Robin Williams Dead

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  1. 2besure profile image80
    2besureposted 9 years ago

    Have you hear the terrible news that Robin Williams is dead of a suspected suicide?  Devastating, I have loved him since Mork and Mindy!

    1. cfin profile image64
      cfinposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not much of a crier but this really brought a tear to my eye. The first celebrity death in a long time that I never thought I would see. Let us reach out to those we know who are depressed. Not to speak down to them, but just a smile, to tell them they are wonderful in a normal way, or to just make their day. This man left behind a legacy of art, but he left it behind to early.

      1. Sed-me profile image78
        Sed-meposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      2. 2besure profile image80
        2besureposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I have suffered from depression.  It is so crippling and do isolating.  With access to a lot of resources, I haven't tried to commit suicide since I was in my twenties.

      3. 2besure profile image80
        2besureposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, he left an amazing legacy!  Our Robbin was no flash in the pan!

      4. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
        Patty Inglish, MSposted 9 years agoin reply to this


    2. Jackie Lynnley profile image86
      Jackie Lynnleyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes; it is heartbreaking. He just got cancelled on his TV series he tried and I image that had him depressed too. He had so much left in him to give (which is what he lived to do) it is just too bad he could not see it. It is not easy for anyone to age but we all must do it and get through it. I know he was not thinking right; or surely he would not have ended it all this way. He was loved; I hope he knew it.

      1. 2besure profile image80
        2besureposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I remember he had a new show.  I believe, his personality is too big for a weekly series.  Not at this stage of his career. I don't think that venue was right for him.  I'm not saying that is how he felt.  That is my opinion.  I never saw a film of his, I did not like.

    3. kenneth avery profile image79
      kenneth averyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I loved Robin Williams in anything he did. From stand-up to The Crazy Ones, his latest comedy sitcom on CBS.
      I am not going to say goodbye right now, just a rest now, Robin. You have earned it.
      We will all meet him again one day soon.

    4. Wanda Strickfaden profile image60
      Wanda Strickfadenposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      What a great guy too! So many memories on screen. Isn't there people that can just be his friend and check on him or just be there for him?

    5. Crazywriterchik profile image59
      Crazywriterchikposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I just discovered the sad and terrible fact that Robin Williams died. That poor man! He was a staple actor throughout my childhood. I watched a few news clips of his death and began to cry. I had no idea that he was depressed; then again I'm the kind of person that doesn't obsess over famous people because their lives are not what's important in my world.

      Depression is not a fun place to be. It's not an easy place to be, and if a person who suffers from depression even plays with the thought of suicide it will forever be in their mind. That's a rabbit hole that is hard to escape from and easy to slip back into. Unfortunately it seems that Robin slipped so far into it there was no coming back.

      May he rest in peace and may his next life be even better than this one.

      Blessed Be.

      1. Sed-me profile image78
        Sed-meposted 9 years agoin reply to this


    6. Ruby H Rose profile image60
      Ruby H Roseposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it was quite a shock to me.  I too have followed his trail of movies and comedy acts.  He got me laughing when he was doing stand up with Whoopie Goldberg and Billy Crystal. 

      His latest show idea getting cancelled after one season didn't help. Neither did having a heart attack. I will  remember the joys he brought us, knowing that the cost of those successful highs brought on many depressing lows.

      He brought to our attention many issues of our society and laughed with us through them.

      He gave us many cherished memories, and profound thoughts and new ways of expressing ourselves.

      His voice as the genie in Aladdin is one of my favorites.  I knew it was around here somewhere, off now to watch it in loving memory.

    7. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I am deeply shocked.  I was watching one of his standup comedies on youtube and then I ventured to one of my thread to be informed that Robin Williams died.  Mr. Williams was an artist of unsurpassed genius like Jerry Lewis.   These two men are my favorite comedians-they had that rare comic gift.   Mr. Williams will be missed, such a beautiful, gifted men.  I am crying as I type this.

    8. Cgenaea profile image60
      Cgenaeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      My heart is broken...
      He had a mask that fooled everyone. He touched so many lives, and all speak well of him. He is sorely missed.
      Now, his wives may have a different picture. He was ill.

    9. Matthew Meyer profile image71
      Matthew Meyerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I am still super upset about this.
      I went to meditation group on Monday and we sat in remembrance of Robin Williams.
      He had attended a few of the other meditation sessions in the past, but I did not introduce myself and I guess this means I never will.

      As many people have already said, the world is better due to him and his kindness and genius will be missed.

      I wish his family, friends, and him as much peace as I can.

      1. 2besure profile image80
        2besureposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Here! Here!

  2. NanahoChan profile image59
    NanahoChanposted 9 years ago

    I nearly started crying, he was a big part of my childhood sad

  3. janshares profile image90
    jansharesposted 9 years ago

    Yes, 2besure, I've been watching the coverage for a couple hours. It is very sad news. I've loved him, too, since Mork and Mindy. He was a genius comedian and actor. I always looked forward to seeing him on Letterman and Leno. I will miss his talent. I can't think of any performer who will make me laugh out loud like Robin Williams. What a devastating loss.

    1. 2besure profile image80
      2besureposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      He would make me laugh till I cried!  He was amazing.

  4. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 9 years ago

    I was also shocked.

  5. Availiasvision profile image78
    Availiasvisionposted 9 years ago

    It's hit me in a strange and personal way as well.  Mrs. Doubtfire helped me get through two parental divorces and Good Will Hunting has been a huge inspiration in my life. 

    How many more celebrities need to die before we as a society say "enough" with the fame machine.  I am convinced that almost no one can handle the stresses of fame and power. 

    It seems like bucket loads of celebrities feel that they have no control over their lives.  Look at how many get drunk, crash their car, and end up in rehab.  Yes, part of it is brought on by themselves, but all of the paparazzi don't help.  Those poor souls can't even go to the grocery store without getting stalked.  It's a very sad way to live.  Most people think that they are lucky, but I see it as a curse.

    1. 2besure profile image80
      2besureposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Fame is so stressful.  Everyone wants a piece of you, everyone wants you to be young, everyone wants you to be beautiful, everyone is too quick to write your off!

  6. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 9 years ago

    He had health. He had family and friends. He had money.

    He was a good, kind, decent man that knew he had contributed to the happiness and quality of life of millions of people.

    This just so doesn't make sense to me that I am beyond confused.

    1. Sed-me profile image78
      Sed-meposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Apparently he struggled with depression for years and had struggled with alcoholism. He stopped drinking for 20 years, but fell off the wagon. So sad.

      1. paradigmsearch profile image61
        paradigmsearchposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I hope part of the investigation includes checking into whether any quack or crooked doctors are involved.

    2. cfin profile image64
      cfinposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It's always the hidden pain that hurts the most.

  7. Cynthianne profile image60
    Cynthianneposted 9 years ago

    I heard that earlier this evening. I was horrified! Such a good actor and comedian. My heart goes out to his family and all those that loved him.

  8. faith-hope-love profile image69
    faith-hope-loveposted 9 years ago

    They say that most comedians have problems with depression and have a hard time handling it. In any case of suicide it is usually a feeling of sheer and deep loneliness that brings them to the tragedy of despair and ultimately suicide. Do not try to understand why but how in a so called enlightened society / civilisation this despair was not even a glimmer of recognition in friends and family. When you feel that no one cares for you and that there is not one person who can be said to be looking out for you and actually has concern for your wellbeing, the worst kind of lonely despair. No one reaches out with the hand of hope and love then one feels the need to end it all. We have lost the closeness of society past where neighbour knew neighbour and did care for each other, so much so that we are living in the me first society and only me counts, with no concern or consideration for the other person. We can be very sure of many more suicides that beg understanding. The answer is to leave behind the me and begin in earnest to reach out to others in charity, concern,  Real Love.  I beg all who read this to change from selfishness and stretch out the hand of welcome; the hand of hope and love and help. Be the hands of GOD. Be the Heart of God. Be the Faith of and in Humanity. We will then begin to reduce the incidence of these tragic events. In the meantime pray for Robin Williams and send forgiveness to him. Despair drove him to this moment.  With his death let us begin to change society for the better. Jesus said and I quote ---(Love one another as I have loved YOU.) another Quote is ("They will Know YOU are my disciples by your LOVE").  We can bring about this change. LET US DO IT and START NOW.

    1. kenneth avery profile image79
      kenneth averyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.

  9. profile image0
    swilliamsposted 9 years ago

    He was a funny man. I liked the tile he made up, "Men Who Sleep With Chickens & The Women Who Love Them.." Lol! He will be missed.

  10. travmaj profile image74
    travmajposted 9 years ago

    Almost unbelievable news this morning.  Enjoyed all his work since the Mork and Mindy series. He had so much more to offer. It's difficult to believe, so sad.

  11. Michael Kismet profile image90
    Michael Kismetposted 9 years ago

    OMG, no way!

  12. word55 profile image67
    word55posted 9 years ago

    Sadness, He was a great guy in everything he did. He had the success of a billion dreamers. At least I would think. Maybe you can get so full of life that you've just had enough...

  13. Ashish Deshpande profile image60
    Ashish Deshpandeposted 9 years ago

    i just read that online..terrible and unfortunate. I had loved his movies.. especially the one in which he and julia roberts are there.. wonderful actor...even in Night at the Museum, his role was great...god bless his soul.

  14. Ashish Deshpande profile image60
    Ashish Deshpandeposted 9 years ago

    Definitely a great artist gmwilliams. Loved his work. I think we all shall just pray for his soul and ask god to keep him happy wherever he is since he has given joy to millions across the world.

  15. Amy Naylor profile image79
    Amy Naylorposted 9 years ago

    It just goes to show there is more behind the mask. Even the funniest man on earth struggled and suffered in the worst ways that no man or woman deserves.
    Depression is a serious issue, not to be taken likely. But it can be helped.
    This has hit me more than any celebrity death ever has done. Maybe because it just could have been anyone. I am truly saddened by the death of Robbin Williams and I hope that more awareness can be raised as a result of recent events to help people with depression come to accept it, and not be afraid of speaking. It can be avoided, treated and helped. Please let it be.

    1. Ashish Deshpande profile image60
      Ashish Deshpandeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      u said it amy. Depression is definitely not to be ignored. In fact, I myself am going through crisis at present and am subject to depression. Though I am trying to come out of it through different means..

      1. Amy Naylor profile image79
        Amy Naylorposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I hope you find happiness soon. Just know that there are people out here who care.

        1. Ashish Deshpande profile image60
          Ashish Deshpandeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          yeah..i understand that..thanks amy

  16. firstday profile image60
    firstdayposted 9 years ago

    Amy that was well put.  I agree.

    1. Amy Naylor profile image79
      Amy Naylorposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you.

  17. EricDockett profile image96
    EricDockettposted 9 years ago

    Even years and years ago, when he'd appear on Carson or Letterman or Leno, he always acted like this huge, bombastic personality. It really seemed like something wasn't right, like he was pushing so hard to be over-the-top funny and couldn't just be himself.

    Anyone who ever operated in the public eye in any profession knows how tough it is to be "on" when you aren't feeling it. I can only imagine the pressure of having to be Robin Williams everywhere you go.

    I don't know if that pressure had anything to do with it, but I can see it if it did.

    Anyway, very sad news no matter the reason. I first remember Mork appearing on Happy Days, somewhat of a "bad guy" as hard as that is to believe.

    I really can't imagine there is a single person out there who doesn't love at least one of his movies. How many actors can you say that about?

    1. manatita44 profile image71
      manatita44posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Robin Williams,

      Your style of comedy was dear to me, and your values in some of them was meaningful also.

      No one knows the Will of the Lord, but by His Grace, may you R.I.P. in His abode of Love.

  18. nurse240 profile image59
    nurse240posted 9 years ago

    No one really understands fully what someone else is going through unless they walk in their shoes for awhile. I always believe there is help somewhere when someone feels so hopeless they want to die. What a loss of such a  talented man.

  19. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 9 years ago

    I wish he could have told us what happened to him. I wish he had written about all was going through. He could have taught us so much. He was a teacher, after all.

    1. 2besure profile image80
      2besureposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Kathryn, most of us don't understand how someone can end their life.  If is incomprehensible, unless you have experience crippling depression yourself.  I have, and you just want the pain to stop.  It's not logical, but people who suffer with mental illness, often don't see a brighter tomorrow, they only see their past and present pain.

      1. firstday profile image60
        firstdayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        2besure  thanks for sharing.

    2. Cgenaea profile image60
      Cgenaeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      He probably just wanted someone that he could trust, to listen; instead of asking...
      If money problems were added atop the heap, like someone said, that was probably the straw... too late to speculate, I guess.
      I LOVED Robin Williams so much.

  20. seanorjohn profile image71
    seanorjohnposted 9 years ago

    Such sad news. He will be dearly missed but always remembered. My heart goes out to his family.

    1. firstday profile image60
      firstdayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes…everyone on the internet from all over the world is writing how much they will miss Robin and what a wonderful spirit he will be remembered for being.


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