What You Should Never Tell Your Man
Your Man is Curious to Know
Women, if there is one thing your man lover is curious to know, it’s to know the men you have been with before him. The truth is that your man should not hear this because as soon as he gets to know it, the mechanism of jealousy starts working inside him. Whether you tell him good or terrible things about your former lover, and in as much he may want to hear them, those things will not make him feel good.
Used and Rejected
Your man lover may make the conclusion that you have lousy taste in men. He may also conclude that he should not be the one to keep what has been used and rejected by other men. Your man also feels that he is among the type of men you are talking about. Your man sees the angry, vengeful side of you and wonders if he is your next target.
Am I Your Next Target?
Men You Have Been With Before Your Present Lover
Before you get very deep in your new love, discuss with your present man your needs and expectations for your relationship. Remember if you tell your man the men you have been with before him, he will never forget for the rest of his life. Any instance of disagreements with him in future will reflect heavily on the men you have had before him
Your Man
Angry and Unforgiving Part of Your Personality
When you rant and rave throwing your hands in the air about how terrible your former boyfriend was, you might think your new lover will feel happy that you dislike your former lover so much. The truth is your new lover is coming to reality face to face with the angry, unforgiving part of your personality. If there is one thing that frightens men, this is it.
Men are merciful too. Your man will feel merciful at you for being stupid enough to have let your ex-lover treat you badly. When you make your ex-lover sound like monster, it makes your new boyfriend angry and wonders what kind of a woman you are to have let such dog-of-a-man mistreat you like that.
Reunion Once More
Do not lose sight of the fact that in as long as you still feel anger and blame toward your ex-lover, you are still actually involved in a relationship in a way with your ex-lover. Your new lover knows that too and that chances are there for a reunion once more.
Use Your Intelligence Carefully
Ladies, this is one subject that you need to use your intelligence carefully. Try to sort it out with your counselor or talk it over with your girlfriends to help you heal these emotions. Your new lover should not be involved in this, but then on the other hand, it’s the same lover who is curious to know the men you have been with before him.
Your Needs and Expectations
Before you get very deep in your new love, discuss with your present man your needs and expectations for your relationship. Remember if you tell your man the men you have been with before him, he will never forget for the rest of his life. Any instance of disagreements with him in future will reflect heavily on the men you have had before him.
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