A Quick poll before the election next week - Do you trust Joe Biden?

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  1. jackclee lm profile image81
    jackclee lmposted 3 years ago

    There is a lot of new information that came out recently....October surprise.
    Some of it was old news but some new revelations about the Biden family...with his son Hunter and his laptop and emails...
    All very troubling if true.
    Here is the $64K question.
    Do you trust Joe Biden enough to be President? to make the tough decisions, to deal with our foreign adversaries, to defend our nation and to re-build our economy as a result of this pandemic...and to have the energy to do the job.

    This is a serious question anyone would ask, when you are running for the top job as commander in chief.

    1. Credence2 profile image78
      Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      A serious answer: I trust Joe Biden a lot more than I do Donald Trump.

      1. wilderness profile image96
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I would agree...to some point.  I trust Joe more to tell the truth...as he sees it.  Unfortunately neither Joe nor the Democrat party has an inkling of what the country needs.  They think they do, which means their falsehoods aren't lies, but they actually do not.

        So in that respect, Joe is chock full of "lies" ("false statements" he believes true) far more than Trump is.

        1. jackclee lm profile image81
          jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          With Trump, we know what we are getting for the past 4 years...
          With Joe, are we getting Harris? or Sanders? or AOC? who knows...
          Also, is he well enough to serve?
          One of the reason we have a robust campaign every four years is to put the candidates through its paces...like a race horse. We know Trump has the energy and the stamina for the job, does Joe?
          Come on Credence...tell me you know the answer to that.

          1. Credence2 profile image78
            Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, Jack, Trump is now a known quantity and it is just that fact that will contribute to his defeat this time around.

            The last thing I need is his getting four more.

            Looking the debate, Biden seemed reasonably coherent to me. I will risk the mindset of this "senile old man" over a man that clearly behaves like a toddler.

            So, yes, I know the answer, but it was not the one you were looking for.

            1. jackclee lm profile image81
              jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              credence, how do you explain the huge black support for Trump. Some estimates are as high as 37%...and some celebrities like these.

              1. Credence2 profile image78
                Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I can't, and as to that 37 percent, I will believe it when I see it.

                Second of all, I am going to pay more attention to the opinions of conservatives  like former Secy of State C. Rice or Colin Powell over the musings of any celebrity.

                They, like all of us, have their right to their opinion, but their opinions do not affect my own.

                Yeah, and Sammy Davis Jr. was a  buddy of Richard Nixon but that did not change my impression of either man.

                1. jackclee lm profile image81
                  jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Here is the bottom line.
                  You guys, meaning the Democrats,have painted yourself into a corner.

                  Do you realize if Biden wins, it means you lose as well.
                  It means all the charges you guys leveled against America is true.
                  That America is still a racist nation.
                  Cops are part of systemic racism that still permeates our society.
                  All the extreme view of AOC about America is true.
                  America is a puppet of Putin.

                  On the other hand,

                  If Trump wins again in 2020, America has turned a page on race. Especially if he has the support of blacks and Hispanics in much higher numbers.
                  It means America rejects these false charges made by the media and the left.
                  It also means the stronghold Democrats have on the black community is breaking. They are leaving the reservation.
                  It also means a strong rejection of the deep state of both parties. The never Trumpers, many are GOP party loyals, who has been in DC for a long long time, like Colin Powell, and Rice.

                  America wins.

                  1. jackclee lm profile image81
                    jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this


        2. Credence2 profile image78
          Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          An interesting perspective, Wilderness, yes, because I did not say that I trusted Biden in an absolute sense, but only in a relative one.

          As always, we disagree regarding what virtues you assign to the Republicans over Democrats and we probably always will as we come from two different perceptions of reality.

          What we don't need is the angst and consternation which have described the nature of this country, today for which Donald Trump is the catalyst, IMHO, of course.

          1. wilderness profile image96
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Of course we disagree on what our needs are and what is good for the country.  That isn't going to change any time soon, either.

            But the angst and consternation?  That comes primarily from media and Democrat manipulations of the law (thinking of that 3 year "investigation" and the faux "impeachment") as both were nothing but political machinations to discredit a sitting president.  It comes from the constant degradation of the president, the constant spin of what he says and an absolute refusal to acknowledge any good that he has done.  The single biggest divisive force in our country today, by a large margin, is the liberal posturing over the presidency and the president.  IMO.

            1. GA Anderson profile image87
              GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              "The single biggest divisive force in our country today, by a large margin, is the liberal posturing over the presidency and the president.  IMO."

              If your "liberal posturing" includes the media, then I would add, IMHO to yours.

              Pres. Trump certainly doesn't do himself any favors with his rhetoric, but that the media amplifies, (and too many times mischaracterized it), this is much more divisive than what he actually says. IMO. (;-) )


              1. wilderness profile image96
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I fully agree.  The major divisiveness forces in the country, at this time, are Democrats refusing to see any good at all in anything Trump, or anything anyone not demonizing him, says or does.  This is then blown way out of proportion by media that never ceases to make Trump look as bad as possible.  Virtually every mention must include something wrong that he has done.  And that's as divisive as it gets.

      2. jackclee lm profile image81
        jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I thought so...hence TDS.

        1. Credence2 profile image78
          Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          That is a poor response, I am a Left leaning Democrat, are you not surprised that I would not be thrilled with a second term for Trump?

          I don't have to have TDS to dislike the man and that which he stands for. I just want him out.

          1. jackclee lm profile image81
            jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            despite the evidence that Trump has been good for the African American community in terms of jobs, prison reform, and border control, you would reject all those positive advances because you just hate the guy....
            Does that make any sense? hence, TDS is an accurate description.

            1. Credence2 profile image78
              Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              As a well educated And politically cognizant African American male, I am in a better position than you to determine if progress has been made.

              Here is just one of several similar articles revealing the nature of the Trump administration's great outreach to the Black community..

              https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/ar … omic-gains

              There is more Jack, Trump is just a reprehensible man lacking the temperament for the job he currently holds. Nothing there about hate.

              For instance, he reveals his lack of tack in the debate assualting certain states and municipalities in a partisan way unworthy of a true leader who would see himself as providing a solution for the nation in total.

              "The greatest President for Blacks since Abraham Lincoln", that was a stupid thing to say from the standpoint of anyone who understood American history at even a basic level.

              There is always much more, but time and decorum does not permit me to go into all of that here.

              1. wilderness profile image96
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "As a well educated And politically cognizant African American male, I am in a better position than you to determine if progress has been made."

                But are you really?  Are you a young black man, just out of high school and trying to find work?  A young black woman with 3 children and no father to help?  Did you take one of the jobs opened up by better border control?  Did you benefit from prison reform?  Are you a young black in high school, looking back to what the schools were 50 years ago?  Are you a black man (or woman) looking at an uncle or aunt that has "made it" in a white world and saying "I can do that too!"?

                Yes, you have a tremendous bias and an unshakable belief that black problems are rooted in white actions, but does that mean you are in a better position than others to say if there has been any progress made?

                1. Credence2 profile image78
                  Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Alright, Wilderness, the proof is in the pudding, if Trump gets more than 10 percent of the Black vote, I would be surprised. All this talk about more blacks clinging to Trump, well let's just see how true that is on Election Day, ok?

                  As to your second paragraph, while I may not have done all these things, I can relate to them better than any white person. It is like saying I am going to understand more about what it means to be Vietnamese in America over an actual Vietnamese person living here. Do you understand?

                  Well many current black problems ARE rooted in White Actions albeit they were in the past. But, the effect of those explain to large part festering inequities today, regardless of your total denial of that fact.

                  Yes, when it comes to the Black experience which is based on walking in the same shoes, yes, I am in a better position.

                  1. wilderness profile image96
                    wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    What I'm asking is if you ARE "walking in their shoes" today or if you are still in the past, remembering times from long ago.  I just do not see you as an unbiased source of information, or opinion, concerning the "plight" of black people today.  You are far too biased and carry too much baggage from the past.

                    Others, objectively looking at what is happening today, seem far more reasonable as a source of opinion on improvement.  What you have experienced as a black man in America is far removed from what blacks are experiencing today, and I'm not sure that you recognize that difference.

                2. gmwilliams profile image85
                  gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Totally agree .......

        2. gmwilliams profile image85
          gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Jack, succinctly stated!

      3. gmwilliams profile image85
        gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Egad Cred egad!

    2. Sharlee01 profile image79
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I have no trust whatsoever in Biden, he changes not only his policies almost daily, he is visibly confused about where he is, and even who he is running against. He seems to believe what he says at the time he is saying it.  He is frail and being lead around.  This is actually sad and embarrassing for the country. In regards to Hunter/Joe corruption accusations, I feel the FBI needs to step up and clarify one way or the other if they are conducting an investigation into the whistleblower's allegations. These accusations are serious and these people making the accusations have names, faces. This may not be hearsay, but actual whistleblower's (so far three whistleblowers) with proof of corruption. None have been afraid to step up and be identified.  The finger has been pointed at Hunter and Joe, time for the FBI to clarify if they are investigating Joe Biden for anything.

      1. wilderness profile image96
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Not sure I agree with the FBI making public statements about what they are doing.  While it has become popular to demand that they, and police, have 300 million people looking over their shoulder at every move they make or every interview they conduct, it does seem like that could have a very deleterious effect on any investigation.

        1. jackclee lm profile image81
          jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The FBI needs to clean house at the top. Comey under Obama has dirty up its reputation for a long while. We can't trust in what did do anymore. If they had the Hunter Biden laptop, where is the follow-up?
          The politicization of our intelligence agencies falls squarely on Obama, starting with the IRS.

          1. wilderness profile image96
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "If they had the Hunter Biden laptop, where is the follow-up?"

            That was the point; if they had the laptop, it would be foolish in the extreme to make public what was on it, their rationale for going further with an investigation OR in dropping it.  While the public increasingly demands to know every tiny detail of day to day, or hour to hour, police work (they can deny better that way, or spread disinformation, or spin what they know into what it isn't) our justice system needs to keep a lid on it until finished and either going to court or not.

            In particular, when that knowledge could (and would) be used to influence an election then it absolutely needs to be under wraps.

            1. jackclee lm profile image81
              jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              That only make sense if they are working on it...
              It does not if they are just covering it up and hope it goes away.

              I have no confidence in them or anyone else in DC...
              After what went on in the past with Benghazi and other investigations that seem to went no where, and people never held accountable. It seems the insiders protect their own - at any cost.

              1. wilderness profile image96
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                That's the claim of the BLM as well (that insiders protect their own - at any cost) - do you accept that in the general term (not forgetting the number of cops in the country)?  Or do you accept that we will have a few bad apples but that the large majority of cops are honest and work hard NOT to be biased?

                If the latter, why would you believe the BLM (composed of anyone that calls themselves that) over the FBI (composed of carefully chosen people)?

        2. Sharlee01 profile image79
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I Would hope they could as I said confirm they are doing an investigation in regards to a whistleblower or actually three now. They need not give any other info other than if they are investigating the laptop or not. We know have Bobulinski that handed over his PC and three cell phones. And Hunters partner handing his emails over to author Peter Schweizer. This could turn into a huge conspiracy theory. In my opinion, I would rather have some clarity. One would think a good son would step up and deny the reports.

          As was announced when a Special Counsel was hired to investigate  Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, and alleged links between associates of Donald Trump and Russian officials, and possible obstruction of justice by Trump, conducted by special prosecutor Robert Mueller. In my opinion with this kind of accusation (actually if true, this would be as harmful to the country as what the Dems accused Trump of doing with the notorious Ukrainian phonecall and impeachment )  American's have the right to know. Due to Biden running for the highest position in the land. The FBI has had the computer since Dec 2019. They could certainly by this point dismiss the allegations or confirm they have not finished their investigation.

          Could you imagine if these accusations were made against one of Trump's children?  Leak Leak Leak  -- No really...

          1. jackclee lm profile image81
            jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I agree.

        3. GA Anderson profile image87
          GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this



  2. Live to Learn profile image60
    Live to Learnposted 3 years ago

    Joe Biden is to old to understand politics as usual have changed. We hear what you say, wherever you are. Flip flipping, in order to garner votes; then not standing by anything you've said is politics of the past.

    Only a fool would trust Joe Biden.

    1. gmwilliams profile image85
      gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this


  3. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    This should put it in perspective for me.

    Things I trust more than Joe Biden

    Mexican tap water
    A porcupine with a “pet me” sign
    Bill Clinton, with my teenage daughter
    Taking pills or a drink offered by Bill Cosby
    A Bigfoot sighting
    Gas station sushi
    Eating an apple from an orchard at Fukushima reactor #4
    Hitching a ride from a guy in a goalie mask
    The ingredients in a hotdog
    Nancy Pelosi’s grip on reality
    Black Ice
    Alien abduction stories
    An economic plan from AOC

    1. gmwilliams profile image85
      gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this


  4. profile image0
    lambservantposted 3 years ago

    Absolutely not!!! He's been in office 47 years and never popular. He was caught red-handed plagiarizing on a few occasions and lying about what college he went to and his academic grades. He also said NAACP has always endorsed him. The NAACP's website commented on this saying it is a non partisan organization and they have never endorsed candidates. He said when war on Iraq was called for he voted no, but the record says he voted for it. All these things are documented. There is a long list from this.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image79
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      He is not honest, and worst than that, he is doing it to just tell anybody what they want to hear. To me, this makes it all the worse.

      1. gmwilliams profile image85
        gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly, however, there were THOSE that believed Biden's hype.

    2. gmwilliams profile image85
      gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Lambservant, hate to say- hell yes.  Totally agree w/your statement.  Biden is a colorless career politician.  Never respected Joe nor took him seriously.  I consider Biden to be a joke.

  5. Kathleen Cochran profile image77
    Kathleen Cochranposted 3 years ago

    Only a million times more than Trump. What are we up to? 20,000 confirmed lies? What's to trust?  At this point, let me borrow a phrase: Hunter Biden could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue and I wouldn't care.

    1. wilderness profile image96
      wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      "What's to trust?"

      Certainly not those "confirming" those lies, for the large percentage of their "confirmations" are bigger lies than Trump ever made.


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