What to Expect of Your Body after Giving Birth to Your Baby
Giving Birth
Giving birth to your baby means you have to pay a price. Every new mother will realize this whenever she looks at herself in the mirror after giving birth. The large bump will be gone alright, but the new mother will be left feeling heavier than she was before the pregnancy. She will wonder, rather desperately when she look at the sagging abdomen, whether she will ever be the same again.
Fat and Floppy
After giving birth, a woman will feel fat and floppy. You will definitely feel heavier than you did nine months before as you will have gained a lot of weight during pregnancy. It will take you about four months to regain your pre-pregnancy weight if indeed you are a serious weight watcher.
Stretch Marks on Breasts and Abdomen
Giving Birth Will Leave Physical Changes on You
Giving birth will definitely leave some physical changes on you, but whether it should leave you less attractive or desirable is your own choice - your effort to do the correct exercises to get your figure back, and the attitude with which you take the changes that must occur.
Falling Out Hair
After giving birth, your hair may seem to be falling out more easily, but in fact the hair is only getting back to normal. During pregnancy, your hair will have grown thicker and drier and you are less likely to lose it during that period. After three months from giving birth, your hair will be returning to normal texture and thickness and you should expect a bit of falling out.
Dark Staining on Your Face
After giving birth, any dark staining on your face caused by increased pigmentation will gradually get lighter. Many mothers will notice these dark marks, especially over the cheekbones. This condition is called chloasma. These staining caused by chloasma will tend to keep on disappearing and coming back with the menstruation cycle.
Permanent Stretch Marks on Your Breasts
After giving birth, your breasts will not be as firm as they were before pregnancy. There will also be permanent stretch marks on the skin of the breasts and abdomen but these may fade with time, so that their prominence is reduced. The nipples will have become darker than they were before pregnancy but the pigmentation will lighten with time.
Apron of Loose Skin
After giving birth, the abdomen will have a loose skin and this should improve with time plus some exercises. Some women will have to contend with an apron of loose skin but this is mostly after several pregnancies or when the skin has been very stretched through a pregnancy of twins. Stretch marks are permanent but they do shrink, becoming less obvious, leaving fine silvery lines. But there are good wheat germ oils out there in the markets which mothers can use throughout the pregnancy and after which would help reduce stretch marks.
Genital Lips
After giving birth, your genital organs should increase in size and especially the genital lips. During pregnancy, the lips get bigger and while they do get smaller again afterwards, they are unlikely to ever return to their pre-pregnancy size.
Less Attractive and Desirable
Giving birth will definitely leave some physical changes on you, but whether it should leave you less attractive or desirable is your own choice - your effort to do the correct exercises to get your figure back, and the attitude with which you take the changes that must occur.
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