Just imagine how the indigenous people of what we know as America must have felt and continue to feel?
What ever happened to One Nation Under God? We are so divided, I feel destruction is inevitable. When are we going to get made enough to protest in the streets? When it is too late and we have been turned into a third world nation? Scary!
The Left just doesn't care.
And the Right are instantly attacked so much they're probably afraid to protest in the streets.
You need permission from the govt to protest.. Permits.
They will give you a 30 sq ft fenced in area behind the supermarket. You have 1 hour or arrests will be made.
If you plan on using an amplifier that requires another permit. So if you get permission to get a permit to protest, let me know?
I think any dancing......another permit?
Have you seen what the government is capable of doing to angry mobs?
check it out on youtube G20 summits and such.
The only way to stop the trend this Country is headed towards is education, realization, and a faith that the People will allow only the right things to be done.
Through their ignorance of Law the People have acquiesced many of their Rights.
Of course vetting our politicians through more then whether they are (D) or (R) would do wonders to unify the People.
The government does not want to see the People unify. That is their biggest fear! That is why they try to divide us any way they can.
It's a gradual decline begun by a deliberate sudden agenda.
Yep. Hard to watch. Started with immorality being not only tolerated but force-fed to us. Went from there to the other issues like money.
I think too many people have become uncomfortably numb to it.
I always think of immigrating..just not sure where to go.
There's no tax, no government - a tea partier's dream - and there is absolutely no way gay marriage or abortion will ever be legalized there.
The thought crossed my mind too, during the last few months.
But then it made me even more determined to stay here and take a patriotic stand, no matter how minute it seems at the time. Besides, I don't travel well; I'm a nester. No reason to let the Devil sway me outta my own Country! I wanna still be here when the Lord overturns the tables.
What's gonna get overturned is the Tea Party, starting Tuesday in Wisconsin...
No doubt you will read something into a state whose name ends in 'sin'.
Why not try coming to the UK. As most of our cities are now burning and it is unsafe to walk the streets, and religious fundamentalism is taking over large parts of the country, it might be an ideal location.
Maybe we could do a swap. I've always liked the idea of living in New York.
I certainly agree there Sherlock why dont we start an exchange group.
You must be overlooking the fact that patriotic Americans defend their soil. It's not for trade or sale, not even to the former homeland.
After we murder the original inhabitants. Not our fault though. We just followed God's orders.
"It's a gradual decline begun by a deliberate sudden agenda."
Yes...and the Tea Party should be stopped before they do it again.
You mean the Progressives?
Exactly what has the Teaparty done?
"Did I do thaaaaat?"
Thanks for the Tea Party Credit Downgrade. (and it looks like the second dip of a double-dip recession)
Brought to you by billionaires Grover Norquest and the Koch brothers, proud sponsors of the asrtoturf Tea Party 'movement' .....which is very similar to a bowel movement.
To be serious.. this is what S&P said about the cause of the downgrade.
“We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act.”
It’s right there on Page 4 of the official Standard & Poors “Research Update” –the actual report on what they did and why –published on August 5th .”
The only thing I see serious here is your agenda.
Your input in the eugenics thread showed that you do not come to these forums on HP to engage in intelligent discussions.
Your posts show that your purpose is merely spreading propaganda.
Where is the hub Doug? Your next one should be epic?
The quote from S & P is not 'propaganda'. It's a fact you don't want voters to consider.
Very few people are as careful as I am with numbers, facts, quotations and sources.
Darn it your going to posts as many of those "facts" that you can.
The kind of "facts" you want people to believe.
The kind of "facts" that could be considered progressive propaganda?
There is a great feature that Hubpages offers. Do not tell anyone.... but they let you write complete articles. They call them hubs. Once a hub is written Google searches may provide many other readers a chance to see your "fact" filled hubs.
Oh, your hubs must be original thought and not copy and pasted "facts".
Check the learning center for more info or ask in the Need Help category. Seriously.
You are a wealth of information.
Thanks to your constructive criticism, I was able to put the quote that you don't want anyone to read in BOLD.
Oh yeah I see the abundance of replies to your post.
Good job
Doug, when are you going to learn that in discussions of public policy, facts don't matter. It's what you think ought to be true that matters. Even in the face of reality, ideology wins.
Doug, I'm surprised at you. You omitted the part of the report about spending. I read the S&P report, too:
"We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and will remain a contentious and fitful process. We also believe that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration agreed to this week falls short of the amount that we believe is necessary to stabilize the
general government debt burden by the middle of the decade."
Notice the concern with spending?? There were several reasons for the downgrade, and both sides of the aisle are guilty.
"We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and will remain a contentious and fitful process. We also believe that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration agreed to this week falls short of the amount that we believe is necessary to stabilize the
general government debt burden by the middle of the decade."
Habee, I'm equally surprised at you. Yes, S&P cited spending as a problem, but they also cited the general unwillingness to consider raising taxes and specifically mentioned Republicans as the root of this problem. This part of the report isn't only about spending; it's also about revenue.
Destroyed the Republican Party. Spread its hatred, ignorance, fear, prejudice across the land.
The Republican Party deserves to be destroyed as do their counterparts. I only see the Tea Party expressing opinions, some of which are far too liberal for me.
I feel for the millions of Americans that have been sold on 401K's and such and will watch them be robbed and destroyed over the next coming months. Their whole life savings taking from them. Damned elite. I will not be doing another 8 years in the military just to get a pension that will not exsist. You can bet on that.
Good for you!
Glad you see what is happening.
The Tea Party is responsible for one thing. They shouted fire in a crowded movie theater.
The only thing is, the theater was on fire.
Obama and his cronies merely stood next to and barred the exits.
I agree.
However, there is one thing the tea party didn't mention and that is WE HAVE THE MONEY...they are hiding it from us in the comprehensive annual financial reports.
"The Tea Party is responsible for one thing. They shouted fire in a crowded movie theater.
The only thing is, the theater was on fire."
Sure, and the Tea Party threw lighter fluid on the fire while complaining about how infernally hot it was.
What actions has the Tea Party done?
The Tea Party did not get anything they wanted out of the debt deal?
It just sounds like some are in need of a scapegoat to transfer the blame from themselves.
I can tell you why we got downgraded.
It was the Federal governments fault! All Of them, for years have been spending and expecting the next generation to pick up the tab. Bush W. was an out of control spending Progressive followed by Barry, we are doomed.
Cutting spending does nothing to pay down principal. We need to be unburdened from the debt completely. Raising revenues will come with a broader tax base (more jobs).
More jobs will come with a release of the credit freeze along with cutting of regulations.
"What actions has the Tea Party done?"
The Tea Party, as a front for monied interests who have a pathological hatred for taxation of any kind and a vested interest in a government powerless to stop them from polluting, predatory lending, committing securities fraud, etc, backed a group of candidates sworn to sink the ship of state rather than let the opposition have any successes at all.
The Tea Party got a debt deal that did raise the ceiling, but they won a continuation of a bad tax policy and deep cuts to every program they hate.
"Raising revenues will come with a broader tax base (more jobs)."
Cutting taxes doesn't guarantee new jobs. It just doesn't. If it did, the economy (and revenues) would be booming by now. And neither does higher taxes guarantee stangation. The 50s and 60s were pretty good times, and taxes were higher. But don't let those facts change your mind.
Those candidates supported by the TP was not really happy with the bill that was passed.
Jeff, we both know that our debt has been accruing since before we were born. It is not a one party problem. Do you not agree that it is the Federal Government itself both sides of Congress as well as most of the past administrations that is too blame.
Almost all politicians are beholden to some special interest. Our Government is corrupt. The whole concept of an all powerful central government is evil personified. History has shown this many times.
The reason our Government in the U.S. has become so out of control is that the PEOPLE have been too complacent. Through their silence they have consented to every bad decision their government has made.
Only through education of the PEOPLE and civil discussions can WE THE PEOPLE set this Country right. Government will not do it.
Agree or disagree, the discussion must be brought to the people. The truth needs to be told. Information must be made public. It is OUR country and our responsibility to guarantee that future generations may have the same opportunities that past generations have had.
That means that we should see to it that our children are not born already in debt. How can the unborn be responsible for things that we want today. That is more evil. It is a form of slavery.
Not sure how this turned in to such a rant.
"Those candidates supported by the TP was not really happy with the bill that was passed."
No, they wanted deeper cuts to entitlements and deeper cuts in taxes. But cutting taxes even further is incompatible with balancing the budget, and nobody with half a brain disagrees with that. Heck, it's going to be pretty hard to balance the budget without raising taxes, and even if you don't like the idea of raising taxes, you have to acknowledge that higher taxes + cuts in spending are the most efficient path to a balanced budget.
But nobody wants to be the guy who raises taxes, and nobody wants to be the guy whose taxes get raised, so the leaders cringe, and the people hold tight to their stuff, and the country moves closer to crisis.
Writers site so I can mention that immigration refers to people moving into your country. If you want to move out, it's emigration.
Small, but important, point. Don't hit me!
I do suppose that if you are immigrating you are moving to some place but you are also emigrating because you would then be moving from some place at the same time.
You want to emigrate from the United States, and immigrate into Somalia, the Tea Party's ideal country.
No, I want to immigrate to a country that isn't controlled by criminals like the U.S.A. is now.
No country will be safe from the collapse of the dollar. Your best bet is to own land, guns, gold and silver, and hide the metals from the government.
As much as I rag on the US government, we are one of the most free people on the planet (sadly). But our government in 1933 FDR made owning gold illegal, and then proceeded to steal the people's gold -- through Imperial Edict (i mean, "executive order").
They can do it again.
The criminals are in Congress and the Presidency.
Brie ,move to New Zealand.
The cops dont's wear guns.
The dollar is stronger now.
Unemployment they say could be better ,and its at 6.5 per cent.
English speaking.
Less Government is better.
Stunning landscape.
Generous paid holidays.
Most of that sounds like a Tea Partier's nightmare.
All the tea party did was to yell fire in a burning building.
Yeah no kidding. The theater was on fire.
There really is no government in Somalia. Or am I thinking of Somaliland?
Every man, woman, and child must fend for himself...but not pay anything. Sounds great, doesn't it?
Another alternative is Pakistan. Apparently only 1% of the population pays any taxes. Again, abortion and gay marriage are positively illegal there.
I, for one, am moving to Heaven. I'm sure there is no war, no taxes, no debts , no unemployment, and most of all no discrimination and or class , race or sexual distinction.
Actually there will be different races and there will be male and female but the rest is correct.
But no marriage. And since extramarital sex is a sin, and God is right there, no sex.
"For Republican leaders, there was pride in a hand well played. I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting. Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming."
— Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
The deterioration has definitely been slow, but it's really being kicked up in the past decade.
The first sign of trouble was 1913: the Federal Reserve was created.
This organization of government-granted monopoly-privileged private banks launched massive inflation to help the British maintain their superficially low pound-to-gold ratio in the 20s.
The inflation couldn't continue, and the stock market crashed in 29.
The next major attack on our country came when FDR outlawed and then proceeded to confiscate all gold from the populace in 1933. I have a feeling this will happen again in the next decade or two.
The next problem was the massive government intervention in the market with the New Deal programs - many of which still exist today.
Then Nixon completely wrenched the dollar from gold because foreign owners of dollars were thinking "there's no way there's enough gold to back up these dollars". They were right.
Now, we have massive monetary inflation again, out of control spending, and everyone wants to raise taxes.
I, along with my Austrian Economic friends, foresee the collapse of the dollar in the next few decades. Every currency that has removed itself from gold has failed, and I highly doubt that the US Dollar will be an exception.
Buy gold and silver, and then hide it from your government.
Oh, I don't think it will take a few decades..maybe a year or two.
"Buy gold and silver, and then hide it from your government."
Uh...what good will buying something you have to hide do, exactly? You still won't be able to exchange it for goods and services.
That's a strange argument. People still buy weed.
I will accept your gold and silver as payment. i will accept raviolis and spaghettios over Reserve notes.
Hell's yeah. There already is a black market for these silver and gold coins. They're just hard to come by.
Yeah, but then they burn it.
They don't stockpile it and try to buy groceries with it.
Unless they're already high, I guess....
Jeff, you're really missing the point that money is a commodity as well.
You grow weed to buy dollars.
You own silver so that you can buy goods and services.
Private institutions - like the local drug dealer - will accept payment even if it's illegal if the dollar is worthless.
The biggest movers are the lawyers and politicians
Gosh, the redneck next door says he's just sick over our country being decimated! He's a reformed democrat who is puking up the Kool-aid.
Just to note that I have been forecasting this for months now. The markets crashing are the prelude to the dollar crashing to its real value, about 60% of its current value. China has just stated the obvious and suggested the USA withdraws its zone of military interference to an affordable size and start producing something more than arms and munitions that are sold to your own government to kill people you have no quarrel with.
The UK is seeing riots that will inevitably spill out to other European countries (if they are not already and just news suppressed) - and of course they will kick off in the USA soon enough. I guess the only difference is that these anti-government forces will not get armed support from other countries and your cities will not be randomly bombed to disrupt your economies further. Or maybe they will, the USA has made it ok to do this against international laws and treaties, so maybe you can expect to see plastic drones overhead looking for your leaders ?
The dollar is going to crash against what though? By which I mean that the Euro is in the same boat, as is the pound sterling. And the Gulf currencies are pinned with a fixed dollar exchange. The exchange rates between the western currencies barely fluctuate as a result.
You could say that the crash has already happened (in part) because isn't the huge rise in gold and Swiss frank really a fall in everything else?
I can't see the Gulf states keeping the dollar pin in place forever. I think they'll unpin and float up, relatively, leaving the old currencies floundering.
Pain is all around.
The world pins its currencies to the dollar generally, some by necessity and some because of the American foot on its neck.China recently unpinned itself from the dollar and realigned itself to a different basket of currencies - just before it dumped two thirds of the American debt it owns onto Japan, who are pretty much forced to buy it. It is just a numbers game, all the ASEAN countries are aligning with the Chinese RMNB or will do so soon, also they are the biggest free trade zone anyway as of this year and so tied by trade values.
The Arab (who are Asian) countries are the front line in every respect and I guess that they will be the last to drop the dollar at the appropriate moment in the economic 'war' that seems to be replacing the physical wars.
Dropping the dollar in fact means very little as it would still in the basket of currencies that are traded normally, it just would have no 'special'status any more. And this is what is coming, followed by the US having to compete in amore expensive world for them with far less special advantages - unless they go to war big-time fo course,which has been their historical response to economic depression - a more believable reason for even Vietnam than the ideological crock of rubbish they sold to the public.
There's been talk for years about a unified Gulf currency, a sort of Arab 'Euro'. But I'm not convinced there's the political will to push it through. There's too much rivalry, for want of a better word.
Heard some of this today a kind of euro line drawn across on an agreed location across all of the contenant? europe to split the currency as euro north and euro south??? South to include italy, greece mid east etc....
sounded odd to me, like a sub-plot to something synister, not sure.
The unpinning of currencies is nto unusual - what is unusual is unpinning against the dollar due to its being kept at its unrealistic level. China loosed themselves from the dollar last year and measures itself against a basket of currencies - when the dollar starts to move downward all the currencies will look to the next stable currency to measure itself by - at which point the Chinese Yuan will enter the exchange rate group of the dollar, euro, GB pound etc etc., or it might no to avoid currency pirates ? either way the dollar is set to drop from its unchallenged position and whichever currency China backs with its trillions of free dollars will float upward, mabe the Euro ? to complete the ownfall of the dollar. The wars that America has fought to unfairly protect its trade, wealth and currency is about to rebound with harsh consequences I believe and it can expect to receive the same treatment it has been dishing out for a century.
I personally hope that the US can adjust to a new (lesser) global position to the benefit of pretty much everyone, especially the people of the US.
"You could say that the crash has already happened (in part) because isn't the huge rise in gold and Swiss frank really a fall in everything else?"
Well, yeah. Except that a dollar can still buy food and gas and water.
The dollar has only fallen against gold. It hasn't (yet) fallen against stuff people actually need to live.
Yes - the dollar still buys stuff, I have a pocketful of it at this moment as I am in Cambodia. But it is only that way in many places because of its steady rate,and it is not steady any more - it is way down against the Yuan for instance. The dollar will always buy stuff but when it buys less everyone will abandon it.
It is really pitiful to see all Americans are in the habit of thinking too much of themselves or thinking they have gone to the grave. They dont think they can resurrect themselves and their motherland to its original glory. Even now, if USA takes some revolutionary steps, ie., recall of all overseas forces, disband half of its military and send them to agricultural fields, increase production, reduce debts, repay debts, rebuild the twin towers and have true friendships with like minded nations will make it glorious in a decade atleast. It should immediately snap ties with terrorist countries like Pakistan and stop giving "life saving aid" to them. Let them survive on their own or let them die their own death. Why should you bother about them when your own base is crumbling?
Americans, rise up. Prove that you are second to none in this world.
What price glory at the expense of National security? Pakistan isn't the only Nation breeding terrorists that hate the U.S. But yes we shouldn't be providing aid to Pakistan either.
I think we need to stop allowing foreigners including foreign-minded infiltrators into our Country including our military first before we disband half our military. Our tolerance for anyone and everyone has even furthered "home-grown" terrorism right here in our own Nation. We welcome Muslims with open arms, let them be U.S. citizens, infiltrate our military and allow them into a situation where they can claim "conscientious objection" to fighting Muslim terrorists. We're being decimated from the inside-out because we're so tolerant.
The collapse of major economies is supposed to happen. It was written thousands of years ago. Of course, nobody pays any attention; in fact, the mere idea of global collapse is ridiculed. But it's happening in real time. There's nowhere to run, there are no safe havens. Knowing how to milk a goat or coax an egg from a chicken is meaningless. In these end times God is with you or He isn't.
It will take one more major catastrophe to send the global economy over the edge. Perhaps an earthquake will devastate California, or terrorists will poison a major water supply that sickens or kills millions. That's it. The world economy tanks. As people beg for an end to their hideous existence, a person comes onto the world stage who solves all problems and provides a soothing tonic to the wretched: The Antichrist.
And he (or she?) will have a rapt audience. By now people will do anything to have a full stomach and the comforts of life. The soul will be a watered down byproduct concocted by a madman thousands of years ago and will be deemed meaningless. Want a nice, juicy McDonald's? Scan your wrist here, please. All is well.
It was bound to happen sooner or later, but people decided to ignore the warning signs.
Just a postscript on the collapse of the US economy and the dollar - for the first time EVER money changers are adjusting the rate of the dollar daily and the Chinese RMNB is on the trading boards (and getting stronger every day)
If all S Asia moves to the RMNB and the Arab countries follow suit - then that is the end of the dollar, also possibly the end of US interference and hostilities in the Arab world. Contrary to popular opinion - I would say that this would calm things down, the moderates will gain the ascendancy over the extremists, and some form of human rights will start to strongly develop.
I am travelling in S Asia and so can only get online occasionally so it is hard to maintain any conversation or debate over this - sorry.
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