I just received a crazy text from EbertChicago. It reads,"The true face of today's American racism. Uncensored and cruel. Read this and weep." ......and then it lists the url.
So I went to the site. I guess I figured I needed something to weep about. Well I found it. I think the fact that I felt compelled enough to talk about this in an open forum, should tell you where I stand on this issue. If it doesn't, let's just say I'm appalled. I am also frighten by what I just witness and read. Are we really like that??? How? Why?
Here is a little excerpt for those who don't want to read the entire article;
"I saw it. But I couldn’t believe it.
There I was, in a fast food drive through, behind a man whose back window decal, in small white letters, sent me a message that sent a chill down my spine—just as he’d hoped it would, no doubt. It said:
Now, I was there because I needed something to eat badly. I’ve been tending a new puppy that behaves and has to be tended like a newborn, so you only get so much “break’ time if you’re keeping to your schedule. I had just enough to grab a bite, get some work done…and get ready for play time number…I’m not sure which.
But I lost my appetite entirely, when I saw that decal.
I’ve lost my appetite for America, period, to be honest—he’s just one of the many reasons. Forget that fact that if he really believes this, this guy must never have read a history book in his life—it’s the fact that he felt comfortable driving around with that ridiculous statement on his back window that galls me most. But I saw it comin'.
When I first suggested to friends that the Tea Party and other Obama detractors were opening a Pandora’s box of deeper, uglier hatreds and behaviors…people told me to stop being so 60s/sensitive/black. But you see…I am all three. Which means that I have lived through and understood, on a very deep level, the messages behind today’s headlines."
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Is this what the tea party is all about? C R A Z Y
I live in the bible belt and too many white people down here still carry the same old hatred and bigotry they seem to have been born with. I was born in Pittsburgh and started school up there and I knew the difference even as a kid. I'm not sure what it is about these so called christians that can't get thru a day with out showing just how ignorant they are. IMO the bigotry and hate these people need to survive didn't go away. It is simply being transferred to homosexuals. Some transfer these feeling of hatred to the Jews. The bottom line is they need some one to hate in order to feel good about themselves. IMO most of this hatred begins in and is fostered in their churches. Why do so many people have the opnion that their god put them on this planet for the sole purpose of hating anything that isn't just like them. For their sakes they better hope I'm right and there is no god or heaven. If I am wrong 75% of the christians in this country are in for a long and painful eternity. And to answer your question, this is exactly what the tea party is all about. Most will deny it publicly because it is no longer allowed by law. This is why they now strike out at the homosexual community, they can do so publically. For the record, I am white and straight.
This is horrible! I don't like the way politics in this country are going, but this is not the way to handle anything!
this entire approach only comes from a feeling of inferiority. and it was the same even during slavery. blacks were a huge threat to their self esteem. they held guns on black people to keep them down and this gave them a false sense of superiority. it was truely false!
now what you see is the resentment from the unintelligent that never had anythingelse to offer but their false sense of superiority and in their minds they are seeing also that it was an illusion and this is all they have left to fight with. i think it funny because to make such a picture must mean that that person really must feel miserable and misery needs company. so this picture was produced in hopes of spreading misery. it doesn't it produces laughter.
They definitely do not produce laughter. They make me sad actually.
For you to infer that whites feel and should feel a sense of inferiority to blacks is just as racist as the bumper sticker that sparked this hub in the first place. Blacks are not and never have been a threat to our self esteem. The only thing they are a threat to is overcrowding in prisons.
No before you call me a racist, I voted for Obama, still support him, am a registered democrat from New York and have never even held a gun let alone own one. I just find it funny and felt a need to point it out, that you are simply condemning a racist statement with one of your own. So I would lose the holier than thou approach you clearly take with these white southern jackasses who I agree with you that much, are jackasses.
I just had someone on myspace tell me not to be conned into believing this stuff exists. He then went on to tell me I was helping to cause a division in this country. I simply posted this and the problem in his eyes is that I posted it, not that this type of behavior exists everywhere.Just one person I don't need to hear4 from again in this lifetime.
Yeah........, you know- you never know who people really are until it's too late.
Wow! That's the ugliest stuff I've seen. Ignorant, sick, little racist minds.
How many people did you drive by, around, past, near and in front of who didn't have that bumper sticker before you saw that one and concluded America is screwed?
How many blogs have you read that didn't alarm you before you found that one that did?
Perspective is your friend.
Hi Int,
You wrote, "When I first suggested to friends that the Tea Party and other Obama detractors were opening a Pandora’s box of deeper, uglier hatreds and behaviors…"
I have seen TV footage of many Tea Party rallies. It seems the camera crews have to really go looking for goofy signs. For the most part people who attend the rallies are there for one reason, government is no longer limited to the size and scope covered in the Constitution.
Is it your goal to besmirch anyone who does not believe the answer to everyone's problem is another government program?
I hope you don't mind that I posted this on myspace
You need to remove this. By spreading it around you're perpetuating the hate. You're literally fueling it. Please. People did the same thing to Bush when they said he should be assassinated. Well, no racism is worse, but my point is haters try to get people to hate and the more people that see this, the more they will start to hate.
No offense but that is the biggest line of crap I have heard in the last five minutes.
If there are people out there advocating and identifying with the Tea Party and it is a fact that this sort of crap is what they believe, then people need to know so they don't take it any further then they already have.
Believing that it is okay to let people hate is the dumbest idea I have ever heard of. I think it is incredibly frustrating for them to bitch about their freedom of speech and then tell everyone else to STFU.
They are wrong for what they are doing and if they don't know it, then people need to let them know. Does that sound hateful to you?
you saved me the trouble of saying in less polite terms.
hey SP...thanks for dropping by and saying hi!
I don't have the power to remove this, and I think you are completely wrong anyways. Turning a blind eye to this crap, doesn't make it go away.
Do not remove it. Ever. We must never forget the true history of America.
It WAS taken by white men with guns, plain and simple.
Indians were slaughtered to make way for us.
Black people were used as chattle, owned, bought and sold.
Killed for being black, for looking at a white woman.
Socked away in ghetto's, forgotten, looked down on.
This web-site is no surprise. It is all around. I have an 11 year old grandson who is mixed, and is called a N**ger by this one kid at school, who also happens to live up the street from us. This has been going on for years.
Went to the police, they said, "I'm sure he doesn't realize what he is saying." UhHuh.
School says, "The boy has problems." UhHuh.
And if my grandson fights back, what do you think will happen to him? UHHUH!
This country is hella racist. Stop pretending otherwise.
The kid understands what he is saying. He was taught to say it and think it by his parents.
Good point, tv has replaced the parents in too many families. of course the flip side of this is that a lot of children may be spared the experience of learning to hate the same people their parents do.
...hmmmm....that's too bad...i guess all you can do really is speak up, except i would have been afraid to say something to a person that would even display the decal....it's not the majority of people...i figure it's a handful compared to the population of the US.
i recall going into a small town in Canada and standing behind some guy with a t-shirt that had printing on it about his anti-gay stance....i was shocked to see it...it was really bad - ...i really wanted to say something...but i figured he probably wasn't too bright and/or i really wasn't sure how he would have reacted to me...i still remember that guy though when i pass through that town...he put a bad taste in my mouth about the town.
But...I will still visit the US, 'cuz I know it's a good country with lots of good folks.
I think because we don't say anything we let the problem continue. It's innocent enough to think, well he is just one ignorant guy, what harm can come of it. Or, if I say something to him, what will he do to me?
Yet we always find that ignorance is not bliss and if you let it go believing that it is too stupid to go anywhere, then we are being a bit ignorant ourselves.
It's a tough call but people have to do what is right. Of course I am not exactly sure how you would approach a person with a anti-gay t-shirt either.
i speak up when it is appropriate or i should say when it feels safe to do so....if my personal safety is at risk, that's my first consideration...however I can speak up in other ways and maybe not directly to the idiot in front of me, especially when i'm by myself.
and...i do know that the handful screaming out extreme stuff can be quite dangerous...there are ways to quiet it down...i don't take it lightly or ignore it...raising awareness to this issue like in this thread as one small example is a really good thing....it's too bad but that small minority of extreme views will always be around...but they will always be the minority.
We can only hope it is not the majority of Americans who feel this way. Even though the country's foundations may have been made from white men with guns there is still hope for a nation that votes a man such as Obama into its primary seat of power in spite of his colour and race.
Obama pegged it exactly right when he said citizens will cling to their guns and their religion when they are
a) scared
b) angry
c) threatened
d) ignorant
e) exposed as being all of the above
The ugly truth of it is these dumbsh#t redneck crackers know only hate. They know they're mad, but have no idea that they are lashing out against the best thing to happen to them and this country since well before they were born.
G-D ni%%er in the White House.
Too bad there's no way to stop them from further breeding through incest.
And that is exactly what all of you who spread this kind of image are doing. Clinging to your guns.
I dont understand you comment. Do you feel that if you ignore the problem it will go away? How is pointing out the fact that too many Americans feel they have the god given right to abuse, degrade and kill people causing problems. I can only assume that you support this mentality, I hope I am wrong.
Yes, sir, stump parrish, you are dead wrong, with respect. And it made me see how easily one can be misinterpreted or misunderstood when I repeated "clinging to your guns." I believe that approaching anything with an opposite view is the only answer. Haters? Give them love.
That doesn't mean you can't look into laws being changed or whatever but one man (or group) hating, when ignored, eventually gives up because he is not getting the response he wants/needs to keep his hate alive. I know this concept might be a bit hard to wrap your head around, but it really does work. It's like if a tree falls in the woods but no one heard the sound, did it really fall? If someone puts this kind of hate out but no one pays attention to it, his hate only destroys himself.
Being involved in these political forums gives an indicator of how easily people can be incited to hate. Imagine if we used that same energy to love and edify each other with respect? Forget the origins of hate.
I simply hate socialism. I also happen to be white. Does that make me dumb/ignorant/a cracker?
Hi Mighty Mom,
You wrote, "The ugly truth of it is these dumbsh#t redneck crackers know only hate."
It is just as clear that you too, only know hate. Fascinating.
Those who were the original tea party members are disgusted by what it has become.
And that is why you see them calling them out and denouncing them and telling people that it is wrong for them to do those thing right?
yeah, i do. regularly. just about every one of my posts argues against their idiocy - just not directly. Tea Partiers ARE for less government, but they are for numerous things that contradict this less government, i.e., warfare spending and other nonsense.
The problem is that there were only about 40k original members. Now there are (probably) millions of neo-con tea baggers
They got swept up in the Palin/Beck hysteria.
Take a good look at who these two people really are
And then go back to the original TP....the one with Ron Paul.
Half the current crop would leave immediately!!!
You said you're a fan of lew Rockwell...are you a fan of Ron Paul?
Somewhat...I love his stand on the Fed, Israel and dismantling the CIA, but he buys the 9/11 story. Plus, I saw him speak at a pro-life rally....gives me pause.
And his son.....that also makes me wonder.
I saw an example of what the TP has become come out of Nevada. Appearantly males now feel it's ok to physically attack a female bsed on her political beliefs. Next thing you know they will start killing them.
These are funny. The Obama and Michelle picture is primally disgusting.
MM, should I dig for the bush ones that were not funny or you can recall them yourself? Unfortunately you have a lot of hate going on on BOTH sides...
As for the OP and the rest of this, pretty amazing that such unenlightenment still exists. Hard to wrap your head around it. I do object to the lumping in of responsible gun owners with this though. While not racist, it is the same generalized approach to thinking that undermines the nation.
Is it awful that someone makes stuff like that? Absolutely!
However , people do stuff like that on BOTH sides of the isle and you can't point fingers at people when the other side does the exact same , childish/stupid things.
Sorry for any misunderstanding.
Perhaps my point was too subtle for this thread.
One is a simile (Bush makes expressions that are LIKE a monkey's)
The other is a metaphor (Barack and Michelle Obama ARE monkeys).
While a certain (large) amount of fun-poking, even ridicule, comes with the territory when you are in public office, the OP's Obama pics are particularly heinous because of their overtly racist overtone of lynching and equating Black people with primates.
That's my take, anyway.
MM - you make an excellent point. I'll add this: the Bush pics seem to assume even a monkey could do the job he's doing or maybe he has the mentality of a monkey.
Yeah, but they're saying he's stupid because he's Bush, not because he's white....
Like they bashed on Clinton--the man, not the skin color.
With Obama, they bash because of the color of his skin.
Clinton was the "first black President" of course it was about skin color.
And the US is so racist we elected a black man to be President.
What racists we are...
Yeah, his mother is a whack-job! She confronts my grandson at the bus stop...calls him a liar. Her littlest son gave me the finger the other day!
Problem is, she is on the parent-teacher board...real "good mommy" stuff on the surface.
But I know the real person underneath...she is a loon.
And I agree that someone has taught them that word and that attitude.
He once told my gs "colored kids don't belong on the school bus."
I said, "that kid is going to end up shooting up a school one day."
He has ADHD.....guess that gives him the green light to crazy.
...which gives me an idea...maybe I can gas-light the little freak!!
JUST kidding
Best thing that could happen is for that bully to be confronted and knocked down a notch by some kid his age. I don't know if your grandson is big enough , but if my kid was big enough. I'd tell him to defend himself.
My parents always told me if I fight at school, I'd get a whipping when I got home. So I tolerated allot of bullying. If i knew then what I know now.
I would have had that fight at school, went home took my whipping and went back to school and had another fight. Till the bullying stopped.
My parents intimidated me into being way to passive, not their fault, they thought they were doing the right thing. But hindsight is 20/20, is guess.
I think that we could use a little cool-aid with some calm powder for this forum , I am a white guy, I own guns and a pickup too, And I'm offended by these pictures too. Wow , whats with that , There is hatred , racism and stupidity on all sides here. And the only thing we do by throwing hate filled crap at each other is too feed the ego's of ignorance. The only thing that parents do by promoting racism is to make themselves look stupid later in life when their kids hold them accountable for it. The pictures of President Bush are as stupid as the others, Bigotry and racism is in all ethnic groups, racism and reverse racism are both below us all!!!!! The same goes for the bumper sticker guy , he obviously never heard of the Buffalo Soldiers, or the 20th mass. Infantry in the civil war , an all black regiment that the movie "GLORY" was written for.
"I don't know if your grandson is big enough , but if my kid was big enough. I'd tell him to defend himself."
They have new "bullying policies" now. My gs said to him, "I feel like punching you in the face", and he got written up with a warning....2 more times of your threats and you will be suspended.
If you recall, that little 11 year old kid who killed himself took the bullying into his own hands and fought back. He was suspended from school!!!
It is azzbackwards.
You see, this kid who bullies will always have an out...."I have problems." (adhd)
Does Ritalin cause you to make the sign of an "L" on your forehead and say "Loser" everytime you pass someone in the hall?
He has a free pass to bully--courtesy of the mental health professionals.
He will end up shooting up a school one day.
The similarities to the issue here are scarily similar in Australia.
The issue is not about politics
The issue is not about religion
The issue is not about guns
The issue is certainly all to do with education.
But not education in schools or with peers or with other friends and family, yet it certainly can account for re-enforcement of thesevalues.
It has all to do with education from home, hate and intolerance is not born with, its taught. This attitude should absolutely be a thing of the past. But this will not happen until hate and bigotry is looked at and taught at home as something so unpopular, it is an almost unthinkable to allow in society.
Unfortunately, I will not be around when that is the norm in society.
I think you are all over the place. I don't think you really know on what leg you'd like to stand on. I also feel that racism is more of a political issue for you.
"Don't blame my party." Is that you view on racism? Deep down inside, I think it is. This is what you are portraying- just in case you didn't realize that. So this portrayal by you, it what I'm responding too. It is nothing personal. I'm trying to respond to some of your (what I believe to be) shivering, cold comments.
As for myself, racism is more than politics. It is so much more than that..........
It is a religious issue, historical issue, Anthropology issue, archaeological issue, sociology issue, a moral issue, an economic issue, idealogical issue, ideological issue, a human rights issue, crimes against humanity issue, etc..., or do you need me to go on? I could you know.
Whether racism is the secret platform of the tea baggers, Republicans, or Democrats- those are entities ran by PEOPLE.
Therefore, it is more than just "politics as usual."
I thought that your country had moved passed that point in your all's lives. I'm really surprised at what you wrote. I just thought it was us Americans- who were having troubling accepting equality.
Australians have their fair share of hate and bigotry too, IE. It is the depth of racism and amount of people who hold this view that still surprises me.
Yeah, me too. I'm completely taken back by all this. Shocked.
It wouldn't surprise me to find this leads back to the Obama propaganda machine.
Riiiiiiight...he put those pictures up of he and his adored wife as MONKEYS FROM THE PLANET OF THE APES MOVIE!!!!!
I didn't say he did it.
Probably one of his flunkies.
Little Rahm Emmanuel furiously typing and morphing.
Wouldn't surprise me at all.
I was shocked to see the pictures... Obama being hanged.... Obama and the first lady with monkey mouths. Is it White American culture? Guns can be used by everyone... not only whites. And monkey mouths can fit even for JFK and Jacq. Why not you show them as such?
The formation of present America is not an "achievement" or "honourable". White people, who found no livelihood in England were roaming in the seas in search of green-fields in Asia. But all boats did not find their destination. Some landed in a new land. The white people used guns on unarmed civilians, killed them and started their livelihood. They land you now live is not yours. Red Indians... do you remember? You are all living on the skulls and bones and blood-stains of those red-Indians killed by you. If you dislike the blacks, why did you bring them to America? Just to get free labour. The blacks are not lacking livelihood in Africa. You need them and they are there. But not with such abuses for a long time.
"They land you now live is not yours. Red Indians... do you remember? You are all living on the skulls and bones and blood-stains of those red-Indians killed by you."
Exactly. back to the OP....we will have to deal with the fruits of our beginnings. Eventually.
Some people are small, selfish, clueless little children who read all the wrong things, speak out of turn on subjects about which they know little, spout heresay, and lay blame in forums. I think they are probably cowards in person, lacking in integrity and courage, without conviction or committment to any worthy cause including but not limited to their own enlightenment and without the dignity to edify anything or anyone, including their own moral character.
They should consider dealing with the fruits of their own immorality, rudeness, dislike for their fellow man, and anger. They will suffer the consequences of their own personality and actions. We are only in this together insomuch as we choose to be. I will be living a life free from guilt, loving those who love and allowing those who don't the benefit of the doubt until such time as they prove themselves to be worthless negative energy.
Those who have all the negative things mentioned above are suffering the consequences of their own actions and their own personality. Those guilty of such negative actions are already reaping the consequences. But people like the ones described by you will only take pity on you and come to your help.
unfortunately there are so many people who hate for no reason, skin color is not a reason. There was a certain amount of racism in my own house I am sad to say. As my dad was sure to let his views be known.
He was never around black people and most likely just took the views of his father.
Once he decided to coach little league, which of course had some black kids, white kids, asian kids, etc. His views began to change. Because he was forced to socialize with them see them for who they really are not their skin color. He came to love those kids no matter their skin color. And even made friends with all of their fathers.
I just think it is learned behavior and until they experience the people themselves for who they really are it will continue.
Sad, Indeed.
You are all insane. All of you who are referring to 'we americans' bringing slaves and killing red indians. We didn't do any of it. Can't you get that through your thick skulls and move on? I didn't do it, my parents didn't do it, even my grandparents didn't do it, neither, likely did yours. THEY'RE ALL DEAD!!!!! MOVE ON TO SOMETHING POSITIVE!!!
Well said. We are prepared to enjoy the fruits of the good things earned by our forefathers. But we are afraid of tasting the sins of our forefathers. When discussions go there, we say "I did not do it". When you enjoy the land your forefathers won for you, you should be prepared also for getting the rewards for their sins.
Thanks to Mr.Diane Inside for highlighting the facts almost experienced by all.
Humans are unable to fix their own colour. It is nature, which determines it. Those working hard and exposed to sunlight are always brown or black. Those who are unable to work hard and inclined for easy living maintain their whiteness.
But white coloured people should be aware of the dangers surrounding them... those hard labourers and slaves can come out of their shells and take the places of their former white masters.... because they can carryout any hard labour.
A time is coming when the slaves are white, and blacks are their masters.
So , wonderfull , you guys have it all figured out , and Im glad you have. You see the faults are all Them, Them,Them, They they they, and those Those Those. And The one's who have it down are you!
by weholdthesetruths 14 years ago
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co … 05400.htmlThey might be perfectly fine with someone who wants to be the other gender, but, heaven forbid, they find someone with a different view of government, it's just too much evil to stomach, apparently.
by kerryg 14 years ago
After all that noble talk about freedom and liberty and the Constitution, it's helpful to be reminded that for quite a few tea partiers, what "liberty" really means is "do what we want and nobody gets hurt." From a rally in DC yesterday:
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The "informed" conservatives behind the Tea Party....I wonder what schools these men and women attended....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeN0JRFGPD0&NR=1
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Is it Christian to show disdain and hatred toward those of other religious beliefs & races?Sometimes it is confusing when someone professes to be a Christian and then they are so filled with hatred toward those whose viewpoint they do not share. Likewise it is unsettling to sit among those who...
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