Certainly all ghosts are not demons. Some help even to God. My atheist family told me that there is no ghost. But after accepting Christ 53 years ago I ministered among refugees and Muslims. I found many instances of good ghosts. A dead mother came back to his bachelor son to help him cook. A terminal heart patient cured by Christ who came down from a picture of crucifix long (story. Email to know) was visited by dead relatives on her death bed. They were both Christian and hindus in life. A dead father helping the minor elder son to bear the family burden. A dead son warning the family against breaking in burglers. A ghost guiding out a lost one in the deep jungle. These are nonChristians. So no angelic intervention.
Bible being a brief guide to Christ cant solve all the problems and happenings throughout the ages. Then it has to exceed all encyclopedias. But if we approach the living Christ, he can explain and guide in all problems.
There are no ghosts and no demons; it is just superstition to believe in them; neither they science support their existence nor the truthful Religion.
Of course Science doesnt support their existence. Science is only one small part of reality.
Science is testable.
According to "science" there is no God, which of course we know is foolish
Science cant prove or give us common sence..LOL
Yes, that would be a very foolish thing to say... about science, that is.
It is very foolish to be on science's side since evolution has been disproved and scientists, no matter what they do and how hard they try can't eliminate Jesus' existence as a figure, a man who lived by his word and lived by God
When exactly is it that evolution has been disproved?
By the way, some religious person quoting the bible is not proof. Far as I can see the bible was written by those seeking power but unable to get it from the established religions.
Oddly, I have seen evolution at work in the life spans of animals with very very short lives, a couple of hours. Evolution is not only proven correct in those animals but even a lay person can see it at work since the time scales needed are not the thousands of years that more advanced life forms need.
But you have a respectable source disproving evolution with no ulterior motives of its own right? Not just a religious nut case seeking religious glory.
It's been disproved throughout its fake history books through the past years. You really think they can guess that we came from a single cell, and that our functions evolved from fish. Coming to an argument with that army of defense is pretty tough there buddy.
You can't see far at all, because you are totally wrong due to lack of knowledge. You can only be right by learning and not guessing or coming up with your own ideas because our thoughts aren't accurate, and neither are science theology. You obviously know nothing about where the Bible came from seeking it in the back of your blank head.
You have seen evolution work? Do I really want to read on more of your post after up til this point of embarrassing yourself already?
Do you know what you sound like?
You also probably believe that you have no purpose in life, you are nothing but lost but you are fine with it. Purpose to you is the physical world and its offers, an astounding yet sad display of poor discipline and character. A religious nutcase eh? The world's highest ranked scientists eventually convert to Christians because many of their theories lead to dead-end and cannot be proven by logic or reason. You really think they're going to tell you that in school you blind fool? SCIENTISTS found Jesus' blood and cannot deny his existence. The blood today is alive and has 24 (23 Mother, 1 God) chromosomes, whilst we have 46. YOU have a deceptive view of this world and you should start listening with your ears instead of your mouth.
So you can't prove anything? All you can do is insult. Typical religious arrogance. When you have no hard evidence you resort to insults. I do have a purpose in life, to live. That is a beautiful and wonderful purpose that needs no Gods to give purpose, it just is. You might want to think about learning a little more about those you don't know anything about before you assume you do, and can thus fling insults right and left. Jesus would be so proud of you, hurling insults like that
What I told you feel like insults because you know you are lost and that you're wrong and your defense nonexistent. I could've told myself the same thing, I went to school just like you and learned all the crap that they feed us. But to accept it and not question or think out the box, to accept the lies and corruption of this world, to be at bliss due to ignorance, is no productivity in finding the truth. The truth to you is a slothful aspect, you know that if you took a dive that you would be scared of what you'd find out to be reality instead of what you WANT to be reality.
No, calling someone a blind fool, and other variations of fool is an insult. End of. If all you can do is insult people who don't agree with you, how do you think that makes you look?
BTW, I went to catholic school, I got taught by nuns. I learned a catholic version of most everything, not likely to be found outside of catholic school. They were mostly a bunch of bullying, hateful hypocrites. No problem telling small children they were going to hell for not wanting to do confession with the priest. You know nothing about me, not a single thing. You would show wisdom in realizing that.
a silly or stupid person; a person who lacks judgment or sense
This is all it means, and is by no means an insult, but rather a statement.
Catholicism is an organization made up to scare people away from religion. They do not worship God or Jesus, nor do they live by the Holy Bible like they make it seem.
They don't refer to God's teachings, and add their own modifications of morals, and add their own sets of rules that gullible people follow, rules of which are no where found in the Bible.
Adding/modifying God's rules are strictly forbidden, that is what separates Christians between Catholics. Catholics are pretty much the "lazy" followers of God - they never opened the Bible or learned enough about God to know that being in a Catholic church and participating in that religion is against the Bible itself and sinful, so many things Catholics do defy the commandments and God's Will, but those in the church are too brainwashed to realize it, they think they're really doing something good for God.
They do this so that few people have a chance of finding God and overall making it to heaven. I was in a Catholic school myself, it was rediculous, and dark, and evil.
During the 1300 centuries, Catholics would go out and kill Christians every single day, because the main Roman Catholic leaders are evil and know that Christianity is the way out.
No Christian has ever killed a Catholic, or members of other religions, instead Christians try to save them by exposing the truth.
Millions of Christians are killed and are willing to die exposing God in order to save others because it is very well worth it. Heaven is a much better place than earth. It's described as a place that we cannot ever desire here on earth, because it's that enjoyable. That's why God stresses "Heaven > earth" because the physical pleasures here are easily overridden by the pleasures in heaven.
You should understand as well that other religions outside of Christianity are made to deceive people by making them intentionally defy his Word and rules. Such religions are as follows: Jehovah Witness, Mormons, Catholics, Lutherans...and so much more. Even fake Christians exist today. One of which are very popular, Pentecostal Christian churches.
This is whats on TV today, you won't find a pure Christian station on TV.
You see how these religions use God and Jesus but are completely different from Christianity...Christians strictly stick to his word alone and do not accept modifying it.
The thing with Pentecosts is that many people who consider themselves Christians and do not understand the gospel fully will easily get tricked into a corrupt church unknowingly, like those that are Pentecostal.
It doesn't make them bad people, because they don't know.
All religions are made to decieve people, to make them give power over themselves to someone else (not to God, but to preachers and other authority figures) and your religion is just as guilty as the rest. So you would not accept modifying this?
"Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. (1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT)
and this?
When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)
I suppose you are eager to go sell your daughter into slavery right?
But wait, why stop now? The evils of Christianity are so massive this hardly does that evil justice. Let's continue, what does God think of rape I wonder?
" If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her. (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)
Hmmmmm, so a rape victum must marry her attacker. Lovely (where is the, I'm being sick all over my keyboard emoticon?). I guess if you forced into marriage it isn't rape?
"When you go out to war against your enemies and the LORD, your God, delivers them into your hand, so that you take captives, if you see a comely woman among the captives and become so enamored of her that you wish to have her as wife, you may take her home to your house. But before she may live there, she must shave her head and pare her nails and lay aside her captive's garb. After she has mourned her father and mother for a full month, you may have relations with her, and you shall be her husband and she shall be your wife. However, if later on you lose your liking for her, you shall give her her freedom, if she wishes it; but you shall not sell her or enslave her, since she was married to you under compulsion." (Deuteronomy 21:10-14 NAB)
I could go on, but really this post would be way to long then. If you cannot see rape and slavery as wrong, then there is no hope for you. You may say its all old testament stuff, but in the same breath say you cannot modify the bible. Old testament or not, that is all from the bible and at one time God was happy for Men to rape young girls, force them into slavery and basically do things I would call evil. The God of the old testament is Evil, pure and simple. The God of the old testament is the God of the new testament and as such is still evil. It's not like you guys invented a new God here, you just modified the older more evil God to something a little less evil. Rape and slavery should not be supported anywhere in the bible if your God is to be accepted as anything but Evil to the core.
Confessions, another perfect example.
In the Bible it states that we are to confess to God and only God in our time alone.
We aren't to confess to a priest or anything like that, and doing so defies his rules. Those people running the catholic churches are the ones going to hell, for sure.
True, they did not have knowledge of evolution in the Dark Ages.
Absolutely, scientists have come a long way since then.
Didn't know they had high ranked scientists way back then? Who were they, exactly?
This is too cool! Meeting a time traveler from the Dark Ages. Please tell us more about that time?
If you think that is fine for a family to be both Christian and Hindu then you are wrong. If you believe in Christ then you know that you shouldn't accept any other religion in this world to be true or even close, if you truly worship Christ. Christianity is the only "religion" that does not accept other religions, because we know, not believe, not think, that they are wrong and that God and Jesus is the TRUTH
I thought the bible said there should be no other Gods before me...or don't worship another God?Who said their God is not the same God as the Christians?
Hinduism believes in a line of multiple gods and favors all of them, most of which are statues, some spiritual. The fallen angels cast out by God wanted to be gods, and that is who those gods are in disguise. God respects everybody's free will including his once beloved angels who are his enemies now. They will do people favors, so that they can continue to worship them indefinitely until they find the real God. God states that in the Bible once they worshipped a statue (Baal) but God looked past it and still offered them blessings, because they did not know any better. He makes it very clear that we are not to worship any thing that can not see nor speak nor listen, which are the stones these cultures bow down to every day.
The same could be said for worshiping the cross, the church, the bible, Jesus even. Jesus was the son of God according to scripture. Does that mean that both Hindu and Christian interpretations of God is wrong? No it doesn't.
People worship many things. In my view the bible was referring to more than statues or idols in their various forms. One just needs to look deeper.
True Christian's don't worship the cross, and aren't supposed to. It is a form of idolatry. We use the cross as a means of symbolizing that Jesus refused Satan's offer of not choosing to die, but that out of his own will chose to do it for us and walked with the cross on his back with honor, because it was his purpose.
Before his death, people would have to constantly sacrifice precious possessions, including their food or animals in order to be forgiven for their sins. They acknowledged sinning back then because God's commandments were already established.
It's not this way for us, because the world is a lot worse than it used to be. That's why Jesus sacrificed himself, so that we no longer have to sacrifice things when we sin, intentionally or unintentionally. The only sacrifice we should make is to walk in his path, and accept his offers by turning from the things he doesn't want us, only will that unlock other parts of life - is by learning more about who created the universe. Nothing comes easy, we all know that.
You must understand that he warned us that the world belongs to the devil..he allows the devil to tempt us to do things to test us, hes not going to instantly punish us, but he might. There's always a consequence to following the devil because there are spiritual laws that exist that we cannot alter, only through his protection and acceptance can he change anything for us at any given time. Everything in the Bible has come true to a certain point in time, and it only gets worse from there.
Everything around us is already consumed by the devil, and it takes fully open eyes to see.
We don't worship the church or the Bible, we worship God and Jesus inside the church and through his Word or Will which is the Bible. It can't be edited or modified but new religions that defy the bible and other bibles sure can be founded.
No not both are wrong, only the Hindu interpretation of God is wrong. They don't believe in GOD. they believe in MANY gods. and that already is against the Bible, which is of the one and only God. Do you see where this is going? People worship many things, yes, but you should understand that these things that they worship come from the ones who are against God and do not accept him as God, creating new beliefs for themselves and possibly destroying the lives of those who do not understand religion.
Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism and many other isms are much older than the written bible. Newer religions whatever you are referring to are probably just a more modern view on ancient texts. It is irrelevant whether they were first or last. It is the core of their teachings that matter. They are similar at their core. If you are viewing anything including ancient texts from the perspective of "I" ness or "my"ness the value of the teachings is lost in the abyss of the ego. Right and wrong becomes an absolute and it would appear as if your chosen religion reigns. It will appear there are multiple Gods when there isn't. Illusion comes to the fore and we are less accepting of what is.
When the Bible is written is irrelevant to when God began existing. He could've released the Bible yesterday, it doesn't change that he is the first and the last, just as he states in the Bible.
They are similar at the core because they've pulled ideas out from the Bible to mix with other morals and ways of life that THEY approve of, and not through the approval of God. This is done in order to be very inviting to those new to these religions, as many welcome "magic", "witchcraft", "spells", etc.
These religious connections are found in pretty much all except for the religion that follows the Bible because God warns us to not use it, and to depend on him for his power only, not seeking our own power to benefit ourselves.
The option is still there, we're just told we can't do it, but many of us think we're going behind his back when it's done in front of him.
I'm not viewing anything from my own perspective, but the perspective that he describes that we should be wearing. It's not about "us" and "our" opinions and wants that matters. It's his, and his Will, meaning the way he wants us to live and be happy through Him, we can be happy through the devil but it's fake and it only lasts so long but through God it's promised to last forever.
We don't start over, our lives continue to grow after death in heaven or hell, and once you're there it's for eternity, that's an extremely long time.
I agree it is irrelevant. Yet your claim that other religions pulled their ideas out of the bible seems to have no valid premise. Perhaps newer religion yes. Not the older ones though. Is it too outrageous to entertain the thought that God being everywhere not only inspired the writers of the bible but may have also inspired other writers of different nations as well? Of course their culture and customs are intertwined in their doctrines but like I said at their very core they are not that different.
Each has a prescribed "way" to get to know God.
Perhaps the customs and the "ways" described differ greatly on the surface but they are like I said not that different from any other. Love, humility and compassion resound in most of the "ways" prescribed and are recurring. The 7 deadly passions are also present in some.
If love humility and compassion are of the devil its no wonder people are misled.
Although God can give a person insight, other spirits that God created can have the same affect on us.
Not every feeling and thought we receive is by God, but also by demons and other spirits.
It's figuring out the differences, and the only way to do so is by finding out who God is. Once a person knows who God is, they will know if these "inspirations" are of God or another force.
God can always overcome any force and convince someone that he is God without question. There are also spiritual beings that claim to be the God, but they are other gods, gods that are under God.
Although I understand your point, I totally disagree. I used to think of the world that way but my purpose is far greater than to be at that level of understanding, which is where I used to be. This is why I'm still talking to you, because I know that everyone in the world has a chance if I, myself, one who used to deny His existence and laid out religions to overview just like you're doing, but if I found him after all that blasphemy, then anyone can.
It just takes understanding mixed with a dose of understanding, as well as an open mind, because there's a lot of surprises and things you wish you never would've found out, but then in turn creates a way more positive environment, just because God is with you daily.
He stresses that we have a relationship with him, to treat him as if he is right next to us at all times.
Love, humility, and compassion are of God not of the devil.
The devil fills us with hatred, pride, and a sense of no remorse.
Discernment is indeed necessary. We each experience differently, however, that does not mean ones experience is 'wrong'. Take a look at the bible. All accounts of God inspired experiences differ hugely. God is wrathful to some. Loving to others. Compassionate in other accounts. Revengeful in other. Both Good and Evil God is accounted for in the books of the bible. Give the vengeful God, Satans name, thats ok. Call the God that tests the follower by telling him to kill his son something other than God. At the end of the day God is God. The bible says so.
The depth of our relationship with God will depend on what depths we are willing to go to.
God doesn't choose innocent people to be wrathful upon, nor does he judge everyone differently according to what he thinks. he gives everyone the same amount of chances because everyone's His children since he created us even before we were first in the womb. He loves everybody, but not everybody loves Him.
There are reasons why he has to display anger to those who disobey, much like how parents display it to their children, in order to keep them from doing something very bad for themselves, if they aren't correctly disciplined.
God isn't going to hug and kiss you if he knows you are defiant against Him.
You want it to be this way because you are rebellious of his rules, and there's only place route for those who want that.
Wanting things our way when we know it isn't right only defines rebellious activity, and we do it in front of God.
There's universal laws in this world that we can't change, although we'd love for them to conform to our want and needs. It doesn't work that way.
We can have it that way, but it's definitely not worth it.
Life here on earth is incomparable to life after, as time will never end, and we don't "reincarnate" into different bodies or start over or anything like that.
He is slow to anger and wrath, very patient, extremely merciful.
Qualities that are difficult for us to attain but not impossible, the things that limit us are against what He wants for us.
He can choose when to be mad at us if he wants to, but he doesn't do it without justification. He isn't an asshole for no reason. And thinking that you know this of him for a fact is blasphemy and extremely foolish.
You missed my point entirely it seems. You attribute evil to Satan devil or demons thinking they are separate to the God that is in all things. In your view each are separate entities. God according to you has a personality as prescribed in the bible. My point was both Good and Evil exist in God. Your post does well in justifying why God does what God does but I am not sure you realize that you are actually reinforcing what I am pointing to. The concepts of God and Satan are not as separate as one might think.
Like drowning them in a flood, turning them into pillars of salt or commanding one of his followers to lay siege on a civilization and wiping it out completely? That kind of anger?
True, there are plenty of reasons.
The stories of the Bible can relate to us since they are people and all people are created equal, meaning he won't judge one because of how he looks or acts, but he loves all of us equally.
The stories are lessons for us to learn from people who messed up and faced horrible consequences.
He tested Abraham to kill his son, but when he was about to do it God stopped him, seeing that his faith his strong. God wasn't going to let him kill his son, it was a test of faith because he struggled with it and was always hesitant of God's commands.
The dynamics of this story alone defines that God isn't in us if he's testing one of us. It means that he allows us to make our own decisions fully, while being tempted at all times.
Witchsmeller: "The suspected witch has his head placed upon a block and an axe aimed at his neck. If the man is guilty, the axe will bounce off his neck, so we burn him; if he is not guilty, the axe will simply slice his head off."
Like I said, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mayan cultures, and the list goes on.
These religions believe in multiple gods existing, and not just God alone.
Their depictions of these gods are not the same of the God we know in the Holy Bible. Rather, they are different gods and of different spirits, not of the Holy Spirit. So no, other religions don't have their own "prescribed" way of knowing God. They simply have different gods that are contrary to what the Holy Bible's God stands for.
Never heard that one though! I'm ready though when I meet a nonbeliever to hear that one though, LOL. "Prescribed" way of knowing God.
Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing but sometimes ignorance has to be laughed at.
So the 10 commandments are not a prescribed way in your opinion?
No, it is not, and it's not my opinion.
It is the only way.
But its prescribed by the bible. Are we getting stuck on semantics here?
Perhaps you have not read any of their texts? You haven't read some of the bible it appears. No harm no foul. Your opinion can only be based on what information you do have. So be it.
These aren't my opinions, stop mixing up your idea of people's opinions.
People around the world will tell you the same thing who have found God.
Exactly, that is if they've read the Bible to a certain point. There are a verses that I haven't read and many that I have, it does not change or shift anything from not reading a few.
Buddha and Lucifer and other gods are obviously not God or Jesus in disguise. They are actually spiritual influences upon our past generations of ancestors who fell to these lies. These lies are dragged here today.
If you'd like to learn about everything that is important in this time and age, see jesus-is-savior.com
How obvious? I don't see what is obvious? Why does there have to be a disguise when God is supposed to be in all things. All is all it is not only the pieces one wishes to acknowledge.
Very obvious, I didn't see it neither because satan is very sneaky. Worshipping Buddha automatically defies God's first commandment, which is worshipping statues, or images that aren't real because they aren't God as he described.
You are not supposed to worship Buddha either.
What a brilliant point! If god is in and of all things, and all things are in and of god, then hell and the Devil et all, are also in and of god.
I am not a believer in any religion but I do like to use religion for the thought challenges it can provide. This one will be on my mind when alone with my thoughts
God is not inside the devil, he created the devil as a separate entity and living form. The devil was not created evil, he was created pure and holy, until his own free will got to him. He created hell for this reason, to show us that if we choose the devil's path, that we will be following his path which is to hell. But he also created heaven for those who defeat the devil's temptations and walk righteously. And no matter what you've done in life, when you realize it is when you are a new soul - because he'll look past everything you thought you knew was right - and grant you the life he always wanted to, without bounds and without limitations
This is my biggest problem with religion. I do a job where I daily put my life on the line for small children. I have almost been hit by cars more times then I care to think about (if I did, I would have to quit my job). I want nothing more then to live this one life to the best of my ability, to actually contribute something of value to mankind and to the next generation. But because I will not believe in any religion, and in fact believe them all to be evil and corrupted institutions of greed and power, well I am damned to hell and not because of how I lived, no, rather because of my belief/beliefs. I want NO part of such a superficial God or power hungry greedy religion that places such importance on superficialities. I want no heaven or afterlife at all. I want nothing to do with religions that have started bloody wars or to spend eternity in the company of such evil souls that would use the name of God to justify their petty land grabbing wars. When god can create a religion NOT built on the blood and murder of innocents then come preach at me as you are doing now.
You've lived for a reason, many die with one chance. Find out what that reason is for. The world isn't empty, we're not here by coincidence, and the earth certainly isn't a perfect sphere out of coincidence nor can be justified by made-up ideas.
Most and all religions are evil today, including many churches.
Used to be, most of the world believed in God and followed him, and slowly, people started letting go of the idea.
Something so strong to believe in where MOST OF THE WORLD believed in, someone is hiding something if it's not the same way.
You're right plenty of churches are for the money and don't stand for God at all - they are workers of evil and will surely be dealt with.
You're not damned to hell because of what you believe in, but because of what you know exists but you have plenty of reasons to deny it. This is because you don't know the root source of where those ideas come from, and you wouldn't understand at this point, right now.
There are fake churches that exist to push the public away from all "religion" in general, and in doing so they will never be able to find the truth, which is God. God has a plan for you, and he hasn't let you down for reasons.
No Christian has ever killed anybody because of religion, it's always been the other way around throughout all of history, Catholics, Jews, you name it - have murdered countless lives of Christians, yet not one Christian has murdered another member of religion.
Because of your misleaded ideas, you have many reasons to be against the belief of God and Jesus.
I understand because I was there, we have the mind and will to see the world that way because it is the easy way, and because of influences growing up.
Before all the technology and buildings, people only lived in green grassy fields with stone temples that were built without roofs because of deficient knowledge.
All they did was praise God, and if they weren't they were against God one way or another, and one was not believing that such a God existed.
This train of thought has been recorded throughout all of history and will not change, but the consequences for those souls all correspond and they all get judged the same way by God.
God does not advocate murder or bloodspill, the devil does.
You should separate the two entities and try to tell them apart, because your mind's not going to do it automatically for you without you putting any effort.
Made up ideas like gravity, for example?
Perhaps, you've been time traveling too long and missed the Inquisitions altogether?
Gravity is a label. It is by no means an accurate observation of what it really is.
Time is recorded in texts, there is no need for time traveling to unravel the past.
Wow, just wow.
Where does someone even begin to come up with this line of reasoning?
Your the first person I ever knew that questions gravity.
Please elaborate on what gravity really is.
I don't know what it really is, I don't challenge it or defy it, as it is a universal law.
I know it exists and that I have to cope with it.
The first humans in the world wouldn't have been able to discover it, and the definition we know from school is what we accepted immediately when we heard it.
Coming from the same group that wants us to believe we were once animals, and suddenly acquired the ability to create and establish civilizations, while the rest of the animal kingdoms are dumbfounded.
We were meant to rule the animals as men, and we were never one of them.
You can see gravity and feel gravity everywhere.
You can see the astronauts floating in space.
The apple coming back down.
The earths revolution around the sun.
High tides.
The technology you use at this very moment is based on these laws you trivialize by calling it a label.
It sounds very uneducated to question gravity.
You even seemed to realize this in your response as it seems you try to deflect to our quick acceptance of this in school.
Perhaps there is a correlation between acceptance of self evident laws of nature and intelligence.
Therefore the concept could be indefinitely lost on some people.
Yet, another contradiction in the vast array gleaned from your posts.
But, you didn't go to school to learn about gravity because you admit "don't know what it really is"?
Didn't the Black Rhino officially become extinct just recently?
What is it then if not gravity? Why can I accurately predict what will happen in a gravitational field?
The world isn't actually a perfect sphere, it oblongs under the pressures of gravity. Mountains, and valleys also prevent it from being a perfect sphere. The sphere shape is what it is because it couldn't be anything else mathmatically. The sphere shape distributes the pressures holding the earth together evenly, hence the shape. God couldn't even change the shape of the earth.
The bible would contridict you. It is full of people who didn't believe in God and pissed him off. The supposed flood, supposedly wiped almost all life from the planet cept the creatures and people in the arc. Used to be, people owned slaves, sold their children into slavery, married children and other horrific evil acts and you want me to think they believers, better then those today. I wasn't born yesterday and am not that dumb. Had you been born back in those days when most of the world believed in God you would have had to have been a land owner and a man in order to have any protection at all from being a slave. God didn't seem to care about that sort of abuse. Shame on him.
Religious word soup, means nothing.
Never heard of the Cathars then? I would tell you to go ask them who murdered them but they were totally wiped out by Christians. Basically the Christians successfully committed what could be called genocide (not of a race of people but of a group of people who held a common belief. The Cathars lived in southern France of the Languedoc region (which I had the pleasure to visit last summer). The cathars believed this world was created by the bad God or Rex Mundi to trap our souls on the physical plane of corruption. That the God of love did not exist in the physical world, such a god of love could not exist in such corruption. They saw the lust for wealth and material power over others in the church and called it the church of wolves. The inquisition got it's start because of the Church persecuting anything and anyone who threatened their wealth and power. Teaching that wealth and power are part of the trap that keeps us from returning to the good God of love was dangerous to the church and they had to be wiped out. In Beziers they slaughtered the entire population and contemporary sources estimate the number of dead ranges between 15 and 20 thousand. There is your church that never murders, bah! Evil, all of it. The cathars all dies for their belief, they didn't fight back because that wouldn't make sense. To die might mean returning to the good God and being free of the bad one. At least they were honest about their beliefs, unlike Christians who think they are innocent and not built on blood and murder. Any that aren't wont have survived the brutality of churches like Christianity. And I only gave one example, I could find more examples of Christians murdering in the name of religion if you like? It would be an easy task, really easy, murders in the name of Christianity are a dime a dozen.
You really don't have any idea what human history has been, do you? People did not all live in fields doing nothing all day but praise God. Never happened. They worked, hard, harder then you and I can even imagine. They didn't build stone temples without roofs, roofs are easier to build then stone temples. To carve a stone to fit as a block in a temple is harder then building a roof. I am flabbergasted at your serious lack of knowledge. I just hope that it shows through to al you try to preach to, that they not make the mistake of following you. Beware false prophets and false preachers.
Is this part of the Vatican history that you are talking about?
I would say it is but that it's more a part of French history. The Cathars were welcomed and protected from the Roman Church in the southern areas of France. The southern areas were actually very accepting of all sorts of different beliefs at the time and few were willing to exile any non-Christians. The Cathars have really caught my imagination since visiting the southern regions of France last summer. They have featured in a few holy grail stories and I had one to read while out there. Getting to learn the history and visit the places and learn about the real battles the books employ in their grail stories was really fun. I found it fascinating to read a fictional book with the main characters being fictional but most of the side players being real people. To read about the character visiting Count Raymond of Toulouse, and then to visit the places where he lived and his history is still embraced by the people. It was a total trip!
I suspect that you would find the history and beliefs of the Cathars fascinating, you seem to be the sort who would like to hear/read about all the various beliefs and interpretations of beliefs that people have adopted through out history. You seem to me the sort who would find all the connections between these different beliefs fascinating
I find the Cathars utterly fascinating
He states that he is a jealous God and does not want to see us, worshipping false gods that aren't real, this pleases the devil and his demons because people are deliberately breaking his laws blindly. The unclean spirits will act like our friends and promise favors, but they are only in it to bring us down with them. God isn't in all things, he's everywhere at one time because he can't fit in the universe due to his size so he is spiritual.
He's not with people who don't want Him and know about Him
God is one entity and other false gods are warned in his Bible to come into this world and deceive us. THAT's why what I'm saying is true.
God also has a personality, he portrays it in his Bible as well, he's not just an imagery idea or a still spirit, all the glory belongs to him because he gives us our blessings and can take them away at any time.
His presence and protection leave those who refuse Him, and then leaves the persons vulnerable to guess who? the other "gods" or spirits that live in our realm. He respects free will, but our will choices define our future and if God is going to stay with us or if the devil is going to stay with us.
God and the devil both have plans for our lives, God wants us to succeed, while the devil wants us to fail.
Darkness and light. Good and Evil. All experienced through the mind. Who chooses what is allowed in your mind do you think?
We don't get to choose what's allowed in our minds.
At times they will be good thoughts and at times horrible.
What we get to choose is to think before we act, meaning our ideas don't forcibly compel us, we yield for our ideas to take place.
We all choose to give a thought the light of day or we don't no one decides for us. If one does not accept responsibility for what enters their mind the devil will always exist and be blamed.
You're misinterpreting a real-life algorithm into a metaphor.
We all go through this, it's a perfect example of how they work with our minds into believing that he's not real. God doesn't come over night, that's too easy. He wants us to try to find him, not just giving himself up to anybody who might not believe.
I'm not getting it? Are you saying we do not have the power to choose our thoughts and that they are chosen for us by either God or Satan? And are you saying it wouldn't be God because God doesn't come so easily?
We have the power to focus and create ideas but at the same time we battle "outside" thoughts as well that aren't ours, it's extremely bizarre hearing of such a thing in this modern age but hey if you don't get it, you don't. I'm just telling you how it is , not proposing that it might be this way.
God is with us when he chooses to, but when in his eyes we are flooded with wickedness, he leaves our presence, and lets us to die, because we were already warned that he would do this, and he is a man of his word and breaks it for no body. It's not that we didn't get any chances, it's that we did any deny them and find ways around it.
You didn't answer my questions? Seems to be an ongoing thing here. My question was not whether or not God is with us or not. If you cannot answer directly ok.
He is, but he isn't us. and our interactions with eachother aren't necessarily him, since he gave us free will - meaning who ever chooses to disconnect from him can and will do so, but they are left without his protection.
Exactly we have free will and we can choose to let a thought see the light of day or not. Be it good or bad we do choose. Thoughts precede action. Action precede outcomes. We are responsible for the outcome whether we like the result or not.
The devil does exist and is the reason we are tempted.
Now let me clarify this, not ALL of our negative thoughts come directly from spirits, but many of them are stored in our minds from experiencing life growing up, and watching things that easily influence us.
And the time that we're at in the Bible is where the devil has taken up much of the world and its resources: media, music, movies, tv, all poor wisdom, poor decision making influential ideas. Most of which defy God.
The people who make and release these things are the ones that are influenced, and it spreads like a wildfire, just from a screen, or speakers.
IF God is in all things that are evil, he is not of it.
By in all things I mean - he can't help but be apart of everything because he put us in HIS word that he made.
Meaning he did not come from evil, he comes from purity, very disciplined, and very strong at mind. We have the potential to be strong at mind until we let our weaknesses get to us, but it doesn't mean we can't overcome them.
In fact, he despises evil very much and HATES rebellious activity, this is why he displays his wrath to those who disobey them. There's nothing more that he hates than sin, and controlling ourselves from them is not easy, but the reward greatly surpasses the labor of trying.
I never said God came from evil. I said God is both good and evil. You justified Gods evil now you are saying God despises evil. You need to make your mind up sooner or later then again you can keep on as you are. If you are not sure ok.
Either he is all powerful but not all good or all good and not all powerful.
What do you mean? All powerful equals only good in your mind?
I know that you are saying God is good and evil.
That is where you cannot be any more incorrect, but of course, you truly believe it because it came from the top of your head, knowing how stubborn it is you won't let it go. Boy, your mom must've beat that ass growin' up. No wonder you're the way you are.
Some might agree with you and feel that I'm incorrect. So be it. All things are all things I just understand and experience all as all. Not part thereof. Not only when it suits. Perhaps you have a different meaning to 'all'. That's ok. We each understand most things in different ways. Our discussion demonstrates this point very well.
Well I'm kinda lost in that statement. How can God be everywhere and not in all things? How can God not fit? Is it because you cannot fit God into your idea of the universe? Who said God is not with people who don't want God? That is speculation if you haven't experienced God. One entity means God is separate and therefore not in all things. So which one is it?
God is portrayed in the bible by man. If the personality portrayed in the bible is what you believe then that is how it will be for you.
Okay, let's start at the top. Before the first man was created, there was only God and his angels in heaven - imagine it like a city or a completely different world
They got sick of living for God, and a lot of them went against Him because they thought they could be greater than the one who granted them a life experience.
He was nice enough to let them be here with us humans, so that they can test us and influence us to be like them, which is against God.
God knows that we can choose what influence is better, if we know what is right, so this applies differently for everyone since we all know different things.
He is everywhere at one time, but he will not reveal himself to you just because you want to, especially if one does not believe. that is too simple.
I've learned that through getting closer to him and finding out about him, that He will get closer to you and slowly reveal himself.
He tests Christian's faith and makes sure to not show himself before they believe in Him because that would simply be spoiling.
God says that he was the first to ever exist, and starting making everything after him, that is why he is bigger, if there is a dimension outside of the universe we do not know, only he does.
For all we know, the universe can be the size of one rice grain compared to God.
God will attempt to reach out to people many times in life before he gives up on them, because their hearts are hardened and not accessible.
There's many times where God does miracles for people such as revealing himself to atheists, those people are very blessed because they had a shortcut to the truth, but everyone's fate and purposes are different.
You do not understand spirituality so it's hard to explain how God exists and "fits" in this world. He's not IN all things - he's everywhere at once, but he is OUTSIDE of those who are evil, obviously.
Those who rape, murder, abuse drugs to abuse their bodies and minds, obviously don't have God guiding them, they're falling to their temptations or ideas instead of resisting them, when they have the full option to do so.
God is portrayed in the Bible by man THROUGH God.
If one believes he had the power to create everything, he has the power to give a person insight to show the whole world who he is.
One who doesn't believe in a power would think that this would be impossible to take place, when it is not.
There were multiple people who wrote parts of the Bible and they all matched, people who have never met each other before.
The simple will confound the wise did Jesus not say? God is only outside those things perceived as evil because one chooses it that way. Your post reflects a mind that struggles with the opposites that seem to exist in the world as we know it.. God is either all or God is not. Take Jesus as a living example who rose above the struggles of the mind. He worked on the sabbath. Helped the whore. Forgave Judas. Did the religions of the day like it. No.
Man is flawed and in his imperfection is still able to perceive God in a greater or lesser degree. The bible is a reflection of some of those perceptions.
The simple will confound the wise by their lack of intelligence, sarcastically speaking.
I don't choose things any way, everything is already laid out and it is up to us to figure it out or not.
There isn't more than one truth in the world.
If there's only one pennyofheaven, someone claiming to be pennyofheaven would be a false claimer. Two pennyofheaven's cant exist and do exactly everything the same at the same time.
This is why two truth's don't exist, because they don't. Just one.
My post reflects nothing but the truth, but because of poor understanding and lack of knowledge, you cannot connect the dots yet, maybe when you learn more you will start to. This is the same for everybody.
It doesn't matter how old are you, many people that are let's say 70 could still in a 30-year-old's mind set because they haven't put in any effort to learn about things they should've, and learning about God is not time consuming as some may think.
It takes reading with an open heart and understanding and acceptance.
I've accepted the truth, and what I say is right because it is not coming from the top of my head, it is not my opinion, or "prescribed" version of God.
God is one idea and one interpretation, not meant for people to create who his personality should be like. It's like saying just because you choose an ideal personality that somebody should act like that they'll become that person. No, God is who He is, not my idea of who He is.
So no, God isn't only outside of things perceived as evil. He could be, but he describes it differently because we aren't meant to know. We're meant to know what he taught us, but if we learn anything beyond his teaching we brought it upon ourselves, but sometimes it takes that to allow us to see the truth.
God is not all, he is not your door, he is not your computer, he is neither your clothes or your hair.
He is not a made-up ruler or idea or thought. He is not created.
He is omniscient. Meaning he can know and be everywhere at once.
But our God chooses to not forcibly control us to do things, but rather let us choose for ourselves. He is separate from us, that is why WE'RE TALKING TO EACH OTHER, which is why we're not God talking to God.
If both of us were God, we wouldn't need to discuss anything because we'd both know everything - but we DON'T. Only HE does, because he made everything carefully in complete detail.
He rose above the struggles of the mind, and so can we.
We battle struggle everyday, and many of us think that many times it's just "our own mind" doing the work and that all of our thoughts come from within, it doesn't, it comes from outside of our minds.
Jesus did all of those things yes, did they like it? of course not, because they knew everyone would believe that he's God. And also if they worshipped him, they'd lose control of their land (Pharisees AKA Jews)
This gave good enough reason to kill him.
In fact, at this time many Pharisees/Jews already knew Jesus was king and started to gossip about it, it got too intense for the leaders to handle it so the only option was to eliminate him.
When he was killed, he asked God to forgive the ones killing him since they were ordered by the king at the time, and they thought they're doing a good service for the king - not knowing of the evil deed.
Man is flawed because of Satan's existence, and his agents, who are demons. Man has corrupted himself due to falling to temptation, and God understands this through viewing history and because of how Jesus forgave the ones that were murdering him. This is why after Jesus' death, anyone who asks God for forgiveness is immediately granted it, not having to sacrifice anything but the sin, to repent from it.
Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there.
You are presenting your interpretation of God and assuming you are correct and all will accept it. You presume too much.
Perhaps you think that when reading scripture and you come to an interpretation that you have not thought of before, you think that His Spirit is talking to you. History is full of people with contradictory ideas of God who all think God is talking to them; that they have the truth. They invariably state that others have misunderstood or have lack of knowledge.
Having seen many of you posts on Satan, demons and angels that were cast out of Heaven because they wanted to be like God, I know that God's Spirit has not spoken to you on these matters.
I also take umbridge with your belief that there are some things we are not meant to know. Nonsense. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. We are free to think, free to seek knowledge whereever it may be found, to uncover any truth.
I never said the Holy Spirit is talking to me and giving me these details.
I learned them through studying for years and through reading the Bible.
Perhaps YOU presume too much.
But you said you have a relationship with God. I didn't realize that you meant through the word only . But ok
It isn't through the word only. But not everything comes in revelations.
It wouldn't be fair, knowledge takes the effort of trying and wanting to learn.
I don't think that's how the passage goes in the bible? Not sure how the sarcasm fits in either? Are you saying wise are not intelligent? I think that is what the passage was referring to. There are sure to be other views.
What is the one truth in your opinion? Since we were not talking about truth it interests me?
What you accept is truth to you. Nothing wrong with that. And you are right. I cannot connect the dots you have mapped out. Hence why we having this discussion.
How is God one idea and one interpretation when the bible invalidates that? Are you saying then that each writer chose their own ideal?
Why is God not hair, computer etc?. Is it because a finite mind limits where God exists? God is only separate because one makes it so. The limited mind cannot fathom God experiencing itself in all things including two people having a conversation.
If Jesus died for our sins. Why are you proclaiming it still exists?
Your finite mind limits God's existence, and you will either live your life realizing it or not. Time or aging won't help you. It starts by learning.
I do not limit Gods existence. As I keep saying and it appears you keep ignoring. God is in all things.
That is a limited perspective. And all the things that you have been typing are limited thoughts, you are unable to exceed out of the box and see the world for what it really is, instead you are stuck with your own interpretations. That gets in the way of learning, is by thinking you know just because you made it up in that mind of yours.
You do realize you are replying to yourself?
Your finite mind also limits your future and your capabilities.
Some will never learn, and you are the perfect example of that statement.
"The simply confounds the wise" simply means the simple amazes the wise, in this case you amaze me with your lack of knowledge/understanding. That's all I meant.
Whether it came from the Bible or not I don't know, nor do I care since you recited it and you know nothing about interpretations or what the Bible stands for, because you are presently blind.
Every verse and passage in the Bible is meant to have one meaning and understanding, not multiple meanings, or an understanding created by a specific person, but by God only, and His intention of each verse for us to learn.
Perhaps your study did not include that passage. It doesn't matter since you don't care. How can you interpret something you have not read. I understand.
The Bible is not a text that requires reading of the full Book.
It is broken down into hundreds of separate meanings for every aspect in life.
Again I hope you realize you are replying to your own posts?
@ penny, good arguement that if God is all, bad also should be God. Otherwise, God is not all.
However, I have certain limits as we are not perfect, we don t know everything.
Also I agree that ancient religions are modified by the newer ones. For instance, Buddha said he got manythings out of ancient phylosophies and Jesus got something from them too. He used certain modifications to suit to that region.
Yes in my view bad is. I do agree we do not know everything
Jesus got everything from the Bible and from God, no where did he claim that he got anything out of ancient philosophies one time.
There's no where in the world stating that God is all, only that God created all and created all to live in his all. He isn't all, he is God. Not everything is God. Your house isn't God, your car isn't God, and neither are you.
He can be inside of you though, as well as not.
He doesn't make everything run robotic according to Him, everything makes their own decisions and choices.
There are no ghosts of dead people here that help others. Any such activity is the work of angels. This is very Biblical. As for bad ghosts, there is the possibility that Satan can send ghosts under his control back to cause problems. This is not verifiable though. His work is supposed to be carried out by his angels (demons.)
Anyone having a ghost experience is probably interacting with an angel they perceive as a dead relative. After all, angels don't knock on doors and announce their presence. They go about their work privately so as to keep unbelievers in the dark, so to speak.
So, no, they are not all demons. But they aren't ghosts either. Next time a dead relative visits, have them send your thanks to God, because you just met an angel.
Your uncertainty is correct as follows: Satan cannot send a soul from hell back to earth, it is out of his power. There are only good spirits or bad spirits. All angels came from the same place, heaven, even the fallen ones (demons). Angels wouldn't be in disguise of dead relatives if sent by God.
Heaven is typically referred to as the first sky. The second sky is what we see, with clouds and all. Technically, it is above us. We cannot see or feel it when we choose to, only by God's will if he so chooses to take us through a dream. It is a spiritual place, prepared for the ones who commit and submit themselves to God. Many have been mislead into thinking that only a few chosen can make it to heaven, while all of us can. We are created equal and have the free will to go with or against God.
If you are referring to that which is within when you connect with all that is then I do agree.
You entitle yourself to severe endangerment when accessing that part of life. God has a lot of grace on you for you to still be sound today(as far as I think I know you). Many who dip their toes in those type of rituals and practices (that's what it is, believe it or not) wish they could get out but don't know the way.
The Spirit of God, which is the Holy Spirit/Ghost (referred as in the Bible) is one who can give you much more than what you are experiencing. I know exactly what you are speaking about because I am very well-educated in this area, and I've heard of many tampering with what you've discovered, the results are always ugly.
Know that he uses people to save others.
And where do you think grace and the spirit of God exist do you think?
The spirit of God exists everywhere, and grace is a quality of His spirit.
But at the same time, he doesn't have to be everywhere at once, and doesn't need to guide everyone at once.
That is not the way the universal spiritual laws work.
People that take it upon themselves to defy his book, whether they read it or not, will surely lessen their chances at his grace.
Maybe in your world spirit doesn't.. ok
You should understand that this is not my own opinion, or a Christian leader's opinion. It is the way the world works. Once that clicks, everything else will fall into place.
When God according to the bible left the comforter (spirit or grace if you like) it did not say anyone or thing was excluded. It is man in his limitations that limits grace.
When God left the Comforter? What? Are you talking about.
"God leaving the Comforter" is not in the Bible.
There was an instance of Jesus leaving in order for the Comforter to come, though, if that's what you meant.
Yep thats the one. Oh no this is the one of many
John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
It's important to note that
The Comforter represents Jesus and God. They do not represent evil, so its not necessary to put "he shall teach you all good things" because it is already a given that he shall teach you all things that are good. This means the good in us may be the Holy Ghost, and the bad, suicidal, fearful, hurtful, tormenting thoughts come from the devil and his demons.
There are multiple counts of demonic possession where Jesus had to heal the affected people. They immediately leave in the presence of the Lord.
A Spirit is not a metaphor for a feeling or emotion. Don't get it twisted.
Spirits exist, and the one you came across while meditating has been taking you for a very long ride.
It might surprise you but nothing speaks to you. No feeling or emotion exists.
And if you keep sounding like an autistic child when your mind is fully functional, you won't exist for long neither.
Haha sorry I sound autistic to you. I sometimes have that effect on people. No worries if I don't exist in your mind.
They have the power to drop influences and deposit ideas into your mind.
So no, sorry, that is not what I'm referring to . What I'm referring to is MUCH GREATER. Something that what ever you are messing with doesn't want you to know exists. Because once you find out, you'll never go back. I promise you.
The Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost (same thing, different wording) and Jesus are the highest Spirit of them all. When I say Jesus I mean God as well. They have dominion and power over all of the other spirits.
What you are feeling is through spirits of this world, but not the Holy Spirit.
Imagine something a power so limitless, so incomparable to what you're able to feel through the sense you've acquired. It's God and Jesus, and it's the best that you'll ever feel if you ever find it.
Fyi, the Earth is not flat even though they believed it was in the Dark Ages.
God took me through a dream about an invisible purple rhinoceros living in my garage. God was correct, it was a dream.
This is more believable and Biblical, yes.
Hi guys,
I interact both with ghosts and angels .. and they are very different from each other.
Ghosts are the spirits of human beings who have died but not gone 'into the Light'. I call it 'into healing'. They are drawn back to living people, just as most people are drawn to each other when they are alive. They are very heavy energy. The problem with ghosts is that they require energy to remain here .. and they Take it from the very people they want contact with. The longer a person has been a ghost the more angry they become, the more hungry, and the more power they can learn to harness, which can lead to them creating harm for the living.
Angels, on the other hand, are loving, light, beautiful beings that are here to help every person on the planet find their true loving selves and find God/Spirit .. or whichever other deity a person is drawn to. The love us unconditionally, give to us and 'take' nothing from us.
And then there are demons. You have two sorts. The first are fallen angels, who, in falling, because darkness personified. They then created beings similar to themselves. And then you have human beings also creating demons, which are another sort again. Humans do not become demons, nor do they ever become angels. When they die they either become Spirits and go into healing, or they become ghosts ...
Have a great day,
Love & Light
Ama Nazra
Thought i saw a ghost i have seem demons and angels but never ghost it was in passing coming from my kids room out the front door. please Ama Nazra email me princessty00@gmail.com
Keep a spirit level handy next to your bed; it's a useful weapon against spooks.
Is it a good ghost, or bad one, that steals the left socks out of the laundry basket? That one has always stumped me.
It's gotta be the same ghost that takes all my right socks...It must need a pair.
Does anyone else think that there are posters here on drugs or smoking wacky? I don't think I've ever seen a set of threads filled with such unsupported clap trap based on half truths heard second hand from someone else who talk utter b*ll*cks.
Ghosts do not exist. Satan and demons do not exist. They are superstitious myths inflated from misunderstanding of scripture. Evolution is clearly demonstrated in our genes, and if one believes in God, then evolution demonstrates His method of creation.
And yet, the socks are still missing. How does evolution explain that? I'd like to know.
The labrat club has all the answers. They know. They've been watching, turning, crawling, their beady little eyes never missing anything, day or night, when the rest of us are asleep, alone with our ghosts, the ghosts of our past, the spirits of our future. Yes. Check with the LabRats.
I just love hearing stories like that. Goes to show you, God helps everyone.
I absolutely would and do find history and beliefs of different nations and cultures fascinating!! Connecting the dots fun. They sound very intriguing the Cathars. Thanks!
Unwavering belief in Angels and Demons, Humans having a soul or spirit...But have trouble believing that the "soul or spirit" could get side track enroute to it's final destination and be a "Ghost"...Hmm...
I have one Good Question on my mind, but first I want a question answered for it to work:
The Prophecies still to come in the Bible and all the other stuff that still has to happen (or most of them) requires to be on Earth, Right?
Answer me thoroughly and then I'm going to ask a question for intellectuals regarding this question, and if this works out as I want I am going to have a real solution to throwing and breaking off this religious shackles that's holding humanity literally to the ground (because all the resources is up there, but there's still a lot down here though. In the end survival is all that matters).
if everything I said has "flaws" in it then it's only my contribution or opinion as I may be lazy, emotionless, negative or lost but even I guy like me took God VERY SERIOUSLY (maybe not enough, but I will find out in the future) in one stage of my life.
AND if nobody gives a reply to this I am and will ask it somewhere else, somebody would want to know
by manofmystery24 12 years ago
Believer or Skeptic, please write why.
by ngureco 11 years ago
What Is the Difference between Evil Spirits and Demons?
by Link10103 10 years ago
Do you believe in Ghosts, Spirits, Demons, etc. ?And if so, is it because your religion attributes these to actually being real? The only reason I can see someone of non belief wholly believing in ghosts and such is due to actually experiencing them rather than taking the word of someone else that...
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by Debra Allen 8 years ago
The Bible says that all one has to do is ask for forgiveness. Now being that, do you think that Satan might have already asked God for forgiveness? Now before you rattle off scripture.....I don't believe...but I could be wrong....that the Bible has nothing to say on that.
by ngureco 13 years ago
Why Are People Disturbed By Bad Spirits When They Can Just Mention The Name Of Christ Jesus And...The Demons Will Flee?
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