Are you racist? is it a big deal?

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  1. dannamae26 profile image61
    dannamae26posted 13 years ago

    Are you racist? is it a big deal?

    what do you think of black / white people?

  2. Matt in Jax profile image60
    Matt in Jaxposted 13 years ago

    Perfectly fine with all shapes, sizes, colors. My attraction to opposite-race women would easily detail this. Ha.
    I don't think it's a huge deal if somebody is as long as they keep it to themselves and not scream it at everyone around them.

  3. ritazruby profile image59
    ritazrubyposted 13 years ago

    i have no issues with black or white people as long. it is just matter of treating your fellow human being how you would like to be treated.
    life is about colours.

  4. TinaTango profile image70
    TinaTangoposted 13 years ago

    I am not a racist by all means, my best friend in high school was half black.

  5. CARIBQUEEN profile image63
    CARIBQUEENposted 13 years ago

    I am not a racist because when you cut both skin you get the same color blood. No one knows which color is best anyway. We weren't given a choice at birth anyway

  6. Vishaaa profile image72
    Vishaaaposted 13 years ago

    I'm black. any deal?................

    I don't mind about colors or race... All crap.

  7. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    No, race doesn't really make a difference to me. There are good and bad human beings of all races.  I'm more concerned with what is inside and how people treat each other.

  8. Dovay Lee profile image38
    Dovay Leeposted 13 years ago

    I am not a racist, all the people in this world are fair. there is no super race in this world.

  9. zduckman profile image61
    zduckmanposted 13 years ago

    I accept all people, and find myself very attracted to black women.

  10. maria.rose profile image39
    maria.roseposted 13 years ago

    I am not a racist, all  the people in that world are same  there is no color and race complex............

  11. suncat profile image60
    suncatposted 13 years ago

    I am not. All races are for humans. And all humans are for happiness and good relationships. Colors are for fashion, black goes with white and the other way around.

  12. mcrawford76 profile image81
    mcrawford76posted 13 years ago

    Though I do not believe myself to be a racist, I do find myself bothered by some of the behaviors involved with the stereotypical black/Hispanic races (not that it's only the Black and Hispanic people doing it either). More so that so many people buy into it with such gusto. Every time I see someone wearing their pants around their knees or a bandana covering what looks like all of their eyes, I just find it ridiculous.
    It really just makes me wonder if these people are so lacking in true depth and personality that they need to cling to these stereotypical pictures of what you're supposed to be, or how you are supposed to dress. I guess I just can't imagine it being comfortable to have you pants hanging off of you like that. I would rather be comfortable than dress the way other people think I should.
    I believe that the age of racism is over, that tolerance towards your fellow man is more prevelant now than ever before. I'm sure there are some holdouts, but for the most part I feel that future generations will be so far removed from the hatred and fear that darkened our history that it will be a non issue.

  13. profile image0
    The Taco Taggerposted 13 years ago

    I love all people equally. If everyone could do that then we wouldn't have any problems in the world.

  14. Kamalesh050 profile image69
    Kamalesh050posted 13 years ago

    I am not a racist.  Colour of the skin makes no difference to me at all. We are all human beings , children of God .

  15. Darknlovely3436 profile image69
    Darknlovely3436posted 13 years ago  yes it is a big deal.... racism and bullying have a lot in common?

  16. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    i don't care about race. what i do care about is the persons character.

  17. chaunatye profile image60
    chaunatyeposted 13 years ago

    I come from a very mixed family, so I can't be racist. Here is the thing, you can't out every person of a single race in a category and say that every person is the same. I will say though, I have met some people who are plain ignorant, and they have been from ALL different races.

  18. 6hotfingers3 profile image60
    6hotfingers3posted 13 years ago

    I am not a racist. I lived in an era when racism was the norm. Life is unpleasant for all parties involved, especially the one who is the object of racism. Racism is a big deal because for some reason one individual has it in his head that he is above or better than another person. For that type thinking, a lot of valuable talent, love and friendships never come to the potential they were meant to be. People are killed because some people think they are better or superior to other people. Racism is evil and causes evil things to happen.

  19. ChristineVianello profile image60
    ChristineVianelloposted 13 years ago

    I am def. not racist. I love everyone, all colors all sizes.

  20. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 13 years ago

    I always wonder if people who are racist ever sit back and think about this -- being prejudiced against someone for something as trivial as skin color.

    No, I'm not racist, and I used to think it wasn't really a big deal in the world anymore. Then I realized that I just live in a very sheltered, homogeneous part of the world so I had just had limited exposure to people actually expressing racist opinions. Since then, I've spent a lot more time with people with different colors of skin, different accents, and often people with different countries of origin, and my naive ideas about racism fading away were completely crushed. My stepson is black, and he came to visit us for the first time last summer -- and I have never been more ashamed of so many people in my hometown.

  21. Edoka Writes profile image61
    Edoka Writesposted 13 years ago

    I'm not racist; I do think that most ppl hold to certain stereotypes that they believe to be true; even if it's proven wrong.

  22. ExplodingPopTart profile image60
    ExplodingPopTartposted 13 years ago

    Racism actually is one of the top most misused words in the English language. Racism is actually a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering discrimination between different races. A person can't be 'racist.' It's a form of governmental control.
    Prejudice, on the other hand, leans more towards the personal level, and is defined by a person's acting on discriminatory beliefs.

    It is not unnatural for humans to distinguish between different races. It is perfectly natural for one certain race to only be attracted to his or her same race, but when it comes to the hate and the discrimination... It just doesn't make any sense. We didn't choose what race we were to be born into. I acknowledge the different races, but I do not act upon my reaction to the differences in humanity enough to impede on my lifestyle.

  23. anabrea profile image61
    anabreaposted 13 years ago

    Prejudice on the basis of race is an outdated, archaic, absurd remanent of our tribal past, when our ancesters feared those who appeared different than themselves. At this point in history, I do think it is a big deal for anyone to persist in these views, especially when rooted in some idea of racial superiority. It is wrong, and it generates hatred and violence. If you don't think ideas such as this can be dangerous, you should visit the Holocaust Museum in DC. Quite iluminating.

  24. Joe Winfield profile image56
    Joe Winfieldposted 13 years ago

    It's my belief that we all, that's ALL...100% of us make prejudgments about people. But that is not necessarily hateful  or fearful of each other, just, "i didn't know".

    As a black man who is very well spoken, I see people's facial expressions change drastically when i start talking to them, as if they had expected "wacka flocka" to come out of my mouth, and were extremely surprised to hear eloquence and intelligence.

    But upon realizing they were mistaken in their own prejudgment, we usually move forward in our communication without prejudice and without incident.

    As for me, I make a lot of prejudgments, about all races, including my own, but racist? Hell no!


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