I'd like feedback on my Hub: Exoctic Animals

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  1. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my Hub Exoctic Animals. What can I do to improve? Thanks!

    1. Writer Fox profile image38
      Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm unable to look at your Hub, but you spelled ' exotic' wrong in the title.  After reading your Profile, my guess is that your use of the English language is the problem.  You really do have to use very good English to publish on HubPages.

    2. firstcookbooklady profile image87
      firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      FOR EXAMPLE - A GOOD Speller would not write:
      ok thank you i fix the problem and spell alot better use to be good speller

      They would write:
      Ok. Thank you! I fixed the problem and spell a lot better. Used to be a good speller.

  2. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    ok thank you i fix the problem and spell alot better use to be good speller

    1. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image81
      Marcy Goodfleischposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with Writer Fox - you might want to spend quite a bit of time brushing up on writing skills before publishing.  This site aims for very fluent English, and proper use of grammar.

      1. profile image0
        shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        what score is good to publish? they scored me a 40

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Score is not a guide to anything.   As others have said, we can't see your Hub but if your forum posts are any guide, you need to fix your spelling and grammar.

          HubPages is a site where you write magazine-quality articles.   That means good spelling and good grammar.   It can be a great place to learn how to write for the internet, but you really need to have the basics first.

        2. firstcookbooklady profile image87
          firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          A good speller would not write:
          what score is good to publish? they scored me a 40
          A good speller would write:
          What score is good? They gave me a 40.

  3. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    I know, i am going back to  college see if i can get into creative writing. i loved creating writing, when i was in high school.

  4. Rosualdo Ponce profile image78
    Rosualdo Ponceposted 9 years ago

    As a newbie in this site, we face similar problem. You have the best asset to succeed, your desire and motivation. You have to create first the best idea for your hub, spelling and grammar, add prayer. Just remember, those at the top start where we are. Hard work will gain the profit. Continue and strive to have the best you wanted.

  5. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    thank you ya i work a lot hard to strive and be better at grammar and spelling i make sure i brush up on my writing before i publish an article i use to be good at writing and spelling

    1. Rosualdo Ponce profile image78
      Rosualdo Ponceposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      May the Lord be with you always. Study and learn some techniques from successful writers, Strive for the better and the best.

    2. firstcookbooklady profile image87
      firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Once Again:
      thank you ya i work a lot hard to strive and be better at grammar and spelling i make sure i brush up on my writing before i publish an article i use to be good at writing and spelling

      Thank you. Yes. I strive to be better at grammar and spelling. I make sure my spelling is correct before I publish and article. I used to be good at writing and spelling. (REALLY!!! I was.)

  6. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    It helps to try and get in an automatic habit of writing correctly punctuated prose, even on forums.

    1. profile image0
      shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      i worked hard on that article, but poor at grammar these day i have not been in school for long time i think it's time to go back to college, and brush up on writing.

      1. psycheskinner profile image77
        psycheskinnerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        A basic punctuation pamphlet will cover 95% of what you need to know: http://www.nrcs.k12.oh.us/Downloads/Bas … -Rules.pdf

        1. profile image0
          shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          thank you! i will read that, and fix my article for qualification .

      2. SmartAndFun profile image93
        SmartAndFunposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        If you are a native English speaker, then you've already won half the battle. Try running your articles through a spelling and grammar checker (or two or three) before publishing them. These will alert you to a majority of the problems, and you can fix them before publishing.

        1. profile image0
          shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          i will, i am part native,  which i am Cherokee

          1. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image81
            Marcy Goodfleischposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I think SmartAndFun was referring to whether English is the language you grew up speaking, not whether you have bloodlines that are from the USA.  Did you grow up speaking a different language and learn English later?

            As Relache mentioned - the posts here and your profile do not show the type of English skills you say you have or had at one time.  We generally do not 'lose' those skills, especially if they're in the language we learned while growing up. 

            Rather than a course in creative writing, I'd suggest taking very basic English courses.  Creative writing does not focus on the skills you need to work on for this site. Look for courses that include solid lessons and tests in spelling, grammar, sentence structure and how to write paragraphs.

            HubPages is not a site devoted to 'creative writing.'  There are some hubs here that have fiction, poetry or creative essays, but overall, hubs written in the style of journalism perform best here.

            Hope that helps!

            1. firstcookbooklady profile image87
              firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              OP is not offering that she graduated from a high school on the East Coast.  Although she does mention on facebook that her writing has passed the test.

              1. profile image0
                shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                i did not say, it past the test.  i said i will pass it this time.

                1. profile image0
                  shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this


              2. profile image0
                shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                I'm not on the  east coast

                1. firstcookbooklady profile image87
                  firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Right. I did not say you were from the East Coast. I also said you were not offering information on where you were.

      3. firstcookbooklady profile image87
        firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        If you still need help, editing your article, I can try to help you.

  7. relache profile image66
    relacheposted 9 years ago

    Based on what I can see in your profile ("hi  my name shannon i love to write gives me something to do that is one of most hobbies and i am really good at writing "), you are not demonstrating the sort of writing that I would expect from someone who has "really good" writing skills.

    1. profile image0
      shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      i did not ask to be criticize me enough said i will work on my writing skills a lot better to qualify do i criticize your poor grammar etc i think not everyone has problems in something it can be worked on approve it called practice makes perfect

      1. profile image0
        shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        by the way i send you my article and  u can judge my writing skills from there its not bad article its pretty good

      2. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, practice makes perfect Shannon - but what people are trying to tell you is that HubPages is not a place to practice your English.   It is a place for people who already know how to use punctuation properly, and how to use good grammar. 

        At some schools, teachers tolerate poor grammar and spelling in creative writing, because they want to encourage the student's creativity.   Perhaps that's what happened to you, and therefore you don't even realise how much you don't know.  As Marcy says, if you'd ever learned how to write proper sentences, that's something you never forget -- and it's clear you don't know how to do it.   All of your forum posts and your profile are very badly written with poor grammar and no punctuation, so we are all worried that you are very far below the standard of what is acceptable here.

  8. profile image0
    donnettedposted 9 years ago

    Hi Shannon, Exoctic vs Exotic? Just an small observation. Kind regards, Donnette

    1. profile image0
      shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I know i fixed it ,but does not show that, i i did going through, and proof reading making sure its will qualify next time.

  9. mary615 profile image94
    mary615posted 9 years ago

    I know this is "picky", but I think it is important to use correct grammar wherever you write.  When you refer to yourself, the letter i should be I as in all personal pronouns.

  10. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    nope, when i talk i can speak English good it just i am bad at writing now, because i have not been in school over ten years i am 30. i just go back to college  re learn writing again, and improve my writing skills again use to write poems, songs, and short stories for creative writing class did good job in my writing back in the day.

    1. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry. I think you're going to have a difficult time getting a hub featured unless you have a better command of basic English grammar and proper communication.  I'm not trying to be offensive, but you're coming to a forum asking what's wrong with your hub and you admit that your writing is bad now. 
      There are very good writers here having difficulty keeping their hubs featured.  I think you need more time brushing up on basic grammar skills.

  11. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    i did not ask to be criticize my article it was told by others it good, and i need to fix a few errors. i asked what i could do to make it qualify it, and not bunch criticizing me, and my writing. enough said let me be

  12. Valeant profile image75
    Valeantposted 9 years ago

    Compare below to what you have written as a profile description to see how many differences there are.

    Hi, my name is Shannon.  I love to write as it gives me something to do and because of that, it is one of my most enjoyed hobbies.  I am really good at writing.

    1. profile image0
      shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      again criticizing me enough said

      1. Shades-of-truth profile image74
        Shades-of-truthposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Shannon, Valeant did not criticize you at all. He simply took what you wrote on your profile, and edited it for you. It was a suggestion, and a good one.

        I would suggest that it also needs re-wording, to include some of your other hobbies. It might be beneficial to leave out the part about you being "really good at writing", as that is something the readers will determine for themselves.

        No one is trying to criticize you - they are all trying to help you improve your writing skills, so you can put your ideas properly into print.

  13. Kylyssa profile image93
    Kylyssaposted 9 years ago

    I'd recommend you try out a few adult education classes to  increase your command of the English language. You can probably find some offered locally.

    Meanwhile, you can read the writers you'd like to emulate and polish your story-telling skills by writing in a journal. Once you can write English fluently, you'll be able to tell your stories without any language difficulties getting in the way.

  14. Judy Filarecki profile image68
    Judy Filareckiposted 9 years ago


    Shannon, I was able to read your Hub by going to your home page. You do have good information to present and excellent pictures, but your grammar and spelling is very poor, as others have mentioned.

    One thing you might try is to read it out loud, so you can hear how it sounds. That should help you pick up places where you have reversed words, or left out words. It may also help you identify where sentences begin and end. I almost wonder if you do a lot of texting and have gotten into the habit of not have proper sentences. That is what the writing reminds me of.

    Someone suggested an adult education course in writing. That might be a better consideration for you rather than going back to college for right now. I wish you luck in finding a solution.

  15. Judy Filarecki profile image68
    Judy Filareckiposted 9 years ago

    Sorry for the gap in writing. I'm not sure what happened, but I hope you take the time to read all of it. There is no way for me to edit it.

  16. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    It's okay I read it all I just picked up new tablet, so I can edit my article a lot better.

    1. Judy Filarecki profile image68
      Judy Filareckiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Great. Reading  out loud really helps. I do  it all the time and am amazed at the mistakes I overlooked.

      1. profile image0
        shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        yeah we are not perfect, when it comes to life!

      2. profile image0
        shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        i am re writing my exotic animal article on my laptop my wrist is killing me so can't be on my tablet to do the article

        1. Judy Filarecki profile image68
          Judy Filareckiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Hope it feels better soon.

          1. profile image0
            shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Me too,  it's arthritis from old sprain

  17. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    i am re writing my article i am taking time on it. it take me couple days or so to write a perfect article with no grammar and spelling error thanks to my new awesome tablet smile

  18. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    i deleted it i have a tablet that helps me with grammar and spelling i love it not a cheap tablet either

  19. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    nothing wrong with my spelling i know everyone makes error in there grammar out of 917 words i typed up i had 20 errors of grammar but no error in spelling maybe look at your article  its based on how you do to get higher score.

    1. firstcookbooklady profile image87
      firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      errors of grammar/grammar errors
      Where are your capital letters at beginning of sentence. Where are your periods at the end of sentence?

      1. profile image0
        shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Tiger species
        By shannon lawler

        Tigers are the most amazing animals as well the largest felines in the world. Some culture considered the tiger to be symbols of strength and courage. Which however, because hunting them is also sign of bravery in most culture, that why they are endangered species Which no more than 3,200 are left in the wild.


        Tigers are carnivores. Most of the tigers diet consists of large prey which is pigs, deer,rhinos or elephant calves. How they kill their prey which they clamp down on the animal's neck with their jaws and suffocate the animal. though all tigers are fierce hunters, they are not strangers of failure when comes to hunting.

        no errors!

        1. Kylyssa profile image93
          Kylyssaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Actually, it looks more like about fifteen or so errors rather than none.

          I've pointed the ones I saw immediately by correcting them in bold. There may be more as I didn't do more than a quick scan of it.

          Tigers are the most amazing animals as well the largest felines in the world. Some cultures considered the tiger to be a symbol of strength and courage. However, because hunting them is also sign of bravery in most cultures, that may be why they are an endangered species. Which is why no more than 3,200 are left in the wild.


          Tigers are carnivores. Most of the tiger's diet consists of large prey including pigs, deer, rhinos, or elephant calves. To kill their prey they clamp down on the animal's neck with their jaws and suffocate the animal. Though all tigers are fierce hunters, they are not strangers to failure when it comes to hunting.

          I put the missing punctuation in bold, too, but it's hard to see bold on a comma or an apostrophe.

        2. WriteAngled profile image83
          WriteAngledposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          From the excerpt above it is clear the article has been plagiarised from

          which starts:

          "Tigers are the largest felines in the world. Many cultures consider the tiger to be a symbol of strength and courage. However, because hunting them is also a sign of bravery in some cultures, tigers are endangered; no more than 3,200 tigers are left in the wild."

          1. Rochelle Frank profile image94
            Rochelle Frankposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Well, that shines a new light on the subject. It must have taken some effort to insert all of the errors.

            1. DrMark1961 profile image98
              DrMark1961posted 9 years agoin reply to this

              I was just wondering if Bubblews was still around. Copied content, errors, and a short paragraph.

          2. SmartAndFun profile image93
            SmartAndFunposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            LOL! Looks like my instincts were right after all!

            1. profile image0
              calculus-geometryposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              She also misspelled the name of the city where she is supposedly from
              it's Hoquiam.  I wonder if this account was created by some enemy of a real Shannon Lawler just to make the woman look bad. It's a little too ridiculous.

              1. profile image0
                shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                That's how you spell hoquiam dumb fuck

                1. profile image0
                  shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Obvious you don't know how to spell lol

                2. profile image0
                  shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  By the way  I reported you

              2. profile image0
                shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                I spelled hoquiam right lol


  20. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    before judging mine

    1. profile image0
      shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I've been checking my grammar through the free grammar check online my tablet like I said helps me with grammar an punctuation and spelling

      1. profile image0
        shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        My article on tigers species has no errors in it I check before writing another paragraphs

  21. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    My tablet give me grammar lis, and spelling.

  22. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago


  23. firstcookbooklady profile image87
    firstcookbookladyposted 9 years ago

    Oh. I didn't realize that the above is an automatically generated message written by HUB pages...

  24. SmartAndFun profile image93
    SmartAndFunposted 9 years ago


    I've been suspecting this for a couple of days now....

    1. profile image0
      calculus-geometryposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Either that or a very intricate advertising campaign for tablets.  Just before the final curtain we will be treated to a NY Times-quality investigative piece on exotic animals, "All thanks to my new tablet!"

      1. SmartAndFun profile image93
        SmartAndFunposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        lol You just might be right!!!

      2. DrMark1961 profile image98
        DrMark1961posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Could someone from the NY Times really write this badly, even trying? When we lived in the US my fourth grade daughter had better English grammar and spelling.

        1. profile image0
          calculus-geometryposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          What I'm confused about is what the tablet has to do with anything.  Is it sentient and writing the articles for her?  This thread is totally bizarre. 

          Anyway, if nicomp wants to be funny, he needs to take lessons from the OP.

          1. SmartAndFun profile image93
            SmartAndFunposted 9 years agoin reply to this


            This thread reminds me of the one a week or two ago where a hubber was quite upset, complaining that people who should have gone to college to learn English and writing skills were instead enlisting fellow hubbers to teach them and it just WUZNT RITE OR FARE.

          2. DrMark1961 profile image98
            DrMark1961posted 9 years agoin reply to this

            May be she will teach him to be a gud righter.

      3. firstcookbooklady profile image87
        firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        OMG... calculus-geometry, you made me laugh until tears ran down my face. I needed it!

  25. firstcookbooklady profile image87
    firstcookbookladyposted 9 years ago

    ha ha ha ha ha....love it.. SmartAndFun....nope twernt fare atall...

  26. firstcookbooklady profile image87
    firstcookbookladyposted 9 years ago

    It just occurred to me... Wasnt it the zoo that just fed a lion a giraffe that wasn't supposed to breed because it was a inbred giraffe? They didn't want it to mate with other giraffes [because it would have] and they chopped it up, in front of kids and parents, for a life lesson. .. Do you suppose that is an example of a Ex Octic animal? Oh, sorry, that is an octic group, is a non-Abelian group with eight elements, my mistake... I thought it was eight elephants...

    ... i'm sorry... it happens so much

    1. SmartAndFun profile image93
      SmartAndFunposted 9 years agoin reply to this


  27. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    So now OP has been proven correct, people are just making fun of her.

    1. DrMark1961 profile image98
      DrMark1961posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I suggest you go back and read her reply to the help Valeant tried to give her. When she is being nasty to people trying to help her, does she deserve to be treated with kid gloves?

      1. profile image0
        shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this


        1. profile image0
          shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          oh forgot did short stories re wrote a song that was by Christina in my own words as class assignment an my teacher was impress with my writing that when i was in high school soon to research creative writing classes for college because i love writing songs poems my sister read my songs i use to have that was written by me she said they were really good so now tell me  i do not know how to write again see where it gets you no where. i am refreshing up on my writing with my tablet its been helpful having this tablet tells me where to put the grammar and if i misspell word it corrects me

          1. profile image0
            calculus-geometryposted 9 years agoin reply to this


        2. firstcookbooklady profile image87
          firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          No. I see no criticism here, only light- hearted FEEDBACK, which is what you asked for in the OP. Feedback, whether good or bad, shows that we are LISTENING, and YOU need to sort through it, and absorb whatever LESSON these fine folks are trying to instruct you to do. THERE is no need to drop the F-bomb in these parts. THEY would help someone else the same way.

    2. firstcookbooklady profile image87
      firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      What is OP? Sorry, I'm new here....

      1. profile image0
        calculus-geometryposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        original poster

        1. firstcookbooklady profile image87
          firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you for the clarification!

      2. profile image0
        shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        its okay you soon to get criticism by others on here they have nothing better to do to pick on newbies instead being nice saying hey your about me does not make senses and my grammar sucks that should not be on here well i am new at this site people need to let me be for those who helped me giving me tips thank you i am working on my grammar spelling a lot better than i was doing i am achieving  my writing skills is improving thanks to my tablet

        1. firstcookbooklady profile image87
          firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I'm sorry, this post doesn't make any sense to me at all.

        2. firstcookbooklady profile image87
          firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I have a slight rewrite that may help you tremendously in your tiger hub. Do you want to read it?

    3. SmartAndFun profile image93
      SmartAndFunposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well, I am having a bit of fun, so my apologies to the OP if I have offended you.

      I am wondering, though, if perhaps the OP is trolling, and therefore making fun of me and the others who initially tried to help her. She keeps bringing up points that were being made in that other thread. It doesn't seem like a coincidence. I could be wrong, though. Heaven knows I have been wrong before and will be wrong again.

  28. Ramkitten2000 profile image90
    Ramkitten2000posted 9 years ago

    Folks, curiosity got the better of me on this one, so I did a little looking around. Over 1,000 selfies on Facebook and some other clues. I would say: impairment.

    1. KarenHC profile image76
      KarenHCposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I think so too.

      Shannon, good luck with your writing.  A tablet can help, but not completely.  You also might ask a friend or two to read your article and give you suggestions how to improve it.

      I think you'd also enjoy taking a writing class, like you mentioned earlier.  That might be more fun than writing on Hubpages, since you'd be in a class with other people.

      Many people start to write on Hubpages because they hope to make money by writing online.   I think that a few years ago some people could make a fair amount of money on Hubpages, but it is much more difficult to do that now.

      Best wishes in any case.

      1. profile image0
        shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Yes I am working on it, and kinda improving in my writing.  I'm having someone here read it to  make sure  there no errors before I  publish it

        1. KarenHC profile image76
          KarenHCposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Your response shows that your writing is improving.   It's great that you're having someone read it first.  It really does help.  I prefer to have someone check over my work too, because I don't always find my mistakes.

          1. profile image0
            shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I have few errors or more that need to be fixed trying find app on grammar so that  can help me out

  29. SmartAndFun profile image93
    SmartAndFunposted 9 years ago

    Sahnnonlawler, I apologize for suspecting you were a troll, however, I didn't necessarily mean it as a negative. For what its worth, I actually enjoy watching a good trolling unfold. It is something of an art form, LOL.

    Best wishes to you on HubPages. Keep working at your writing and take the constructive criticism to heart, and you'll get the hang of it here. Sometimes it just takes awhile to learn the ropes.

    1. profile image0
      shannonlawlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It's okay I wasn't trying be rude,  I am just grouchy because I am in pain every day

  30. profile image0
    shannonlawlerposted 9 years ago

    Thanks again for your help, and sorry for being so rude. I'm just been grouchy, because I'm dealing with chronic pain every day

    1. Shades-of-truth profile image74
      Shades-of-truthposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      This comment was perfect, grammatically!

  31. Rosualdo Ponce profile image78
    Rosualdo Ponceposted 9 years ago

    since you deal with chronic pain, you can use that pain as a guide. The famous saying no pain no gain. You have to fight and struggle to have your goal.

  32. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    Having worked out how OP is functioning, is there a reason to keep trolling her?  I think it is natural to do for a deliberate asshat, but it makes more sense to back of in this case as several hubber's admirably have.  The system will provide it's own feedback on the standards required.

    1. Writer Fox profile image38
      Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      1. Millionaire Tips profile image86
        Millionaire Tipsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I thought for sure they would have implemented a change in the wording.  "That user no longer exists."  The person doesn't stop existing just because they are no longer on HubPages.

        1. Writer Fox profile image38
          Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Oh.  I thought they killed her.

          Never mind.

        2. DrMark1961 profile image98
          DrMark1961posted 9 years agoin reply to this

          It sort of makes one afraid to cancel a HP account. Will I really no longer exist? Does my history disappear too? And if there is an end to the universe, what is on the other side?

          1. Millionaire Tips profile image86
            Millionaire Tipsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.

  33. Kylyssa profile image93
    Kylyssaposted 9 years ago

    This thread makes me sad on several levels. While the OP was rude in many of her responses and did not seem to understand what asking for feedback meant, she is clearly dealing with an impairment of some kind. 

    I, too, deal with chronic pain and I suffered a language impairment due to a head injury which has taken years to overcome. I, too, got angry with people who seemed to be calling me stupid or when people criticized my long response times. I did have much better language skills in high school than in the months and years following my head injury. It's entirely possible she's going through something similar. I'm still working on my tendency to get upset too easily and my skull fracture was over twenty years ago.

    I wish Shannon luck and I hope she overcomes her problems as quickly and painlessly as possible.

    1. Ramkitten2000 profile image90
      Ramkitten2000posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      As I briefly mentioned in an earlier post, my guess was impairment. I found her Facebook page -- same photo and name, which I found from a post she made on the HP Facebook page (very similar to the type of writing she used here)  -- and I saw mention of being on Social Security. There was also a screenshot of HP, saying this was her "job." And then there were more than 1400 (yes, 1,400) very similar selfies, all with a very bland expression. From everything I saw there -- and privacy settings were such that I could see quite a bit without being connected -- it just pointed towards "something is not quite right here."

  34. SmartAndFun profile image93
    SmartAndFunposted 9 years ago

    She's not a real person. Rather, perhaps she is real and out there in the world somewhere, but it is not the real Shannon Lawler who started this thread. It is a troll.

    1. Kylyssa profile image93
      Kylyssaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That's weird. What do people get out of doing such a thing? Conflict makes me feel ill, but obviously some people must like it.

      I mean, I understand most trolling, but I don't get the point of this particular foray into trolling. Trolls usually have some kind of point.

  35. SmartAndFun profile image93
    SmartAndFunposted 9 years ago

    I have no idea what their motivation was, but it seems to me they were trying to make some kind of a point regarding a thread from a few weeks ago -- one with a title along the lines of "I did not join Hubpages to teach people how to write and use English" or something like that. Just a guess, though. Who knows?

  36. SmartAndFun profile image93
    SmartAndFunposted 9 years ago

    Maybe the OP really was the actual person from FB, I honestly don't know, but why would they plagiarize content and then take out all the punctuation and capital letters, as well as make other changes which made the passage incomprehensible? I think it was a troll.

    1. Writer Fox profile image38
      Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Since "that user no longer exists", maybe we should just let her rest in peace.

    2. Jayne Lancer profile image83
      Jayne Lancerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like a HubPro editor.

      1. WriteAngled profile image83
        WriteAngledposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        LOL! Too true.

    3. AliciaC profile image95
      AliciaCposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      She says on her Facebook page that she wanted to rewrite the information that she found in her own words so that she wasn't copying it.

      1. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image81
        Marcy Goodfleischposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, okay - I see what she means - rewriting by changing just a few words is no longer considered plagiarism? 

        So glad to know this.  It will save me the trouble of reporting instances of Academic Dishonesty in the courses I teach. I think the university will be glad to hear this, too.

        At least the 'rewrites' were more literate than several other things the OP posted.

        1. AliciaC profile image95
          AliciaCposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I am not justifying what the OP did, Marcy. Of course her action was wrong, although I don't know whether she realizes this. I was trying to show as tactfully as I could (which obviously wasn't a successful strategy) that unless there is some information that I don't know about this situation, the OP is not a troll and it is unfair to label her as one. The reason for her problems seems to be completely different.

          1. firstcookbooklady profile image87
            firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Well.........................at least you can spell exotic correctly.......smile

          2. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image81
            Marcy Goodfleischposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Alicia - I wasn't implying you were condoning what the OP did - sorry if it came across that way!  That whole premise the OP had (whomever it might have been) that rewriting wasn't plagiarism made me want to (scream? cry? laugh?). 

            Guess I've spent too many hours grading 'unoriginal' papers in the last few weeks.


            1. AliciaC profile image95
              AliciaCposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              That's okay, Marcy. I can definitely understand why it upsets you. It annoys me too, since I'm a teacher! smile

            2. Writer Fox profile image38
              Writer Foxposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              On the Internet, it's called 'article spinning.'

              1. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image81
                Marcy Goodfleischposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                Yes - that's how I report it when I see it here.  That's not permitted in the classroom, either, but we refer to it as a form of plagiarism & submit "Academic Dishonesty" reports.  Some are copied word-for-word and some are 'spun' - but it's all the same type of issue.


    4. firstcookbooklady profile image87
      firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      ACCORDING to what I found in Google:
      In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments

      A troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore

  37. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    They would do that because cursory re-writing of patchworks of texts is a common mistake made by naive writers who do not realize it is still plagiarism. I would see it every year in the first undergrad essay.  There is a difference between reduced comprehension and trolling and good reasons to give benefit of the doubt in those cases.

  38. SmartAndFun profile image93
    SmartAndFunposted 9 years ago


  39. colorfulone profile image78
    colorfuloneposted 9 years ago

    This is a bizarre thread.
    I had not been following along reading it, and well,...now I read it.

    1. Jayne Lancer profile image83
      Jayne Lancerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I followed this one from the start, even though I didn't contribute until last night. Highly entertaining!


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