That's nothing for some Hubbers, a lot for others. But after being here for more than three years, watching my views go up, and then watching them go down, sitting at the bottom of Panda after February, and knowing that I don't write here with SEO in mind, this is something special. Something good is happening. Maybe?
I'm not mindless about the devastation that has happened with some extraordinary Hubbers, like IzzyM, who write great articles and who have also suffered huge drops in traffic.
I can't explain any of this. I can only speculate that Google is playing around with a lot of sites while it takes a new position on what it thinks searchers want (there are plenty of forum threads on this, just scout around).
So, in June of this year, my Hub views were around 80 a day, down from 400 a day pre-Panda, and now they are up to 800. Something good is happening. Maybe? I think?
Well done with or without Panda 800 is very impressive congrats.....jimmy
TY,'ve been here for a long time, one of the first Hubbers I followed/fanned when I joined...what's your take on this?
My traffic went down for a long time after Panda but recently it has gone back to pre Panda levels and seems to be growing slowly every day. I hope it keeps up simply because my hubpages earnings usualy pay for christmas and vacations lol.....jimmy
I hope so, too, for all of us. My feeling right now, and it's only a feeling, is that valuable stuff will stand the test of Google time. If things keep progressing for you, then I hope you realize a couple of vacations and a super-stellar Xmas.
Hopefully the traffic will stay this high.
TY, Karen. I hope so, too, not just for me but for others who are experiencing this comeback.
Congratulations on your new highs! May there be many more!
And thanks for the kind words
Congrats for now, please keep us posted if it goes back down to 80 views per day. I've had a similar situation, and one day a little while ago, I got above 600 views, it lasted no longer than 36 hours, and then it nosed down to the drain. I hope you'd have a happy ending and wish you the best
Thanks for the good wishes...this "high" has been going on for about 3 weeks...I hope it's a sign that things are on the mend for everyone.
I thought I'd let you know what's happened in the two weeks since I started this asked to know if my traffic had slumped again. Quite the opposite has happened, and I feel encouraged and hope you all do, too.
On the Sunday evening following my starting this thread (one week ago), my views hit 997. I know there was an extra boost there (from HP readers) because one of my Hubs was selected as Hub of the Day. However, Google traffic in general was rising, too.
Today, the second Sunday since starting this thread, views are up to 970 with no boost from HP or anyone else in particular. Google traffic is clearly increasing.
In between 9/16 and yesterday, I did publish four more Hubs, but these new Hubs are showing traffic mostly from HP, definitely not from Google or anywhere else.
I understand from Silver Rose that HP is in recovery mode:
So this is good news, too.
This is fantastic news for me. I am not new but I have been here a few months and still learning. I like to get as much information as I can from everyone. I think it is just awesome how you can get that many views. Keep up the good work and post more exciting news for us all.
You said it! Just keep learning and sharing.
Does it take three years? What is Panda?
Congrats, you must have worked flat out!
Congrats, Sherri! It's strange you got this highest number in the weekend. Hopefully, it gets even higher tomorrow.
TY, Haunty. Oddly, my highest views have ALWAYS been on the weekends, for three years now. Monday through Thursday is always a slump, but Friday night through Sunday afternoon, well, who knows why that is? Tomorrow, I expect to start losing views.
Good sign. I think it's nice for others to see that if someone has been through a "slump" for one stretch or time or another there's always the chance it will really turn around. (Besides, it's nice to share in people's good news.)
(My slump over the last few/several weeks seems to run from Thursday through Saturday. Sunday things start to climb (at least so far). It's a pretty big "slump", though. )
I hope it is a good sign and something for others to look forward to. Like I said, I can't explain it, but my gut says that good writing will pay off in the end at HP (so long as HP keeps its house in order and maintains a viable business, which it seems it wants to do).
I don't know about you, but for the most part I keep away from looking at daily stats on HP; they can be depressing. If you know there's a pattern to your views (slumps on certain days, rises on others), then let that be, looking at them only when you think it's a rising time (my feeling). I want to be uplifted, not shot down.
On the other hand, I do look at earnings (AdSense, Amazon, and HP Ads--no eBay) every day, and count up the pennies. The pennies are starting to translate into dollars.
Oh... I always look when I think the weekend slump (more like giant dip) is coming - and it always is there, as guessed. Then I get "scared" that it won't turn around on Sunday. So far, it has. My way of dealing with the potential shooting down is that I've made peace with the idea that I may one day find 0 views, and I'm ready for it. Doing that, it makes each day that involves good traffic a big surprise.
I keep track of the Ad Sense on a regular basis because I've developed my own way of predicting likely end-of-the-month earnings and rates of average increases. (I don't follow Analytics much. Less fun than doing things my own way. )
I like your style. Expect the worst and be happy for the other good things, at the same time accepting that anxiety is part of the process. Sharing that with you!
Very impressive Sally. I've never even been close to that number, well at one time I did get 500 views a day for a while, but that was because I promoted a hub through one of these sites that promises to get you traffic for free for a while, but that fell off. I have yet to reach 100,000, (my obsession), views over all, after 2 years, but getting close. I need to write a different kind of hub or do something different, anything that will increase my views.
By the way I just went over and read your hub on green stamps, It was awesome. Anyway I can see why you get so many views. With just 71 hubs, you're good. How long did it take you to get to 100,000 views. (My obsession, sorry).
I think I hit 100,000 about a year ago and am now into 200,000+, but my obsession is to reach 1,000,000!
I'm reminded of the hare and the tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race.
I like your writings, fastfreta, although I don't read all only because of time. I don't know what advice I could give, but please email me via HP if you want to have a conversation. I am by no means an internet or HP expert about how to get traffic (remember, my traffic here is totally puny by some standards), but I always find things to be shared in conversations with another writer.
"Just hit a new high...800 Hub views in one day."
Congrats on that! And may it continue to rise.
wow that's great news for you!
And on a weekend no yet... Google is smiling on you!
I need the sun to smile on's friggin cold here. But Google will do for now. Yet, it's a slippery slope. Things look good only at this moment.
WELL DONE! I have only made that figure once, the day of the Royal Wedding! Hope it keeps that high or rises even more. My traffic has risen over 100 per cent from panda so I am not complaining either!
Congratulations! You are an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing. I do believe IF we stick with it the traffic will return.
I've never shared my stats with anyone before, but I thought this was important because things have been so dismal for so many. I had lost 75% of my traffic at the end of February. I gained back only a bit between then and mid June, and that new number held, more or less, for about 12 weeks. But when I returned from a week's vacation at the end of August, the numbers had made a huge jump and have been rising ever since. I don't know about being inspiring but I thought this pattern was worth sharing.
Congratulations, Sally! That's really nice to know. We need more good news like that everyday. My traffic surged for a few days and dipped to half and is holding for now. Others having been experiencing another surge in traffic, so nice to know. I hope your nice traffic continues through the week and more. Cheers!
And I hope yours gets quickly on the rise! Thank you for the kind words.
Congratulations Sally's Trove 800 views wow! - I had 410 views yesterday (Sunday in Australia) and I have no idea why - not complaining though - while the rest of my non commercial hubs are very low in traffic....cheers and congratulations again.
mine is climbing back up after stoping hubpage ads. Good job...
Do you mean that your Hub views are rising since you dropped HP Ads, or your earnings?
Glad to hear things are getting better for a lot of writers out there. Sally's Trove, 800 views a day is great! I hope soon you have 8,000!!!
I was reading through this and saw different goals writers have set for themselves, and I realize I do it, too. After 3 years here, I still haven't hit that hundredth hub...that is my current goal. Of course, this is one that is fully in my My other goal is to reach that 1,000,000 views, as well. I am way, way, WAY off from that number right now, but I'm working towards it...maybe that 100th hub will do it...hmmmm...
It's kind of funny (and sad, too) that in January of this year I set a goal of 10 Hubs a month, published 7 in January, 4 in February (with all good intentions of writing the other 9 before March, and then Panda hit and I became totally discouraged. But now, the few crumbs Google's tossed my way are pretty attractive!
You are only 6 away from your goal. Get crackin'!
Now you are only two away from your goal, just a week and a half later. Go for it!
Congratulation! This inspired me to write more hubs and do some quality backlinks to gain more traffic. Keep it up!
Hi Sally, happy to hear your traffic is increasing...mine have increased too since the change of subdomain. Blessings always.
I'm so glad to hear that, Michelle. Your Hubs are so rich and engaging, it does not surprise me that your traffic is on the rise.
Sally, sounds like my experience is similar to yours- relatively modest view numbers per day, but about doubled from pre-Panda/late Feb nose dive.
For the record, it's just 17:00 here, the day is young, and the traffic count is up to 1,081. I've never seen this before.
Nice. It's nice to see that yet one more Hubber is seeing good things go on. Like so many others, I'd like to see good things go on for so many of those other folks who have fine Hubs but have been living in a plunge. Enjoy the all-time high. You deserve it.
TY, Lisa. I, also, want to see this for others.
Happened to me too, ST - took a dive and now my hub views are way more than they used to be
Sally's Trove hey!
I have been here five days... Seeing that you can make such numbers a day is beyond me! I am making about 5-10 a day. Its not much but if i keep working at it i shall hopefully put up such an update.
Meanwhile, congratulations and enjoy the high!
Congrats.....for this achievement, wishing you more such successes here at hubpages.....
The nine year old and I did a keyword search for a few of my articles (hubs) and found them on the first or second pages of searches. One keyword search totally shocked me. I had one page 1 top of page and another similar hub at position five on the same first page.
To me this means the panda slap is no longer affecting me. Those of course are in smaller niches. My business articles are in Neverland and will probably never will be found. Over 5,000,000 sites to compete with. Good thing I feed readers to them from other sources.
I have heard many writers here say to treat your hub writing as a business. The truth is if your trying to earn from them they are your business. No business can survive without advertising. Search engine optimization is considered advertising of the best kind.
For my business if we are not getting at least 100 hits a day and at least one sign up it's a bad day. Currently we are getting near 200 hits a day just from social advertising. I don't see it working any differently for hubs although I don't put them on my social sites often.
Congratulations on your achievement sally's trove.
This is an update on what's been happening to my account on HP.
But first, tY all for sharing your good wishes in my direction and your experiences, too.
My weekend views are now well exceeding the 800 mark (weekends have always been the best time for my view numbers), so this is a continuing progress.
Considering recent Panda updates and the devastation they are causing many successful and well-regarded Hubbers, something is nonetheless going right in my direction, at least for the time being. I have no idea how to describe or explain it. I write what I want to write and I pay no attention to SEO or back linking. Maybe one of you out there can come up with an analysis that is helpful to others. And when you do, I'd like to know what it is!
Glad to see that you are back with us. We've been wondering.
Yes mam, I am happy to be back..just can't get my way in Facebook yet..I am really happy for you..
I will check my views and compare it for the last 4 months so I can give feedback here..
Maita, hey, glad to see you. Some hubbers have been asking if you are okay. Now I am know you are okay...yay! Blessings...
Sally, that's great news. It's nice to hear the success stories. I think there are quite a few seeing steady hikes in traffic and may not post the news. The last couple of weeks daily views are up for me into the 700's, dipping some on the weekends. My goal of 1000 views daily is [hopefully] going to be reached before I thought if things keep moving upward.
I do think grouping hubs is immensely helpful.
Keep up the great work Sally. 1000+
TY, rebekahELLE,
I agree that many will not post the news, and I don't blame them. It's a dog eat dog world out here. Sometimes it's best to keep success close to the chest.
About grouping Hubs, I know what you mean. I've made that a practice for all the time I've been here. It's to the reader's benefit, and maybe it also counts for juice in views.
Well Done, I think I'll hit 1 million overall views next year..stuck on 650,000 at the moment..slow times
It is very encouraging to hear the positive news! I am one of the hubbers that tanked with the October 13th Panda "tweak," so it is good to hear that there are still hubbers who are reading record highs! Here's to lots more red arrows!
by Paul Maplesden 11 years ago
I’ve been reading many questions on the forums about how to get more traffic to your hubs. I’m a great believer in testing something, analysing the results, refining and sharing, and I approached the subject of how to get hub views in a practical methodical way. I’ll share my techniques below and...
by anime_nanet 15 years ago
I think the title says it all.Gratz Darkside. I learned a lot with your hubs!!!
by dohn121 15 years ago
Wow. I'm way ahead of schedule. I was hoping I'd reach this by Sunday...Guess I was wrong after all.
by Pr0metheus 15 years ago
I just hit 1,000 hub views!Yay!And google is hot on hubpages tail for traffic sources (only 10 clicks behind today!)
by DIYweddingplanner 13 years ago
Red up arrows all over the place! Anybody else experiencing a big upswing in views?
by Kmadhav 15 years ago
I reaches the 10,0000 hubs views & looking for million club. Thank you to all my dear hubbers who read and give comment on hubs.
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