I have not seen or met any one of them but whenever I see them in movies to any TV serials I find few points common everytime no matter what the movie is or who the director is! Here the common things that I have noticed.
1. They are technologically and scientifically more advanced then us.
2. They always come is a space shuttle that is disc shaped or some shape similar to a disc.
3. They look ugly mainly because they have a big head and narrow limbs.
Now do tell me it is just director's imagination! How come all director think the same way? Any explanation?
They communicate telepathically with us humans which is a pure form of communication, like the sages do.
Have seen this UFO which was hovering around and then took of so fast it was unbelievable.
In the best sci fi movie ever Invasion of the Body Snatchers (and no debate is allowed on this issue) I don't think the aliens were superior. They were after all, oversized pea pods.
On a more serious note: War of the Worlds, the original invading aliens novel, was written to try and make people in the UK imagine how it felt to have a race with superior technology tear their country to pieces. The UK had been tearing other people's countries to pieces for quite a while at the time.
I immediately thought of babies. They fit the description, but they are deffinitely NOT ugly,
Well, maybe some are. Oh, no, not to their parents. Ah well,you know what I mean.
1. They have to be more advanced than us in order to get here to interact with us. If they rode around in buggies they'd never make it to Earth.
2. The disk shaped ship is aerodynamic, making it useful for entering our atmosphere and navigating out world. Doesn't help much in the vacuum of space, though.
3. The alien look is often taken from pictures provided by Whitley Strieber in a supposedly nonfiction book called "Communion".
Communion was a fascinating book and I saw exactly the same type of alien or entity. didn't see a UFO with it though.
Answers 1 and 2 are correct but not the third one... think
They wear space suits. Their craft is already being tried and has been successful since the 70's and even earlier than that. It is called hovercraft. Although it has only been done on a small scale---and I would surmise that they don't let us know everything--it could very well be on a much larger scale. It is aerodynamic indeed.
I have seen a spaceship and I don't live in a trailer or camper.
There are many varieties of aliens out there that the general public doesn't know about and will never be told. Just look it up on the internet. Bard has lots of things on his Greys hub. Go check out the videos he has there.
Well, that's a good question, because I simply can't imagine any alien civilization that has more tech geeks than we do here on Earth.
you're right. Practically all directors think the same in that regard. However, if I ever made a movie about aliens I would do it different. Make them look like angels, or Nephelims for the hell of it.
There are so many version of aliens ad its not the same in all movies.
And why would you do that?? Just to stand out?
If extraterrestrial beings are to visit a distant planet (Earth for example)that is light years away, then they definitely have a highly advanced technology than ours. As far as we know there's no other planet with intelligent life that we have found at the time being. If they find us first, they'll be way more advanced that us.
That's all theory of course.
Bravo! That is good, actually that is the perfect answer. Actually I knew it but was just waiting for opinion. Actually I can explain the other two as well but lets wait and watch fellow Hubbers response
They have to be ugly to further punctuate that they are THEM and we are US and that there can be no confusion between the two. Rarely are the aliens more attractive than us (unless they are Amazons from Mars or something..)We GOOD They BAD ugh uh uh ugh
O please no magic here and don't we humans believe in the same as well?
Could you please explain how does this promotion of yours fit into the current context?
It is appropriate. Aliens only search out people in campers or trailer homes.
No - it is a spammer and you have just dome him a big favor by adding another link back to his site for him.
I think that Aliens do exist & the US Government have done a great Job of covering this up in the past!!
1 Day we will see that their is life on other Planets, but do not think it will be in any of our Lifetimes...
Then why is the government so bad at covering up everything else?
Because the subject of Aliens would cause an International Scare & you would find nothing else in the news apart from this, it would be huge!!
I personally think as of late the US Government has done a poor Job, I think Obama will do a great job though- he finally seems to be sending US in the right direction!!
You mean to say Obama will be able to cover other fact cleverly too
Because we don't even know if they exist. They can be anything we want them to be!
In Alien Nation the craft that brought them to Earth was advanced but the people themselves had been slaves and were not advanced. There were also some pretty hot looking Tankeneese.
Well they created us in test tubes as a little experiment and left us to do our own thing....soon they will be back and gas us all!!
Because they have had thousands and in many cases millions of years more than us to create these technologies and understand the universe.
Many look just like us but that doesn't have the same effect if you are trying to make a scary movie so they use stereotypes as in most films!
That was a good one... primitive aliens.
So those primitive aliens got advanced and are paying us visit from time to time while we are still primitive unable to even understand who they are or where they come from!
while we are still primitive unable to even understand who they are or where they come from
too bad for our ego
I wonder.
If there really are such aliens and they are much more advanced then we are because they somehow figured out how to travel outside of space-time the way we know it, then why would they come here?
What if (hypothetical of course) they aren't aliens from another planet or galaxy or anything of the sort? What if they are humans (devolved through space travel) and have come back to tell us that "technology" is not the answer?
Maybe, if in fact they are here or coming back or whatever, and because they are not and have not done anyone any harm, other than what some say about being abducted (yet still alive to speak of it) then they are really coming to warn us about something?
Wouldn't that be something? Maybe they performed these human autopsies for the purpose of getting back what they lost? Maybe they are afraid of us because they are like us and know about us because they are us and know how we would react to them because they look different?
I know, knowing what I know about us that I would be afraid of us.
Who knows? LOL
Have you read about them inprgnating women and then taking the babies from the mothers becasue they can't? It's called Hybridization.
I think they are afraid of us and if they made us and have watched us grow into what we are today--I would be afraid of us too. Look what we do to any new form that we come across----we don't observe it to learn how it works, we kill it and see what is was like and then we assume what it is and how it is and all that. Kill First, Ask Questions last attitude! Were is that getting us.........in space and on earth with the inhabitants that already life here.
What kind of technology would be bad? Warn us of what? Have you read anything about the connections of what the Bible says and what UFO's are and their gadgets and other things that they describe?
Sandy, something for you to explore--with and open mind.
I forgot the best one!
Lots of information here!
Like this web site says I wouldn't doubt that UFOs are secret man made weapons of mass destruction.
Human Ear Inspires Universal Radio Antenna
Eric Bland, Discovery News
http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?s … amp;ref=nf
The EM Ear | Discovery News Video June 8, 2009 -- TV, radio, GPS, cell phones, wireless Internet, and other electronics all use different radio waves to receive and send information. Now scientists at MIT have created a tiny antenna capable of receiving any radio signal, based on the human ear.
As to why they look ugly - how could it be any other way? We are programmed to like our own kind best, and as has been demonstrated many times, the most attractive human faces are the ones with no extremes (nothing too big, small, squint, etc). Why do you think we invented god in our image? Because we are incapable of imagining anything more attractive than ourselves.
Well yes this too could be a way to think. It could we are ugly while they are beautiful.
That remnds me of one Twilight Zone show where they are unwrapping a face of a woman and all they talk about is how ungly she is and how she will cope with her ugliness and she was trying to get out of the hospital. She found a man who looked much like her and he was also chastised becasue of his ugliness.................only the doctors who where the "pretty ones" looked much like PIGS. I take that in two ways. One is that they are so critcal of other's looks they fail to see their own. Two they are pigs in tha fact that they think that they are the only ones that have the right to look lke they do and nothing else compares to it. Something similar to people today. I like the Twilight Zone becasue it brings out the ugliness of our planet and its people's and so forth.
The people are losing their moral while becoming modern. The society needs to be attentive that moral values. Well things needs to be modernized but keeping intact with moral values.
<snipped - no links or signatures please>
What does that have to do with alien technology? Did I miss somethng there or here or elsewhere?
No you have not missed anything, it is just that Brad Piit (bradpiit) is trying to recite his upcoming film dialog but just posted it to wrong thread.
It is because any alien civilization capable of interplanetary travel would have to be more advance than us since we cannot accomplish a similar feat. They would appear unattractive to us because we are programmed to recognize human features as attractive. The reason they would appear different is because their planet is likely different than ours and this would mean that they would have evolved differently.
lolol....who says aliens are more advanced...i mean based on the vastness of the universe, there is a probability of life....and based on that there is a bigger possibility that there are dumber, less sophisticated lifeforms as well as the smart ones....like alien animals for instance....idk..
Agreed, but the one visiting us cannot be dumb!
It is also possible that we humans became so advanced (may be spritually just like Harry Potter's world) that we travelled to distant planets and established colonies there, at some point in time in history.
And then human race retrograded due to any reason (wars, comets striking the Earth, famine, very harsh cold weather) while our cousins flourished on other planets and became advanced.
We on the other hand started anew and now we began to observe the extraterrestial life (our distant fellow human beings).
Those "aliens" might have made contact with our governments. May be their existence is kept secret.
Who knows!
Those "aliens" might have made contact with our governments. May be their existence is kept secret.
This is something an American scientists claimed ,he said humanity is not ready for such a shock that there are entities with much higher intelligence than us so it has beep kept a secret for a long time.Also recently most UFO sighting have happened near nuclear installations and that the aliens are worried about the direction we humans are taking.
He also claims to have come across Asho Farohar the Parsee guardian angel with eagle like wings and says he is one of the inter galactic masters of the light and the eagle like vehicle is his mode of transport.
Humanity is not ready...??? Sounds crazy to me. Are we still in stone age that something if unexplained happens then there will be chaos around?? I do not think like and moreover this concept of aliens is not alien to us and if the fact is disclosed(if the government has any such info at all) then it will be taken as a good symbol instead of as a shock!
So irony except for us all are worried about the direction we are heading to. If only we could understand!
Looks like he has been reading and watching too much of Harry Potter type stuffs
Meaning Humanity is not ready to accept that there is a more higher intelligence, our ego is too big and we like to think we are the most intelligent in this cosmos. Imagine being told that we are being monitored by extra terrestrial beings for a very long time- scary.
As far as Asho Farohar this universe is just too mystical and magical so really god alone knows.
To be fair, what evidence is there that we are not?
I have come across entities which shook me up.
I also believe this cosmos is fully alive and not dead at all.
"This endless expanse in front of us all,
Is as alive as the closet insect to crawl."
There are different dimensions.
I have come across aspects of myself that shook me up!
I asked what evidence. If it is a matter of faith for you that is another thing.
Well there are photographic evidences.Its not blind faith for me its experience and I couldn't photograph these entities.One simply paralyzed me and I could not move and all communicated with me telepathically.
Ego??? I do not think these kinds of things should become an excuse to stop exploring things. I feel this is completely an abstract idea and a lame excuse. If it be so then why is governments around the world spending billions for searching life and other beings like us on other planets. This is no secrete, it is known to all. If we were really so sensitive to ego then either we should not have spent time and money running behind it or this fact should have been kept hidden.
No one is monitoring us. We hardly have concrete evidence about their existence forget about them monitoring us!
] No one is monitoring us. We hardly have concrete evidence about their existence forget about them monitoring us!
Exactly what we like to believe,
I know there are higher intelligence entities watching after us or me at least and all the time.This I have been told by one such entity.
UFO and alien encounters and abductions have been happening for a very long time.I suppose like god it is too personal an experience.
But if you are claiming these as physical experiences then wouldn't there be some concrete evidence? If you want to believe it that's one thing, but if you claim it is a mundane experience that has happened many times there ought to be some unambiguous, tangible material evidence.
I have no evidence about my encounters.The same with god.
But are you claiming this as a matter of faith, or as a physical experience?
An experience you claim many others have also had?
Have read about others having an encounter with aliens or other entities.
The funny part was I came across one of these entities in my room and read somewhere that most abductions have taken place from that persons room.
Ok, if you and many others have had this experience in the physical world then how could there not be some evidence of it?
There is but there are those who are called un-believers and don't believe in the things that are right in front of them. There are reports and government thngs and pictures of them all over the net. One just has to look it up.
We are being watched like we watch our own children, not as if we were slaves.
I mean clear, unambiguous evidence that is beyond question. Surely there would be something of the sort by now with all these abductions and whatnot.
Or maybe some people just want to be watched over like a child.
This particular sentence makes me feel I am in religious forum
You want to ask the government about all they keep secret--or do you believe they don't keep anyting secret becaseu you don't have any evidence?
It is very difficult for me to digest it but just because I have not experienced it does not mean that it is not there. It could be but I will not believe it so long I do not experience it myself. I will not discuss on this point as it will divert us from the current context.
Assuming that you have some contacts with those "higher intelligence entities" but what is the explanation to the fact (according to you) that they are watching us? Is it like we are slaves? And how exactly they keep an eye? Why are they doing it?
If I were t believe that you have been contacted by those guys and they have even spoken to you then why not get the answers to some very important questions from them, the questions that scientist all over the world are struggling to get the answer to?
Note: I mean no sarcasm!
They give respect and I do communicate with god all the time and get many answers which science has not been able to get, I am a poet -remember.I know the source of life .
I was alone in my house, my room and was lying in the Shivasana (meditating) position and was asking god why he is still keeping me here, why doesn't he take me? What does he want from me?
This is when the entity appeared behind me, I was paralyzed except for my eyes and it told me" have patience we are looking after you."
I know you mean no harm and you are not being sarcastic otherwise I wouldn't have answered you.
Have you considered the possibility that this experience was imagined rather than physically real?
Is God imagined becasue no one to this date has seen him or even knows what IT looks like?
I asked several times if we were talking about a matter of faith or a claim of tangible, physical presence.
Excuse the phrase, but there is a question that has gone around for a long time and would like to pose it to you about tangeable proof...........
Does a Bear Poop in the woods and another one......
If a tree fell in the woods some many, many miles away, would you have proof that it did?
Yes I believe it is just imagination out of the teaching that we are subjected to since our birth
Yes, asked myself what the hell was all that about many times but It was real and I didn't imagine it.Cannot fool myself and say it was just my imagination.
And you say this has happened to others as well?
Yes, read about it. Read the book "Communion" .
Ok, so this has happened a number of times - in the physical world - and yet there is no concrete evidence?
Yes and no,there are rumours about how the American Government has kept a crashed UFO with them and based on this technology the Stealth fighters were invented.
Then you have Dr.LobSang Rampa medicine man from Tibet who talks about certain aliens in one of his books.Its in a cave which is known by very few.He has been there and also claims that injections were discovered with these aliens and that's why humans made injections.
Yes his real name was Cyril Hoskin, a Plympton man.
Can you expand on this please.Okay googled it up and this is quite crazy.
Sure Mohitmisra!
Tuesday Lobsang Rampa was a writer who claimed to have been a Lama in Tibet before spending the second part of his life in the body of a British man. Cyril Henry Hoskin (8 April 1910 – 25 January 1981) described himself as the "host" of Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. The name Tuesday relates to a claim in The Third Eye that Tibetans are named after the day of the week on which they were born.From wikepedia, there is a lot more information there. He claimed until he died that he was Lobsang Rampa.
Juts googled it and read how he says a Tibetan spirit took over- ha this world is just too crazy.
Yes it is pretty crazy. The crazy are very interesting though. In one of Carl Jung's books he indicates through empirical evidence that strange events can take place around the very deluded.He tried to explain it in part as "bits of consciousness breaking off"
Me too! I think the world is way weirder than most people think it is.
"Everything around is so strange,
The human is certainly deranged.")
Yeah ok, but none of that is 'evidence' right? This happens over and over and over and there's nothing?
Ok, so I guess you understand that it is unreasonable to expect your 'experiences' to be accepted as fact?
Yeah, that's not how 'fact' works. If you want to believe in such things - as I've tried to allow for many times now - that's one thing, but if you are claiming real, tanigble, physical events then I'm afraid you are not meeting a reasonable criteria.
lol - you really are a horrible little troll tk. Just a few statements ago - you were arguing that god exists because he spoke to some people a couple thousand years ago and this is good enough proof for you lol
If you are going to deride people's unprovable beliefs, it is a good idea not to have any of your own.
What happened to respecting what others believe?
Are you gonna start with the personal attacks again?
No I wasn't. You need to learn to read more carefully, please.
I haven't "derided" anyone's beliefs nor have I offered any of my own. You may be bound and determined to make every thread a personal attack on me, but at least pay attention to what you are referring to.
That is the trouble with these forums, troll. Everything is there in black and white.
And which of your claims do you suppose that supports?
And this will be about the last time I warn you to stop with the personal attacks.
Warn me? I am merely pointing out that you are a troll. And a liar also by the looks of it. Belief in UFOs is a superficial indulgence in imagination?
Sounds like derision of some one's beliefs to me.
Ah good, I'm not the only one seeing it then.
Flawed logic, circular arguments and up to his ears in sophistry, that's our tktrollsei
Missed this thread last night - Also pedantic, condescending, and not as smart as he thinks he is.
Are you going to WARN me about making personal attacks, TK.
Many things fall into this bracket.
One is god- no tangible proof as such.
Then is man and death.
"Where he comes from ? Where he goes?
We have no tangible proof that shows."
Then this planet makes no sense at all.
"Day to dawn makes no sense,
What does , we call non sense."
Now I think our discussion has very smoothly shifted from science or science fiction towards spirituality. Now what we are discussing here is whether or not God exist. Personally I do not believe in God at all simply because I have not experienced it yet like you have. I have also written a good Hub on the issue. But having said that I do not believe in God doe not mean I am not open to the idea.
So far current context is concerned my question still stands, if they are there (I mean aliens) and they are watching us then why not solve the problems of the world or come in front?
I don't understand how they work and I was shocked with my experience.This universe is just too mysterious.I believe they are helping or solving in their own way.
God works in a way where he connects everything, too big a planning for the human to be able to comprehend in totality.
I think we have completely diverted from the topic here. We are not into the discussion about the existence of God. What you speak clearly gives an impression that you are talking spirituality. That is completely different.
Okay I believe the alien worked for god like and angel or something.All I know was it as protecting me and gave me respect.
This topic belongs in "science fiction" or "fantasy" forums, Which,unfortunately we do not have. Perhaps it should be added.
I suppose SETI will set us all straight e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y.
Well SEEing God should also be put in Science Fiction as well---unless YOU have persoanly seen him. There are lots of UFO encounters and I posted many sites on Bard Of Ely's hub about the Greys.
It's funny how all this plays out in our lives doncha think? Think about it--those who have claimed they have seen UFO's and Aliens are treated the same way as those who claim they don't believe in God.
DJ, you bring religion in here so you better be able to see other things beyond your nose.
I thought you were a believer? You claim to be. Why would you then say that God belongs in science fiction?
As for my nose, I can't see it. I need a mirror for that.
I must have a big nose - I can see mine. Makes me a little cross eyed, but still.......
Did I really say that I wasn't or did you interject that into my words?
Does he belong in SciFi, just as UFO's and Aliens and their technology?
Simple friend..... because they have taken birth before us, the humans..
I guess it is because they could be way older than us.
Not all aliens are ugly. Beauty is subjective. Like that Twilight Zone episode where the girl wakes up from surgery and she's gorgeous but everyone thinks she's ugly... because in that world everyone has pig faces.
Isn't Superman an alien? He's hott
God is an alien of an alien race and he operates alien spacecraft. Taken up into heaven without dying---hmmm taken up into Alien spacecraft. DJ, he is still a God --no?
If there were aliens out there, why would they be interested in dumb humans, if they found us. But then if they havent found us then they are dumber than humans. So at the moment aliens and humans are both dumb because they havent found each other
Have you ever heard that mother's have eyes on the back of their heads? You don't know that she is lookng at what you are doing. Same thing goes with Aliens who watch our every move.
Looks like you are in lines with Mohitmisra who says that they are watching us. Watching us for what? Or are you, like him trying to coincide the concept of God and aliens together?
Ok if you find it you intelligent then let me counter it.
First why would aliens be interested in dumb humans, simple they want to know how dumb we are. It is same as human exploring and studying some of the dumb creatures on Earth. Dumb they maybe but they still have lot of things in them that we can learn from. It will be the same in the case of aliens showing interest in humans.
If they haven't found us then they are more dumb then humans. Just because they did not find us does not prove the point that they are dumb. Just because humans 500 years ago could not fly does not mean humans of that time were fools or if humans now could not do many things like time travel or any such thing, does not prove the point again that we are dumb now!
@ packerpack....... Aliens and UFOs are ancient knowledge we in modern times have just changed the names of case at hand Aliens were called SATAN THE DEVIL , deceiver of the world, we just made it a mystery by calling them Aliens, so how DUMB are people realy, take a look at...http://hubpages.com/hub/Aliens-and-UFO-myths
Seriously though. the question was answered like I'd respond on the 1st page. Moreover, human nature is to kill or destroy things unknown as they are perceived to be a threat.
Well, not all human beings or countries will be violent at 1st thought.
One thing is interesting though is that an overwhelming number of scientists at NASA and JPL firmly believe in extra-terrestrials. maybe they have evidence perhaps per my relative who worked there. military pilots, comm'l airliner pilots, etc.
whatever huh.
You speak so concrete things about their existence but unable to give proper explanatory answer. This is what we want to know "what did you see? Who they are?". Your answers are like one who has already believed that they are, like the one who is speaking out of faith!
While sailing I have seen UFOS.Once I saw this bright patch of white light a couple of hundred meters in circumference and the ship passed over it.Have seen glowing fish or luminescence fish many times and this was something different.
I don't have the answers, its something I still cannot comprehend properly till date.What I saw in my room did look like the typical alien such as in the Communion.
Where were you sailing?? there are places where such things are common and could be seen consistently. It is the result of pollution and Earth's magnetic fields that creates that kind of effect.
There are fish that glows. It is not an alien concept and they are not alien fish!
Cannot remember where this happened, have sailed all over the world.Like I said this was not fish that was glowing ,it was something I cannot explain.
Then I have also seen a UFO on the Mumbai -Pune highway.I looked up which is something I do very often and I saw this disc like shape just hovering in one place and then it took of at an incredible speed .
Ok fine I agree but how does it prove that they are watching us as posted by you before and also by Guinevere ?
This entity told me we are looking after you-have patience.
Then I believe this UFO was observing me.
Chalo theek hai! I agree again (just for the sake of carrying this discussion forward). Now let us get back to the topic again, can you get the answers to my OP? I know asking such questions would be silly as there could be many important questions that could be asked. But could you get the answers?
No answers just that there is life forms apart from us in this universe.
I think it is the military mind set or brainwashing that sets the stage as to how we are fostered to react to such unknowns. If you do research into the the UFO reports, sightings and briefings you will find that those who spoke up in the early years (40's and all the way up ito the 70's) that this phenomenon crept into mainstream society most of those are now dead of suspicious causes. No one here has asked why they were murdered or have even tried to investigate that. Oh it it very apparent as too why. Anyone here know about the Freedom Of Information Act? Denial is the first action taken when you experience something that is beyond your realm of thought or sight or even beliefs.
So in that case mohitmisra is in danger! Be careful buddy!
more trouble or danger lies in claiming enlightenment.Not scared of the aliens or any entity as I believe they work for god and are only good for me
They are my extension after all.
Without the means of transportation of phone or internet, would you still know? Or even if there were trees or woods?
I often wonder why people are nmade out to be liars if they cannot prove the existence of what they know to be true---similar to believers and un-believers. This world we create is so vast and so much more than we can realize it amazes me that everyone has to believe the other person's views as their own and yet when something different happens they refute it as imaginary. How do you know that it is or isn't. How do we know about the wind? We can feel it becaue our nerve endings are sensitive to it, but those whose aren't--well it is only specuation to them. Does that mean the wind doesn't exist just becasue the other can't feel it?
I too have seen a UFO Spaceship and I wasn't drunk, or on drugs. I was with someone and he was taking me home. It was dark and we were on the outside of the mountain that is shaped like a horse shoe. In the horse shoe I saw many different colored light in a row. Now there re lights in the valley and these lights were not that low. I checked with the dashboard lights and they weren't in the right position nor the right colors as what I was seeing. Yes there is some sort of paralysis with this as I experienced it. I did not see any beings, nor did I want to. Now I didn't tell anyone about this for fear of being called a liar or need proof. We live near an Air National Guard facility if that helps any. It is said that these flying ssucers fly near air facilites. Now you want to call me crazy or that I am lying or seeing imagineable things, go right ahead. I know what I saw and no one is going to be able to tell me differently.
If someone says that they believe in something as a matter of faith then by definition it is not dependent upon physical evidence. If someone claims that something physical exists in the physical realm then it is not unreasonable to expect evidence.
God is said to exost by the Bible--but show me God and that is not by Faith and God walked with Adam and he did so with Abraham and also several others.
You keep saying that there isn't evidence but you fail to look or see the evidence before you. Just take a look at Bard Of Ely's many hubs about it and picutres, videos and he also has governmental accounts of these beings too. You can bring a horse to water but you can't make hi,m drink..........I don't know.I didn't beleive in UFO's either until I saw one!! Go figure that one out.
No, God spoke to them, communicated in some way, and made himself known but did not sit down and shake their hand.
My theory on why so many people are so eager - downright defensive - about UFOs and such is that modern secular society has imposed a taboo on openly expressing faith of a religious nature. But faith is human nature. When that natural inclination is choked off by social pressure it may find another outlet elsewhere. In some cases, when secular society has made their family's faith tradition too 'uncool' people will seek out other 'trendy' venues, like 'Wiccan' or 'pretend Buddhist' or 'I'm just spiritual.' People who can't even manage that much start seeing UFOs or Bigfoot or La Chupawhatever. This turns the deepest, most universal and significant part of human consciousness into a superficial indulgence in imagination.
Um, it didn't occur to you that being near an air facility might have something to do with you seeing something in the air you were not familiar with?
I remember a lot of 'UFO' sightings for years about impossibly silent black triangles flying in formation near air bases before the stealth bomber became publicly known. I remember one 'irrefutable UFO video' of a string of lights just floating in the sky. Turns out it was just a commercial airplane that was miles away flying directly toward the camera.
As for "paralysis," people are often paralyzed by fear, or imagination or whathaveyou.
Umm this wasn't a triangle and I wasn't afraid. Be sceptical all you want and not see the evidence, but I still saw what I saw. Most of the people who have accounted what they saw didn't believe in these either. How come there are reports of whole towns seeing the same thing and with pictures. Of course you don't believe a whole town now do you??? I also know what they flew and do fly now becasue I worked at the lunchroom they all went to right outside the gates of the air station.
Good job missing my point entirely.
What evidence? Pictures of blurry blobs of light? Unsupported claims? With all these supposed visitations and abductions and whatnot there would just have to be at least ONE piece of hard evidence that the whole world could hold in their hands and study and such, but no.
"Whole towns" saw stealth fighters and freaked out for years. Whole towns say so is not evidence.
If aliens missed out on the "lizard brain" they will be light years ahead, no fight or flight, no neurosis!Maybe they are using a galvanic probe in their head to ensure their sanity otherwise.
Since we are simply animated dirt, with a matter intake orifice to sustain life, and an outlet orifice to remove the depleted energy producing substances, it would follow that nature would remain consistent in this well established, long proven, method of existence...if it works, leave it alone...I would think creatures from another planet would probably evolve pretty much the same....Life will always out...
A very simple question, "Why is it that all aliens has to go to USA?" Because who soever has spoken about government keeping facts about secret always refer to US gov.
http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/the_ … _files.htm
When you get passed the ads, there are lots of stories there to read and video's too. He does have a UFO section on there somewhere. He changed the look of the site. http://www.rense.com/ Yes, Here it is: http://www.rense.com/Datapages/ufodat1.htm
The one over the river is very unconvincing as the
"wobbles " give it away as a model.
An article about Military coverups--not exactly ET but it explains that there are coverups for those who don't believe:
http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?s … amp;ref=nf
I have a hard time believing that we are the only humans or perhaps creatures in the entire universe. Maybe we will never know. As far as government cover-ups of Aliens, why bother?
There is a place of Alien worship called The transition in Landers, California. The main building is circular and looks like a 1950's movie version of a space ship. Some guy believed he was abducted and told to be prepared for the coming. That was 70 odd years ago, he is now died, but there is still this huge following out there in the desert. They even have sleepovers and man the watch tower at night.
Oh, I forgot to mention the town is said to be a big meth producing center....
It is weird. There are so many para-normal events here on this little planet, I wonder if the consciousness of aliens would be developed in a particular direction away from our view of life, and in keeping with their own on some strange planet.
We are catching up on alien technology. A very knowledgeable hubber has just published an exciting hub on Neutron Science.
This hubber has been posting pictures of UFO sightings around the world. Go see them all and where they are:
by aslanlight 13 years ago
Do aliens stay away because we're violent?Well if I was from a peaceful race and watched earth with all its wars it wouldn't be my favourite holiday destination! What do you think?
by bBerean 12 years ago
I find the SETI program intriguing. For over 50 years they have employed many approaches to Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. What creative methods would you employ? What would you consider conclusive proof or at very least, compelling evidence, of extraterrestrial...
by ptosis 12 years ago
Do you think that the world will become more technologically advanced 300 years from now?Do you see the year 2312 as more advanced sci-fi, sleek, techno-socio civilization or a complete collapse of organized society with a post apocalyptic contraction of population and a return to a...
by Tim Mitchell 11 months ago
"The Pentagon says it found no evidence of extraterrestrial spacecraft, in a new report reviewing nearly eight decades of UFO sightings.The 63-page, unclassified document published on Friday is the most comprehensive report the Pentagon has produced on the topic, and yet another instance in...
by Tim Mitchell 2 years ago
When I was eight years old living on Nebo U.S. Marine base near Barstow, California in the middle of the Mojave Desert I had my first encounter with a UFO. It was in the morning while hunting for lizards. I truly don’t know what I observed high in the sky in the near distance. It did not have a...
by kerryg 12 years ago
If we discovered proof of life on other planets, would it affect your religious views? Would it affect your beliefs differently if the extraterrestrial life was bacteria vs an advanced civilization? Christians, would sentient aliens go to Hell because they don't believe Jesus is their personal...
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