Basically, I mean that us hubbers put countless hours of work into writing one quality hub after another which in turn increases hubpages revenue, which allows them to enjoy the fruits of its writers dedication and labor. I know writing on hubpages is presented to us like hubpages is doing all us writers a favor by providing a place to post our work and earn revenue for it but in all actuality without out us writers hubpages is nothing. Essentially we are extremelly important employees and are employed by hubpages even though we fail to recognize it and without us employees hubpages would not even be possible. So though you think that hubpages is doing you a favor by providing the incentives to us they offer, in fact we are the ones who are doing hubpages a the biggest favor possible in that we write hub after hub after hub for them allowing them to gain major evenue from numerous big money advertisers that is paid directly to them just so hubpages will allow them to use to advertise what ever it is they are offering. Hubpages is paid directly for this, then say how lucky we are that they only take 40% from the impressions on adds placed on our hubs, what they dont tell you is that they have already been paid millions of dollars just so those companies could use hubpages to advertise in the first place. Plus all the programs like adsence and so forth are complicated as crap, so even if I dedicate who knows how many hours to try and properly utlize adsence in hopes that my hubs will increase the revenue produced by each, more than likelly I am going to make a mistake at somepoint while attempting to use adsence to accomplish this and achieve nothing new at all. Hubpages should be able to do this for us. But that is just my opinion. To this date: 11/9/2011, I have written 41 hubs over a period of 14 months and my hubs have been read close to 11,000 times.That being said, so far I have made a mind Blowing $10.11 cents on
How much have you made?
And what is your opinion?
I'd try breaking that up into paragraphs. You might achieve a longer view duration.
Thanks for the advice i will definatly try that, also do you think it is a bad thing to write hubs that are around 2000 words is it better to keep them short and sweet?
Yes, short and sweet is good. It's okay if they are a little long, but keep it interesting and they will stay. But, true if it is so long that they get tired reading then they are going to go somewhere else. Probably look at the chapters in a book you read. A lot are just a few pages. Some are longer. James Pattersons chapters are usually no more than a few pages. I like that. Then it's easier to stop where you are and people will stay tuned and wait for more.
Personally, I prefer 1000 words or a little less. Much more and I skip it unless it is something I searched for.
I've been here for about eight months but have only been active for about three months. I started out with twelve cents, then at fifty six cents, then last month I was at 1.58 (enough to buy a candy bar) and this month I'm already at 1.78 and it's still early in the month. It's not much yet, compared to what some people are making. I would like to be where they are, but I know it takes time. And right now, I don't have a lot of followers yet. Some people have hundreds or even thousands of followers and some have been here for several years and worked hard at their hubs and got where they are today.
yes I have been writing on hubpages for a year and have made $10.00!
I've made quite a few hundred (across several accounts.)
I have one account with less than 100 hubs which has not been touched in months but still earns me at least $100+ a month.
Maybe you need to learn about things like keywords and backlinks.
I encourage anyone atleast somewhat interested in this topic to check out this hub: <link snipped>
No wonder you're making hardly any money. Just like a real life business, you need to learn how to advertise. NO, that doesn't mean literally advertising to people, that means making your work something that search engines will want to send people to. Are your titles and work things that people are typing into Google? I doubt it!
Either grow up and read some of the fantastic guides on this site that tell you how to do just that for free, or go write somewhere else.
no i think i will write here being that it is fun to do in my spare time, in my grown up time I am a published author. But I see this is grown up time for you.
i registered here
about 3 years ago
but became active
about 3+ months ago.
My income around 5.26 or thereabout!
Ha ha ha
thank you for the honest, non-rude reply. I commend you for that
I am like ubanichijioke. I registered here two years ago and the place scared me worse than that one with the lenses. I wish I had started here earlier.
At a month and two weeks of actually posting, I have made a little something. Yee hah.
But I have found that older posts keep making the pennies and increments of pennies for years.
Hub Pages has had some lucid ways to do better marketing and pings and such and I am trying those. Otherwise, Patience is my mode of operation.
Well, in my first year on Hubpages I made roughly about $500. In my second year I've made much lower, due to many other factors.
Betcha the link gets snipped for self promotion. And then he whines about how unfair it is that he's not allowed to violate HP TOS. Then he's gonna wonder why Paul E. hasn't showed up at his house with 40 virgins and a 5k check for the 800 or so views he brings in each month.
Do I vaguely recall Hubpages ToS saying not to share exact earnings, or am I confusing them with adsense?
There's nothing wrong with sharing estimated earnings. Aside from that HP cannot stop people from discussing what earnings they are receiving from Google Adsense.
Doing so is against ToS for Adsense and can cause them to close your account. I though I saw something similar here when i signed up.
You can talk about estimated earnings, without divulging precise earnings. Also, you're not allowed to talk about click rates. Talking about estimated earnings is NOT against their TOS.
you remind me of one of those hall moniters from 3rd grade........"Stop running it is against the rules". Go get on twitter or something and stop ruining this discussion because i am genuinely interested in it.
this is aadult time and are adults talking here and you have been a member for... 2 weeks, so shut up about how we are breaking rules by talking about real crap that matters when you are actually trying to better yourself via hubpages, go tweet someone or something. shut up.
BTW here is the section in the ToS I was thinking of:
"You acknowledge and agree that You will not publicly disclose Your payments or Earned Balance (including any subcomponents thereof) from the HubPages Earnings Program without prior written consent of HubPages."
Nouveau, I'm with you. That is in the TOS and they will delete your account if they figure out that you have discussed your earnings. Kurant82, I think you reacted very rudely. I have been a member for about two weeks and I could teach you a few things about SEO. Please try to be nice to other hubbers. You don't know who they are or how you may affect them.
i am not to upto date in hubpage lingo so please explain to me what TOS is? That is not as serious as like pulling a Penn State is it?
Terms of Service
You know what. Do what you want. I was taking part in your discussion, but since you apparently want to have an attitude problem, you can sit and spin on a flag pole, until the cows come home.
I gave you an honest post about my earnings and the post you just responded to, wasn't even addressed to you in the first place.
So, maybe you should learn your way around the forums before you go telling people to go somewhere else. Other than that, enjoy.
very interesting? How many hubs have you produced, and also have you figured out how to efficiently use adsence? I was working on adsence for about 8 hours today and I think maybe I might have made some progress hopefully, all it took was reading every help article possible just so instead of being completely baffled i felt just kinda retarded. but i think i made progress, still not sure, only tomarrow will tell.
Who are you talking to?
Google Adsense has recently made changes to their program for more efficient usage. And, no I have not completely understood everything happening within Google Adsense or Google Analytics. Btw- I published about 50 hubs by the time that I figured out Google Adsense and how to use it, before they made changes. Now, I have to re-learn things.
It will probably take longer than just tomorrow to make sure you figured out things. But, good luck.
Why are you reading articles about Adsense? It's just a way to monetize views.
You should be reading articles on how to get traffic - since average CPM for Adsense is generally about $1-2 (that's $1-$2 per 1,000 views), it doesn't happen overnight.
11,000 views isn't really that many ESPECIALLY when you consider that many of those are probably other hubbers (who don't click adverts.)
who says we are sharing exact earnings. Like if i say i made $10.11 over the period of one year I am actually just throwing a fictional numerical figure out there to give people a vague idea the possible general amount of revenue i did indeed earn, which will truly never be revealed just like we truly dont know who actually shot jfk. did you think about that? Yeah thats what i thought
No I mean I put 8 hours into it today, this wasnt my first go at it, I have been trying to master adsence for around 6 months now and my progress well it has been tough. So i am not saying hey i signed up for adsense today and it got me al confruzed and what not. I have been trying to master adsense for a while.
Excuse me <cough>'s Adsense, not Adsence.
whoa whoa whoa, my bad english teacher. I did not realize we were being graded on grammer and spelling here. from now on I will try and proof read me comments before i post them to avoid hassles such as this.
I am glad I am was getting up at the time when I read your comment, otherwise my tea might have gone all over my computer screen!!
You are funny! You made me laugh hysterically
Of course grammar and spelling have nothing at all to do with a writer's site such as Hubpages.
I only am telling my earnings right now because it isn't much at all. I think when you start to make more you should definitely just give a ballpark figure. And when you really broadcast it is when they ask you to be a success story on their features. That would be my opinion. We were always told growing up not to tell people how much you make. But the reason lots of people are asking is because it hasn't happened for them and they want to know if it is possible. We all want to get where some of you are.
ok sNouveau Skeptic, this is aadult time and are adults talking here and you have been a member for... 2 weeks, so shut up about how we are breaking rules by talking about real crap that matters when you are actually trying to better yourself via hubpages, go tweet someone or something. shut up.
You're not trying to better yourself.
You're trying to whinge because you would rather spend time whinging than put in the hard work the rest of us did.
But I don't think you'll have to worry. With the amount of reports you'll likely get from this thread and your hub you'll likely get a forum ban (or site ban) soon.
winge? what does that even mean, i am whinging. Why is this threaed so threatening it is an honest question and if you actually look at the hubs I have written I guarantee they make your look like a third grader writing a story to their teacher about bumblebeez. Why would i get site ban I am just trying to figure out if other people are actually making money on hubpages after busting butt. I have written 44 hubs over 12 months and each one is around 3000 words with dozens of photos, videos, and even music. My feed back is typically awesome. I want to know whats up, how are people kicking butt on hubpages? Or in fact is anyone kicking butt on hub pages and if so can i have your autograph.
It's a well known fact that creative writing has little or no monetary value on the net.
And you've been personally attacking people on this thread.
Plus you said that you'd had hubs unpublished for adult content yet are still writing it.
As I mentioned above, maybe you need to learn about how to get traffic.
adult content means i said some curse words, it is not like I was pulling a penn state on hubpages or anything like that, cmmon!
alos since you say i havent put in the hard work while your best hub is a magnificent 71 (WOW) my best hub is a 92, followed by many others hubs rated about as high. 71 one means my article sucks.
1. It's another well known fact that hubscores/author scores have little to do with earnings/traffic. They're more a way of keeping outgoing links as nofollow for spammers.
2. You REALLY think this is my main account?
do you really think I actualy give a $hit if it is? if so you have serious insecurity issues, who cares, wow.
so what you are saying is that i should write hubs that basically suck and spend little time doing so and by doing that I will earn more revenue through hub pages? So instead of trying to write a hub that consistently rates above 90 i should simply write hubs in 1/3 of the time it takes to write an awesome hub that will get scores of 70 give or take a few and that is my key to success?
The hub ratings really don't measure quality. The scores are largely meaningless and even I have figured out that I could boost the scores on each of my hubs by 10-15 points just by changing the titles to ones that the algorithmic system likes better. Content be damned.
Who wants to keep fighting about stuff? Aren't we all here to just get along? I'm sure we have all done things that we should't have done but we grow up and learn from them and move on. And we all can spend a little time to vent. We are adults and have a right to do that. And our primary reason to go into these forums is to learn something and make friends. We don't want to know who is sitting on a flag.
so far this gorum seems to have nothing to do with what i intended to discuss in it :] and I think i am beggining to see mob like activity brewing amongst the people posting here. We could have a hub riot in the mist.
Honestly, I am trying to figure out exactly how bad he is flubbing the SEO thing... I know nothing about SEO, have no backlinks, and write on ridiculously obscure topics... Yet I've been here less time, written a few less hubs then him, and have made more money than his "estimate" and am only trailing him in views by about 1400 (I'm close to the 10 k mark)
Dude, you really do suck at this don't you?
Funny is as funny does, they say. So, yeh, back to the queshing - how much? seriously, not enough, and silly me, instead of ramping up my writing and researching the adwords and getting all commercial with it, I pulled way back and now I'm doing just ok. But there are success stories here, and if you're here for some moola - you can do it! Hope you have some time for it! I enjoy it, but I'm not counting on it to buy my holiday presents this year!
ok I am getting killed here in my own forum, If anyone would like to throw me some support it would be greatly appreciated. Man people get pissed about such simple remarks. :] lol, a lil help please
You should have started the thread that way. You've asked for help? Yes? Now I'm sure people will offer advice.
From the HubPages TOS:
...gets popcorn and comfy chair...
If anyone's taking bets, my money is on whomever is not kurant82.
ok I am sorry for being rude, but in al reality it was simply rude humor :]. I just want to get back on subject, to anyone i offended i am sorry i hurt your feelings, ok back on topic?
Since the issue at hand is not being discussed properly [maybe cos of lack of expertise knowledge][ pls don't judge my english - grammar masters]
let us poke some fun. Lol
the last one to post a curse word wins.
[lol, just joking]
seriously, i enjoyed my time here. Thanks you'll
dang that is a slick peace of info i did not know of! Good post, very cool
just give it like 5 minutes someone will stumble upon this read a comment and freak out and then it is game on all over again. and the discussion will have nothing to do with what the forum was even about but it will be wild from what i have seen so far.
Do you suffer from rapid-cycling Bi-Polar disorder by chance?
lol no I am what you call a person that writes what amuses me. I am not trying to be rude but if i see a comment that I can respond to in a way I find funny, well i am going to do it, it is not personal or anything. In all honesty as far as being a writer goes I am hilarious, but now i understand people actually pissed because they take what i have said as being some person intentionally trying to be a jerk. I guess you live and you learn. try reading some of my hubs they are hilarious, maybe you will understand the ryme to my writing a little better
@melissa, lol.
Did you say
RapiD-CYCLIng BI-polAR disORDER?
wow! Thats . . .
ok, here is what I have to say. How does hubpages generate is revenue? Writers like you and me that are willing to write for free and get paid less than illegal immigrants working in the tobacco fields. That being said, when you are a writer on hubpages who generates alot of traffic which makes hubpages alot of money by allowing them to sign million dollar contracts allowing other companies to advertise on hubpages, and on our hubs while merely having to pay hubpages writers (employees, because in reality thats what we are employees) whatever wage they can dream up and dilute with whatever methods they can think of the least amount of money imaginable while simultaneosly reaping the benefits of our work they can and are. So you say TOS hubpages will kick you off, well i somewhat disagree how many companies are willing to fire good loyal workers who are willing to work for them without being asked to for free?
So true, they have got to be making a killing off us. I will say this an interesting forum. Ha ha does it spark a story for anyone? You never know where you can get a story. Maybe someone can write a story about a girl sitting and spinning on a flag! Maybe it's wintertime and she also gets her tongue stuck or rather her crotch. He he he.
It's a content site and the terms are spelled out. So... you're either okay with it or not.
I can say illegal immigrants working for less than minimum wage, they to are not aloud to disclose how much they make, why because the minimal wages they are recieving is illegal and would get their employer in deep crud if the truth were to come out. Hubpages says shut up concerning how much you earn because if everyone else that says "hmmm I can mak money by writing on hubpages" finds out they pay $.05 a day they are going to say screw that. So I totally understand hubpages rule that says shut your mouth when your earned revenue is concerned on hubpages, why because it is so pathetic it is an embarrassing joke, and if word were to get out well hubpages might lose all future free labor employees.
Conversely, it could be argued that HubPages isn't employing you persay but rather acting as an agent. Yes, they get a percentage of your profits... but the talent has to be there for you to make anything. If you have only made 10 dollars or so, then they are obviously not making "millions" off of your work.
So, why are you still here? If I felt the way you do I would start my own website.
No one is forcing you to write here. one signs multi-million dollar advertising deals unless we are talking about an event like the Super Bowl.
Freelance writers are not employees, they never are...
now if you are all about writing to be read and read feedback about your writing then hubpages is awesome. But as far as that is concerned then you should only write about what you are passionate about rather than forcing yourself to write about topics that suppossedly have a higher potential to earn you revenue. I like writing what I am passionate about even if I do get the big "TOS". I am not here to make money I am here to write because i do not know how not to write.
Me too. I love writing what I want to write, whether I make a lot of money or not. Although I am also trying to write ones that might get more traffic. I had a few hubs I deleted as I was venting and I didn't enjoy reading nasty comments about me even though I felt and still feel the family was in the wrong. I took them out because I knew they would cause me more damage if I kept them in. But I am writing a novel that is loosely based on it, but that is a fiction novel and I am having lots of fun writing it. My main character is a thief and she is a blast to write about. There is a lot of depth to her and she is really funny. Right now she has some guy following her home and he is going to end up being her bad boy lover. The next few chapters are going to be on the good mother. Too completely different people. I might have them renconcile at the end of the book. The bad daughter will get in trouble and get involved in murder, but I might make them all see the light at the end. It will also be sad.
no you are mistaken not only do they get a percentage of your profits, but those adds you see on your hub, well those people had to pay hub pages directly just to place adds on hubs on hub pages and they pay big bucks to do that. SO yes they get a percentage of our so called profits, but they also get million dollar advertising checks from companies so those companies can place those adds on your hubs which hub pages makes an additional 40% off of once they do it. Now that is capitalism
Yes, and writers are paid a percentage of the profits based on the amount of views of those ads. It's not rocket science. The companies pay X amount for X amounts of views. Statistically, those 10k views in a year is not really all that much... I'm not sure I should discuss the going rate for paid for 10k impressions, but unless your keyword is mesotheleomia the cost per impression likely isn't in the thousands, let alone the millions.
Just a rough estimate, but 10k impressions might sell for around 40 bucks at most.
Inquiring minds would enjoy seeing the proof of that statement - can you provide invoices, payments, contracts, etc.? Or are you just pulling "facts" out of your...hat?
You might want to talk to people that use adsense to advertise with - they pay by the click, not by individual contracts. Google forwards 68% of the earnings from those clicks to whoever shows the ad; in this case either hubber or HP.
hubpages is not making millions of of all their hubbers work, well maybe they might be, but that is not their main priority as far as the profit margin is concerned. Hubpages wants more hubbers, and thus more hubbers will write more hubs which will allow them to get bigger advertising deals from companies to advertise on hubpages. Those big checks they recieve for companies to advertise on hubpages make up 90% of their annual income, the percentage they take from impressions on our hubs is just a mirage, they might make 10% of their annual income from that if that.
I've been picking up a few thousand a year on here, Ad Sense only. 320 or so Hubs (I regularly delete the ones I hate the most and replace them, so I've written, maybe, 360.) I've never seen things as HubPages doing me any favors, although I'm able to make money on here that I wouldn't/might not make with the same kind of writing (depending on the Hub) elsewhere (either because somewhere else doesn't want some kinds of writing, or else because it would take me a lot of time to market whichever of my Hubs might get me an upfront). Some of the Hubs, though, have brought in a lot more money over time than they ever would have with a one-time payment. Some Hubs earn more than others, but even the ones that aren't the biggest performers can add up in small earnings when you have enough of them. Unless something awful happens (which it very well could), it looks like the earnings will be substantially improved after some recent things have gone on.
I don't see me as doing HP any favors either. If I stop writing tomorrow a zillion other writers will be signing up and more than replacing me.
I find the site simple and straightforward, and one thing I like in particular is that we can take our stuff down whenever we want to. I see this as a business arrangement I have for my skimmed-time (more casual) writing. HP's business is the site. My business is my writing (and HP writing is a small, extra, spin-off, "business" that I'm able to earn some extra money with in my free time). For now, it works for me and for my purposes. If/when it doesn't then I'll do "the next thing".
Keep in mind that 1 of your 13 months on here was when you were brand new, and the following six (I think) were "Panda slap" months. Six months to day after the Panda slap was when the traffic on here started to come back. Basically, you only have a few months of "being in business" after the Panda slap. Before Panda, it would often take people 5/8 or more months to start seeing earnings coming in regularly. Also, a correlation has been drawn between having over 50 Hubs and getting traffic (just a correlation, nothing more). Whether any of these things factor in to your slow start, I don't know; but I thought they were worth mentioning.
I made around $100-150. I know, it is not much but its ok as I love to write and learned so much using this great platform.
It took me over a year here to earn my first hundred but eventually was getting around that figure every month. I have not been able to say that for most of this year and my current earnings are pathetic.
I do not find I do any better anywhere else though and some of the other sites are far worse. It has taken me over a year to make around $11 at Redgage.
HubPages remains the best site for me to publish articles on!
I've been here exactly a year. It took me six months to reach $100 Adsense payment threshold, but then almost every two months thereafter. As HPAds payment threshold is only $50, it took only two months to reach threshold earnings, and then monthly payments from then on. It took me almost a year to reach the $100 threshold I set for myself on Amazon, but this month is very encouraging.
I have been on Hubpages for 7 months now and it looks like it is going to take a long time for me to start earning anything, but I have other blogs so I get to write about my favorite celebrities and fashion on this site. Hopefully next year I will have some good results to report.
I've been on HP since July of last year and had 5 hubs up. After a month of no revenue whatsoever (I was mucho impatient), I stopped. Two/Three days ago I decided to log in and realized that I didn't have my AdSense account connected! I also didn't have the HP Earnings thing on either. So I turned both on, and the next day I returned to a whopping .01. No much, but it gave me inspiration to write more.
I upped my articles to 7 a day ago, and the next day I had .16, a +.15 difference.
Yesterday I brought my article count to 10, and just a moment ago I checked out my earnings -- .94, a +.78 difference. If I keep this up, I hoping I can make at least $20 to $50 a month in passive revenue here. Of course, I could just be lucky.
by Baraccuza 4 years ago
Many people writing different things. But I and I'm sure that many other people would like to know the potential of hubpages. Thanks for answers.
by Akwasi Maru 8 years ago
How much money can be made on Hubpages?I'm new to this and I have less than 10 hubs and I was wondering how much can be made through writing.
by K Kiss 7 years ago
Is it possible to make $300 a month from hubpages?I have been hubbing for 2 years now and earn about 50-70 dollars a month from adsense but was wondering how to and whether it is indeed possible to earn 300-400 dollars a months.Please share you own experiences if you life.
by Melody 12 years ago
How much specifically have you made on Hubpages?Any advice?
by lilnohu 15 years ago
Is there anyway to see how much money an article has made on hubpages?
by AnthonyAnswers 15 years ago
Hello I'm kind of new to HubPages, how much money have you made on hubpages?And is any good? I am also struggling what articles I should write, hope you can help x thanks
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