Yes I would vote to cut public funding for Planned Parenthood.
They provide little actual health care and what they do provide is duplicated in other places. The birth control they do provide doesn't work. The other services just front as a means of getting women in the door. The real money is in abortions.
They routinely build their facilities near schools and in poor neighborhoods.
They are committing genocide.
Planned Parenthood employees routinely ignore glaring instances of child sexual abuse and child prostitution.
"They routinely build their facilities near schools and in poor neighborhoods.
They are committing genocide."
I love it. When poor women have babies they can't afford to take care of and have to go on welfare, they're "irresponsible," and when they take advantage of one of the few services available to people with no insurance to get low cost birth control, they're contributing to the genocide of their own people. Either way, it's all their fault. Thumbs up! Heller himself couldn't have constructed a better Catch-22.
95% of women (and men) who go to Planned Parenthood clinics are going for basic health care services, not abortion. These include:
1. Birth control, obviously, including birth control pills, Depo shots, Plan B, IUD insertion/removal, and free condoms
2. Pap smears
3. Pregnancy testing and prenatal care
4. Breast cancer screening
5. STD testing, treatment, and prevention, including HPV vaccines
6. Male infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services
7. Menopause services
8. General health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing
I've gone to them myself when my gynecologist didn't offer the type of IUD I wanted, and except for some problems getting through to make an appointment, I had a very good experience.
Absolutely not. Abortion is legal. Planned Parenthood is where you go. Period. Where do you get birth control when you don't want to go to your family doctor? Planned Parenthood. Period.
The only problem people have with it is that they WANT abortion illegal, which it isn't.
The question isn't rather it's legal. It's rather you would vote to end funding. Something like this should not be funded. It's to controversial.
I bet you would be against any kind of funding for Christian organizations even though they are legal.
They're already funded....they don't pay taxes!
What's to debate, its a no brained... cut federal funding, its not needed. The bulk of their money comes from abortions and the federal government should NOT be paying for abortions!
Funny...there is such a thing as The Hyde Amendment...
Which allows for NO federal monies for abortion.
Funny....Pres. Obama continued that draconian policy.
I say: end public-funding for Viagara. … ing-viagra
I agree!! The teachers in WI refused to even give that up!!
"Medicare, a publicly-funded program, covers Viagra."
I don't think that applies to these WORKERS. But, even if it did, they are willing to negotiate the pay and benefits. What they WON'T negotiate is collective bargaining.
We've already seen what happens when big business does whatever they want to do....
Jobs......buh bye! to Cayman taxes there, mate.
Payment for living in these Great United States?
arrrr, leave it up to the "little people"!
There should be a vote. And funding would not happen if there were a vote for the American people.
The majority of Americans are still Conservative regardless of what like-minded liberals may say on hubpages, lol.
Did we vote to manufacture and supply white phosphorous to Israel so they could bomb babies in Palestine?
Abortion is already's the law of the land.
Get over it, and stop demonizing people who choose to use it.
Heck yeah. Paying for somone elses abortions is bunk. They use rape and incest as a front but the largest percentage of aborters is irresponsible teenagers.
I most certainly would not cut funding to Planned Parenthood.
I would, in fact, vote to increase their funding.
Thank you for asking.
Can't wait 'till reach a billion people like in China and India. Think you all complaining now about too much government.
Think the name is 'planed parenthood' not
'kill-them parenthood'. But yes I am pro-abortion.
"population control agency." well that is my opinion that the population needs to be controlled. But it so anti-free, "I going to do whatever I want", that it is absolutely an unpopular perspective no matter the political stripe. From what I have heard, Planned Parenthood means the planning of birth by birth control: like condoms, pills, vasectomy etc. and planing when and how many children based on things like afford-ability, health and realistic considerations. Education.
Wow. You sound like a pure socialist. Please...Please move to China. You'd love it there.
Grow up.
He IS the grow-up on this issue. You use your personal religion to dictate to all human beings. That is childish.
Not everyone is like you.
Given the financial state of many US states these days, we can't expect state programs to replace PP if the feds stop funding it.
If there were comparable services -- the entire suite of services, not just abortions -- available and affordbable -- we would not need federal funding for PP.
I think of the situation like a cross between dominoes and jenga.
The repercussions of one action need to be thought through.
The very name 'Planned Parenthood' is blasphemy. GOD will decide who will be parents and the only option that men and women have to affect the will of GOD is through self-denial - avoiding sin in all forms.
Of course, then you look at the phony preachers from Swaggert to Jim & Tammy Baker to the gay evangelical clerics who have been caught recently. What a crock their piety is.
Heck, no! If you really want to reduce the number of abortions in this country, the best way to do it is to increase women's access to affordable, reliable birth control and reproductive health care. That's PPA's raison d'etre.
Amen, kerryg.
Same mantra they're using on Obama: damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Can't win for losing with these holy roller types.
Yes, however, I would require Planned Parenthood become a part of the Medical Assistance program so it technically wouldn't lose federal funding.
Yes. I would vote to defund any activity the federal government is supporting that is not in its constitutional responsibilities.
Choice is very important. That is why we are here in a democratic country supposedly America. If you can't access safe abortion specially for confused teen agers, they end up doing it themselves which cause death.
Democratic country?
Just so ya know, the majority of Americans are Conservative and Republican.
Our Founding Fathers scorn the word Democracy and never implied that we are a democracy. In their views, this is a Republic for the PEOPLE, and of the people.
Of course, now a days the government oversteps their bounderies when they wake up out of bed every morning.
I'll be following you after those remarks.
democratic country meaning there is separation of powers and the power should emanate from the people. That is in principle.
Where is the data that supports your claim that there are more Republicans defined as a member of or adhering to that political party?
The latest data is this : … ation.aspx
"Just so ya know, the majority of Americans are Conservative and Republican."
Not so.
Tuesday, February 01, 2011: The number of American Adults identifying themselves as Republicans in January fell roughly a percentage-point-and-a-half from December to 35.4%. Also in January, the number calling themselves Democrats inched up just over one point to 35.0%. … san_trends
"Allow me to point out possibly the largest hypocrisy in politics: The idea that it's OK to use public funds so men can get it up and have sex, but it's not fair to provide birth control or reproductive services to the women they have sex with.
So Planned Parenthood "promotes promiscuity" and Viagra promotes abstinence? Right.
Well, ladies, I hope you either want a lot of children or know of a magical fairy who turns off your reproductive system until you're ready for motherhood.
Myself, I have yet to meet that magical fairy. So until I do, I think public funds should stop paying for Viagra. I don't want my tax dollars contributing to men's erections, which could lead to unwanted pregnancy and abortion.
What say ye, gentleman of Virginia?
PS: Could you point me to an affordable clinic where I can get annual exams and cancer screenings? Thanks."
Check with your regular doctor or hospital. In my State, there's a place called the Little Red Door that gives affordable cancer screenings, etc.
And my doc told me (since I don't have insurance) that the related hospital offers free mammograms for women in my situation.
There's also several clinics where a man or woman can get affordable STD testing, etc.
Planned Parenthood would've been okay in itself IF it would do the job its name calls for, which is actual family planning instead of resorting to killing babies.
I also think it's strange and beyond normal reasoning for Viagra to be covered by Medicare, if it is. ...I wouldn't know....
If men had the babies, there would be no problem with abortion either. Or welfare, for that matter.
Unfortunately for us that isn't the case so we have to deal with reality.
NO! YOU deal with your reality....I"LL deal with mine.
Lmao....your comparing stimulants to murder. Scientifically described murder.
Errrr, Viagra prdocues the factor which makes it possible for a man to have have sex sex!!!
Sex produces babies.
End viagra funding and force men to have vasectomies...that will end abortion.
IF that's what you really want?
Love everyone's responses! I like opinionated people! I wish all of you would be on my debating site!
like any other business should do, they should fund themselves by offering what they have to offer and donations from's not the place of government
if everyone would abide by that rule, we wouldn't have so many people in need...and if everyone had values that taught healthy sexual conduct, we wouldn't have so many unwanted pregnancies.
we need to set those to goals up and meet them, gradually bringing us back from the brink of economic and civilization destruction
OMG, I just wrote a hub about a similar question. I basically don't think that the State can be responsible for everyone's choices. However, sometimes, in order to avert high crime, the state chooses to intervene by providing funds so that people don't reach a point where they steal and murder. I'd love to know where to draw the line on this!!! Did you know that internationally single mothers were the poorest sector of the lot - and that included divorced mothers.
I can't help but wonder if those same folks screaming in support of government funding for Planned Parenthood would be equally as rabid in their support for government funding of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.
Billy - I think you would find support for any pregnancy center which supports the rights of women to make an informed choice about pregnancy and allows freely terminating a pregnancy in the early stages when that's the woman's decision.
Everyone who is pro-choice is also pro-life for any woman who has DECIDED that she wants to take the pregnancy to term.
Yes but when its in the providers interest for women to chose abortion, the provider might be inclined to steer the decision to satisfy that interest. In the case of planned parenthood the interest is in performing abortion as that is more profitable and overwhelmingly where their income comes from. Again I don't have a problem with that but I do have a problem with my government supporting such an operation.
That is lie. Their funding does not come mainly from abortions!
"One in five American women has used Planned Parenthood’s services. The vast majority of care — more than 90% — offered at Planned Parenthood health centers is preventative. Every year, Planned Parenthood carries out nearly one million screenings for cervical cancer — screenings which save lives. Every year, Planned Parenthood doctors and nurses give more than 830,000 breast exams — exams which save lives. Every year, nearly 2.5 million patients receive contraception from Planned Parenthood — a service which prevents enormous numbers of unintended pregnancies and, by extension, an enormous number of abortions. Every year, Planned Parenthood administers nearly 4 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV — tests and treatments which save lives, extend lives, preserve fertility, and maintain reproductive health."
You read that? PREVENTS abortions. 90% is PREVENTATIVE.
But of course, that doesn't matter since operation rescue has brainwashed the haters.
And btw...abortion is a legal medical procedure...unless you are advocating for everyone to have accesss to YOUR private medical activity, y'all should think twice.
Unfortunately, Planned Parenthood almost always serves as the sales department for the abortion industry. Their record stands as one of abortion, not encouraging any other alternatives such as adoption or finding a way to keep and care for the child.
True, pro-life centers are not going to be providing abortion services, but still, if one is government funded, the other should be as well.
"Unfortunately, Planned Parenthood almost always serves as the sales department for the abortion industry."
If I was Planned Parenthood, I would sue for slander! … statements
Maybe you should look at this before you pass judgement. Their own financials prove most of their income which is over 300 million dollars comes from abortion and the sale of fetal tissue.
As fine and unbiased a piece of work as we have come to expect from you LL.
No response to the material then? As we've come to expect from you.
I would have thought that was a perfectly adequate response to the material, it's heavily biased and of no use for making a decision.
Yeah--it's only good for wiping your..........
That's typical of the left... when they can't dispute the facts (which is all the time) they attack the source... facts are facts and the source shouldn't matter in this case its planned parenthoods own records!
No, we are told they are PPs own records, they may well be but they may well be totally out of context as well. There is no evidence that the article contains any facts at all and the tone is set very early in the article, referring to a doctor as a murderer.
Don't you get it LL? If the source is unsound then so are the facts, why waste time dismantling something that doesn't deserve the time.
No. I don't care what you do with your body
Planned Parenthood IS just such a place!
They provide services FOR a pregnancy too. They let the woman decide. They help with food and clothing. And doctors. And counseling. And help in finding a job, an apartment, legal help with child support from the father, etc etc etc etc, IF the woman decides to go to term.
They can hook you up with all the social services that you people want to GUT.
So how are they gonna keep a baby, support it and care for it with no father, and no money and no job????
What exactly is your agenda for these unwanted babies? What are your plans for them? And is it insidious?
Your very use of the term "unwanted" babies is indicative of the tactics of the pro-abortion lobby....use all possible terminology to dehumanize the victims of abortion. Makes it easier to kill them.
There are answers to your questions, LMC, unfortunately, you repeatedly demonstrate that you are not interested in any rational discussion. I am wondering how long it will be before one of your famous wealth envy rants becomes a factor in this thread....
"Makes it easier to kill them."
This is your tactic, as if women have no feelings in thought to what they do.
This is the worst type of tactic you all use.
De-Humanize women. You want to talk about the baby being human? What about the mother? Or is she just a machine at your command? No feelings, no thought, no emotion?
You will force her to do something against her will. No getting around that. Carry that fetus by ORDER of the state.
An yes..I actually DO know some of the answers...that's why I asked if it was insidious.
So--once you slash and burn all the social help...where do these babies and moms go?
Foster care? Wards of the are getting rid of those programs.
Funding for day-care: slashed
Funding for WIC, food-stamps, welfare, housing?: slashed
What is your answer, ONCE THEY GET HERE?
Sorry, but I have a hard time defining any woman who would murder her unborn child as "human".
yeah, definitely.
Federal funding for ANYTHING is charity paid with by other people's money.
The vote to defund Planned Parenthood has given the company a great opportunity to fund raise privately. All you supporters have a great opportunity to make a difference.
I hope you don't overwhelm the website!!!!
Don't forget to support your choice to keep the population down.
IN fact, if we want to get down to scientific fact...isn't sperm life?
Don't you kill millions of little lives daily?
That does it! Cut it off!!!!!
What a stupid argument. A sperm on it's own is not a human life. A sperm joined with an egg is.
I cannot believe I'm having to explain Biology 101 to a grown woman....
I would vote to defund Planned Parenthood, as well as anything related to sexual activity, including Viagra for prisoners, Viagra for Wisconsin public employees and anything else that should be left to adult individuals. None of this should be part of the public concern or funding!
That is right! My private life is not the public's concern! FINALLY you see the light.
Public funding is used daily with these lax gun laws and all these little kids going into hospitals daily from being shot.
I demand all guns be confisated by order of the state. Or, let the NRA pay for the hospital visits.
Sorry, LMC. According to Gallup and USA Today, 73% of Americans believe that citizens should have the right to own guns. … -guns.aspx
Do state health departments still offer family planning clinics? I know ours used to, and my mom was in charge of it. The clinic offered prenatal care, post-natal care, and free contraceptive devices. At the time Mom worked there, I believe the clinics were funded by the state of GA. I don't know if they received fed funds or not. I do know that her salary was paid from the state and local coffers.
If they were offering assistance to those who could not afford prenatal and postnatal care with state funds, that's cool, but Viagra and abortions should be the bailiwick of individuals and not the federal government.
The American Eugenics Society was put of business and developed into Planned Parenthood.
I must have read a great hub on the subject.
Never! Never! Planned Parenthood has done much to help women take control of their reproductive destinies. No woman is ever free if she is subjected to unwanted and unplanned pregnancies. Thanks to Planned Parenthood, the quality of motherhood and family life is much better. Women can determine when to become pregnant and how many children she wants to have! It cannot get any better than this!
Unwanted and unplanned pregnancies. Duh. How many people today have sex without knowing that a baby could result? Let's call them what they are, "irresponsible pregnancies," "too lazy to take care of business pregnancies."
PP is a blood sucking organization that feeds off of this irresponsibility. They must be doing an excellent job educating women about birth control - thats why we have had 50 million or so abortions since Roe v Wade, many of them performed by PP. PP did 332,000+ abortions in 2009, 27.5% of US abortions.
Check out this article, which provides a link to the PP annual report. … e-in-2009/
PP founder Margaret Sanger was a racist eugenics advocate Hitler must have loved. PP continues to destroy our African American population. Check out this website. … tatistics/
by Josh Ratzburg 9 years ago
Should we stop funding Planned parenthood?The House has passed a bill to cease funding for Planned Parenthood. I personally think this is a huge mistake... what are your thoughts?
by Kebennett1 13 years ago
Do you believe that the government has a right to allow planned parenthood to open health care cliniThis will mean our children will be given birth control and abortions without parental consent or knowledge.
by Asa Schneidermann 9 years ago
Before, it was all kind of fuzzy. We knew that abortions took place in Planned Parenthood facilities and fought against it, but other activities were unclear. Now, we have clear, undeniable evidence of the evil - and I mean evil - practices taking place using our own tax dollars. It is not an...
by American View 11 years ago
The President of the United States Asks God to Bless an Abortion FactoryOBAMA: Planned Parenthood is not going anywhere. It's not going anywhere today. It's not going anywhere tomorrow. (applause) As long as we've got a fight to make sure women have access to quality...
by Onusonus 8 years ago
A poll for the ladys out there.Planned Parenthood claims that only 3% of their services are for abortion. The rest is for cancer screening and other unrelated health services.So how many of you women out there actually use planned parenthood without the intention of getting an abortion?
by AnnCee 13 years ago
The House will vote, perhaps today, on Rep. Mike Pence’s amendment to the Continuing Resolution which would zero out taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood last year received $363 million in money yanked out of the wallets of Americans, many if not most of them pro-life, and...
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