What's the most beautiful Christmas song(s) you've ever heard?

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  1. m920621m profile image69
    m920621mposted 13 years ago

    What's the most beautiful Christmas song(s) you've ever heard?

  2. Nick Burchett profile image77
    Nick Burchettposted 13 years ago

    "Mary, Did You Know" is most certainly my favorite and tugs at my heart strings every single time I hear it.

    "The Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole runs a close second

    And then of course there is "Silent Night"

  3. Donna Janelle profile image66
    Donna Janelleposted 13 years ago

    "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" is an absolutely beautiful Christmas song.
    I also love "Mary Did You Know" and "O Holy Night"
    There are so many beautiful Christmas songs it is hard to narrow it down!

  4. weholdthesetruths profile image59
    weholdthesetruthsposted 13 years ago

    I'm simply going to second other comments...   Mary, Did You Know?  is right up there at the top, as well as O Holy Night, and Silent Night...   

    Maybe it's a sign of my being over half my allotted years in age, but I am dismayed at the horrible "remakes" of many of the songs by current pop musicians, who apparently have no skill or respect for the music that they think they can "improve" upon with their "flavoring".   Many of the current renditions of classic Christmas songs are abominations to fine music.   Fortunately, most of them are played one season and the album promptly is relegated to the "dust collector" status, though every year, a new crop of awfulness appears to take their place.

  5. profile image0
    TilenHrovaticposted 13 years ago

    John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War is Over). Beautiful and powerful!

  6. lcg4jc profile image73
    lcg4jcposted 13 years ago

    Handel's Messiah "Hallelujah Chorus"
    The whole album is a homage to the first advent of Christ
    Absolutely awe-inspiring, tear jerking and takes my breath away

    Christmas French Carol: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent

    Christmas Worship Song: Mary Did You Know?

    Christmas Carol: Do You Hear What I Hear?

    Christmas Hymn: Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

    Okay I know these are not the usual Christmas songs, but listen to the words and you will know why they are so beautiful

  7. meteoboy profile image70
    meteoboyposted 13 years ago

    I have two songs .........



                                                       Greetings from Greece

  8. Dave Harris profile image70
    Dave Harrisposted 13 years ago

    Silent Night, O Holy Night and Mad World would be my top 3, can't choose between the first two!

  9. giselle2323 profile image60
    giselle2323posted 13 years ago

    "Oh Holy Night" sung by a young girl at a Christmas Eve service I once attended.

  10. dragonlady1967 profile image70
    dragonlady1967posted 13 years ago

    I love them all, modern music wise, I'd have to say "Where Are You Christmas?" by Faith Hill.   However, Josh Groban singing "O Holy Night" gets me everytime too.

  11. Wayne Orvisburg profile image63
    Wayne Orvisburgposted 13 years ago

    I would have to say that "Christmas Eve in Sarajezo" by the TranSiberian Orchestra is one of the most beautiful Christmas "songs" I've ever heard. Ok, its music there are no lyrics, but beautiful electric guitars make up for it.

  12. CMerritt profile image78
    CMerrittposted 13 years ago

    'O holy night' by  Martina Mcbride is one of my all-time favorites....for a hip tune of little drummer boy, I like Bob Segers.
    Bing Crosby singing White Christmas is also hard to beat.

  13. sarasca profile image72
    sarascaposted 13 years ago

    The Little Drummer Boy (traditional)

    Christmas Eve Sarajevo by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

  14. Aley Martin profile image67
    Aley Martinposted 13 years ago

    War is Over by Lennon. I was in high school when this came out and sick of WAR!

    Also, O Holy Night...

    and more recently: anything by Mannheim Steamroller.

  15. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image76
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    I like traditional acoustic guitar arrangements for "Greensleeves," or "What Child Is This?"  Those tunes are the same song.

  16. profile image57
    foreignpressposted 13 years ago

    "Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire," Mel Torme (1946)

  17. ExpandYourMind profile image69
    ExpandYourMindposted 13 years ago

    Ave Maria -- Celine Dion. Beautiful interpretation and r.endition

  18. cutievert profile image60
    cutievertposted 13 years ago

    All i want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey..

  19. weezy1c profile image61
    weezy1cposted 13 years ago

    Oh Holy Night,Little Drummer Boy,Mary Did You Know,and Do You Hear What I Hear

  20. frogyfish profile image73
    frogyfishposted 12 years ago

    It's late September and Christmas stuff is in the store...and then I ran upon this question.
    Have to ditto the many named beautiful and traditional choices...but would like to add another to the list.
    It is a beautiful original piano/orchestral arrangement of the title song of
    "Christmas By the Fire", by George Skramstad of Crossings Church in Oklahoma City. It is a heart-warming, soul-touching rendition of George's expression of love for his wife Patricia. There are no words!:  Only the stroking fingers of this gentleman upon the notes of music sent with Love to his companion!

  21. Zabbella profile image77
    Zabbellaposted 12 years ago

    "Little Drummer Boy" with David Bowie and Bing Crosby together.

    "Oh holy Night" as only Donny Osmond can sing it.  Others have tried, but Donny nails it!

  22. stariswhoiam profile image60
    stariswhoiamposted 12 years ago

    all i want for christmas is you

  23. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago


    The First Noel.  What a stirring, soulful song.  It brings me to tears. The Merry Christmas Song by King Cole, another beautiful song.

  24. profile image49
    Mills Pposted 6 years ago

    I would put The Christmas Song on the list (especially the original 1946 single) and Someday At Christmas by Stevie Wonder at the top of the beautiful Christmas songs I've heard.


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