What do you think would happen if more people delayed or chose not to have child

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  1. Express10 profile image78
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    What do you think would happen if more people delayed or chose not to have children?

    It is a personal choice to have or not to have children. However, would there be mostly positive results or mostly negative results if say 5% - 15% of the world chose to delay or not have children? What things would change? What things wouldn't?

  2. ZIa Ahmed khan profile image36
    ZIa Ahmed khanposted 12 years ago

    If more people decided to to delay or not to have children then there will be slow down of population grown and in the future we will not have enough working hand to support the economy.  This is what exactly happening in Japan, Italy and many other European Countries.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      In places like the US, this could be a good thing. There is a fairly large number of people here that bring new life into the world without the financial or emotional resources to be parents, creating a drain on others whether family or government.

  3. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    Delayed? There might be more disorders in the children. If people chose not to have children, then the population rate might start to balence out. But that would take something drastic. We wouldn't be able to pay for all of the elderly depending on the government for medical bills. With people living longer, we would have more debt.

  4. samnashy profile image70
    samnashyposted 12 years ago

    I think that a lot more parents decide to put their careers first and do delay to have children.  In my parent's day many young adults had their children in their early twenties - when the female body is very fertile.
    One of the complications with delaying conception (especially from 35 onwards) is that many women's reproductive hormones drop rapidly and getting pregnant can be quite tricky.
    There are also more complication associated with women over 35 in pregnancy and delivery.
    However, all that said and done - it's great we do have a choice and can bring our children into this world when we feel it is right.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      By delay, I mean that some people have kids without having sufficient resources, no money, no self-sufficiency, etc., then they bring another life into the world. These people often become a burden to their extended families and taxpayers.

  5. taburkett profile image59
    taburkettposted 12 years ago

    Humans are physically designed to perpetuate the species.  When people decide not to have children they break the cycle of life.  This creates a void in perpetuating the future of mankind by placing risk upon the world should a disaster or war eliminate humans.  We already have 22% of the people in the USA claiming to be LGBT so we are already at the point you question.  Based on today's immoral society the decision to delay or not have children would create even more immoral activity.

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, but your figures are incorrect.  Only about 2% of the US population is LGBT.

    2. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Shouldn't the child and all of his needs be put first? Should extremely poor or abusive parents create life when they can ill afford it mentally or financially, creating a burden to those around them or the gov't to pick up their slack?

  6. Beata Stasak profile image76
    Beata Stasakposted 12 years ago

    Nothing, there are so many children in the world and so many of them live without proper care, nutrition or their basic needs met:) We don't need more children, we need more caring people to take care of those in need....we are overpopulated, it is okey for one generation to take break ..... if my children decide not to have children on their own, I will support them in that, it is very selfish to just care about our own genes and continuity of our own blood and name....there is more to life than that...people say once you will be wishing to be 'grandmother', and deep down I know I don't...it is not my decision anyway....

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "We don't need more children, we need more caring people to take care of those in need....we are overpopulated, it is okay for one generation to take break." Good observation.

  7. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years ago

    If more people delayed or chose not to have children, there would be less poverty.  It is very expensive to have and raise children these days and most people simply cannot afford to have them.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, most people cannot afford them and the second issue is that there is a fair percentage that are just not mentally able to parent in a positive manner. As far as finances are concerned, their shortfall is picked up by family and government.

    2. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Totally agree, there would be less poverty.  Children born would be born into the best socioeconomic circumstances.  TT is right most people can't afford to have them.  Children need more than just the rudiments to thrive.

  8. Express10 profile image78
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    By delaying having children, it appears that parents can better build their resources and life experiences to not only have less stress but also better raise their child. If they don't have children, they would have a lot more time to themselves as well as being more likely to be better off financially. I have a  relative who had twins just before turning 20, then she had another. It is a mixed blessing for her being happy with the lives but not happy with the endless lack of money and resulting stress. One father died and the other is simply a deadbeat. As a result she never finished her college degree and is stuck in a J.O.B. (just over broke) that barely covers her expenses with no breathing room. One missed pay period and she's out on the bricks along with her kids unless someone steps in to help. There are never any guarantees however, at the very least it's best to have children only after a couple is committed and has the financial and emotional reserves to allow them to focus on what should be first...the child and all that is required by them.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not saying to delay childbirth until the 40's and 50's. I think that at that point mentally strong/stable people with plenty of financial backing should be looking at adoption or surrogates to avoid health issues and difficult pregnancies.

  9. JLBender profile image68
    JLBenderposted 12 years ago

    This is such an interesting topic and I have enjoyed reading all of the comments. I don't agree that the US could use some slowing down in population growth. There are parts of the country that are failing miserably to keep up with industry trends and follow the new age of jobs, such as the Detroit and Clevelands of the world and some of the smaller cities in the South.

    I am currently living in Pittsburgh, Pa. and the local county council is predicting a major shortfall in workforce due to the growth of manufacturing jobs and the drilling in the Marcellus Shale. We need all the natural gas experts we can get. I am sure if you were an oil driller in Texas, you have probably worked up here in Pittsburgh within the past year.

    On the other hand, I am a believer in holding off until you are financially and emotionally ready to have children. That age differs from person to person.

  10. miss1magination profile image67
    miss1maginationposted 12 years ago

    Having children later in life has many disavantages- not being able to experience to being a grandparent, difficulties in child birth, can't run after your young children because your too tired. ect. The privilege's would be owing a car, house and buliding up your superannuation. I do understand why others don't want children to have a happy lifestyle doesn't always have to contain babies, this may include to live your life in your ideal career as that's where your passion is. I myself want children but I really don't have a time frame as I'm not ready to rush into spending all my savings, I believe a good time is in your 30's.

  11. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago


    Let's us put the number to say if 50% of the world delayed having children & if 25%-35% of the world chose to not have children at all. Poverty would be drastically reduced, even eliminated as people would think & use the F.E.P. principle before having children.The F.E.P. principle is that before having children, parents should be financially, emotionally,& psychologically stable before deciding to have children.So many people unthinkingly have children without being financially, emotionally,& psychologically prepared with quite deleterious effects upon the children. Impoverished children have a poor start in life physically, intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, even psychically. In addition to the financial aspect of the equation,many parents are emotionally and psychologically unprepared to have children;  children born to such parents oftentimes suffer because of the parents' emotional & psychological immaturity. If parents applied the F.E.P. principle, there would be no child abuse as parents are emotionally & psychologically prepared to have children.

    In accordance with the F.E.P. principle of having children, no couple should have a child before he/she is in his/her mid-30s.That way the couple have obtained the amount of education necessary to properly sustain a family beyond the bare rudiments. Also at this stage of life, a couple hopefully is established in his/her career which means that the child is less likely to be born into socioeconomic poverty & want. Beyond the socioeconomic benefits, parents in their mid-30s & beyond have more life experience which greatly benefit them as parents. They've experimented with life. They've no residual regrets i.e. what ifs & they can freely proceed to the next stage of life.At this age,they're more patient as parents, having experimented with life & obtaining their education/career goals.

    If many people don't have children at all,there WOULDN'T be any child abuse as people who have children have them because THEY want them.  Many people have children not because they want to but because of outside pressure whether societal, parental, or other. People have children because they have been inculcated that it is SELFISH, IMMATURE not to. So many people have children much to their utter regret.Many people see children as a tolerable burden at best instead of beautiful joys.Observe. parents being glad when summer is over& their children are off to school & one would see the REAL attitude re:children.


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