Hey Trump, where were YOU born?

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  1. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    People who live in glass houses, even if they are the Trump Tower, should not throw stones.
    This is from TIME online (also saw it on CNN). The writeup was so good I had to copy it in its entirety.

    So should Trump put his birth certificate where his big mouth is... or what? lol

    http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/03/29/bir … egitimate/

    Birther Backlash: Turns Out, Donald Trump's 'Birth Certificate' Isn't Legitimate

    Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/03/29/bir … z1I18Yk600

    You know what they say about karma, Donald.
    After making a to-do about President Obama's so-called failure to produce a valid birth certificate (really? still?), Donald Trump graciously went out of his way to put everyone's mind at ease by producing his own.

    (More on TIME.com: Birther was a top buzzword of 2009)

    However, Politico is reporting that the document Trump has produced isn't an official document, merely a hospital "certificate of birth." Whoops!  An official birth certificate can only be issued by the Department of Health, reports Politico, and "would have the agency's seal and also a signature of the city registrar - neither of which the Trump document has."

    The document Trump produced reads "Jamaica Hospital" at the top and the date of birth of a Donald Trump. It's possible the document is from the Jamaica Hospital in Queens, but who can know for sure? He doesn't have the official document in his hands.

    Sure, Trump's birthplace may be somewhat of a mystery. But NewsFeed doesn't think we'll ever answer the true, years-old question — what, exactly, is up with the hair?  (via Politico)

    (More on TIME.com: See Trump not running for president)

    Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/03/29/bir … z1I18M9tkO

  2. profile image60
    logic,commonsenseposted 13 years ago

    Trump isn't president, so there are no requirements for him to release that information to the public.  Last I checked the Constitution, he could state his opinion without accountability.
    Time for everyone to get over this.  Even if there was proof Obama was not born in the U.S., it would drag out in the courts til 2012 when it would be a moot point since he won't be reelected. smile

    1. I am DB Cooper profile image87
      I am DB Cooperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      For betting purposes, I'd like to know which of the clowns from the GOP circus is going to beat Obama in 2012?

      1. Jim Hunter profile image60
        Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Does it matter?

        Any clown would be better.

      2. profile image48
        infosolutionWizposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        WELL Said DB Cooper! You NAILED IT! It is really a circus pack with looser clowns. The Obama tank will crush them come 2012!

        Jim, your statement show that you have NO commonsense, it is FREE, go get some!

        1. lovemychris profile image82
          lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Not for Repubbies..they charge for common sense.

        2. Jim Hunter profile image60
          Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Which banned liberal are you?

    2. NateSean profile image67
      NateSeanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So what you're saying DB Cooper, is that it's okay for the Pot to call the Kettle Black...because the kettle is definitely black and the pot doesn't fit in the Cabinet?

  3. knolyourself profile image59
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "2012 when it would be a moot point since he won't be reelected." He will be reelected and there is nothing anybody can do about it.

    1. profile image48
      ShortStoryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'm pretty sure there is something specific the voters CAN do about it. If he keeps on the way he's going he'll make it rather likely too.

    2. profile image60
      logic,commonsenseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The voters can if they open their eyes.

    3. profile image48
      infosolutionWizposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      WELL Said! I believe he will be reelected because he have unique qualities ALL the others are badley lacking.

      1. profile image48
        ShortStoryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        A killer jump shot?

  4. profile image48
    ShortStoryposted 13 years ago

    I suppose he could be lying, but I just heard him on the radio other day saying he had it on his desk while doing the interview (with one of those NPR lefty-clones).

  5. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Of course there is no requirement that Trump produce his birth certificate for any official purpose.
    But given as he has made the Obama birth certificate a personal crusade, and given that he more than likely wouldn't be butting his stupid hair into this issue unless he had designs on running for POTUS himself, one would think he'd come to the debate armed for bear.

    My point in posting this news from the TIME news site is to show that it's not just the "NPR lefty-clones" who are seeing the irony in this story.

    1. profile image48
      infosolutionWizposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      THANKS for posting Might Mom. I fully get the point. Trump started this mess that is turning out to be a total train reck on whatever little credibility he have left.

      NO BODY ask Trump to put his birth papers in the public spot light. Look's like He smoke and drink rum one night,  wakeup the next morning and decide he was going to prove his Birther point once and for all, only to produce a piece of paper that is NOT authentic and further muddy the situation for him.

      BOTTOM Line: Trump is runing for president and is doing this to appeal to the GOP Birther Base to get him thru the process. The propblem is, should he emerge victorious this will haunt him in the general election and he will end up like Sharon Angle in Nevada.

      1. AnnCee profile image68
        AnnCeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        FYI   Interesting to note.   Donald Trump has never had a taste of alcohol in his life because he watched a brother waste his life to alcohol.

        It's clear this is a very painful subject for Democrats.  It'll be nice when its all over.

        1. DannyMaio profile image60
          DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          YES IT WILL ANNCEE. something so simple yet he spends millions? has to be hiding something! like I said maybe it says Barry on the long form? maybe he used Barry for student aide as a foreign citizen? I do not know what he is hiding but definitely hiding something and we should know!

          1. AnnCee profile image68
            AnnCeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            It says Soetero on his birth certificate because he was adopted by a man named Soetero and in Hawaii the name change is mandatory.

            He is Something Soetero, not Barack Hussein Obama.   He probably decided when he was a pot smoking teenager to rebel and go with Barack Hussein Obama instead of his legal name.   He should have made the name Obama his legal name a long time ago.  I don't think it matters legally what his name is.  But I guess he just doesn't want to deal with it.

            Gerald Ford was born Leslie Lynch King Jr. but his name was changed when he was adopted.

            You know what honesty and clarity is good for the soul.   It is painful and harmful to live with secrets.

            1. lovemychris profile image82
              lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Lot of ass-u-me-tions you make there.
              But anything to suit your agenda.

              1. AnnCee profile image68
                AnnCeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I assume his parents followed the law which says an adopted child takes the name of the adopting party.

                1. lovemychris profile image82
                  lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  I was talking about this one:

                  "He probably decided when he was a pot smoking teenager to rebel and go with Barack Hussein Obama instead of his legal name.   He should have made the name Obama his legal name a long time ago.  I don't think it matters legally what his name is.  But I guess he just doesn't want to deal with it."

                  You assume quite a lot there.
                  If you say it enough does it make it true?
                  Nice how you threw in the pot-smoking, rebellious teenager...

                  Kind of reminds me of Russsshhhh's oldie but goodie:
                  "Pot-smoking, draft-dodging Philanderer-in-Chief"
                  Ahhhh, the original President-Basher. Such a great American. NOT.

                  And btw, have you read TranceFormation of America?

                  LOT of stuff in there about ole Gerald Ford.....not nice stuff either....speaking of secrets and good for the soul and all that....

                  Geuss it works all ways, but I'd keep the assuming out of it if I were you.

                  1. DannyMaio profile image60
                    DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    It is all anyone can do when we have a president that spent millions to hide something! It will come out eventually and all you koolaid drinking socialist will hide under your rocks. anybody with even the slightest bit of commonsense knows he is hiding something to spend millions not to produce a 10.00 piece of paper! go read the huffington or politico news and drink your kool aid

      2. profile image0
        Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Okay, i was with you until you got to your "bottom line" statement.  First of all, what exactly are you basing this idea that Trump even wants to be President?  This is almost as absurd when there were rumors that Rush Limbaugh wanted to run for political office as well.  By the way, how did that rumor turn out?  Don't answer that, as that's a rhetorical question.  Anyways, Trump is one of the most powerful businessmen in America right now, and he's a multi-billionaire. Therefore, why would he want to run for a job where makes potentially less money, and has less power than he has right now?  Trump has way more power in this country than O'Bama does, and he doesn't have to worry about public opinion when making controversial business moves.  Whereas O'Bama he has to some degree answer to Congress and the American public.  Therefore, I doubt seriously Trump even wants to be president, as I would imagine that would be a huge step down for him.  Not saying that the President's job is a joke, but lets face it.  Big corporations and businesses are the real leaders of this country, as they have the most money and the most power.  that's just reality.

    2. profile image48
      ShortStoryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      What does his "hair" have to do with any of this?

  6. DannyMaio profile image60
    DannyMaioposted 13 years ago

    politico???? LMAO OK everyone believes them! JOKE! Watch Donald Prove his is real! watch and weep

  7. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Can't wait til he has to cower to the rightys on "how gay marriage will ruin the institution of marriage", and then they find out how many times he's been married!!

    Oooohooooohoooo, that should be a hoot!

    OH, and how he cheated on his wife....eeegads, the horror.
    err, I should say normalcy of the Republicans. Gingrich? How many times?

    btw---I never remember anyone ever asking for Bush or Clinton or Reagan's birth certificate.

    You all listened to Orly Taits...maybe you should look her up....just sayin.

    1. profile image48
      infosolutionWizposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      WELL Said!! You Nailed It!!

  8. AnnCee profile image68
    AnnCeeposted 13 years ago

    Right across the top of the birth certificate provided by Donald Trump are the words:



    As seen at link provided by Huffington Post, a source you lefties might approve.

    1. AnnCee profile image68
      AnnCeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Pretty silly though, releasing the hospital thing. 

      Mine has a stork and little black footprints on it and looks very official indeed.http://www.emoticonsfree.org/wp-content/uploads/yolks/serious%20business.png

    2. DTR0005 profile image61
      DTR0005posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think it was faked AnnCee, Trump's birth certificate - all a forgery. Frustrating isn't it? loll

  9. DannyMaio profile image60
    DannyMaioposted 13 years ago

    Now that The Donald has produced his 'LEGAL' Birth Certificate', all those Band-Waggoners who were salivating at the 'ILLEGALITY' of Donald Trump's Hospital Birth Record, had better take some time to realize that this is exactly what The Donald had intended, all along. 

    Those folk, so quick to judgement on the 'Legality' of Donald Trump's Hospital Birth Record, have been asking the Country, to accept, for the past 2 years, the same Birth Record, so far supplied by the Obama folk. 

    These are no longer 'Freudian-Slips', these are 'Freudian-Panties'. Get a hold of the 'Panty-Waist' & pull-up- hard & quick.

    Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/03/29/bir … z1I1Pdc89y

    1. AnnCee profile image68
      AnnCeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Good point.  Great point.  Two karmas, three likes and four exalts for you.

    2. DTR0005 profile image61
      DTR0005posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Dude.. it was a joke. I don't care where the hell Donald Trump was hatched. I mean I realize this is a personal crusade for some, but can't you find some other "deconstructive" anti-Obama topic to harp on? Take Lady Love's lead if you need a suggestions.

      Trump brought this up to test the waters - see if he could get a rise out of the Tea Partiers - and it worked. Truthfully, Trump is Tea Party material. I am quite sure the "Party" will be able to overlook his shitty personal life, his questionable business dealings - his hair loll... Trump is the Ross Perot of 2012 - if he runs.

      Honestly I am all for running him. Add Palin or Bachmann in the mix and the Dems are guaranteed to take it all in 2012.

      1. DannyMaio profile image60
        DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Bro, I dont even like Trump! the only way I would vote for him is if it was him and Obama, then again I would vote for Mickey Mouse instead of Obama. I wanted Hillary. I happen to love this country and feel like we are being taken for fools! I want this man exposed he lied when he said he did not know wright spoke that way even though he went to the church for 20 years and dedicated a book to him? that insults my intelligence. he is no leader. seems like a decent guy but no leader and has proven this time and time again.

        1. DTR0005 profile image61
          DTR0005posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Bro, I don't particularly care for him either - all I have ever said on here is that HE IS NOT THE ANTICHRIST. And when you read the forum posts, as I know you have, that is exactly how he is painted.

          1. DannyMaio profile image60
            DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Well I do not see him as the anti-Christ but a big liar and a very un-presidential looking weak president.

  10. knolyourself profile image59
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "Get a hold of the 'Panty-Waist' & pull-up- hard & quick."
    "Why do they call it a wedgie?"
    "Because the underwear is pulled up from the back until... it wedges in."
    "They also have an Atomic Wedgie. Now the goal there is to actually get the waistband on top of the head. It's very rare."

  11. BobbiRant profile image60
    BobbiRantposted 13 years ago

    Trump was 'born' as the Junk Bond King of the 1980's.  Up until then, few knew who he was.  Now we all know selling junk bonds was illegal but like most businessmen who did it never went to jail.

  12. knolyourself profile image59
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "OK, if we assume you are correct, Who are his co-conspirators? There is no way a man acting on his own could hood-wink the whole state mechanism into believing he is something that he isn't." You are right. Maybe not exactly appropriate to the discussion right here but as far as I am concerned his co-conspirators are more like than not the CIA. In this case it is not only quite possible, it is the rule.

    1. John Holden profile image61
      John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      But why the CIA?

      Big business getting a puppet elected would make far more sense.

    2. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That rumor has been going around a long time. As has the one that he is British MI 5 (is that right?) MI-5.

  13. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 13 years ago


    okay, never mind. I just found out that he is interested in running for office after all. I apologize.

  14. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    That's AWESOME, Danny!!!
    Where in NY? I'm from Long Island (not exactly Democrat territory).

    1. DannyMaio profile image60
      DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Dix hills Long Island. I was brought up in Ozone park Queens. no this is the only place republicans out number democrats! well Suffolk county is big right wingers.

      1. Mighty Mom profile image75
        Mighty Momposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I don't know about all of Nassau County, but the north shore where I grew up was very Republican. I keep a very low political profile on Facebook when communicating with my former elementary/high schoolmates smile

        I was wondering if you perchance were in Anthony Weiner's district. Not even close!!!

        1. DannyMaio profile image60
          DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          that guy is way out there! he is not in my district, he would not have a chance here. too many republicans here.

  15. AnnCee profile image68
    AnnCeeposted 13 years ago




    1. DannyMaio profile image60
      DannyMaioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      seems like a big difference! doctors, people signing off official seal like other REAL certificates I have seen, Very simple show the dam thing and get this over with.

    2. Peter Owen profile image59
      Peter Owenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Not sure what the Hawaii document is from. No signatures, no legal stamps. Looks like a blank document typed in Obama's info.

  16. DannyMaio profile image60
    DannyMaioposted 13 years ago

    Michelle's comment exposes just how ambiguous the whole Obama nativity myth really is. His Kenyan grandmother calls him a son of the soil. Newspapers in Africa say he is Kenyan-born. One of his friends, Tammy Duckworth said he was born in Indonesia. His mother's whereabouts at the time of his birth can't be confirmed. The state of Hawaii uses doublespeak to claim Obama is legit, but without specifically saying his alleged COLB is genuine. Why?? They refuse to authenticate his certificate number despite having statutory and discretionary authority under vital records laws and the state's sunshine laws. The state of Hawaii has even lied about it's own disclosure rules to avoid dealing with Obama's birth questions. There's strong evidence Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetoro and may have legally retained his adopted surname and Indonesian citizenship into adulthood. The state of Hawaii has procedurally admitted that Obama's birth records were amended and thus, what he presents via jpg has to have been forged. Then we can get into the natural born citizenship issue which precludes Obama because of his British/Kenyan father. The list goes on and on. Let's just get all the truth out and not have to guess.

    Being in an Obama-trance with heads in the sand does not serve this country well. It's time to wake up and quit carrying water for a fraud.


  17. DannyMaio profile image60
    DannyMaioposted 13 years ago

    this seems real interesting!this links directly to archive.org and is clearly linked through the Kenyan paper's website and has been archived.with I might add -AP clearly marked on the story.

    http://web.archive.org/web/200406271427 … 060403.htm


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