Dear staff, is there anything that can be done to the feed where I can choose not to receive notice of hubs shared by other hubbers? There are people who share every hub they read. If I want to read a hub or follow someone I will. I don't need to see all those hubs of people I don't even know in my feed.
Yes, I know I can choose to "hide a story" but that would mean clicking on 25 stories which, frankly is wasting my time, since I didn't really ask to see these hubs in the first place. I don't see why I should be the one removing them.
I tried to tolerate one hubber with the excessive feeding but five is too much for me. Short of un-following these people I don't see what else I can do.
Another thing that hubbers need to know is that so long as they comment on a hub their followers will see it. Sometimes the hub shared shows up twice in the feed because they comment then share.
Please people, only share a hub if it's extremely awesome, useful or funny! Don't share it out of kindness!
I second it ! or maybe third it!! Staff hear ..hear.. I believe Sophia Angelique did raise a concern a few days ago!
Hi Sofs, I knew I saw that somewhere but couldn't find it. I found the thread from a few months back about hubbers sharing their own hubs but the new issue is the sharing of every hub they read.
I was searching for the same thread..but I guess she titled it differently... I couldn't get hold of that thread either...
There are many sharing a few of their hubs and those of their friends.. it kind of clogs your feed .. I have unfollowed a couple of hubbers for the same reason..
I believe this is the thread you are looking for:
I also have this issue. Like you I stopped following a Hubber for this reason. It is a problem and annoyance to have the entire front page of the feed filled with shares. The person I unfollowed shared over a dozen of their own Hubs. Sharing one Hub occasionally is fine, but people flood the feed.
A few months ago I stopped following someone because they would share about twenty five of their hubs each day.
Now I see hubbers sharing every hubs they read, I know this based on the amount and the time in between. It's gone to the point where it's like a disease where other people are catching it.
I may be able to tolerate one but there are many.
Sharing one or two hubs per day is fine but so many is really p**sing me off.
I think a lot of the SHARING was really set off by a well-meaning hubber. He wrote a hub on sharing, emphasized capitalizing SHARING in the comments, and that it would boost traffic. He also explained that only really good hubs should be shared. So, yes, I admittedly share a couple hubs (lordy, NOT every one I read and ONLY the good ones, I hope) when I think other people might benefit from the content matter. But, there's a point when it's too much. It's getting hard to find hubs that were written by other hubbers I follow because there are so many hubs being shared. Perhaps a hub about "hubbing etiquette" is in order? The ironic thing is that I bet it would be shared like crazy. I try to be really judicious about the things I share, but after seeing this thread, I will be even more so.
Oh and regarding sharing your own hubs...I've only done it once and I felt guilty for it. Haven't done it again. I don't think sharing your own hubs is such a good practice.
Why on earth would we share our own hubs with our followers? We will either show up on their feed or they will be notified that we've written a new hub. Sharing with our followers is entirely redundant.
Ah. I confess to doing this. Revamping an old page, making it extra nice and good to read, and figuring that most of my early followers have been banned or locked up
I share hubs but just once in a while if I think the hubs is really amazing which is quite rare. I recently shared a recipe by Just ask Susan and A very hilarious hub by Mark Ewbie, but that's like one in three weeks or so.
I'll occasionally share a hub I've read, Cardisa. I mean, I'm not sure I understand why someone would share a hub they wrote themselves.
Motown, some people update their hubs with new info or they have an old hub that their new followers haven't read. But I do notice people sharing a hub with scores over 90+ and I think they are trying to drive up the scores.
I have shared my own hub in the past but I stopped when I realized that it wasn't recommended.
I too have occasionally shared a hub of my own that is timely for the season that has been written a long time ago or as Mark said, that I have revised and updated. In a long period of time you get new followers that have not read that hub or that people may want ideas for a holiday, etc. I have also shared some great hubs on occasion.
I personally see nothing wrong with an occasional share. However I do agree that there are some that are abusing this "share" button. I also have seen about 25 shares in a row from some hubbers.
Cara, that is what is bugging, sharing once in a while is fine, sharing new hubs is also fine.. but sharing your ten hubs and another ten of your friends and clogging the feed is what troubles people here... I have had to unfollow two hubbers just for that..
Occasional shares are fine, but repeated sharing of the same thing or just any random hubs does make it look messy
The same thing bugs me. As I mentioned if one of my hubbers were doing it I probably could tolerate it but now it's about five of them. When I go to my feed the first thing I see is a shared hub, then another, then another........
Yup that's the issue and thanks for bringing it up here
If you choose to follow a Hubber then you should be prepared to at least read the title of their new hubs
Through the feed? The hubs are already shared in newsletters when first published.
I have only read two HP newsletters the whole time I have been on HP. The feed is the only place I would ever discover newly published hubs.
The options in the right "edit" sidebar of the feed are quite complex. Take a look at your options and you can create a much cleaner feed.
People share what they choose to with their followers, since you "follow" them rather then "they" making you follow, any conversation about how they choose to use the features available to them seems a bit out of place.
If you don't like a users interactions, unfollow. Problem solved or:
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maybe, you are right ... perhaps a "shares" option should be up there and one should be able to turn it off rather than be forced to unfollow ?
Maybe,one of the existing filters would edit out shares? Perhaps, Status Updates might also effect "shares"?
But then when a user tries to communicate through the status feed I wouldn't know. I don't want to unfollow these people but I might just have to edit the feed in such a way that I don't see their actions. It would be a sacrifice but I am not seeing the newly published hubs anyway because the shared hubs push them out of the way.
Maybe HP could add a filter for "New Hubs" only. It is not in the filter.
Michael the hubs being shared aren't new. We need a "shared hubs" filter too.
What I am trying to say, add the filter to just show new hubs without everything else. Just as you can have the view for Hubs only, make it where you can select (maybe by a tab at top) to see only the New Hubs just published. (not shared)
So you've also turned off the notification email?
The point most people are making is that if you want to be notified of new Hubs by people you're following, you can choose to do that - by enabling an instant, digest or mobile notification email.
I turned of the instant email because it clogs my emails and it takes time sorting emails since I also use that mailbox for other business. I received dozens of emails each day. That is why I depended on the feed so that I don't have a long list in the daily notifications to sort through either. I like to catch the hubs as they are published.
Yes, when the email from HubPages arrives, informing me they've written a new Hub. If a Hubber then also clogs up my feed by reminding me again, I don't appreciate it.
Before, I used to check out the home tab twice a day. Now I don't bother checking it up. I see the titles of hubs published by the people I follow in the mail I get daily. If the titles seem good I set off to read them. If the follow thing is taken care of I would surely return to the home tab.
I wholeheartedly agree that something should be done about all of this excessive sharing. It seems to be getting really out of hand. It was so bad this weekend that I even wondered if a group of people had decided ahead of time to share each others hubs - you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
What makes me think this is the authors whose hubs were being shared were also doing a lot of sharing. It wasn't a one-for-one share, that might be too obvious, but rather a group of five hubbers or more mixing it up and each sharing quite a few of each others hubs.
I know many people suggest unfollowing these hubbers, but that only solves cleaning up my feed.
Here is the real problem as I see it:
If I publish a new hub I would like it to be visible on all of my followers' feeds. If my followers also follow these same serial-sharers (as many of them do), then I know that my new hub has been squashed under an avalanche of shared hubs on their feeds too. You see, it is not just my feed I am concerned about. That is why unfollowing a serial sharer doesn't address the entire issue.
Let me put it this way:
Let's say I follow hubber "A" who shares excessively. Hubber "A" has 500 followers and I have 400 followers. We have 200 followers in common. I have just published a new hub and notice it is buried on my feed since hubber "A" just shared 5 hubs. I can unfollow hubber "A" and clean up my feed. However, my newly published hub has also been buried on the feeds of the 200 hubbers we have in common. And that's what makes me really annoyed.
I have no idea what a good solution would be, maybe knock a hubber's score by 10 points if they go over a certain number of shares per week or something.
Ktrapp, thank you! I never thought of it that way but you are absolutely right. There is one hubber in my group that has been doing this sharing for a while, it's a part of her MO since she started here and I could tolerate her because she thinks she is doing a good deed. But lately I have noticed some other hubber who have been doing it excessively.
This weekend was terrible, I had to wonder if they all ganged up on me because of this forum...
The new alert on self share could extend to the general share too.
I know cross linking is considered very good but there must be something that can be done.
You receive hubs written by those people you have chosen to follow as a fan. One way to stop receiving some is to stop following a certain hubber by accessing your fan info. Another is to increase your fan base adding more people thus moving some to the bottom.
Dave I don't think following more people will stop my feed from being clogged with people sharing other people's hubs, it might compound the problem. Any way I only follow people I am really interested in reading their work so I wouldn't follow someone to solve a problem.
Some of your threads are good. This is one of them. Good luck!
I'm totally in agreement, Cardisa. I've been noticing it so often, but yesterday, I was ready to pull my hair out.
I have to agree with you! My hair is semi-fine and if I pull them out, I just may go bald! lololo!
Am I the only one who never uses the feed?
The only reason I even see the feed now is because I have created new accounts and jump between them.
Before that, I didn't even know there was a feed!
Now I sometimes read it, because it is there, and it helps me find some great hubs I never knew about, or some updates to forums I'm following.
For some reason most of my HP mail goes straight into the trash folder and I never see it (how do I undo that?)
So, yes I see your concern if you are a dedicated feed follower, but I can't say it bothers me at all.
You have company. I don't use it, don't care about it, and that saves me from ripping out my hair...I just ignore it. I also don't share any Hubs, not my own and not anyone else's, in that feed. The only things I care remotely about on the home page are the Hub of the Day, whether I have comments, and what my profile score is. "Excessive" is a kind word for what's going on in that feed.
I like the feed for newly published hubs instead of getting them sent to my inbox immediately. I receive hundreds of mail everyday from all my contacts and businesses so it's inconvenient to sort though them for the newly published hubs so I use the feed for that. I also use it to follow questions and forum posts. I also like communicating with other hubbers via the status feed, instead of emailing them or starting a forum.
Yeah, I like the feed to for that sort of stuff.
@IizzyM ... I am too sleep now so I lifted this off the FAQ here is how to get your mails
You can go to My Account > Profile > Email Settings to configure your email preferences. Make sure to check 'allow HubPages to contact you' in order to receive regular emails from HubPages, including the Newsletter.
If you’re still not receiving emails, you should safelist, which means you designate us as a trusted sender in your email program or service. That way, our emails will not get stuck in your spam filter or junk mail folder. You can safelist by following these instructions.
Another good way to make sure that the HubPages emails get delivered would be to add the email addresses:,, and into your email account's contacts (just set the name associated with this email address to 'HubPages Editor', 'HubPages Comment, and 'HubPages Email' or similar).
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks for that. I am using Gmail and I have never bothered to learn how to use it properly. My bad!
Sleep well
I also recommend setting up a folder in your email account and filter your mail so your Hubpages stuff goes into that folder. It keeps them from cluttering up your email.
Add me to the list too!
On rare occasions I go through a phase of watching the feed, and I agree that it actually can be helpful sometimes. But as a general rule, I [almost] never see it.
Maybe we are missing out on something, Aficionada!!
I didn't know you could IM a hubber through the feed? What else don't I know about it?
You can ask or answer questions and respond to the forums from the feed, even respond to comments on hubs too. It's quite handy. When you get a new comment (while on the site) you don't have to go back to your inbox to know, there is a little green alert on your avatar telling how many new comments you have.
You can also preview a hub right on the feed, which is nice if you're short on HP time, which I generally am during the week.
im reading and writing this from the feed Mine is pretty clean!
I use the feed to check recent hubs, etc. It's never bothered me what people share except a couple that were sharing 4 or 5 of their own at a time, I simply quit following - even though they were well written hubs.
I have found valuable input on the feed, including comments from status updates. I like that aspect of sharing, and it can be beneficial. I recently scored an interview with someone from a link that a hubber left on one of my status updates.
If I'm in one of my "nothing-else-to-do" modes I'll scan the feed out of laziness (maybe). I'm just as likely, though, to click on "Hubs" across the top of the page (although that seems to get all the high-scoring or new Hubs about making money on HubPages - that type of thing).
Personally, I don't want a feed. I don't like having stuff fed to me, because even if I'm not being lazy, I'd generally rather go looking for what interests me (part of time-killing enjoyment is the looking and running into stuff by accident). I like a clean home page on any site, so I tried to filter out all stuff from my HP home page - only to discover that's not possible, apparently. BUT, ignoring the feed is easy enough to do too.
When I do see stuff in the feed that I'm interested in, I'm generally glad I did (so it's not like I find it objectionable in general). I just don't like stuff on any home-page of mine that I didn't select to be there. (I'm not a control freak. I just don't like "visual overload". At least the visual overload in the feed is minimal here.
Motown - there are A LOT of people who do. I agree with you. And, if you share your own hub, it gives you a warning message that it's not recommended. But, people do it anyways.
I seldom if ever use the feed to share a hub, if I think a hub is excellent, I send it out into the internet - to Digg, Facebook and the like, and I tweet it.
The feed can only be seen by other hubbers, I think.
You are right IzzyM, so it makes no sense doing this excessive sharing. They should promote the hubs to the outside world if they really want the hubbers to make profit from their actions. I think the sharing has been misunderstood and have become a habit.
Sharing only works with followers. Only they can see what you share.
Wow, I thought it was me being cranky or something, but I really hate the whole sharing concept. It seems like shameless self-promotion to share your own hub to me and the incessant sharing by some hubbers gets to be a little too much. Share something really cool by a new and upcoming hubber if you must, but I do use the feed and don't really want to see one hubber's stuff covering the whole feed, because it's been "shared."
You have people on HubPages who regularly abuse that SHARE button. I use the feed, and I like reading the work of new Hubbers because I like to watch their growth. I've shared my work a few times, but less than 5 times last year. When I observe someone who is constantly sharing their buddies' work, I make like Facebook and remove them and their buddies. There is such a thing as sharing writing that you truly admire, but if you are promoting crap because of some popularity contest within a clique, I ain't buying. The same people do this day after day after day. I'll read a Hub of the Day, and someone is already sharing it at the same time. Now, that's OVERKILL.
It seems to me that the point of this interactive platform that we call the WWW or the Internet is about the hyperlink and the sharing of live streaming feeds. It is everyones right to do as they will. I keep all my Facebook Twitter and other network feeds open, I get more inspiration and mutual shared information that is useful this way. But please get upset over the freedom to do this, as is your absolute right. It just seems a bit silly deep down, way down, where it tickles. Let freedom of information be. Keep on Hubbing Blake4d
The technology is in place to share, and so there is no point in criticizing people for using it. This said, it would still be convenient to be able to opt out of this sharing without un-following the person.
Agreed, but that would be a lot of unshareable information. Now wouldn't it. Keep on Hubbing. Blake4d
I don't share much of anything, but there was a time awhile back when (after not even realizing what was at the other end of the "share" button, and eventually realizing it), I thought we were supposed to share our own Hubs once we finished them. I later learned otherwise (once I also learned that the Hubs are automatically shared). And here I was, thinking I was only sharing a small percentage of my Hubs and trying not to bombard any followers with everything I wrote.
The point is, in fairness to a lot of people who do a lot of things (whether it's sharing others' Hubs, their own Hubs, or anything else), lots of times people just don't really know what they should and shouldn't be doing; so they do stuff they really shouldn't be. Should everyone be making sure they always read up on anything new that shows up in "help" on here, or in "announcements" on the forums? Sure, but we've all seen stuff show up (or disappear) and not really know when some change was made. (I still don't know whatever happened to Blogger on the "share thing" - and whether I've been doing anything I shouldn't have been doing. )
It is just as likely that you are benefiting from the overflow. It is a numbers game as writers. It is that way on any of the major sites like Examiner or Yahoo. It just is more artisticly inclined on Hubpages. If you eliminate the share feature and stop people from doing their thing, then everyone loses. I think you all are making valid points, but this is the Internet, it is that way by the nature of volume observers. It would be more of a problem if noone was seeing your post on the feed at all. In my opinion. If I want to share your work, why shouldn't I? I use the feeds on Reddit, stumbleupon, Facebook, Twitter, friendfinder, Myspace, and a hundred other social networks doing much more crunching than you are describing. By sending a dozen posts it brings in thousands of outside and inside interested viewers that cause hits and read your work, my work, everyone's. The point is not invalid, just against the goal of writing on a place like HubPages. Keep on Hubbing. Blake4d
Blake, I think most Hubbers understand the principles of self-promotion. However, the point is that the HubPages community has always been a place where we can to support and interact with each other, not a place to cynically use each other to improve our earnings.
Spam off-HubPages feeds all you like, but the HP feed is a place for us to be genuine. I'll be sorry to see it degenerate into self-promotion.
I absolutely agree. I remember a forum a couple months ago about sharing ones own hubs and it was clear from that forum that many people didn't realize that newly published hubs automatically appeared on their followers feeds and it wasn't necessary to use the share button as they thought.
When that type of thing happens I personally am not bothered at all. I know which of the people I follow have been around for awhile and which are new.
I get the feeling that the excessive sharers that were all over Cardisa's feed this weekend and possibly prompted her to start this forum, may be the same group that appeared on my feed. These are not new hubbers by any means and the sharing of each others hubs seemed very deliberate, like a sharing-blitz.
Well I am not sure that is something that is actually frowned upon. Sometimes when in Rome you must do as the Robots.
I was pretty "old" on here when I all of a sudden noticed that share button and thought I ought to use it, but I can understand Cardisa's points too; because I've been on the receiving end of those sharing blitzes too. :loL; (Not so much on the HP feed, but elsewhere, or in e.mails before I shut off those notifications too.) It doesn't take too many "blitzers" to create a real overload problem.
This hub may also be promoting the sharing of others' hubs frequently: … er-Writers
My hint; I use:
My Accounts/ Following/ Hubbers You Follow/ Recent Hubs
to keep up-to-date with everyone I follow (I find that the most convenient and best method)
My email gets clogged so now I even get forum threads...ugh, so I have unfollowed those features, but many of them start automatically unless you remember to untick them when you comment! I remember where I comment so I can find them again!!
I think excessive sharing is detrimental to the feed. I agree with everyone that good judgement is needed when sharing. Sharing is a wonderful and productive feature but common sense sometimes goes out the door here :-)
This was what I was going to suggest, too. It would seem to me that if the people who dislike excessive sharing would simply stop following those excessive sharers, then the sharers might start to rethink that practice - unless, of course, only a few people actually dislike it.
I also think Lisa HW has a great point. Sometimes people don't realize that they are doing something against TOS or even just against simple etiquette, until it is pointed out to them. Maybe they perceive themselves in some way as being an exception to the rule, or they may simply not remember a specific rule or guideline from the TOS, etc.
And so I wonder whether anyone who dislikes the excessive sharing has ever messaged an offender to say, tactfully, "I really wish you wouldn't share Hubs so often" (and then link to this forum thread, or others)?
Let's just say I don't like "re-runs" when it comes to the writing. If the piece was crap the first time around, it's not going to magically change to a good read when it is shared several times. The "Block all Stories by ______" works for me. If you go as far as to abuse that SHARE button as a pattern, you no longer have my attention. This extends to the others in your group who turn around and share your articles. I've noticed this behavior since I've been here, but my feed is the way I want it. I do not feel obligated to read Hubs because someone has to share it, and it appears on my feed. Some of these articles to be shared go back to two years! Yeah, that's really fresh material.
Interesting discussion... Has anyone checked the feed recently? I'm at the point of hitting the unfollow button. It's beyond ridiculous.
by Rajan Singh Jolly 12 years ago
How many hubs should one share at the most for it not to appear as spamming to one's followers?Do you sahare hubs everyday? How many hubs do you share on a daily basis?
by Raymond D Choiniere 14 years ago
Hey Hubpages Staff,I've been a member for 15 months now and have been told countless times that "Share with Followers" is NOT to be used by the author of a hub.Then why is it that the FEED is loaded with Hubbers promoting their own work?
by Patricia Scott 9 years ago
Do you read hubs that are shared by hubbers who often 'share' their own hubs?Just wondering what your thoughts are often I mean, several times a day or several times a week....
by Giselle Maine 13 years ago
While I understand that hubbers might occasionally want to share some of their own hubs with their followers, it can be frustrating to see multiple 'old' hubs shared by their owner when looking at the 'feed'. I'd like to suggest that HubPages limits the ability to do this to a certain number...
by John Coviello 12 years ago
How Do Hubbers Feel About Other Hubbers Sharing Their Work On Sites That Pay For Clicks?Just wondering because a couple of times when I shared things on RedGage, I got nastygrams from other Hubbers about profiting off their work. I thought it was kind of odd since they were profiting a whole...
by Michael S 12 years ago
I think there should be a daily limit on sharing. Some hubbers go overboard with the button! I find it frustrating having to work through shared hubs just to locate newer content. Sharing is a nice gesture and should continue, especially for worthwhile material. But there should be a limit on it....
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