner 12 years ago
This was it, the entire hub..."Do you girls had went to Sears? Well if you havent went,You have to go! I found this really cute heels in Sears.I love them because cheetah is now the "Thing" Like now you're a looser if you dont have something thats is cheetah or zebra.Well its not...
by DIYweddingplanner 13 years ago
I found this tidbit..."This question I frequently come across as a statements from believers that non believers believe in non existence of god just like believers believe in it. Then what is belief and non belief? Is it one and the same?"I believe that I can't believe this person has an...
by Faith Reaper 11 years ago
What does everyone think of the new "Hub Hopping" process?Maybe, it's just me, but it is a little frustrating, and it was fun, but now? Not so sure about it. I may just need to adjust to it and keep at it before I make any final conclusions.
by Rajan Singh Jolly 12 years ago
Have you ever come across any of your hubs while hub hopping?
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