Women Do Not Fall In Love As Easily As Men
Men Are Romantics
Men are romantics and will fall in love quickly than women who will focus on practical considerations in choosing a partner.
Can I Count on This Man?
Ideally, women are looking for long term qualities in a partner. Unlike men, women do allow their heads to control their love hearts. In evaluating a new man in their lives, women may ache for love, but at the back of their minds is a recurrent question asking if she can count on this man.
Men: Lengthen Your Timetables
If you are a man who wants to sweep that woman off her feet, then you better lengthen your timetable. The man should pay much attention to characteristics such as being kind, forgiving and dependable just like you do it to your hair, clothes and looks.
Engagement Ring
Visualize How Your Wife will Look like in Future
The reality is: beauty is bound to fade with years just like flowers will wither. This reduction in beauty is one thing a man in love fails to visualize. And as years’ passes, a man will start seeing a completely different woman from the one he had fallen in love at first. If you are a man and would want to visualize how your wife will look like ten years from now, just look at her mother because that’s how your darling will look like. If you like the looks of her mother, then that will save you many regrets in the future. And to ladies, when you dress up beautifully, throw a few of those resources to your mothers because the beauty of your mother can count.
Days of the Cinderella
Feminism has been there for decades but despite than women still believes that it pays to be beautiful just as the days of the Cinderella. There usually is too much pressure on a woman to look young and attractive. And even the most beautiful women feel that they come up short and will go to considerable length to reduce the few pounds of weight gained or to mask wrinkles that may have appeared.
Her Wedding Day
That woman who married five years ago may gaze with nostalgia at pictures of her wedding, and what she sees is a slim young woman in love. Now when she looks in the mirror, she sees an overweight mother of one child. Her dress is actually only one size larger than it was on her wedding day, but she sees herself as fat with protruding belly.
A Woman Wants a Specific Compliment
It is usually very difficult for a man to understand why a woman does not think she is pretty when she looks perfectly fine to him. This thinking is not what your wife think. A woman needs assurance that she is still attractive to her husband. Telling your wife she is beautiful in a vague way may not help much. A woman wants a specific compliment. Compliments like, “hi sweet, I like that hair style” or “you look beautiful in that dress.”
Beauty of Your Mother Can Count
But the reality is: beauty is bound to fade with years just like flowers will wither. This reduction in beauty is one thing a man in love fails to visualize. And as years passes a man will start seeing a completely different woman from the one he had fallen in love at first. If you are a man and would want to visualize how your wife will look like ten years from now, just look at her mother because that’s how your darling will look like. If you like the looks of her mother, then that will save you many regrets in the future. And to ladies, when you dress up beautifully, throw a few of those resources to your mothers because the beauty of your mother can count.
Keep the Romance Alive
With years passing by, answering such questions as “do I look fat?” or “do I look old?” from your wife with complete honesty may only give rise to unnecessary and exaggerated anxiety on her part. Such questions should be answered with love. If she is making effort to diet, exercise, or better her appearance, support her with positive feedback on what these are doing to her appearance. That way you will notice that such support will give her incentive to dress up, to take care of herself and ultimately, this will keep the romance alive for both of you.
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