The Six Styles of Expressing Your Love
The Style of Love That Fits You
People love and express their love in six different styles. How do you love and express your love? By learning the six styles, you can be able to find the style that fits you as well as rate yourself.
1. Best Friends Love
These lovers have a comfortable intimacy that has developed over a long period of time. The two lovers have a close association and share mutual interest. Their love has grown through companionship, mutual sharing, rapport, self-revelation and dependency. This love is expressed more as a thoughtful warm response and not passionate or romantic. Intense feeling are absent to this relationship and you will not notice intense arguments and display of emotions. The two lovers can be able to draw upon a depth of warm and mutual affection, and therefore, whenever there is a difference of opinion, rational discussion will prevail.
How Do You Love And Express Your Love?
People love and express their love in six different styles. How do you love and express your love? By learning the six styles, you can be able to find the style that fits you as well as rate yourself.
2. Logical Love
This is where you concentrate on the practical values that can be found in the relationship. These lovers are very pragmatic and have a very clear idea of what they are looking for in a relationship. Romance does have a place but love is an outgrowth of practical compatibility. These lovers have a stable love as long as they perceive the relationship to be one of fair exchange.
3. Game playing Love
Fighting and flirting are common in game playing love. The emotional relationship that develops here is like a contest to be won. These lovers will always look for a challenge to spice up their relationship. Even when married, these people will always go to great risks to keep their relationship from becoming boring.
4. Unselfish Love
These lovers have a giving, forgiving, nurturing and unconditionally caring love. Self-sacrifice is the thing here where even when your partner has created emotional pain to you, you still love her or him. Your response to your partner’s need is more than your own.
5. Possessive Love
This is the most unfulfilling and limiting style of love. The possessive lover has a frantic need and effort to know whether she or he is loved. These lovers have frequent and intense emotional swings from elation to despair, and from devotion to jealousy. The driving force to these lovers is to be possessed by their partner as well as to possess their partner.
6. Romantic Love
This is the love where two lovers are involved in a totally emotional relationship. Romantic lovers are in love with love itself. Valentine’s Day may be more important to them than Christmas Day. Love to these lovers is a necessity. Very often there are series of emotional peaks in the relationship. Physical attraction is very important with characteristics of frequent romantic niceties and gestures.
How Do You Love And Express Your Love?
You know yourself. Of these Six Styles of Expressing Your Love, can you rate yourself as to which is the most appropriate love that fit your love?
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