On-going view adjustment

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  1. lrc7815 profile image81
    lrc7815posted 10 years ago

    For the past 48 hours,, my total views (as shown on my account summary) are decreasing, then increasing, then decreasing again.  Yesterday I watched the daily view go from 309 to 263 then back to 300.;  How does this affect income and when will the counts be reliable again?

    1. sallybea profile image83
      sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I posted another thread the same as yours today and Solaris did the same a few days back.  I thought I was going crazy but now I know I am not.

    2. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Linda, the traffic sources page is also showing negative numbers. How can you have a negative page view? I reported this on a previous forum question I posted and provided the link to my traffic sources page to admin. Apparently, they weren't aware of the problem but are looking into it now.

      Here's the link to the forum. Scroll down until you see responses from Matthew:


    3. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I know that we are doing some adjustments to the view numbers.
      I'm following up with the engineering team to see if there are more details I can provide.

      Thanks for your continued patience!

      1. bravewarrior profile image84
        bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Matthew, how can and why would you make adjustments to page views? Aren't they are what they are?

        1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
          Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          There were some issues with page views, so we are adjusting them for accuracy.
          This happens occasionally.

          1. bravewarrior profile image84
            bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Matthew, this affects our ppv earnings. How can we be sure they are corrected and caught up? I'm still showing negative numbers in my traffic sources page. What would cause this? Once someone views a page they can't take it back. This makes no sense to me whatsoever.

            1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
              Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              No, this does not affect earnings and you are not paid based on views, but on your share of ad impressions. This is not the same thing as page views.

              Example: Someone could view my Hub, but have ads blocked and then you would see a view, but have no ad impressions.

              There is a know issue related to negative traffic source values and you can find it here.

              1. bravewarrior profile image84
                bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Matthew, is there a way to check views for a particular month? I just received my Google Analytics report for September. It says I had 4,750 visitors in September, yet my 30-day count in My Account shows 3,839  and that includes views from October 1 thru this morning. Something's off.

                1. MarieLB profile image77
                  MarieLBposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Hi #Matthew,

                  If page views are not important, and hub scores are not important, and hubber scores are not important to us, then why on earth do we get the stats each day?

                  We have no idea how our articles are rated [except to keep ingesting and interpreting a bible-full of guidelines, which change from time to time], but Google/Hubpages will utilise the ratings it gives to publish the articles - where? - and that is the catalyst for the ads which will eventually sprinkle some pennies to the writer. So, I cannot but come to the conclusion that the higher the ratings, the better the chances of earning the clicks. 

                  The way the numbers are being bandied about is quite disturbing.  IF they are not important, then what is the way that they are rated?

                  If the rating is not important, then why do some get a huge reading and some not, even though the quality is not that different.

                  If the rating is because of quality would it not be reasonable to expect that someone actually points out to the writer what is going wrong?

                  We should all be aiming for the same goal, writers, Admin, Google, and whoever else is involved.  Together we could make a big splash.  But as it is, I see many fractured egos here, many confused writers and no doubt Admin is having their own problems too.

                  Maybe it is time to put the cards on the table and tell us what is really going on. If you let us in, maybe together we can find ways to make Hubpages even better and success will come for all.

                  It is the way to move forward.

                  1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
                    Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    We have no idea how our articles are rated
                    Here is the chart that is used for the QAP. Try to aim for an 8 or higher.

                    So, I cannot but come to the conclusion that the higher the ratings, the better the chances of earning the clicks.
                    It is logical that higher quality Hubs would receive more readers, abstracted from all other factors.

                    If the rating is because of quality would it not be reasonable to expect that someone actually points out to the writer what is going wrong?
                    Due to the sheer number of Hubs written each day, we cannot provide detailed feedback for every Hub.

                    Here are some general tips for creating great Hubs.
                    http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/Elem … tellar-Hub
                    http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/How- … y-of-a-Hub

                    We have recently introduced the HubPro program to help authors on a more individual level.
                    You can read more details about it here.
                    http://blog.hubpages.com/2014/07/introd … bpro-beta/

                2. Matthew Meyer profile image70
                  Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  The 30 day count is just the last 30 days, so it will not match a month.
                  This is one of the reasons we suggest using Google Anaytics if you would like better and more flexible traffic reporting.

            2. classicalgeek profile image78
              classicalgeekposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              It is my understanding that HubPages doesn't run its own ads; it runs third-party ads, and the earnings are based on the third-party reporting (IOW, the third party tells HubPages how many ad impressions they count, and their count is the one they pay by). So while our views according to HubPages stats may be totally messed up, in fact the earnings are still being reported correctly because HubPages is not the original source of these earnings reports.

              Complicated, I know, but it's a little bit like following directions from Google maps and someone who knows the area, but the person who knows the area told you to turn left at the billboard with the cow on it, and the billboard changed. Google maps would still be correct.

      2. EricDockett profile image92
        EricDockettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I see this thread is a few weeks old, but also marked "ongoing" so I'm posting this here instead of cluttering the place up with a new thread.

        HP stats seem to be severely off over the past several days. According to HP numbers the traffic for my biggest account went off a cliff yesterday and continues to be suppressed by around a thousand views. According to GA this has been my best week for traffic since the Panda smackdown, no cliff in sight.

        For this account and my second largest account, Tuesday onward saw a big dip. But GA shows a steady increase in traffic on those accounts since Monday.

        I know GA and HP shouldn't match, but the trends don't even match, and there are huge discrepancies.

        Is this the same issue as discussed in this thread or am I seeing a different  problem?

    4. Faith Reaper profile image89
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Linda!  I thought I was going crazy.  They are certainly decreasing as opposed to increasing!  Now, how can be sure to trust what are the true statistics?

  2. LeanMan profile image74
    LeanManposted 10 years ago

    The views are totally stuffed, I have hubs that show 100 views for today and ZERO views for the last seven days and many others where the seven days views are within one or two of the last 24 hours when these hubs receive double digit traffic daily.

    Traffic sources are still showing negative numbers also..

    Please explain how this cannot be affecting our earnings if you are using inaccurate data Matthew?? If the views for our payments are being pulled from the same place as this data then it will not be accurate!

  3. liladybugz26 profile image78
    liladybugz26posted 10 years ago

    Hi Mathew,

    I'm wondering if this is the cause for the sudden rapid decline in views for one of my Hubs. I was regularly receiving about 600 views per day, and on September 23rd the views plummeted down to the 200 mark and have not rebounded.

    According to Google Analytics these numbers are accurate. If it wasn't from HubPages maintenance would you have any clue why stable views would suddenly decrease like this? On 9-23 I received 542 views (which was a very slight decrease), and then on 9-24 it dropped to stunning 221 and has never rebounded.

    Any suggestions or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    1. LeanMan profile image74
      LeanManposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Google Panda is the reason; many people here saw losses of 50% or more in their traffic... Plus also the addition of many Squidoo lenses that are now competing with hubs for keywords and traffic..

  4. firstday profile image60
    firstdayposted 10 years ago

    What I find interesting is sometimes I get a minus on my earnings page for the total pay, like I owe them…LOL

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Firstday, are you looking at your payout? Once payment has made, the amount shows as a negative (against the positive in order to zero out the payable).

  5. firstday profile image60
    firstdayposted 10 years ago

    brave warrior ( I like that name)
    As to your question, no I am not looking at my payout.  On the page that reads, "All programs earnings", for Thursday, Oct 9th the total in the total column for that day is <$0.01.  That is the last time there are any totals.  How could it be negative?  It is only for one day.

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Firstday, that's odd. I just checked my Earnings page and there are no negatives. I've never seen that before. Hopefully Matthew will come in and address it.

    2. Millionaire Tips profile image85
      Millionaire Tipsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's not a negative sign, it is a less than sign. That just means you learned less than a penny that day.

      1. brakel2 profile image69
        brakel2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I wish that hubbers would all sign up for Google Analytics. That is the best way to see the views. They will not agree with HP statistics, as the rollover time is different. Also, the statistics on Hubpages counts your views, as you will see when you write an article. Your views show up, as you work on your hub. I know it sounds confusing, but Google Analytics gets better by the day. All sorts of information comes from that site. It is wonderful. Sorry, my post is supposed to be new and is in wrong place.

  6. MarieLB profile image77
    MarieLBposted 10 years ago

    I am  new and learning here.  Many have advised 'ignore' the Hubber scores.  I tried to do that.  But when I had climbed slowly, very slowly, from  the sixties to 81 only to see it go down 4-5 points in one day. . . . It is disheartening, no other way I can describe it.
    And all for all the emotional drama, I have earned 34 cents so far.
    This is not a rant, but I am disappointed beyond words.

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Marie, we're not talking about hubber scores here. Mine go up and down too. It seems when I post a new hub my hubber score goes down until the new article gains some traction. I wouldn't worry about that. Pay more attention to the account page and watch for hubs that aren't featured or have broken links. Fix those to make your hubs more relevant to Google searches. More traffic means more views which means more ad shares. That's how we make money. It's not a lot. It's passive income at best, but once your hubs start getting traffic that continues to climb, you'll see an increase in pennies. And I do mean pennies.

      Please don't be discouraged. HP is a great place to be. I didn't get my first payout until I'd been a member for two years. I probably could have fixed that had I spent some time in the learning center. I'm still finding new things about HP that I can implement to increase my earnings and I just hit my three year mark this month. However, I'm more here for the camaraderie and the exposure than anything else.

      1. MarieLB profile image77
        MarieLBposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hello #bravewarrior,  my, my! we are keeping you occupied with shoring so many of us up.  Thank you for taking the time to pick me up from the deep hole I had slipped into.  Yes, my mind knows what you say is all correct and sensible, but age has not put much sense into my head, it seems.  I am still 'in a hurry' to get wherever I am heading.  So much to learn, and nowhere near enough time to do it in. 

        I try to read some from the Learning Centre each day but it is not often easy to find answers to little things that I am not sure of.  E.g. What is TOS and what is NO Follow.  I went searching for  " No Follow' but the answers were contradictory. 

        Another thing is the credits due on the images.  At times I have put the complete link of where they came from, thinking it is the right thing to do.  Now I am wondering whether it is the cause of the drop in hubber score.  The views are increasing so maybe  the links are the cause?

        I guess this morning, the frustration boiled over a bit. . . . .

        I must say this again though.  The camaraderie in this place is way above average.  So many people here are prepared to give of their time and their knowledge.   Thank you so much bravewarrior.

        1. bravewarrior profile image84
          bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Marie, TOS is an acronym for Terms of Service. As for no-follow, here's a link that'll explain it for you:

          https://support.google.com/webmasters/a … 6569?hl=en

          When using photos on HP or even my own blog, I try to use my own whenever possible (citing myself as the source). It gets tricky when using photos found on the Internet. You need to make sure they are free to use without infringing on copyrights. Here's a link to the proper use of photos from HP's Learning Center. The article contains several other links going into more detail:


          I hope this helps. Hang in there. There's so much to learn about online writing, copyrights, Google algorithms, etc., it can boggle the mind. Trust me, you're not alone!

          You may also want to search for hubs about the issues you're grappling with. We've got some pretty knowledgeable writers here.

          1. MarieLB profile image77
            MarieLBposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I have earmarked each of those links to read #bravewarrior.
            I look forward to feeling less confused!  lol
            Thank You.  yikes:

            1. bravewarrior profile image84
              bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              You're very welcome, Marie. Let me know if I can be more of help. You can contact me via email thru my profile page. In fact, you may find some helpful articles regarding online writing and the proper usage of photos if and when you go there.

  7. Sharlee01 profile image87
    Sharlee01posted 10 years ago

    For 11 days my page views did not move at all, then they started the fluctuating up, and down.  I reported the problem a number of times, and was told they were working on the problem. I gave up...  and yes page views are what gives one a chance at making ad revenue.

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sharlee, my page views have gone down as well. It's not an HP issue, it's a Panda issue. Google indexes according to what they think is valuable information that meets search queries. If articles are weak or have too many links that don't pertain to the topic (including Amazon and eBay links) or are what they deem as keyword-stuffed, Google ranks it lower and it's less visible in SERPS which results in a reduction of page views.

      The last Panda update was on September 23, 2014. This is why we're seeing a difference in page views.  Here's a link that may be of help:  http://moz.com/google-algorithm-change

      1. Sharlee01 profile image87
        Sharlee01posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hi bravewarrior,
        My page views fluctuate during the day.For instance, I would check in the late morning and my page view for the day was 653, I looked an hour later and they decreased to 270? The page views fluctuate frequently up and down. I have Google Analytics I have been keeping track of page views through there. Hubpages page views are not in line with Google Analytics This make me really wonder how HP keep track of earnings when the stats are not correct?

        1. bravewarrior profile image84
          bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Sharlee, that makes no sense whatsoever! Perhaps Matthew will come into this thread and report it to the engineers. It seems a lot of roller coaster rides have been happening since the merge with Squidoo, which (unfortunately) coincided with a Panda and Penguin update, not to mention HP moving to a larger server in order to accommodate the increase in writers.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image87
            Sharlee01posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            bravewarrior, I reported it to Mathew, and he answered each email with the same reply. "We know about the page view problem" each time assures me that it will be fixed. My last email was nine days ago... I gave up. I agree the influx of all the new pages has caused big problems. All the redirects have tanked HP. I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am undecided of my future here. I can't imagine leaving my pages here, not ever being credited for the traffic. I have to trust Googles stats, and they just aren't the same as Hp stats. I am going to hang in a while, and see if the problems here are solved.

            1. bravewarrior profile image84
              bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Sharlee, I'm glad you're choosing to hang in. If HP wasn't a good platform, Squidoo wouldn't have sold out. From what I've seen of the Squids, there are some pretty good writers that are joining us. I just don't think HP knew the magnitude of what they were taking on and how it affects we who have been here. Plus the timing sucked. It would have been better for everyone to go thru the acquisition AFTER they'd upgraded to a larger server (and not halted our stats in so doing) and BEFORE the Panda update.

              There's such a spider web going on now and so many of our stats and reports are inaccurate, I certainly hope HP has a multitude of IP professionals that can fix the mess. We are all suffering and hearing that the issues are being addressed doesn't help. Especially when you go into the forums that state such, only to find out comments are closed.

              We, the people deserve to know!

  8. Sharlee01 profile image87
    Sharlee01posted 10 years ago

    My Page views continue to go up and down in the same manor. It fluctuates constantly. I am not revering to  article rating. I am referring to Page views. This has now been occurring for three weeks, and going into a forth week. Page views are very important, these views are visitors, visitors that add to possible ad revenue. I have no idea how HP can appoint earnings with this type of poor page view information. I have Google Analytics and the numbers just don't match. Hopefully this problem will fixed?

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sharlee, you're right the numbers don't match. I checked my views earlier today and they've been stalled (again) for hours. How do we know they catch up when the stall is lifted? Analytics reveals a different story than our stats show. I just don't get it. I haven't seen HP reporting catch up with Analytics yet. How much are we missing out on?

      1. Sharlee01 profile image87
        Sharlee01posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I am new here, and I feel unsure about how HP keeps track of page views or how they tally payments with  a system that fluctuates up and down constantly. I have contacted Mathew, and he does respond each time, but always with the same reply "The problem is being worked on". I gave up writing two weeks ago. I am very disgusted. I guess it's up to me weather I stay or move on???

        1. lrc7815 profile image81
          lrc7815posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I too am frustrated by this whole numbers thing and have lost all confidence in the HP staff.  It reminds me of the early days when internet service providers sold more services than they could logistically support.  I think HP had a champagne appetite for Squidoo but a beer budge to support the addition.  I love the community but for what I'm earning, a hit like this makes it not worth the effort.  Sadly, there is no way for us to track our own numbers with any accuracy so we are the mercy of HP and Google. I doubt I'll do much writing until this is resolved or until I fjnd another platform.

        2. bravewarrior profile image84
          bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Sharlee, I guess it boils down to what you get out of HP. I love the community, what I've learned, and the lasting friendships I've gained. However, I can't help but think that I may be being cheated of 'ad impressions' -whatever they are - due to the page views being inaccurate. The earnings aren't enough to pay the bills, but still - a penny earned is a penny earned.

          All in all, I'm here for the opportunity and the wonderful friends I've met. But we all thrive on money. Just ask our mortgage holders and electrical companies!

          We have no way of knowing when our views catch up and whether or not they're true until we receive our Analytics reports. I tend to lean towards thinking Analytics is accurate, however, they don't rack up the HP earnings for us. As of this response (4:42 p.m. EST, 10/17/14) the page views in my account are as of six hours ago (yet another stall in calculations). And my HP account doesn't reflect the visitors Analytics says I've had. What's up with that?

          1. classicalgeek profile image78
            classicalgeekposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            The HP reported views and ad earnings are totally separate software functions.

            Ad earnings are reported by 3rd-party sponsors. They tell HP, "this page earned X amount." HP takes that amount and gives you 60% of it.

            Page views are done by a different function. One function (page views) does not affect your earnings because HP does not calculate earnings; they calculate only what your percentage of reported earnings is (again, dependent on what the third party reports to them that the earnings are).

            To understand this, say that you have a WordPress blog, and you split Adsense with someone 50/50. Your plugin for site stats gets broken somehow. It doesn't matter, because your earnings come from Adsense. When Adsense pays you, you take out your calculator, figure out half the earnings, and give that half of the earnings to the other person, and those earnings come from Adsense.

            Your site stat plugin could report 0 views or a billion. It doesn't matter, because the money isn't coming from the plugin, it's coming from Adsense. So the views reported by HP have absolutely nothing to do with earnings. And maybe nothing to do with your actual views, either.

            1. Matthew Meyer profile image70
              Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              This is somewhat accurate, but it is important to understand that you receive a percentage of the impressions, not a percentage of ad revenue for the total Hub.

              You get all of the revenue from your 60% of impressions.

              1. MarieLB profile image77
                MarieLBposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Hi Matthew,

                I am trying to understand your post of 3 hrs ago.  You said "impressions" as distinct from ad revenue.

                I used to think that ad revenue comes from the PPC [pay per click] charges, meaning that each time someone clicks on an ad, the advertiser has to pay that price as agreed.  So I understand that Adsense gives writers 60% of what the advertiser pays for the ad clicks. 

                I used to think that, but now I am not at all sure that I understand it correctly.  Would appreciate clarification when you can.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image87
                  Sharlee01posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  First, I can see this community is a friendly nice place to be a part of. I don't wish to have anyone misconceiving my purpose for becoming involved with this thread. I just hope to get clarification on the problem at hand. I have several other web sites, and I am aware of how Google revenue is calculated. I am also aware of the difference in pageviews and impressions, and how pageviews are pretty much the most important in earning revenue. I am also not all about earning revenue. One can see that by the lack of sale modules on my articles. I just hope to become aware of how HP calculates revenue. It is frustrating seeing such odd fluctuations in pageviews. One can post free here, so I respect that HP have the right to make the rules. I just would like a clear set of rules. Then I can make the decision to post here or not post here.
                  Pageviews and ad impressions are calculated differently.  Let’s say an article has a Google ad placed on your article. If a visitor to your article clicks and opens the ad. So far, you have received one pageview on that article, and the ad that was clicked on has received one impression. So, please don't feel pageviews are not of importance. If you have no pageviews on an article you have no chance of an impression or revenue from that impression. I have no idea if Hubpages have a third party keeping track of pageviews and ultimately impressions. However I do have the knowledge to that pageviews and impressions go hand in hand. I see that Mathew is part of this discussion. Does HP have a third party  calculating pageviews and subsequently impressions? If so, why have the the feature of poorly functioning pageviews on our  account page ?

                2. Matthew Meyer profile image70
                  Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Revenue is related to ad impressions during your 60% and not clicks.

                  From the FAQ linked above.
                  How do impressions generate revenue on HubPages?

                  After you’ve joined advertising affiliate programs and/or the HubPages Earnings Program, ads from these programs may appear on your Hubs. 60% of the time, ads appearing on your Hubs can earn money for you (referred to as your share of impressions) and 40% of the time, ads appearing on your Hubs can earn money for HubPages. The 60-40 split occurs at random each time a page is displayed for a visitor without regard to any other factor, such as time of day, the traffic a hub gets, etc.

                  HubPages splits the impressions with you in the following way:

                      Your own Hubs and profile page: Hubbers receive 60% of total impressions.
                      The HubPages Affiliate (or Referral) Program: You can refer new writers to HubPages and if they become Hubbers within 30 days, you receive an additional 10% of their Hubs’ lifetime impressions.
                      Traffic Referral Program: If you send traffic to any Hub, you’re entitled to either 9% or 12% of total impressions. You’ll receive 9% if the Hub you’ve referred people to already has impressions allocated to an Affiliate. If there is no Affiliate, you’ll receive 12% of the total impressions.

                  The HubPages Traffic Referral Program only applies to profiles and Hubs.


                  1. MarieLB profile image77
                    MarieLBposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    @Matthew Meyer.  A very big Thank You.  Now it is clear on how things work.  I am sorry that I am creating so much work for you Matt, but as you can see, it is clarifying issues not just for me, but for others too.

                    I do read from the learning centre, but I have not yet worked out the best way to find what I want.  I will keep plugging away, and in time I won't have so many questions. big_smile

                    Thanks again.

                  2. Sharlee01 profile image87
                    Sharlee01posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    I understand the way Hubpages calculates ad revenue. I read all of the information before signing on with Hubpages. But I think" the cart is being put before the horse". Page Views come first, one must enter the article for anyone to have a chance at a page impression, and earn a chance that it's their turn at this 60% earnings session. Page views should be calculated correctly in order for the person that posted an article to keep a record of visitors to any given article. Yes it's apparent that one will not know if this is their given time to earn, but page views does indicate that one is having traffic, and a chance at making revenue. Will the the page view counter be fix at some point? Thank you for considering my question.

                  3. bravewarrior profile image84
                    bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Why don't we get a 60/40 split for every ad that shows on our hubs all the time? How and when is HP getting 40% and the Hubber getting 60% determined? That seems weird to me. 60/40 is 60/40, not a percentage of the time ads show up. How do we know when it's our turn to collect? Is this the new math of the 21st century?

  9. LCDWriter profile image89
    LCDWriterposted 10 years ago

    Following because I'm noticing the same trend as EricDockett.

  10. Craftypicks profile image69
    Craftypicksposted 10 years ago

    I am confused by the term transparency. What do you mean? LOL... Hubs is a piece of glass compared to Squidoo.

    1. MarieLB profile image77
      MarieLBposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi #Craftypicks, I have never done this anywhere else, so I am not comparing Hubpages with any other site.  I am, as I said, happy to be part of HP.  However, I do find the stats confusing, the way numbers change.

      For example,the Score goes down despite the views going up.  The blue marker is applied despite added views.  Someone else was also asking about how and when the 60/40 rule is applied.

      I hope this explanation makes my remarks clearer to you.

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